Semantic Metadata Requirements for Data Warehousing from a
Dimensional Modeling Perspective
Susanna E. S. Campher
School of Computer Science and Information Systems, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South-Africa
Keywords: Data Warehousing, Semantic Data Management, Metadata, Dimensional Modeling.
Abstract: The era of big data has brought on new challenges to data warehousing. Emerging architectural paradigms
such as data fabric, data mesh, lakehouse and logical data warehouse are promoted as solutions to big data
analytics challenges. However, such hybrid environments, aimed at offering universal data platforms for
analytics, have schemas that tend to grow in size and complexity and become more dynamic and
decentralized, having a drastic impact on data management. Data integrity, consistency and clear meaning are
compromised in large architectures where traditional (relational) database principles do not apply. This paper
proposes an investigation into semantic metadata solutions in modern data warehousing from a (logical)
dimensional modeling perspective. The primary goal is to determine which metadata and types of semantics
are required to support automated dimensionalization as it is assumed to be a good approach to integrate data
with different modalities. A secondary goal is finding a suitable model to represent such metadata and
semantics for both human and computer interpretability and use. The proposal includes a description of the
research problem, an outline of the objectives, the state of the art, the methdology and assumptions, the
exepected outcome and current stage of the research.
Since the first concepts of a data warehouse (DW) in
support of decision-making emerged in the late
1970s, these information systems have been heavily
reliant on relational data theories and architectures
appropriate for collecting and integrating mainly
structured data from internal operational information
systems in well-controlled “closed-world” scenarios
(Abelló et al., 2015, p. 571; Krishnan, 2013, p. 128).
The era of big data and distributed computing has
brought on new challenges to data warehousing as
well as data management in general. Decentralized
data generation, management, and polyglot
persistence result in large volumes of fast-moving,
dissociated, heterogeneous data. Big data use cases
generally involve collecting and integrating a variety
of data from various internal and external sources to
repurpose it for value-add analytics (Freitas & Curry,
2016, p. 90). Relational database management
systems and Structured Query Language (SQL) are
not suitable for storing and analyzing big data.
Conventional data warehousing approaches, from
data provisioning to schema design, have to be
reconsidered. In general, a paradigm shift regarding
data assets is required where they are collected, how
they are analyzed, and how insights from analyses are
monetized (Kimball & Ross, 2013a, p. 527).
Emerging architectural paradigms such as data
fabric, data mesh, lakehouse and logical data
warehouse are promoted in industry as solutions to
big data analytics challenges (Gacitua et al., 2019, p.
15; IBM, 2021; Jägare, 2020; Welch, 2021).
However, such hybrid environments, aimed at
offering universal data platforms for analytics, have
schemas that tend to grow in size and complexity and
become more dynamic and decentralized, having a
drastic impact on data management (Freitas, 2015, p.
26). Data integrity, consistency and clear meaning are
compromised in large architectures where traditional
(relational) database principles do not apply (Helland,
2011, p. 40). Moreover, as data are typically
generated in formats for specific use cases at the
source, attempting to integrate and reuse it outside its
original context requires methodologies to better
describe and contextualize it for meaningful use
Campher, S.
Semantic Metadata Requirements for Data Warehousing from a Dimensional Modeling Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0011018200003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 1, pages 129-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
elsewhere. In consequence, approaches to maximize
quality and usefulness within multiple contexts have
to be investigated (Freitas & Curry, 2016, p. 91). New
theory and taxonomy of data are also needed to
address data curation issues, such as data (object)
identification, versioning, lineage or provenance, and
accuracy measurement (Helland, 2011, p. 47),
typically of concern in the field of data warehousing.
Modern approaches to data warehousing include
the Kimball Lifecycle (Kimball et al., 2008), DW 2.0
(Inmon et al., 2010), and Data Vault 2.0 (Linstedt &
Olschimke, 2016). The Kimball Lifecycle is a well-
known industry standard prescribing a bus
architecture with a business process focus in
which individual logical dimensional models are
iteratively designed to fit into the overall
architecture. The methodology prescribes how
these models may be implemented in relational
database management systems (RDBMs) as a
queryable presentation layer that is easy to
understand and delivers fast query performance.
An extended relational DBMS architecture to
accommodate big data is briefly presented in
Kimball and Ross (2013a). DW 2.0 has a focus on
the lifecycle of data and information as well as
different types and structures of data and how they
relate, with metadata forming the backbone of the
infrastructure. The Data Vault 2.0 approach addresses
some of the issues associated with traditional data
warehousing, such as high rates of production
failures, business rule complexity and slow load times
over big data volumes. According to Linstedt (2019),
data acquisition into a raw data vault is faster and
highly automatable. However, the compromise is that
business rules are decoupled from a data vault, and
only about 60% of the process to create
dimensionalized information marts for consumption
can be automated, as raw data still need to be cleaned
and contextualized. Furthermore, the need to define
metadata for additional external data sources requires
human effort and places a growing demand on data
acquisition teams.
Having more flexible and scalable data and DW
architectures and models to accommodate big data
does not address the challenges of data management,
per se. Issues that have to be addressed include
controlled data creation, integration, discovery and
retrieval; data contextualisation and resolution;
quality assurance, reliability and lineage
requirements; change data capture; and value-added
interpretability for both humans and machines.
Automating processes to address these issues is
necessary in order to scale with big data (Stonebraker
et al., 2013). As such, the inclusion of suitable
metadata about the meaning of the data is essential,
something that is often overlooked and
underspecified in source schemas (Krishnan, 2013, p.
181; Miller et al., 2001, p. 78). In that regard,
semantic data management and semantification of
(granular) data have to be considered.
In some of the Kimball Group’s last writings
before their retirement in 2015, best practices for
various aspects of big data were specified. The overall
recommendations include thinking dimensionally
dividing the world into facts and dimensions and
integrating data based on conformed dimensions. In
terms of architecture, Kimball and Ross (2013a, p.
533) advise building comprehensive ecosystems
around a logical data highway with various data
cashes of increased latency and data quality. In such
a highway, most of the data are kept in non-relational
form and big data analytics may be employed to
perform extract, transform and load (ETL) from one
cache to the next. ETL includes data filtering,
cleaning, dimensionalization and extracting value-
added information and business measures. From a
modeling perspective, emphasis is placed on
automated dimensionalization of data early on the
data highway as the best approach to integrate data
with different modalities in order to add value to data
as soon as possible. In one of their final design tips,
Kimball asserts that modern storage architecture
should be open to various types of tools and analytic
clients, with access to the data being provided through
a universal metadata layer. As such, metadata
descriptions of data of all types have to be extensible,
customizable and powerful enough to include enough
semantics for new complex data sources (Kimball,
2016, p. 848). Suitable semantic metadata
descriptions would enable seamless integration of
heterogeneous data into various presentational
formats, including dimensional models. For example,
social media sentiments such as “This product is
great!” with a link to a product page, may be
dimensionalized with information about the product,
customer, location, promotion, weather, etc. In a
healthcare environment, patient profiles may be
combined with image data such as sonograms and
electrocardiograms, and text data such as physician
reports or medical treatments.
In general, semantification of big data would
prove valuable to address data curation and
integration challenges in innovative ways, as
traditional schema matching methods (for instance-
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
level data integration) do not work well with
heterogeneous and dynamic data schemas (Miller,
2014). Platforms where “specified (and unspecified)
schema information, constraints and relationships can
be learned, reasoned about and verified” are desirable
for integrating heterogeneous data (Miller et al.,
2001, p. 78). Machine-assisted data integration from
various data sources, including relational databases,
data lakes, distributed files and web data feeds, is
envisioned with active metadata management and
supporting technologies, such as semantic knowledge
graphs and embedded machine learning (Gupta,
2021). For this to realize, it is crucial that computer
systems and machines understand the semantics of
data and are able to connect technical, business,
operational and social types of metadata. Syntactic
representations of schemas, metadata and data need
to convey enough semantics on a fine-grained data
(attribute) level for the automatic creation of
mappings between data elements and other data
integration tasks. Incorporating Semantic Web (SW)
technologies, such as taxonomies, ontologies and the
Resource Description Framework (RDF) into data
solutions enables intelligent links to be created within
the data, resulting in a powerful semantic layer for
data integration and analysis (Krishnan, 2013, pp.
193, 204). Semantification should also be done in a
manner that is easy for business users to understand;
for example, with the use of knowledge graphs (Den
Hamer et al., 2021; Gupta, 2021).
The focus of this study will be on semantic
metadata solutions in modern data warehousing from
a (logical) dimensional modeling perspective, in
particular. The primary goal is to determine which
metadata and types of semantics are required to
enable automated dimensionalization while meeting
fundamental data warehousing principles and
practices (such as having subject-oriented, integrated,
time variant, and non-volatile collections of data).
Dimensionalization of data is assumed to be a good
approach to integrate data with different modalities.
A secondary goal is finding a suitable model to
represent such metadata and semantics for both
human and computer interpretability and use. The
following research questions are proposed:
Q1) What are the metadata and semantic
requirements that will enable automated
dimensionalization for integration?”; and
Q2) How can heterogeneous data be semantified
to enable both human and machine
interpretability in data warehousing?”
This research will endeavor to answer the questions
by systematically studying design principles and best
practices (or patterns) in data warehousing,
specifically related to dimensionalization for the
purpose of data integration and management. The aim
is to analyze and understand these design patterns,
and to document their rationale and function into a
suitable knowledge base (KB) from which
requirements for semantic data enrichment can be
extracted. The KB will be used to derive a conceptual
model for metadata and semantified data
representation in support of machine-enabled data
The objectives of the study are as follows:
O1. Conduct a literature study regarding
Semantic Web technologies and the use of these
technologies in data architectures and data
O2. Conduct a literature study regarding
knowledge representation as well as data, metadata
and semantic modeling.
O3. Perform pattern mining on key data
warehousing practices and principles, specifically
related to dimensional modeling for integration and
data management in data warehousing. This objective
includes the creation of an ontology for representing
the design pattern concepts and categories. The
patterns are to capture and include the rationale
behind the specific practice as well as metadata and
semantic data requirements.
O4. Design and develop a KB to document the
design patterns (Artifact 1). The KB should represent
a theoretical model of the observed patterns in a
suitable representation.
O5. Evaluate the validity of the KB in terms of fit,
relevance, workability, and modifiability by applying
it within the context of the second research question
(Q2). A comparison to a “design theory nexus”, as
described by Pries-Heje and Baskerville (2008), may
be included.
O6. Derive a conceptual model (Artifact 2) to
semantically enrich heterogeneous data based on the
metadata and semantic data requirements embedded
in the design pattern KB.
O7. Demonstrate and evaluate the utility, quality,
and efficacy of the conceptual model using a real-
world problem scenario. Evaluation could also
include comparison to the Common Warehouse
Metamodel (CWM) multidimensional metamodel
(OMG, 2003), the RDF data cube vocabulary (W3C,
2014), and the HANDLE metadata model for data
lakes (Eichler et al., 2021).
Semantic Metadata Requirements for Data Warehousing from a Dimensional Modeling Perspective
Although some of these objectives may seem
loosely formulated, a large aspect of this study will
involve determining the specific objectives of a
solution to the research problem. The research
problem is considered a “wicked problem” as
described by Rittel and Webber (1973) since the
solution objectives are not clear, the problem itself
can only be formulated in terms of a solution, and the
various consequences of a particular solution is
unbounded over application domain and time. (More
information regarding the characteristics of wicked
problems are provided in assumption A5 in section
5.3.) It is also the reason why a problem-centred
Design Science Research (DSR) approach is
considered appropriate. In a problem-centred DSR
cycle, determining specific solution objectives is an
essential part of the research process (Peffers et al.,
2007, p. 55). Furthermore, the search for suitable
metadata and semantics in support of automation in
data warehousing, in this study, will focus
specifically on those required for automated
dimensionalization as a means to both instance-level
and conceptual level data integration and
management. Considering all possible data
warehousing domains and purposes is beyond the
scope of this investigation. However, creating an
extensible KB for data warehousing design patters is
an effort towards assimilating a design theory nexus
that would be helpful in future when more design
patterns regarding alternative data warehousing
practices and approaches are added. A design theory
nexus is helpful to understand, evaluate and compare
available alternatives from many competing, and
often highly dissimilar approaches with different
underlying assumptions and theories; it assists in
selecting an ideal solution to a complex problem,
sometimes by combining dissimilar design theories
(Pries-Heje & Baskerville, 2008, p. 750).
Surveys regarding the use of SW technologies in data
warehousing include Abelló et al. (2015), and Gacitua
et al. (2019). Results indicate that these technologies
offer promising solutions to challenges associated
with data provisioning and schema management in
DWs. Specific areas mentioned as opportunities for
further research include automatic (or semi-
automatic) derivation of ontological mappings of
heterogeneous data, ways to enable semantic-aware
data integration and DW schema management,
automatic data transformation for semantically
traceable models, and semantically enriching and
annotating multidimensional models.
Ptiček et al. (2019) describe the potential of a
semantic paradigm in warehousing of big data. They
emphasise the need to address the integration of
(schemaless) big data into DWs on a higher level of
abstraction, i.e., the data modeling phase, and
describe various promising solutions, such as
ontology-based schema integration. Selma et al.
(2012) propose a methodology for designing an
ontology-based Web DW given ontology-based
databases as sources. Mami et al. (2016) developed a
method of big data semantic enrichment using RDF
vocabularies, but without considering an attached
source schema (which requires source schema
extraction). McCusker et al. (2009) demonstrated
how semantically well-annotated, distributed data can
be integrated using semantic extraction,
transformation and loading (SETL) with the Web
Ontology Language (OWL) into an ontologically-
driven data store or knowledge base. Bansal and
Kagemann (2015) also proposed a SETL framework
for integrating linked Web data which involves steps
of data preparation, creating a semantic data model,
and generating RDF triples.
Although all of these studies show promising
results and suggest further research into SW
technologies for data warehousing, these approaches
still require either sources that are already semantified
well enough, or big data schema extraction methods.
Schema extraction is not trivial and an
underdeveloped field that could prove to be
unsustainable as a semi-automatic process having to
be continually developed for new data representations
and having to scale proportionally with data size
(Mami et al., 2016, p. 389; Ptiček et al., 2019, p. 402).
Furthermore, McCusker et al. (2009) and Bansal and
Kagemann (2015) reported the need for manual
intervention even though their experimental data
were annotated with semantic metadata.
5.1 Research Approach
The study will be conducted using a mix of methods
from the interpretive paradigm as well as DSR.
Firstly, the study is concerned with analyzing and
understanding (existing) knowledge about data
warehousing principles and practices from a
dimensional modeling perspective. The aim is not to
determine which practices are the best, but to
critically examine the context that led to different
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
practices, and compare and summarize them in order
to incorporate such perspectives into a proposed
solution to the research problem. Secondly,
conceptualizations of this knowledge need to be
presented in a manner that is open, extensible and
interpretable by humans and machines.
Understanding how this can be done will be
investigated through the creation of artifacts a KB
and derived conceptual model for semantification of
heterogeneous data.
The overall process of the study will follow a
DSR approach similar to the one conducted by Berndt
et al. (2003) and described by Peffers et al. (2007) as
an example of a problem-centered approach (as
opposed to an objective-centered solution for which
the specific solution objectives are clear from the
start). It is also acknowledged that DSR can take on
other types of methodologies, such as one to support
context-specific research; Peffers et al. (2007)
provide the example of employing custom methods
for requirements analysis in information systems.
The research plan is depicted in Figure 1. The
process flow on the left outlines the general activities
of DSR, while detailed steps are depicted on the right.
Figure 1: Research plan.
During activity 1, the research problem is
identified and the value of a solution is justified.
Some of the metarequirements (or objectives of the
solution) may also be obtained during this activity by
investigating the state of the problem and existing
knowledge (Peffers et al., 2007, p. 55). Consequently,
some general objectives for the solution can be
inferred in activity 2.a (defining the objectives of a
solution), but may require additional investigation.
More specific objectives, related to the first research
question (Q1), will be obtained through data
collection and analysis during activity 2.b, which will
involve pattern mining of data warehousing
principles and practices. (This activity is described in
more detail in the following section about data
collection and analysis.)
Knowledge of theory emerging from the previous
steps may then be applied during activity 3 to design
and develop DSR artifacts. The artifacts will be
demonstrated and evaluated during activities 4 and 5,
respectively. Both artifacts will be evaluated by
comparing the various design objectives to actual
observed results, and possibly to other industry
standards. Finally, the disciplinary knowledge
obtained from the process will be communicated in a
doctoral thesis (activity 6). The activities of design,
demonstration and evaluation are iterative, and may
also require revisiting the solution objectives.
5.2 Data Collection and Analysis
Data collection and analysis will involve model-
based qualitative methods similar to those described
by Hentrich et al. (2015) and also conducted by Zdun
et al. (2018). It is a combination of methods based on
Grounded Theory (GT), and those for collecting and
analyzing best practices, such as pattern mining. The
empirical data about data warehousing design
patterns will undergo coding and comparison,
resulting in concepts and categories (and a pattern
taxonomy) that can be organized and formulated into
a suitable KB (see Gorton et al. (2015) for similar
work). Memo-writing and diagramming will be
performed throughout to record comparisons and the
developing thinking during analysis.
The process of data collection and analysis (the
pattern mining) is depicted in the detail steps of
activity 2.b of the research plan Figure 1. Sampling
will begin with initial, purposive sampling, e.g., best
practices for big data in data warehousing provided
by Kimball and Ross (2013a), and the latest collection
of best practices and data warehousing design tips
provided by Kimball and Ross (2016). Theoretical
sampling will follow the analysis of data from this
Semantic Metadata Requirements for Data Warehousing from a Dimensional Modeling Perspective
first source, informed by coding, comparison and
memo-writing, in an attempt to fill gaps, clarify
uncertainties, and test interpretations in the
developing theory. Data analysis followed by
theoretical sampling will be repeated until theoretical
saturation is reached, i.e., when the design patterns
(the theory) are “dense and logical and there are no
gaps in the explanations” (Corbin & Strauss, 2014, p.
139) or all the concepts in the developing theory can
be substantiated from the data and are well
understood (Sbaraini et al., 2011, p. 3). The design
and development of the DSR artifacts will be based
on theory obtained from this process.
5.3 Assumptions
The following assumptions are currently relevant
within the context of this study.
A1. A specific paradigm (and associated
methodology) is a construct of human thought a
constellation of assumptions, theories and methods
which remains a heuristic device that should not be
singled out as an absolute view to which the world
could actually conform (Mingers, 2001). Declaring
assumptions and critically selecting and using
suitable methods throughout (different phases of) a
project are more important than committing to a
single customary paradigm or methodology.
A2. Software design patterns can be considered
sociological phenomena they represent successful
problem-solving behavior and involve significant
evolutionary and human aspects. Grounded Theory
methods are consequently suitable to discover such
patterns (Hentrich et al., 2015). The same reasoning
can be applied to design patterns in data warehousing.
A3. Dimensional models present data in a
predictable, intuitive framework, which simplifies
both human and computer processing of the schemas
(Kimball & Ross, 2016, pp. 149,153); “This process
of dimensionalization is a good application for big
data analytics” (Kimball & Ross, 2013b, p. 538).
Dimensionalization is therefore a good approach to
integrate data with different modalities.
A4. “We must be systematic, but we should keep
our systems open” (Whitehead, 1956, p. 8). It is
important to be sensitive to the limitations in specific
systems and to realize there is always more detail
beyond. Such an “open system” approach could be
applicable to this study in terms of two aspects.
Firstly, any model or mechanism to represent
semantics of data, ought to be void of global
consistency requirements. This is in line with the
thinking of Berners-Lee (1998) about a Semantic
Web language beingcomplete in the sense that it
should be able to represent all kinds of data and
information about the world with arbitrary
complexity, including paradoxes and tautologies.
Berners-Lee (1998) further supposed that knowledge
representation systems will be “webized” (become
part of the Semantic Web) once “centralized concepts
of absolute truth, total knowledge, and total
provability” are eliminated. Secondly, in terms of
qualitative research conducted, a researcher ought to
remain open to theoretical frameworks.
A5. The problem of finding a model for semantic
content management is a “wicked problem”. March
and Hevner (2007, pp. 1036-1037) state that “data
integration has been studied extensively in the context
of heterogeneous databases; however, its solution
remains elusive”. Bizer et al. (2011) challenge the
scientific community to “demonstrate the benefit of
semantics for data integration”, and that “[w]e have
talked extensively about smarter databases but the
actual requirement remains vague”. According to
Rittel and Webber (1973), a wicket problem does not
have a definitive formulation; including sufficient
detail about the problem would require an exhaustive
list of all its conceivable solutions up front. A wicked
problem has neither clear criteria that determines
when a solution has been found, nor criteria to prove
that all solutions have been considered. It also has a
good-or-bad solution rather than a true-or-false one,
has no ultimate test for a solution, and no one solution
that fit all variants of the problem. A wicket problem
is often a symptom of another problem and the
resolution of the problem depends on how the
underlying problem is explained. For example, it is
possible to claim that effective data management is a
problem because (a) modern data architectures have
schemas that tend to grow in size and complexity, and
(b) data integrity, consistency and clear meaning are
compromised in large architectures where traditional
database principles do not apply. Because of
explanations like these, one might argue for stricter
schema management, or for finding ways to translate
and apply relational principles in big data
environments. Regardless, in literature there are
explanations of the data management problem in
terms of lack of suitable data semantics.
Consequently, it is considered worth investigating
ways in which adding suitable semantics may solve
the problem.
The contribution of this study, in general, is towards
solving problems related to data warehousing in the
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
era of big data. Specific contributions foreseen are
C1) a collection of design patterns regarding
modelling, management and data curation practices
and principles for dimensionalization and integration
in data warehousing; C2) a prototype of an extensible
KB for DW design patters; and C3) a conceptual
model for semantification of heterogeneous data in
support of automated dimensionalization and
integration in data warehousing.
This study is currently in phase 2.a (define objectives
of a solution) of the research plan depicted in Figure
1. It involves a literature study and investigation into
existing knowledge and solutions regarding the
research problem and questions.
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ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems