tasks should be allocated for execution, each to ex-
actly one processor. Task execution is performed in
a non-preemptive way: once the task starts it will
continue without interruption until completion. We
denote by T = {1,2,...,n} a given set of indepen-
dent tasks, and by M = {1, 2,... ,m} the set of iden-
tical processors. Each processor can engage only one
task at a time. Let p
denote the processing time
of task i (i = 1,2,.. .,n), which is a priori known
and fixed, and let y
( j = 1,2,. . .,m) represent the
load of processor j calculated as the sum of process-
ing times of all tasks assigned to processor j. The
goal is to find a schedule of tasks on processors such
that the corresponding completion time of all tasks
(makespan) is minimized (Davidovi
c et al., 2012).
The makespan is usually denoted as C
and calcu-
lated as: C
= max
). P||C
can be formu-
lated as integer linear program (ILP) based on the as-
signment variables (Mokotoff, 2004), on the arc-flow
model (Mrad and Souayah, 2018) or in some other
ways (Unlu and Mason, 2010). Although the opti-
mality of provided solutions is guaranteed, these for-
mulations have limitations in practical use: they re-
quire a lot of time and memory, even for small-size
instances. Therefore, after briefly reviewing some of
the relevant results below, we propose heuristic ap-
proaches that can be more efficient in practice.
is by far the most studied among all com-
pletion time related criteria and an enormous body of
knowledge, technical results, and connections to real-
world problems has been accumulated in this area.
We could think of production lines where several ma-
chines with the same speed have to perform a cer-
tain amount of jobs (Mokotoff, 2004), or minimizing
the overall CPU-time for identical processors by effi-
ciently assigning tasks (Graham, 1969; Frachtenberg
and Schwiegelshohn, 2010; Davidovi
c et al., 2012).
(Lawrinenko, 2017) contains an extensive sur-
vey of the P||C
, in-depth explanations of exact
algorithms, while (Walter and Lawrinenko, 2017)
presented a depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm
with symmetry-breaking dominance criteria. Ex-
act algorithms state-of-the-art application (Mrad and
Souayah, 2018) presents an arc-flow based ILP model
inspired by the duality between the bin-packing and
the P||C
and discuss the hardness of test instances
expressed by n and m ratio.
(Della Croce and Scatamacchia, 2020) revisited
Longest Processing Time (LPT (Graham, 1969)) and
derived an O(nlogn) time complexity constructive
heuristic. Two procedures of constructive heuristic
approach, (Paletta and Ruiz-Torres, 2015), are con-
structing a feasible solution, and then Many Times
Multifit (MTMF) procedure tightening the initial so-
lution by iteratively using a bin-packing based pro-
cedure on different job sets. Iterative heuristic ap-
proach, (Paletta and Vocaturo, 2011), also builds upon
initially constructed feasible solution, and use local
search techniques where single jobs or sets of jobs are
exchanged between different machine pairs (i1,i2).
Approximation heuristic approach (Mnich and Wiese,
2015) show that there is an Fixed-parameter tractabil-
ity (FPT) algorithm for this problem when parameter-
ized by p
(the largest job processing time). Several
Efficient Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes
(EPTAS) for the P||C
exist (Jansen et al., 2020).
Among the first metaheuristic approaches, Tabu
Search (TS) is proposed in (Thesen, 1998). A
rather simple implementation of Variable Neighbor-
hood Search (VNS) is proposed in (Davidovi
c and
c, 2009). The authors of (Alharkan et al.,
2018) extended its study to more general variant
of VNS, investigating the effect of including new
neighborhood structures and changing the order in
which the neighborhoods are explored. Bee Colony
Optimization (BCO) metaheuristic was developed in
c et al., 2012) exploring stochastic LPT rule
to construct feasible solutions. (Laha and Gupta,
2018) improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA)
and explored LPT construction scheme, but included
the pairwise exchange neighborhood in the improve-
ment phase. Grey Wolf Optimiser (GWO) algorithm
in (Kamaraj and Saravanan, 2019) starts from ran-
domly generated population and explores GWO rules
attempting to improve selected subset of solutions.
Our approach consists of building heuristics through
transformations that have a potential to improve the
quality of solutions. We present the process of build-
ing the proposed 35 variants of the heuristic algo-
rithms for P||C
and discuss their implementation,
including dependence on initial solution and com-
plexity of the implementation. The latter is reduced
by carefully defined solution representation and per-
formed pre-processing. The variants of heuristic algo-
rithms differ by the type of transformation applied to
the given initial solution and by the way initial solu-
tion is obtained. All the variants can be described by
the steps presented in the remainder of this section.
3.1 Description of Transformations
The quality of a solution is defined by C
that rep-
resents the execution time of the most heavily loaded
ICORES 2022 - 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems