umes. Based on this observation, we have developed
our own labeling tool that supports these aspects. We
used a time series database that allows us to integrate
time series data in a uniform way and run efficient
queries on it, as well as cache aggregated views for
displaying many data points. We developed our own
user interface, which allows the exploration and la-
beling of time periods with appropriate label classes
and is also designed for large data volumes through
the use of virtual scrolls. Furthermore, we have im-
plemented a labeling support system based on unsu-
pervised anomaly detection and error class search. Fi-
nally, we evaluated the entire tool with an exemplary
use case and a user study. The results indicate that
it is well suited for use in an industrial context and
efficiently generates qualitative labels.
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opment of our tool in the integration of a dedicated
view for evaluating the current clustering result. This
would allow the user to optimize the parameterization
of the algorithm in a short time and the subsequent ad-
justment of individual labels would require less effort.
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ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems