In this paper, we presented an recommendation en-
gine to generate model extension recommendations
for semantic models. The focus of this engine is to en-
rich auto-generated semantic models with additional
information to increase the informativeness and us-
ability of the model. Recommendations are gener-
ated using a node embedding trained on existing se-
mantic models using Node2Vec. We have shown that
the engine finds suitable recommendations for both
operation modes (focus and general context) when
used on the VC-SLAM data corpus. However, the
most promising results were limited to the domain of
geoinformation due to the characteristics of the sin-
gle suitable data corpus that was used as background
data. Once more data sets like VC-SLAM become
available, we will evaluate our approach on those.
For our future work, we would like to improve the
engine to be able to recommend whole triples, i.e.,
including the relation, instead of single concepts in
order to add more context information that has been
observed in the training data in one step. The cur-
rent state of the engine does not take into account
which relation type could potentially be used to link
an existing concept to a recommended one and there-
fore does not exploit all available information. Triple
recommendation would further reduce the modeling
time. Furthermore, we would also like to recommend
replacements to existing elements, targeting elements
that were potentially falsely added by fully automated
approaches even before the refinement began. Once
capable of recommending triples, we plan to inte-
grate the approach into a modeling framework and
test the usefulness of the generated recommendations
in a comprehensive user study.
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Using Node Embeddings to Generate Recommendations for Semantic Model Creation