Determinants of International Remittances in Mexico:
Economic vs. Financial Variables
Miguel Cruz Vasquez
and Fernando Vera Sánchez
Facultad de Economía, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, 17 Sur 901, Puebla, Mexico
Escuela de Economía y Negocios, Universidad Anáhuac de Puebla, Avenida Orion Norte S/No., Tlaxcalancingo, Mexico
Keywords: Remittances, Economic Variables, Financial Variables, VAR, DAG.
Abstract: This work seeks to analyze whether economic or financial variables are more important in determining the
remittances sent by Mexican migrants in the United States to their communities of origin. For this, we estimate
three models: a linear regression model with all the variables transformed to first differences, to eliminate the
possibility of spurious regression; an autoregressive vector (VAR) model that approximates the relationships
between variables in the absence of consolidated theories; and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) model, which
is the most appropriate for estimating causal relationships between variables. The results show that the most
important variables in determining the remittances of Mexican migrants in the United States are the economic
ones, specifically, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States and the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) of Mexico.
Remittances are one of the main results of the
migration process and constitute an important source
of income for millions of Mexican families, as well
as an important source of foreign exchange for
Remittances sent by Mexican migrants in the
United States have shown a growing evolution since
their emergence, particularly in the period analyzed
in this paper, between the first quarter of 1995 and the
second quarter of 2021. In nominal figures, the
remittances received during 2020 were 652% higher
than in 1995, 397% higher than in 2000, 83% higher
than in 2010, and 11% higher than in 2019. For the
years 1995, 2000, 2010, 2019, and 2020, remittances
amounted 5,667, 8,572, 23,313, 38,457 and 42,624
million dollars (Banxico, 2021). This growing trend
has been exposed in different dissertations (Canales,
2006; Islas and Moreno, 2011; Valdivia, et al., 2020).
Regarding the theories that explain the sending of
remittances from host countries to migrants' home
countries, the theoretical and empirical literature
indicate two groups of determinants; the first is
grouped within the Endogenous Migration approach,
which considers the sending of remittances as an
endogenous variable within the migration decision
process, together with the length of stay, savings, and
others, in addition to assessing family relationships
and aspects like the socio-economic situation of
migrants. All of them consider altruism as a central
source that explains the sending of remittances; while
the second is grouped within the Portfolio
Optimization approach, which considers that only the
self-interest of migrants motivates sending money.
Additionally, this decision is independent of their
decision to migrate and the conditions of their family
(Islas y Moreno, 2011).
The first is clearly dominated by economic
determinants while financial variables prevail in the
second, there is no consensus in the literature about the
predominance of one approach over the other. The
objective of this essay is to contribute to the debate on
the importance of economic and financial determinants
in determining the remittances sent by Mexican
migrants to their communities of origin from the
United States. We also intend to contribute to the study
of public policies of an economic and financial nature
to encourage the entry of remittances into Mexico.
Vasquez, M. and Sánchez, F.
Determinants of International Remittances in Mexico: Economic vs. Financial Variables.
DOI: 10.5220/0011034700003206
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2022), pages 35-42
ISBN: 978-989-758-567-8; ISSN: 2184-5891
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This work consists of an introduction, theoretical
and empirical antecedents, methodology, results and
discussion, and, finally, conclusions.
There are two main (not necessarily irreconcilable)
approaches to modelling remittances from
international workers. The first treats international
remittances as an endogenous variable in the
decision-making process on migration and
remittances within the family, while the second treats
them as savings transfers from one region to another.
In the first, the determinants of international
remittances are dominated by family relationships,
while in the second, investment portfolio
considerations are emphasized (Elbadawi and Rocha,
1992; Islas and Moreno, 2011).
2.1 The Endogenous Migration
Approach to International
In this approach, the ability to remit is directly
associated with the salary received in the host country
and the saving behaviour of the migrant, both of
which suggest a decision process in which the level
of savings is determined along with the participation
to be remitted to the home country (Elbadawi and
Rocha, 1992).
In this model, the migrant is seen as the traditional
macroeconomic-maximizing agent of the
intertemporal utility function that generates a saving-
consumption route, both in the country of origin and
in the host country; although in them the migrant
savings program is more complex than the standard
savings program since they need to know information
on relative prices abroad, wage routes and interest
rates, as well as the duration of their stay abroad.
Djajic (1989) uses this structure to generate the
optimal overseas savings rate and leisure and
merchandise consumption routes in the context of
guest-worker migration
An alternative version of this approach treats
remittances as an intertemporal contractual
agreement between the migrant and his family, in
which the family contract is considered as a risk-
The analysis of (Djajic, 1989) is based on the
determination of the pattern of leisure and consumption
of goods both in the host country and in the country of
origin and its comparison with the patterns of leisure and
sharing agreement between the family and the
migrant. That agreement compensates for the
prevailing lack of insurance markets in developing
countries, especially in rural areas. The benefit for the
migrant is guaranteed income during cyclical
downturns, while the benefit for the family is a better
risk-return frontier so that they can assume riskier
investments, such as the mechanization of the
countryside (Elbadawi and Rocha, 1992).
2.2 Portfolio Approach to International
In this approach, remittances are the result of a
broader portfolio allocation process by the migrant
worker, a process by which the migrant must decide
whether to keep their savings in the host country or
send them to their country of origin in the form of
either real or financial assets. This perspective,
therefore, bases the migrant worker’s decision to
remit on relative rates of return, relative prices, and
uncertainty as basic determinants (Elbadawi and
Rocha, 1992).
Under this approach, Swamy (1981) includes as
determinants of international remittances the
following variables: the differential in the interest
rates of the country of origin relative to the interest
rate of the host country, the difference in the rates of
return on real estate in the home country with respect
to the similar rate in the host country, the real
exchange rate in the country of origin, the stock of
migrants and their earnings in the host country.
On their part, Glytsos and Katseli (1986) generate
a budgetary restriction for migrants, where the return
on the portfolio is a function of their wealth, foreign
and domestic interest rates, and the variability of the
exchange rate. For them, the budget constraint and the
risk-return preferences program jointly determine the
part of the migrant's portfolio that will be placed in
assets in the country of origin.
2.3 Empirical Background
Among the empirical studies on the determinants of
remittances in Mexico, Castillo (2001), who
emphasizes the scarcity of studies on the determinants
of remittances to Mexico despite its importance as a
fundamental income for a large number of families in
Mexico, performs a cointegration analysis that
establishes a long-term positive relationship between
consumption of goods chosen by the natives of the host
country on the one hand and non-migrants in the country
of origin on the other.
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
remittances and the United States GDP, as well as a
long-term negative relationship between remittances
and Mexico's GDP and between remittances and the
real exchange rate.
Another study from our country is the one
presented by Salas and Pérez (2006), it analyzes the
influence of macroeconomic variables on the sending
of remittances from the United States to Mexico and
the effect that these have on the distribution of income
in Mexico. To do this, they use a short-term
econometric model that relates remittances to
Mexican monetary policy variables (inflation,
interbank interest rate, and exchange rate) as well as
economic variables (foreign direct investment,
Mexican GDP, and United States GDP). They find
that Mexico's GDP and inflation inversely affect
remittances sent to the country, while the United
States' GDP affects them directly.
Another study, Islas and Moreno (2011), analyzes
the macroeconomic variables that determine the flow
of family remittances from the United States to
Mexico. To do this, it carries out an econometric
exercise using Vectors Autoregressive with Error
Correction (VAR) to identify, from a synthetic
perspective, the long-term determinants of family
remittances that arrive in Mexico. Their results show
that remittances are the consequence of an investment
decision rather than altruism on the part of migrants
since the impact of interest rates is clearer than the
impact of Gross Domestic Product.
For the case of other countries, Suamy (1981)
gathers available data on the remittances of workers
from Turkey, Yugoslavia, and Greece and analyzes
the regional structure and the growth of these flows;
he relates the flow of remittances to the level and
fluctuations of economic activity and to inflation in
the recipient countries. The results of the analysis
show that these last variables, as well as the number
of migrants and their wages, significantly affect a
large part of the variation in remittance flows; while
the relative rates of return on saving both in the host
country and in the home country and the incentive
schemes in the country of origin, such as the foreign
currency deposit scheme and the exchange rate
premium, do not seem to have a significant impact on
total remittances.
There is also the work of Elbadawi and Rocha
(1992), which proposes an empirical model for the
determination of remittances, which includes
demographic, macroeconomic, and portfolio factors as
well as special incentive policies. They use data from
5 labour-exporting countries in North Africa and
Europe: Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey, and the
former Yugoslavia. Their results show that remittances
are significantly affected by the economic policies of
their country of origin (labour exporting countries) and
that special incentive schemes to attract international
remittances cannot substitute a stable and credible
macroeconomic policy.
The study by El-Sakka and McNabb (1999)
considers the macroeconomic determinants of
remittances from migrants to their home countries. In
the case of Egypt, they find, in contrast to other
studies, that both the real exchange rate and the
differential in interest rates are important for
attracting remittances through official channels.
On one hand, Tuncan, Neyapti, and Metin-Ozca
(2005) point out that the flows of workers'
remittances in Turkey have increased since the 1960s,
and they continue to be a significant proportion of
imports. They presented empirical evidence that the
premium of the black market, interest rate
differential, inflation rate, economic growth, income
from both home and host countries, and periods of
military rule have significantly affected remittance
flows to Turkey. Among them, the negatively
significant effects of the black-market premium,
inflation, and the military regime dummy indicate the
importance of sound exchange rate policies and
economic and political stability for attracting
remittance flows; likewise, there are reasons for both
consumption and investment smoothing, although the
latter seems more prevalent after the 1980s.
On the other hand, the article by Rapoport and
Docquier (2005) reviews the recent theoretical and
empirical economic literature on migrant remittances
in a microeconomic section on the determinants of
remittances and a macroeconomic section on their
effects on growth. At the micro level, they present in
a completely harmonized framework the various
motivations to refer described in the literature. The
results of empirical studies show that a mixture of
individualistic and family motives explains the
probability and size of remittances. At the macro
level, they briefly review the standard (Keynesian)
literature and trade theory on the short-term impact of
remittances. They then use an endogenous growth
framework to describe the growth potential of
remittances and present the evidence for different
growth channels.
Also, Vargas-Silva and Huang (2005) examine
the determinants of workers' remittances. They use
variance decompositions, impulse response
functions, and Granger causality tests derived from an
error correction vector, to test whether remittances
are affected by macroeconomic conditions in the host
country (sending remittances) or the home country
(remittance recipient). The data used correspond to
Determinants of International Remittances in Mexico: Economic vs. Financial Variables
Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El
Salvador, Mexico, and the United States. The results
indicate that remittances respond more to changes in
the macroeconomic conditions of the host country
than to changes in the macroeconomic conditions of
the home country.
To explain remittances from Mexican migrants in the
United States to Mexican communities, in the present
work we estimate the relationship between
remittances (𝑅𝐸𝑀
) and endogenous and portfolio
migration factors, in coincidence with the models
proposed by Islas and Moreno (2011) and El-Sakka
and Mc Nabb (1999), as follows:
=𝑓 (𝐺𝐷𝑃
where 𝐺𝐷𝑃_𝑈𝑆𝐴 is the Gross Domestic Product
of the United States, 𝐺𝐷𝑃_𝑀𝑋 is the Gross Domestic
Product of Mexico, 𝐼_𝑈𝑆𝐴 is the US interest rate,
𝐼_𝑀𝑋 is the interest rate of Mexico, 𝐸 is the real
exchange rate Mexico-United States, 𝐼𝑁𝐹𝐿𝐴 is the
inflation rate in Mexico. As it can be seen, the first
two variables are economic, while the remaining four
are financial.
According to the Endogenous Migration theory, a
positive relationship between remittances would be
expected with the variable 𝐺𝐷𝑃_𝑈𝑆𝐴, since as the
economy of the United States (the host country)
grows, remittances to Mexico will grow; while a
negative relationship of remittances with the variable
𝐺𝐷𝑃_𝑀𝑋 would be expected, since as the economy
of Mexico (the home country) grows, the economic
situation in it would improve and thus remittances to
Mexico would be reduced.
On the other hand, according to the Portfolio
theory, a positive relationship between remittances
would be expected with any of the variables with the
highest value, 𝐼_𝑈𝑆𝐴 o 𝐼_𝑀𝑋. This would indicate that
the migrant would invest their savings either in the host
country or by sending it as remittances to the country
of origin, depending on whether the interest rate is
higher in the United States or Mexico. We would also
expect a positive relationship of remittances with the
variable E, since an increase in the real exchange rate
of Mexico, that is, a depreciation of it, would lead to an
increase in remittances, due to the increase in Mexican
currency that the migrant would receive for each dollar.
Likewise, we would expect a negative relationship of
remittances with the variable 𝐼𝑁𝐹𝐿𝐴, since the
increase in inflation in the home country, Mexico,
would lead to an increase in remittances, due to the loss
of the purchasing power of money in the home country.
The data used in this work correspond to the
period between the first quarter of 1995 and the
second quarter of 2021. The remittance figures were
obtained from quarterly data on remittances sent by
Mexican migrants in the United States reported by
Banco de México in millions of dollars from 1984.
The figures of the Gross Domestic Product of the
United States were procured from the database of the
Bureau of Economic Analysis in billions of dollars of
the year 2012. The figures for the Gross Domestic
Product of Mexico were collected from INEGI in
millions of pesos at 2013 prices. The United States
interest rate was attained from the nominal interest
rate of government instruments at one month in that
country, reported by the Department of the Treasury
of the United States. The Mexican interest rate was
recovered from the 28-day nominal interest rate of
Cetes, reported by Banco de México. The figures for
the real exchange rate were obtained from the series
of the Banco de México's Economic Information
System of the nominal exchange rate converted to the
real exchange rate based on 1984. The figures for the
inflation rate for Mexico were also acquired from the
database of the annual underlying inflation rate of
Mexico reported by Banco de México.
Table 1 shows the quarterly descriptive statistics
of the variables used in this work, which shows the
contrasting values between the variables of the
migrant's home country (GDP_MX, I_MX, E and
INFLA) and those of the host country of the migrants
(GDP_USA and I_USA).
Table 1: Quarterly descriptive statistics of the variables,
period 1995: Q1 - 2021: Q2.
Variable Mean Std. Dev.. Units
REM 5,016.48 2,770.46 Mill.
GDP_MX 14,706,695.49 2,442,205.06 Mill.
MX 10.75 10.66 %
E 67.26 21.68 Pesos/
INFLA 7.94 9.37 %
GDP_USA 15,200.23 2,415.97 Bill.
I_USA 2.36 2.25 %
Source: Indicated in the text.
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
The main objective of this work is to test whether
financial or economic variables are the most
important in determining remittances sent by
Mexican migrants who are in the United States.
To do this, we estimate three models: a) a
regression model considering remittances as the
dependent variable, but transforming all variables into
first differences due to the time-series nature of the
variables, in which all variables were subjected to the
Augmented Dickey-Fuller stationarity test, which aims
to avoid the possibility of spurious regression; b) a
Vector Autoregressive model that approximates the
relationships between variables in the absence of
consolidated theories; and c) a Directed Acyclic Graph
model, which is considered the most appropriate to
estimate causal relationships between variables.
4.1 Regression Model
As we mentioned earlier, all the variables of the
regression model are estimated in first differences,
the results of which show, as can be seen in table 2,
that the main variables to explain remittances are the
US GDP, the Mexican GDP, and the real exchange
rate Mexico-United States, if we consider the p-value
less than 0.05 as the level of significance.
Table 2: OLS regression with variables converted into first
Variable Coefficient p-value
C -1.183056 0.3127
GDP_USA1 -0.022008*** 0.0007
GDP_MX1 0.0000146*** 0.0000
I_USA 2.220863 0.3969
I_MX1 -0.358285 0.2605
E1 -0.802523*** 0.0051
INFLA1 0.48507 0.2631
1 Means first differences. *** Significance at 1%.
Source: Own elaboration.
However, the results of table 2 show that the GDP
of the United States, the GDP of Mexico, and the real
exchange rate Mexico-United States, present signs
contrary to those indicated by the theory, since the
first presents a negative sign instead of positive and
the second has a positive sign instead of negative,
while the third has a negative sign instead of positive.
Therefore, we resort to two additional econometric
4.2 Autoregressive Vector Model
This model approximates the relationships between
variables in the absence of consolidated theories
since its starting point is an atheoretical approach in
which endogenous variables (those that can be
determined within the VAR System) and exogenous
variables (those that cannot be determined within
the VAR System), can be separated. The variables
that can be considered endogenous in our study are
the economic and financial variables that can be
determined in Mexico (the GDP of Mexico, the
interest rate of Mexico, the real exchange rate
Mexico-United States and the inflation rate of
Mexico), while those that can be considered
exogenous are the economic and financial variables
that cannot be determined in Mexico (the GDP of
the United States and the interest rate of the United
In this result, we have a consistency in the
variables that we can consider relevant to explain
remittances, but the sign of the coefficient is
different. This model implies that the variables to be
considered to explain the behaviour of remittances
in Mexico are remittances with a lag, the GDP of
Mexico, also lagged, and the GDP of the United
States, which was considered as an exogenous
variable. It is important to mention that in this model
the coefficient of GDP in Mexico is negative, so we
can conclude that if the Mexican economy is
decreasing, this would generate a positive impact on
remittances as we might expect; Furthermore, if the
Mexican economy is growing, this would reduce the
number of dollars that families from the United
States send to Mexico (see table 3).
Determinants of International Remittances in Mexico: Economic vs. Financial Variables
Table 3: Autoregressive Vector Model
REM (-1) 0.789223*** -7328.068
[ 6.77220] [-1.38003]
REM (-2) -0.010786 -8195.205
[-0.10032] [-1.67281]
-8.36E-06*** 0.077423
(-1.70E-06) (-0.07731)
[-4.92485] [ 1.00143]
GDP_MX(-2) 1.46E-06 0.283554***
[ 0.85425] [ 3.64127]
0.193817 -7784.688
(-0.327) (-14899.9)
[ 0.59271] [-0.52247]
I_MX(-2) -0.298265 -21240.35
[-1.07978] [-1.68757]
E(-1) -0.046661 -36398.56***
[-0.21019] [-3.59843]
-0.070827 5487.444
(-0.25307) (-11531.1)
[-0.27987] [ 0.47588]
INFLA(-1) -0.211047 31892.12
[-0.37900] [ 1.25693]
0.118928 4977.638
(-0.38656) (-17613.6)
[ 0.30766] [ 0.28260]
C -23.77136 -3574679***
[-1.40189] [-4.62661]
GDP_USA 0.009775*** 1056.643***
[ 3.15548] [ 7.48579]
USA 0.919247 47418.13
(-0.59854) (-27272.6)
[ 1.53581] [ 1.73868]
In Table 3 of the VAR model, due to lack of space, only
the variable Remittances, which is the variable of interest
in our study, as well as one of the endogenous variables,
which is the GDP of Mexico, are included on the
0.932731 0.981124
Adj. R-square
0.923861 0.978635
Standard errors in ( ) and t-statistics in [ ].*** Significance at 1%.
(-1) and (-2) means first and second lags.
Source: Own elaboration.
4.3 Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
This methodology is based on the concept of
conditional correlation, to estimate the causality
among variables. Towards estimating the causality, it
is possible to use a computer algorithm called Tetrad
6, the result of which is a graph that represents the
analyzed variables and the vectors with direction
between these variables, which represent causality.
Likewise, it is possible to establish restrictions at
different levels; For example, for the variables used
we establish as level 1 the variables exogenous to the
model, which are the GDP and interest rate variables
for the US economy. In the second level, we have the
endogenous variables to the model, which are the
GDP, the interest rate, the real exchange rate, and the
inflation rate for the Mexican economy, and the last
level is the variable that we want to explain: the
remittances. For a more detailed explanation of the
process see Vera (2021) and for recent references on
this methodology see Dutta and Saha (2021), Moon
and Seok (2021), and Wang et al., (2021).
Using the data proposed by DAG we estimate the
graph in figure 1.
Figure 1: Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).
horizontal axis. leaving out the rest of endogenous variables
(the interest rate in Mexico, the real exchange rate
Mexico-United States and the inflation rate in Mexico.
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
The latter implies that the only variables that we
can consider a true cause of remittances in Mexico are
GDP in the USA and GDP in Mexico, so from here
we can make a regression to estimate the signs and
parameters of this relationship, being our final result
the one shown in table 4.
Table 4: Main causes of Remittances.
Variable Coefficient
C -67.67461*** 0.000
USA 0.026082*** 0.000
GDP_MX 0.0000175*** 0.000
*** Significance at 1%.
Fuente: Own elaboration.
The signs of the variables are as we expected, if
the Mexican economy is declining, migrants are
willing to send more remittances. Also, if the US
economy is growing, migrants send more
4.4 Discussion of Results
Regarding the studies carried out for Mexico, it
should be noted that our results agree with those
obtained by Castillo (2001) and Salas and Pérez
(2006), regarding the positive relationship between
remittances and the GDP of the United States, and
negative between the remittances and Mexico's GDP,
and with Castillo (2001) regarding the negative
relationship between remittances and the real
exchange rate. However, our results do not agree with
the results of Islas and Moreno (2011), who find that
remittances are the consequence of an investment
decision rather than altruism on the part of migrants,
since the impact of interest rates is clearer than that of
Gross Domestic Product.
Also, regarding the studies carried out for other
countries, our results agree with those obtained by
Suamy (1981) for Turkey, Yugoslavia, and Greece,
by Elbadawi and Rocha (1992) for Morocco,
Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey, and the former
Yugoslavia., Sakka and McNabb (1999) for Egypt,
who found that economic activity in remittance
recipient countries significantly and positively affects
remittance flows; Likewise, they agree with those
obtained by Tuncan, Neyapti, and Metin-Ozca (2005)
for Turkey, regarding the positive impact of income
in the host country on remittances and the negative
impact of income from the country of origin on
However, our results do not agree with those
obtained by Vargas-Silva and Huang (2005) in that
remittances respond more to changes in the
macroeconomic conditions of the host country
(income, etc.) than to changes in the macroeconomic
conditions of the home country (income, etc.), since
our results show that the macroeconomic conditions
of both the host country and the country of origin of
the migrants affect remittances.
The results of our study agree with those obtained in
most of the existing studies on the positive impact of
the Gross Domestic Product of the migrant host
country on remittances and the negative impact of the
Gross Domestic Product of the migrants' home
country on the remittances, so we can conclude that
remittances are considerably related to the economic
variables of the host countries and the origin of the
However, our results differ from those found in
other studies, regarding the importance of financial
variables in determining remittances, since we have
found that the variables that really have a causal
relationship with remittances are the economic
variables, such as Gross Domestic Product and not the
variables of the financial sector such as the interest
rate and the real exchange rate in addition to the
inflation rate. We can imply that since the amounts
earned by migrants are just enough to survive in many
cases, financial decisions like investments or interest
rate opportunities are not considered in their decision
Finally, we recognize the limitations of our study,
since we have not considered in our models other
variables that are related to remittances, in some cases
due to lack of information.
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