also including faster and more effective contact with
a specialist. Thanks to the validation strategy that was
based on desirability, feasibility, usability and satis-
faction, it allowed us to identify that young Peruvians
are willing to use technological tools in order to be
supported to improve their mental health, as well as
mental health specialists identify a great opportunity
to improve in this sector.
A technological solution to monitor the depres-
sive state of a patient by analyzing social media posts
in order to monitor the signs of depressive symp-
toms that a patient is going through by analyzing their
daily posts on their social media to obtain the evo-
lution of the chronicity of symptoms in each time
range. Evenmore, using Genetic information to seek
for historical data about a patient depression (Arroyo-
nos et al., 2021) or monitoring symptoms with a
technological solution similar to other disease (Jorge-
evano et al., 2021).
Preventive model to address suicidal depressive
episodes with the help of a virtual assistant that seeks
to prevent suicidal ideas caused by severe episodes of
depression using strategies that promote positive cop-
ing in people with the help of virtual assistants. Since
it is considered that a depressive episode can occur
at any moment in an individual’s life, it is planned
to develop a virtual assistant that can accompany and
provide mental health support in severe episodes of
depression, and that this allows to recommend or con-
tact directly to a mental health professional after the
level of depression subsides.
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ICT4AWE 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health