The presented approach of the course ”Artificial Intel-
ligence for Climate Change” was new into the faculty
and for the students, but the feedback and the interest
from both students and specialists invited show that
the idea can be of success also in the next years.
To the best of our knowledge, this approach is
unique among the universities of Romania, in par-
ticular, computer science faculties. Globally how-
ever, this program is implemented across several uni-
versities such as: AI for Social Good from Stan-
ford, Climate Change and AI from Oxford and AI for
the study of Environmental Risks from University of
In the scientific community there is a great interest
for this topic, ”AI for Good” being the largest confer-
ence to date (https://aiforgood.itu.int/). There are also
working groups consisting of researchers and special-
ists to support the fight against climate change (Fo-
cus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial
Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies, Focus
Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management, Focus
Group on AI for Health, etc.).
As future work directions, our intention is to ex-
tend the list of specialists from different areas, in-
crease the numbers of AI teachers and to organise
some workshop during the laboratory work activity -
engaging also experts from other fields to offer feed-
back in real-time for a new implemented feature.
The work presented became real with the help of sup-
portive colleagues, extremely passionate guests, and
highly involved students. Therefore we would like to
express our gratitude to Professor Motogna Simona,
Lecturer Alexandru Stermin and specialists Mihai
Cuibus (Romanian Society for Cultural Astronomy),
Veronica Tulpan and Raluca Nicolae (Agent Green),
Sorina Avadanei (Durham University), Daniel Rusen
and Lucian Ungureanu (Microsoft Romania).
The publication of this paper was supported by the
2021 Development Fund of the Babes¸-Bolyai Univer-
sity (UBB).
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Collaborative Transdisciplinary Educational Approaches in AI