Automated Narratives: On the Influence of Bots in Narratives during the
2020 Vienna Terror Attack
Lisa Grobelscheg
, Ema Ku
and Mark Strembeck
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria
FH CAMPUS 02 , University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria
Secure Business Austria (SBA), Vienna, Austria
Complexity Science Hub (CSH), Vienna, Austria
Narratives, Online Social Networks, Social Bots, Topic Modeling, Twitter.
A narrative is a set of topic-wise interconnected messages that have been sent/posted via a social media plat-
form. In recent years, social media play an important role in human information seeking behavior during
and shortly after crisis events. Moreover, automated accounts (so called social bots) have been identified to
play an instrumental role in manipulating the public discourse on social media. In this paper, we investigate
the impact of bot accounts on the Twitter discourse surrounding the terror attack that took place in Vienna,
Austria, on November 2
2020. The corresponding data-set consists of 399,247 tweets. In our analysis, we
derive a structural topic model and map it to the five “narratives of crisis” as proposed by Seeger and Sellnow.
Among other things, we were able to identify bot activity in neutral as well as in negative narratives, includ-
ing breaking news updates, finger pointing, and expressions of shock and grief. Positive narratives, such as
stories of heroes, were predominantly driven by human users. In addition, we found that the bots contributing
to narratives surrounding the Vienna terror attack did not have the ability of picking up local story lines and
contributed to more global narratives instead. Moreover, we identified similar temporal patterns in narratives
with high bot involvement.
Crisis events, such as terror attacks, induce a state of
collective uncertainty and increase the need for infor-
mation to make sense of the situation (Weick, 1988).
In recent years, many people consult social media to
look for breaking news, opinions, or eyewitness re-
ports of such crisis events (Stewart and Gail Wilson,
2016; Zahra et al., 2018). In this context, the strategic
spreading of narratives via automated accounts (so-
cial bots) may hit users in an emotionally vulnerable
state. A recent example is the involvement of bots in
strategic misinformation campaigns during the ongo-
ing COVID-19 “infodemic” (Zarocostas, 2020; Fer-
rara, 2020). However, the question of the degree of
bots’ contribution to specific types of narratives has
not been thoroughly invested yet.
In this paper we investigate the role of social bots
on the dissemination of specific narratives over Twit-
ter that are related to the 2020 Vienna terror attack.
In particular we examined (1) the role of bots dur-
ing and (two weeks) after the attack and (2) tempo-
ral patterns of bots’ activities. The remainder of this
paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we pro-
vide an overview of related work. This is followed by
a description of our research procedure in Section 3.
Our findings are reported in Section 4 and discussed
in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper and pro-
vides directions for future work.
Social Media and Crisis Events. The role of so-
cial media platforms in providing and diffusing infor-
mation during and after a crisis event has been stud-
ied from various perspectives. For example, the role
of the #JeSuisCharlie hashtag after the attack on the
French satire magazine “Charlie Hebdo” in 2015 has
been investigated in the context of individual coping
strategies (Kiwan, 2016; Giglietto and Lee, 2017).
Stieglitz et al. analyzed the public Twitter discourse
during and after three different crisis events and es-
Grobelscheg, L., Kušen, E. and Strembeck, M.
Automated Narratives: On the Influence of Bots in Narratives during the 2020 Vienna Terror Attack.
DOI: 10.5220/0011034000003197
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2022), pages 15-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-565-4; ISSN: 2184-5034
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pecially investigate the sense-making efforts of social
media users (Stieglitz et al., 2018). Another study ap-
plied the terror management theory (Greenberg et al.,
1986) to conceptualise collective sense-making after
the 2016 Berlin terror attack and applied structural
topic modeling to identify prevalent narratives and
their development over time (Fischer-Preßler et al.,
2019). They found that within the first days after a
crisis event users primarily share emotional content
and information updates and, later on, more opinion
related tweets, see also (Ku
sen and Strembeck, 2021a;
sen and Strembeck, 2021b).
Bots and Narratives. Some studies investigated the
role that bots play in the formation of narratives on
social media platforms. One of such studies revealed
that social bots and human accounts tend to share the-
matically different hashtags, thereby indicating that
bots try to influence the corresponding social media
discourse (Allem et al., 2017). Another study ana-
lyzed bot behavior related to the COVID-19 debate
on Twitter and discovered large discrepancies in top-
ics promoted by humans (mainly public health con-
cerns) and bots (political conspiracies), suggesting
that bots try to influence the public discourse during
crisis events (Ferrara, 2020). Al-Rawi et al. analyzed
bot behavior in the ongoing discourse about climate
change and global warming (Al-Rawi et al., 2021).
They report that bot-generated messages mainly con-
tribute to narratives supporting climate change scep-
tics. Shao et al. studied the quality of content propa-
gated by bots (Shao et al., 2018). Their findings sug-
gest that Twitter bots act as super spreaders of low-
credibility content and contribute to its mass expo-
sure. In this light, a study on a mass shooting event
found that humans tend to retweet bot-injected con-
tent at a higher rate than vice versa, thus concluding
that bots play a significant role in the framing of nar-
ratives (Schuchard et al., 2019).
As noted in (Wirth et al., 2019), bot-injected con-
tent may also lead to uncertainty and unpredictability.
Their key findings indicate a strategical contribution
of bots to certain conversations. For example, they
report that bots tend to be more active in conserva-
tive conversations rather than liberal or random con-
versations. Moreover, in each conversation bots seem
to follow a certain predefined procedure in politi-
cal conversations, bots share political posts and to a
lesser degree spam, while in trending topics bots are
predominantly responsible for spam and topic promo-
tion. Furthermore, (Khaund et al., 2018) studied the
behavior of bot accounts during four different natural
disasters in 2017. They found that bot accounts hi-
jack hashtags related to the respective events in order
to disseminate irrelevant information and alternative
narratives. Several studies also investigated bot activ-
ity in terms of emotional content (Ku
sen and Strem-
beck, 2018), pre-defined topics (Wirth et al., 2019),
and particularities of their information sharing behav-
ior (Schuchard et al., 2019).
On November 2
, 2020 a 20-year-old gunman fired
shots at civilians in the center of Vienna, Austria.
Before the perpetrator was shot dead by the police
he killed four victims and injured more than 20 oth-
ers. The Twitter messages related to the event mainly
transported shock, grief, and empathy, as well as hate
and disgust towards the attacker. In addition to pure
text messages, a number of event-related videos have
also been disseminated via Twitter. For example,
one video showed three men carrying a wounded po-
lice officer to an ambulance, risking their lives as
the attacker has not been detained at this point. Af-
ter the video of the incident went viral, the hashtag
#helden (German for heroes), was trending on Twit-
ter in Austria. For our analysis, we collected event-
related tweets from November 2
until November
, 2020. Our study is guided by the following re-
search questions:
RQ1: What is the role of bots in event-related narra-
tives during and after the terror attack?
For the purposes of this case study, we use the con-
cept of the “rhetorical arena” proposed by Frandsen
and Johansen (Frandsen and Johansen, 2007; Frand-
sen and Johansen, 2010). The “rhetorical arena” con-
siders crisis communication as a multi-vocal pub-
lic space. As opposed to traditional sender-receiver
broadcast communication (e.g. government-to-public
or organisation-to-public), the rhetorical arena al-
lows any actor to influence crisis communication and
thereby create multiple crisis-response narratives. In
(Coombs and Holladay, 2014), the authors argue that
the rhetorical arena consists of numerous sub-arenas.
For this paper, we will interpret these sub-arenas as
different narratives in social media. The rhetorical
arena concept assumes that every actor has the ability
to frame a narrative before, during, and after a crisis
event (Gasc
o et al., 2017). To this end, we examine
the topics injected and disseminated by bot accounts
and compare them with those fuelled by human ac-
counts. For our analysis, we use the five “narratives
of crisis” as proposed by (Seeger and Sellnow, 2016).
In particular, Seeger and Sellnow suggest the follow-
ing typology of crisis narratives:
1. Blame: Accusations, references to actions or rou-
tines in the past that would knowingly cause harm
COMPLEXIS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
or lead to a crisis;
2. Renewal: Connections between a crisis and the
future, learning from past events, change in struc-
ture/policy resulting from the crisis;
3. Victim: Personification of harm and damage
caused by a crisis, expressed feelings of empathy
for victims;
4. Hero: Personification of positive, pro-social ac-
tion in relation to a crisis;
5. Memorial: Unity and togetherness of the affected
and unaffected community, establish a connection
to the pre-crisis state, and frame the crisis in a
larger context of purpose and ideals.
As those “narratives of crisis” mainly refer to a post-
crisis state, we added a sixth category called “opera-
tional update” to account for messages referring to an
operational update on developments during the crisis.
For the first research question, we analyzed prevalent
topics in our data-set, assigned them to a crisis narra-
tive, and determined the extent of bot engagement in
the respective narrative.
RQ2: Which temporal patterns can be observed in
the event-related narrative activity of bots?
Our second research question examines the temporal
prevalence of narratives. In this context, we focus on
narratives with a high bot contribution and search for
patterns behind their activity.
Our research procedure includes five phases.
Data Extraction. We extracted tweets related to
the 2020 Vienna terror attack using Twitter’s Search
API and a predefined list of hashtags related to the
In total, we extracted 399,247 English lan-
guage tweets. The messages in the data-set have been
sent by 114,520 unique screennames, 27,800 of which
with a high botscore (see Table 1).
Data Pre-processing. First, we removed duplicate
tweets (i.e. tweets that include multiple hashtags and
have therefore been extracted multiple times). Fol-
lowing (Sasaki et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2017;
Nerghes and Lee, 2019), we kept the retweets in our
We extracted tweets including the following hash-
tags: “vienna terror”, “terrorist attack #Vienna”, “#Vi-
ennaAttack””, “#Viennashooting”, “#prayforvienna”,
“#wienATTACK”, “angriff vienna””, “#terrorwien”,
“#PrayforWien”, “#viennaattacks”, “#ViennaTerrorAt-
tack”, “#austriaAttack”, “sorgen Wien”, “#Viennaterror”,
“#ViennaTerroristAttack”, “#viennapolice”, “#austri-
ashooting”, “terror wien”, “wien Hintergrund”, “vienna
background”, “#Schwedenplatz”, “wien #staysafe”, “vi-
enna #staysafe”, “#StayStrongAustria”, “#zibspezial”,
“#Nehammer”, “#0211w”, “@ORFBreakingNews”,
“#Synagoge”, “#Schießerei”, “#terroranschlag wien”,
“#terroranschlag vienna”, “#schleichdiduoaschloch”.
data-set in order to gain a better understanding of
topic prevalence. Although retweets do not represent
original content, they allow users to express consent
and opinion and thus contribute to a topic’s prevalence
in the corpus.
Text processing was conducted in R with the
structural topic model (stm) package. For our anal-
ysis, we also applied the following pre-processing
steps: converting to lowercase, removing stopwords,
removing punctuation, and removing words with less
than three characters (see also (Roberts et al., 2019)).
4 8
Figure 1: Tweet distribution for the data extraction period.
Bot Detection. For bot detection, we used Botome-
ter’s Python API
. As discussed in (Daniel and Mil-
limaggi, 2020), bots may have many different charac-
teristics, some of which do not necessarily result in
a high bot score. For example, some accounts may
only be partially automated and are thus partially op-
erated by one or more human users. Nevertheless,
for the purposes of this paper we introduced a binary
classification rule to ensure a meaningful interpreta-
tion of our results. Following the suggestion of (Varol
et al., 2017), we set our threshold for bot accounts at
a Botometer score of 0.6
Exploratory Data Analysis. The Vienna terror at-
tack happened on November 2
2020 around 8 pm.
20% of all tweets in the data-set were posted on the
same day and nearly 69% during the subsequent day,
whereas tweeting activity rapidly declined after that
(see Figure 1). Following the estimates of Varol et al.,
9% to 15% of all active Twitter accounts are assumed
to be bot accounts (Varol et al., 2017; Davis et al.,
Botometer: (see also
(Davis et al., 2016))
Botometer delivers scores between 0 and 1.
Automated Narratives: On the Influence of Bots in Narratives during the 2020 Vienna Terror Attack
Figure 2: Distribution of bot scores with threshold at 0.6.
2016). In our data-set, 24.28% of the respective Twit-
ter accounts have been identified as bots according to
the threshold described above. The histogram in Fig-
ure 2 depicts the distribution of bot scores indicating
peaks around a score of 0.25 (most likely human) and
0.75 (most likely bot). In our data-set, 82.29% of the
messages are retweets. Interestingly, bots distribute
a higher share of retweets (87.41% as compared to
80.21% for humans). An overview of basic informa-
tion about the data-set is provided in Table 1.
-300 -200
Figure 3: Semantic coherence and exclusivity of each topic
with k = 20.
Topic Model. We derived a structural topic model
to find prevalent topics in our data-set. For imple-
mentation purposes, we used R and the stm package
(Roberts et al., 2019). In particular, we treat each
tweet as a separate document and assign one or more
topics to each tweet. To identify a meaningful number
of topics k for our data-set, we first ran several topic
models with a flexible number of topics (between 5
and 40 topics) and then decided on the most suitable
number k, based on semantic coherence, exclusivity,
residuals, and held-out likelihood, see also (Roberts
et al., 2019). Our final model consisted of k = 20 top-
ics (see Figure 3).
In contrast to other topic models, e.g. LDA (Blei
et al., 2003), structural topic models allow to incor-
porate covariates. For our model, we introduced a
dummy variable (“bot class”) to distinguish between
“bot” and “human” accounts. This variable was then
used as a covariate besides the creation date of a
The “creation date” covariate was estimated via
a spline function. We added custom stopwords
excluded words that appeared in less than five tweets
or appeared in more than 80% of all tweets. Figure 5
shows the topics resulting from our model.
While different methods for an assisted valida-
tion of topics exist, see, e.g., (Grimmer and Stew-
art, 2013; Ramirez et al., 2012; Chan and S
2020), we opted for a human interpretation of the re-
spective topics. To this end, we used two raters to
assign narratives to each topic based on the top 10
words (see Figure 5) and example quotes for each
topic. The inter-rater agreement (Cohen’s kappa) was
between 72.22% and 84.38% for all six groups of nar-
ratives. Disagreement cases were discussed after the
first round of rating. Table 2 shows an overview of the
results of the procedure. Afterwards, further analysis
of the output was conducted by running a linear re-
gression using the estimateEffect function of the stm
package with the “botclass” and “creation date” vari-
ables (see also (Roberts et al., 2019)).
Among the 20 overall topics that we used in our anal-
ysis, four belong to the “operational updates” cate-
gory. These topics include breaking news content
(Topic 14 and Topic 15) describing the situation, ap-
peals to refrain from posting footage of the scene,
spreading rumours (Topic 5 and Topic 7) and requests
for staying at home or seek shelter (Topic 5). Oper-
ational updates belonged to the most prevalent topics
in our data-set.
Aside from operational updates, “blame narra-
tives” dominated the discourse (see Table 2) with five
The custom stopwords included: vienna, terror, terro-
rattack, austria, attack
COMPLEXIS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Table 1: Basic information about the data-set.
Account type Count Tweets Retweets
Bots 27,800 (24.28%) 115,784 (29.00%) 101,209 (30.80%)
Humans 86,720 (75.72%) 283,463 (71.00%) 227,369 (69.20%)
Total 114,520 399,247 328,578
Figure 4: Effect of bot score on topic proportion with γ indicating the probability of a topic over all tweets.
topics in this category (Topics 4, 8, 11, 12, 17). These
topics covered accusations against government offi-
cials from different countries, referrals to other terror
attacks, a lack of lessons-learned from previous terror
attacks, and different types of criticism towards Mus-
lim values. Surprisingly, one blame and one victim
narrative included the term “India” inside of their top
ten terms (see Topic 6 and Topic 11). These occur-
rences were traced back to a high activity of bots as
indicated in Figure 4.
Moreover, “victim narratives” were characterised
by the expression of emotions (see Topic 6 and 13)
as well as empathy towards the victims of the at-
tack. They were tightly connected to “memorial nar-
ratives”, with the distinction of putting empathy for
victims and their family before an appeal for unity.
Only two topics have been assigned to the “hero
narrative” category. The first one refers to three men
who carried a police officer to an ambulance despite
the continued threat of the perpetrator (Topic 19).
Whereas, the second hero narrative (Topic 10) in-
cluded praise for the commitment of the police forces
involved and several Viennese cultural institutions
(e.g. Wiener Konzerthaus) which continued with their
(musical) performances to distract the audience and
keep them inside the premises.
The “memorial narratives” category (Topics 1, 2,
16, 20) especially includes expressions of unity and
togetherness. Sometimes these expressions reflected
retweeted statements of foreign government officials
(e.g. During a phone call with the Austrian Chan-
cellor I conveyed to him our deepest condolences fol-
lowing the terror attacks in Vienna. We stand united
with Austria in its fight against extremism and we look
forward to expanding our joint cooperation on this
front”, Topic 2).
Topics pointing to future measures that should fol-
low the terror attack were assigned to the “renewal
narratives” category. For example, those narratives
include tweets about an announcement of the amend-
ment of the Austrian “Islamgesetz” which was estab-
lished in 1912 and was amended in 2015 for the last
time (Topics 9 and 18). In particular, resentment to-
wards the amendment and mentioning of critical fac-
tors to prevent terror attacks in the future (Topic 3)
dominated this narrative.
Overall, most topics were assigned to the blame (5
topics), operational updates (4 topics) and memorial
(4 topics) narrative categories. Our case study led to
the following observations.
Bots Favour Global Narratives. Figure 4 shows
how topic preference changes with respect to account
classification. Twitter accounts that have been clas-
sified as bots show a disproportionately strong con-
Automated Narratives: On the Influence of Bots in Narratives during the 2020 Vienna Terror Attack
0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0%
Figure 5: Topic proportion and top 10 words per topic with γ indicating the probability of a topic over all tweets.
tribution to Topics 6, 11, and 15. The elevated bot
activity in Topic 15 might be explained by its “break-
ing news” content which has already been linked to
elevated bot activity by other studies, see, e.g., (Al-
Rawi and Shukla, 2020). Topic 6 and 11 (blame and
victim narrative) include statements of finger-pointing
and empathy with a strong relation to India (see Table
2). In contrast, topics with a strong local connection
(e.g. local heroes, comments about the Austrian “Is-
lamgesetz”) are preferred by humans rather than bots.
The prevalence of two globally connected topics (6
and 11) gives rise to the hypothesis that bot accounts
operate on a more international level whereas humans
show a preference for local narratives.
Bots Contribute to Neutral or Negative Narratives.
Bots tend to be more active in operational updates,
blame, and victim narratives which are often as-
sociated to a negative or neutral sentiment, see also
sen and Strembeck, 2019). Even though victim
narratives might exhibit an expression of hope and to-
getherness, their main focus lies on grief, shock, and
fear. In contrast, positive narratives, such as hero nar-
ratives, are propagated predominantly by human ac-
counts. This finding is in line with previous case stud-
ies on the behavior of bots during crisis events, see,
e.g., (Stella et al., 2018; Shi et al., 2020; Ku
sen and
Strembeck, 2020).
Bot Activity Follows a Temporal Pattern. Figure
6 shows the temporal development of each narrative
and Figure 6f provides an overview of topics with a
high bot involvement. The temporal analysis shows
that the three narratives with the highest bot involve-
ment exhibit a similar temporal pattern. Moreover, we
found that narratives with a low bot involvement show
peaks that can be linked to certain events after the at-
tack. For example, the renewal narrative from Topic
18 (connected to the “Islamgesetz”) started picking
up popularity shortly after November 9
(see Figure
6e). This development coincides with the date of a
press conference where the Austrian Minister of the
Interior announced changes in the corresponding law.
The findings of our study suggest that bots especially
contributed to neutral and negative narratives rather
than to positive ones. In particular, our analysis indi-
cates elevated bot participation in “victim”, “blame”
and “operational update” narratives. This finding is
COMPLEXIS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
in line with other studies of bot behavior, such as
(Stella et al., 2018; Shi et al., 2020; Ku
sen and Strem-
beck, 2020). Moreover, we found that bots prefer-
ably spread topics with an international focus and fail
to pick up local narratives, as for example the praise
for “local heroes”. Interestingly, narratives with high
bot involvement show a tight connection to India (see
Topics 6 and 11 in Table 2).
By means of a temporal analysis, we also found
that narratives showing a high bot contribution also
exhibit a similar temporal pattern (see Figure 6f).
This pattern can be distinguished from other narrative
patterns, see Figures 6 (a) to (e).
Our study is subject to several limitations. Firstly,
our data-set has been extracted from Twitter only.
Therefore, all findings only apply to social media dis-
cussions conducted via Twitter. Moreover, we col-
lected tweets based on popular hashtags that appeared
in connection with the Vienna terror attack and can-
not guarantee the full coverage of all conversations
about the event on Twitter. Therefore, our findings
should be reviewed and contrasted with results from
other social media platforms, e.g. (Wang et al., 2020;
Bolsover and Howard, 2019).
One conclusion suggested by our analysis is that
bots contribute more to global than local narratives
about the event (e.g. topics including the term “In-
dia”), which could result from the fact that the data-
set we analyzed for this case study included English
language tweets only (while the official language in
Austria is German). Nevertheless, we believe that our
findings can still contribute to a better understanding
of social bot behaviour. In particular, the ignorance
that bots appear to show towards local narratives is an
interesting prospect for further investigations.
We used the structural topic model approach to
analyse our text corpus. Since such topic models are
derived via unsupervised learning algorithms, it is dif-
ficult to provide a robust measure for the quality of the
corresponding results. Nevertheless, for our study we
used human raters to check the results for plausibility
(see Section 3).
As discussed in (Rauchfleisch and Kaiser, 2020),
bot detection in general and Botometer in particular
might produce inaccurate results when used in any
other language than English. Also, the implemen-
tation of arbitrary thresholds can lead to either false
positive (humans are classified as bots) or false neg-
atives (bots are classified as humans). To reduce the
risk of incorrect bot scores for our accounts, we in-
cluded English tweets only. However, a change of
our threshold for bot classification would certainly af-
fect our results. Therefore, we chose the threshold of
0.6 based on previous studies on large Twitter data-
sets (see Section 3) and an exploratory analysis of the
distribution of bot scores in our data-set (see Figure
Based on our findings, we suggest further re-
search to investigate the role of locally emerging nar-
ratives (e.g. the “hero narrative”) during and after cri-
sis events to deduce policy measures for preventing
bots from influencing the public discourse.
We analysed a data-set consisting of 399,247 English
language tweets related to the Vienna terror attack in
November 2020. We used the structural topic model
approach to identify 20 topics that have been dis-
cussed along with the terror attack. In order to de-
tect narratives during and after the attack, we applied
the “narratives of crisis” as proposed by Seeger and
Sellnow (Seeger and Sellnow, 2016). The framework
suggests that five types of different narratives (blame,
victim, memorial, renewal and heroes) mainly occur
in the immediate aftermath of a crisis. Moreover, due
to Twitter’s role as a breaking news outlet (Petrovic
et al., 2021), we introduced the “operational update”
narrative as an additional category.
In order to map our topics to the six narrative cat-
egories, we deployed two human raters who assigned
a narrative to each topic. This procedure resulted in
the identification of five (25%) blame narratives, four
(20%) operational, four (20%) memorial, three (15
%) renewal, two (10%) victim, and two (10%) hero
narratives. The most significant contributions made
by bot accounts were found in the “operational up-
dates”, “blame”, and “victim” narratives, with two of
them having a clear international focus. In addition,
our temporal analysis indicated that bots seem to fol-
low the same temporal pattern even when contributing
to the different narratives. Since a single case study
provides a limited view only, we aim to conduct fur-
ther analyses on data-sets related to other crisis events
in the future.
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Automated Narratives: On the Influence of Bots in Narratives during the 2020 Vienna Terror Attack
(a) Topic proportion of “blame narratives”. (b) Topic proportion of “victim narratives”.
Topic proportion of “hero narratives”. (d) Topic proportion of “memorial narratives”.
(e) Topic proportion of “renewal narratives”. (f) Topic proportion of highly bot fuelled narratives.
Figure 6: Topic proportion of narratives over extraction period (02-16 Nov 2020) with the covariate day smoothed by a spline
function, with 95 percent confidence intervals.
COMPLEXIS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Table 2: Topic overview including assigned narrative, topic probability, top 10 most frequent words and an example quote of
a tweet with a high proportion of the topic.
Narrative Prob. Top 10 words Quote
Topic 15
one, dead, injured, least, terrorist, peo-
ple, multiple, still, synagogue, austrian
At least one killed in suspected Vienna terror attack says interior minister READ MORE (URL)”
Topic 7
city, can, support, inner, please, europe,
kind, way, media, dont
“If you have footage of any kind of the shooting incident in the inner city of Vienna please upload it on this link DONT
share it on social media This way you can support us”
Topic 3 renewal 6.16%
islamist, islamic, france, radical, al-
ways, can, state, news, india, leaders
“With an official claim of responsibility by releasing a video of the perpetrator pledging allegiance to top leader AlHashimi
alQurashi calling him an Islamic State fighters is reminding us all that neither its external nor internal ops are over”
Topic 6 victim 5.90%
victims, thoughts, families, stands,
shocked, saddened, deeply, india, das-
tardly, tragic
“Deeply shocked and saddened by the dastardly terror attacks in Vienna India stands with Austria during this tragic time My
thoughts are with the victims and their families”
Topic 8 blame 5.66%
terrorists, peace, back, paris, nice,
shooting, kabul, visuals, erdogan,
“Enough with the opendoor and bleedingheart policies today more than ever we need to declare zero tolerance towards
Islamic fanatics lurking in our societies close ports control our borders protect our children defend our identity”
Topic 11 blame 5.47%
terrorism, now, india, europe, will, fake,
islamic, hope, terrorists, radical
“Europe ignored radical islamic terrorism in India. They kept teaching us fake secularism funding campaigns for fake human
rights of terrorists. Now the same terror is knocking at their door Hope they will now take it seriously GRAPHIC VIDEO”
Topic 16 memorial 5.44%
hate, terrorist, violence, pray, express,
let, peace, love, victims, police
“I express my sorrow and dismay for the terrorist attack in and I pray for the victims and their families Enough violence Let
us together strengthen peace and fraternity Only love can silence hate”
Topic 2 memorial 5.32%
people, stand, solidarity, united, europe,
austrian, fight, condemn, place, full
“During a phone call with the Austrian Chancellor I conveyed to him our deepest condolences following the terror attacks in
Vienna We stand united with Austria in its fight against extremism and we look forward to expanding our joint cooperation
on this front”
Topic 17 blame 5.28%
amp, people, must, world, islam, today,
terrible, faced, ones, possible
“If any holy book under any circumstances propogates killing beheading lynching owning women amp stoning gays to death
then that book amp its ignorant followers belong in the dark ages Time to call for rewrites of such problematic passages amp
to demand reforms”
Topic 14
several, killed, police, person, locations,
injured, shot, suspect, shooting, con-
“CONFIRMED at the moment 0800 pm several shots fired beginning at Seitenstettengasse several suspects armed with rifles
six different shooting locations one deceaced person several injured 1 officer included 1 suspect shot and killed by police
Topic 12 blame 5.07%
terrorist, also, said, blame, happened,
erdogan, president, isis, government,
“I am Muslim and I blame Turkish president Erdogan for what happened in [removed] I also blame every government that
empowered and funded Wahhabist terrorist ideology. We await your apology”
Topic 5
public, stay, keep, dont, take, places,
away, streets, shelter, home
“Please dont stare any rumours accusations speculations or unconfirmed numbers of victims that does not help at all Stay
inside take shelter Keep away from public places.
Topic 9 renewal 4.76%
just, know, islam, europe, turkey, never,
right, need, says, macron
After the terror attack in Vienna Austria wants to ban political Islam s government wants powers to close mosques strip
citizenship and imprison terrorists for life tells you more”
Topic 18 renewal 4.46%
will, people, dear, spread, political, dan-
gerous, tweet, make, well, human
”Austria will make it a criminal to offence to spread political Islam following Islamic extremists terror attack”
Topic 19 hero 4.28%
muslim, terrorist, people, turkish, aus-
trian, injured, woman, police, old, bring
“Turkish youths who rescue an old woman in a terrorist attack in the Austrian capital Vienna and bring an injured police
officer to an ambulance Yes these people are Muslim”
Topic 10 hero 3.69%
stop, will, safe, police, started, ever, in-
side, members, tonights, play
“Police kept us safe inside the after tonights performance While we waited members of phil started to play No [removed]
will ever stop the music in [removed] ”
Topic 4 blame 3.43%
muslims, name, europe, others, human-
ity, terrorists, years, countries, going, at-
“Terrorists attacked multiple places in Austrian capital Many dead n several others injured 1 terrorist gunned down others
on the run Europe is going to pay massively in coming years for supporting amp giving refuge to radicals in the name of
Topic 13 victim 2.76%
religion, prayers, innocent, strong, ago,
whole, problem, religious, since, hear
“Incredibly shocked to know about the ongoing terror attack in Vienna. Having lived in that city its even more heartbreaking
to hear whats happening since last night. All my love amp prayers to the ppl of Vienna Hope the perpetrators are brought to
justice soon Stay strong”
Topic 1 memorial 2.32%
attacks, time, wish, modi, heartfelt,
hunted, prime, bless, collaborators,
Ahm deeply shocked by tterrible attacks in vienna tonight tuks thoughts are wi tfolk of austria we stand united wi you
against terror”
Topic 20 memorial 2.17%
like, country, world, european, get, war,
nothing, cant, live, day
“If someone Hurt your Religious feelings You Can 1 Protest on Social media 2 File FIR 3 File Court cases 4 Do Peaceful
protest March But You Cant 1 Behead people 2 Burn Cities 3 Loot their properties 4 Rape their women 5 Start Genocide”
Automated Narratives: On the Influence of Bots in Narratives during the 2020 Vienna Terror Attack