Table 6: Processing time Vs Sectorized AOI.
Time (s)
(a) (2a) (2b) (4a) (4b) (4c) (4d)
Align 972,5 411,5 463,7 222,5 196,7 223,5 231,2
Dense Cloud 11.274,7 6.046,2 6.427,7 3.084,2 2.413,2 3.469,0 4.698,5
Mesh 17.100,0 10.809,2 10.185,0 4.682,7 3.416,7 4.740,5 5.887,2
Texture 710,0 414,7 405,5 275,0 21,0 255,2 256,5
Tiled Model 1.293,5 789,0 762,7 590,5 487,7 531,2 448,5
DEM 13,7 7,2 6,2 6,0 4,7 4,2 4,2
Orthophoto 649,7 434,5 429,7 168,0 141,0 182,2 212,5
Total Time 30.014,25 18.912,5 18.680,7 9.029,7 6.875,2 9.406,0 11.738,7
,→ ←- ,→ ←-
37.593,2 37.049,6
The work of authors, has been partially supported by
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and in-
novation program under grant agreement No 739551
(KIOS CoE) and by the Republic of Cyprus through
the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Dig-
ital Policy.
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