Collaborative Transdisciplinary Educational Approaches in AI
Adriana Mihaela Coroiu
, Alina Delia C
and Horea-Bogdan Mures¸an
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes¸-Bolyai University, Mihail Kog
alniceanu, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
AI, Machine Learning, Climate Change, Online Teaching, Transdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary.
In this paper we present a transdisciplinary approach towards teaching and applying AI methods, to mitigate
climate change related issues. The proposed method is a course with a student-centred approach, enabling
collaborative experiential learning and multi-disciplinary exploration with specialists from different fields of
expertise internationally. The study covered data collected through questionnaires, observations and evalua-
tion, and was proven to stimulate creativity, motivation and innovation in using AI to effectively solve real-life
problems, which is the aim of the course.
One of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges and op-
portunities related to education was the requirement
to shift entirely to online teaching. This required new
and adapted methodologies to engage students in the
online environments however, this also posed new op-
portunities of connection and cooperation.
The educational system focuses on several dis-
ciplines which are studied in depth, but often the
bonding element between the subjects is missing or
is very weak. Therefore, educators and researchers
are still trying to figure out cross-domain solutions
to real-life problems. Recent tendencies are to-
wards new multi-domain or transdisciplinary and
inter-disciplinary studies, such as studying natural
sciences and the natural world as a whole from an
integral approach, rather than studying only separate
domains biology, geography, chemistry, physics and
social science. From this perspective, a study has
found that the lack of social science perspective on
the issues of climate change is lacking in science text-
books (Morris, 2014). This means the approach is
not stimulating the need to find sustainable solutions
for the environment and green choices in the every-
day life. A successful example of multidisciplinar-
ity is neuroscience (Ruiter et al., 2012), looking at
the nervous system from all perspectives (physiology,
anatomy, molecular biology, developmental biology,
cytology, computer science).
Following this trend, the proposed computer sci-
ence course presented here is titled ”Artificial Intelli-
gence Models for Climate Change” and aims to bring
together multiple disciplines related to natural sci-
ences describing climate change issues and pollution
to inform recent advances in computer science (artifi-
cial intelligence and machine learning, big data, sen-
sors, data storage) in the search of new solutions for
today’s real world problems. This also comes in line
with our University’s initiative ”to go GREEN”, en-
couraging active participation to reduce pollution and
find ingenious solutions to Global Warming and Cli-
mate Change.
From a teaching methodology perspective, ap-
plied in the field of computer science, recent stud-
ies have shown better educational outcomes in us-
ing collaborative learning and student-centred ap-
proaches (Lu et al., 2010) as opposed to teacher-
centred methodologies (Dias Canedo et al., 2017).
These involve providing materials that students go
through at their own pace, addressing more student
feedback and questionnaires in going deep into the
material (Griffiths et al., 2007) or using interactive
audio-visual content (Lu et al., 2010). However, al-
though these are not very new, the traditional teacher-
centred methodologies are still preserved, although
sometimes not as effective as desired.
Thus, this course was designed to use modern
teaching approaches which are more student-centred,
collaborative and critical thinking oriented, to in-
crease motivation and engagement, as well as the
overall learning experience of students.
Coroiu, A., C
alin, A. and Mure¸san, H.
Collaborative Transdisciplinary Educational Approaches in AI.
DOI: 10.5220/0011039500003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 260-267
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Besides the multi and transdisciplinary characteristic
of this course, combining multiple expertise on cli-
mate change and advanced artificial intelligence (AI)
techniques, its novelty is also in the modern educa-
tional approach towards collaborative and experien-
tial learning of students, teachers, and external ex-
perts in the field. Moreover, the evaluation methodol-
ogy is also a reflective and collaborative one, involv-
ing also self-evaluation and inter-evaluation. While
many have considered and researched a multidisci-
plinary approach of the climate change issues from an
academic educational and research point of view, and
have proven that this is very much needed for good so-
lutions to arise, its success depends also on how this is
managed (Briguglio and Moncada, 2019), for which
reason the collaborative and experiential components
play very important roles.
2.1 About the Course
The course was held for the first time in the aca-
demic year 2020-2021, second semester, addressing
third year Bachelor’s degree students who already had
studied the basics of Artificial Intelligence course.
There were 95 students enrolled from different spe-
cialisations: 54% Computer Science, 45% Mathemat-
ics and Computer Science, and 1% Mathematics), so
backgrounds were a bit different among the partici-
The general aim of the course was to identify so-
lutions for climate change using techniques and meth-
ods from Artificial Intelligence. The students would
enhance these abilities in the 12-weeks course:
Identify current issues related to climate change
that could be addressed
Model these identified problems
Propose viable solutions in the form of software
applications that can solve at least partly the iden-
tified problems
The best keywords to describe this course are:
innovation, applicability, collaboration, development
and transdisciplinarity.
2.1.1 Innovation and Applicability
The subjects addressed were still recent and full of
challenges, both from the perspective of data sources
involved in the analysed subject (Earth, Environment,
Agriculture, Society) and from the point of view of
the Artificial Intelligence Methods that can be ap-
plied. The implemented solutions were required to
be robust, accurate with minimal compromise, and to
have a positive impact on the health of the people and
of the environment. Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence, through the mathematical device behind
them and the existent tools, are able to provide useful
and concrete solutions to real problems of society and
2.1.2 Collaboration and Development
The course was student-centred oriented and dy-
namic. We started from the state-of-the-art of re-
search literature for each domain, then involving a
specialist (invited to get more insight in the analysed
issues) that presented a very concrete problem. Spe-
cialists and students have discussed the requirements
and proposed solutions in the form of software appli-
cations that were developed during the labs. The labo-
ratory involved group collaborative work between 4-6
2.1.3 Transdisciplinar
As the name suggests, the course involved several do-
mains. This component is also supported by the Uni-
versity resources, which allow us to invite specialists
from other faculties or departments, even industry ex-
perts or NGOs activists internationally, to share their
knowledge and expertise with students.
2.2 Platforms and Tools Utilised
The course was held in the context of online teaching
imposed by the COVID19 pandemic, using the on-
line platforms Moodle (for content sharing in terms
of materials and theory, and evaluation), Microsoft
Teams University platform or the Zoom platform (for
open discussions, especially involving guest speakers,
presentations sharing and feedback) and JupyterLab
(an interactive development environment for develop-
ing the projects, using Python as programming lan-
guage, machine learning, related packages for data
pre-processing, model training and testing) (Perez
and Granger, 2015). As an online development tool,
including libraries (Tensorflow, Keras, ScikitLearn),
it is well suited for collaborative programming and
group projects, facilitating code sharing, but also
models and obtained results.
Collaborative Transdisciplinary Educational Approaches in AI
2.3 Teaching Methodologies
As teaching methodology, the course is taking a shift
towards student-centred approach through coopera-
tive learning, inquiry based learning and experien-
tial learning. Collaborative learning is performed
from three perspectives: perspective teacher-student,
perspective student-student and perspective student-
specialist (specialist meaning a guest invited to share
knowledge and expertise in a different field). The
teacher’s role starts with facilitating the introduction
of new concepts of AI methodologies, but it mostly
continues as a facilitator and delegator, involving crit-
ical thinking and discussions between students and
external experts in various transdisciplinary fields re-
lated to climate change.
This is based on the approach toward innovation
and cutting-edge research, aiming to stimulate cre-
ativity, interest, critical thinking and involvement in
actual solving of real life problems that are close to
the experience of a student. Reaching into the intrin-
sic motivation of students, will engage a much deeper
learning approach (Baeten et al., 2010) and increased
results, especially if they satisfied with the course
overall. This can be achieved by selecting content that
is of interest to them (which was performed in this
case at the beginning of the course by using a ques-
tionnaire). The votes are distributes as such: 29.9%
AI for Society, 25.3% AI for Agriculture, 23.7% AI
for Earth, and 21.1% AI for Environment.
From this point of view, experiential learning is
the basis not only from the learning during the course
perspective, but also from an evaluation perspective,
meaning students are asked to reflect on their work
and their colleagues work and evaluate the innovation
and performance of the solutions. Therefore, evalu-
ation is also collaborative in this sense, between stu-
dents, teacher and specialists in other fields.
Table 1: Research questions.
Questions for analysing a research paper:
1. What is the main problem addressed?
2. What was done before, and how does this paper
improve on it?
3. What is the one cool technique/idea/finding
that was learned from this paper?
4. What part was difficult to understand?
5. What generalisation or extension of the paper
could be done?
The laboratory work is based on a kinestethic
learning (involving hands-on experience). Group
projects involve differentiated instruction based on
specific aims of the chosen project and requirement,
as well as based on the team capabilities, starting with
literature review, debating possible improvements and
how relevant are the results (the questions are pre-
sented in Table 1). It might involve also a level of
expeditionary leaning (engaging with experts to learn
even more on the subject, understand the problem and
decide the action).
After identifying a relevant research paper and
performing a critical analysis, the next challenge is
finding relevant data (or collecting/generating it). We
tried focusing on data collected in Romania or Eu-
rope, as research clearly shows that educational in-
terventions are most successful when they focus on
local, tangible, and actionable aspects of sustainable
solutions (Anderson, 2012). This way, the aim was to
engage students in a local tangible problem that they
can solve with AI, emphasising their crucial role in
it, but also to educate them to remember the issues of
the environment beyond the computer science course,
and keep a focused attitude towards protecting the en-
vironment within all aspects of their life. The final
datasets used in the projects are from eleven different
sources, as presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Datasets sources.
Next, the general steps required when apply-
ing artificial intelligence algorithms (as presented in
detail in Section 2.5) were given as guidance for
project development. This guidance was useful for
the groups to work together and collaborate, espe-
cially as groups were mixed (more computer science
oriented or more mathematical oriented background)
to encourage communication and sharing of differ-
ent perspectives, involving an important component
of knowledge transfer between the team members of
each group.
Group projects which are problem-based learning
pose several advantages: the development of criti-
cal thinking and creative skills, the improvement of
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
problem solving abilities, increased student motiva-
tion, better knowledge sharing in challenging situa-
tions and it is a form of experiential learning.
2.4 Subjects Addressed by the Course
Half of the course included technical content re-
lated to optimising AI methods (for example Features
Selection/Extraction Techniques, Ensemble Learning
Methods or Hyperparameter Techniques), and the
other half involved a guest speaker in one of the inter-
est domains voted by students about climate change,
which are presented below.
2.4.1 Light Pollution
This presentation was performed by Mihai Cuibus,
Software Engineer, member of the Romanian Society
for Cultural Astronomy, and lead on the Light Pol-
lution department. He brought to light a new topic
with high impact which is still rarely discussed in our
country, by presenting the impact of light pollution
at a national/local level, as well as globally, for the
human health, as well as for the natural world and
its biodiversity. After discussing the different issues
involved and possible solutions from a Computer Sci-
ence point of view, some specific tasks were identified
mostly related to image processing and analysis:
Detecting light sources in an image
Spectral analysis of an image (colour tempera-
Predicting the extension of light pollution based
on satellite images (such as Figure 2) and corre-
lation with health issues related to light pollution
for those regions; also correlation with air pollu-
tion on those areas
Mapping the streets of a neighbourhood with a
luxmeter or SQL or spectrometer and correlating
these with existing maps
Design of intelligent street lights that can be re-
motely controlled, function based on time of day,
traffic intensity, or geographic location, adapting
to the user behaviour to reduce light where it is
not used, and automatic adjustment of the light
intensity based on certain conditions
2.4.2 Sustainability and Society
This presentation was held by Sorina Avadanei, mas-
ter student at the Anthropology Department from
Durham University. She presented the complex prob-
lem of sustainability as a result of technological ad-
vancement and the people that intervene in the en-
vironment. She compared how people relate to this
Figure 2: Light pollution sky map for Cluj-Napoca and sur-
roundings generated in May 2021 using the new atlas of
artificial of night sky brightness (Microsoft, 2021; Falchi
et al., 2016). Warmer colours indicate a higher degree of
light pollution.
in Romania or UK and presented some relevant ideas
that can be tackled by Computer Science, such as de-
veloping an application which based on a map dis-
plays the closest recycling units to the user.
2.4.3 Agent Green
Agent Green is an NGO for the protection of the en-
vironment created in 2009 in Romania. The organisa-
tion investigated environment crimes and tries to ex-
pose them strategically, promoting solutions for bio-
diversity conservation and the assurance of a health
environment for the future generations. Veronica Tul-
pan and Raluca Nicolae have been involved in the pre-
sentation, discussing their national projects, the actual
stage of forests in Romania and the impact of uncon-
trolled deforestation on climate change. Other issues
discussed were the increasing consumption of meat
and the high impact of methane emissions from in-
tensive breeding. The proposed ideas were
Identifying deforestation areas and levels by using
drone/satellite images
Identifying the age of a tree based on the number
of extracted samples
Creating an app to encourage nature lovers to
meet for planting trees, or perhaps extinguishing
fires or exploring
2.4.4 Human Ecology and the Impact of Climate
Change on Biodiversity
This presentation performed by Alexandru Stermin,
Lecturer at the Faculty of Biology, highlighted the
faculty’s projects to protect the environment and iden-
tify methods that are able to automatise this process.
Collaborative Transdisciplinary Educational Approaches in AI
The solutions envisioned are:
Identifying the area of separation between taiga /
steppe based on the current images and compar-
ing them with those existing for several decades,
to identify changes in their structure (their retreat
faster and faster to the north)
Automatic identification of birds and framing in a
certain species based on a picture / video taken
Automatic analysis of information related to the
total number of birds of a certain species (see Fig-
ure 3) and plants in a given area and prediction for
the coming years (it was found that there are ar-
eas where bird populations and certain plants are
constantly declining - also based on the harmful
effects of humans on the environment)
Figure 3: Identifying and counting birds from images.
Creating a mobile app that warns us how much
harm we do to the environment through daily ac-
tivity, for example: recording the sound of run-
ning water used for the duration of brushing teeth,
or identifying the engine noise of a car for travel
and providing notifications in real-time or at the
end of the day related to the risk that our day rep-
resents for the environment.
2.4.5 Microsoft Initiatives for the Environment
This presentation performed by Rusen Daniel and Lu-
cian Ungureanu was based on the Microsoft AI for
Earth projects. They also mentioned the reasons for
being a sustainable company, such as 100% recycling
policy or garden roofs, and offered free credits access
to students for Microsoft Azure.
2.5 Steps Required When Applying
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
1. Understanding the Domain: In order to make
an informed decision on what AI algorithm is best
for a given task, understanding the currently avail-
able data that can serve as input is mandatory. As
an AI model processes data, it produces an output
which can take several forms (array of probabili-
ties, number, feature map etc.). Choosing an AI
algorithm should take into consideration the pro-
vided output.
2. Data Gathering: Part of developing a good AI
model is selecting appropriate data to train it on.
The data should include samples for each category
and, ideally, a balanced number of samples per
category. In some cases, such datasets already ex-
ist, however, in all other cases the dataset must be
built. To improve the quality of a dataset, a couple
of techniques can be applied: data sensitisation
and preprocessing (Famili et al., 1997; Perez and
Wang, 2017). Data sensitisation involves identi-
fying and eliminating data points that are not rele-
vant to the studied problem or that contain invalid
attributes. Preprocessing data refers to a num-
ber of algorithms that can enlarge the dataset by
adding new data points generated based on the ex-
isting ones (eg. for image datasets, image flips and
rotations can achieve this goal).
3. Exploratory Data Analysis: Regardless of how
the dataset is obtained, overview information such
as total count, count per class, minimum, maxi-
mum, average and standard deviation (where ap-
plicable) can help further understanding of dataset
characteristics (Famili et al., 1997). The identifi-
cation of existent correlations within the dataset
can also help in simplifying the training process
by reducing the amount of processed features.
4. Determining the AI Algorithm: Choosing the
right algorithm to train a model requires careful
consideration of available input data characteris-
tics as well as target result type(Dey, 2016). If
the desired outcome is to identify patterns in un-
labelled data and grouping data points based on
their feature, the go to method will be an un-
supervised learning algorithm. Among the most
widespread unsupervised learning algorithm is
clustering, which attempts to partition a set of data
points into clusters by minimising the distance be-
tween data points of the same cluster and by max-
imising the distance between data points of dif-
ferent clusters. Should labelled data be available,
then supervised learning can be employed. This
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
class of machine learning algorithms can predict
either a continuous value (regression) or can iden-
tify to which class/classes a data point belongs to
5. Training the Model: Once the dataset is ob-
tained or created and the AI method is chosen, the
training process can begin. It is recommended to
split the dataset into three subsets: train - valida-
tion - test (Xu and Goodacre, 2018). The train
subset will be used by the AI algorithm to adjust
the model’s weight such that the values of perfor-
mance metrics (accuracy, loss, F1-score, etc) tend
towards the optimum. The validation subset will
be used at the end of a training epoch (ie. when
the training algorithm has iterated over the entire
train subset) to evaluate the current performance
of the model. Based on this, hyper-parameters
such as learning rate can be adapted during train-
ing, while a stagnation in performance can lead to
an early stop of the process. The validation sub-
set must be distinct from the train subset as it can
easily indicate if the model is unable to generalise
on new data, issue known as over-fitting.
6. Evaluating the Model: The test subset is not
involved in training/validating the model and typ-
ically contains samples that are meant to repre-
sent ”real-world” data points. As such, this subset
is the most appropriate for evaluating the perfor-
mance of the trained model and it serves as an in-
dicator to how well can the model be used in a
practical application.
7. Validating, Visualising and Interpreting the
Results: To gain insight on the performance of
a model, the evaluation results can be aggregated
into tables and plotted on charts. This is a more
”human readable” way to analyse data and makes
it more simple to interpret it. The evolution over
time of the performance of the model during train-
ing can help indicate if the training is too long
(the model saturated early and no longer learns)
or is too short (the model keeps improving every
epoch). In the case of classifiers, a confusion ma-
trix can quickly show if the model can distinguish
properly between the classes, and if not, which are
the classes that are considered very similar.
8. Synthesising the Results: Once results are or-
ganised, they can be summarised to form a con-
clusion. This should contain observations regard-
ing the problem that the model solves side by side
with other results from the literature. The key dif-
ferences between the proposed method and the ex-
isting methods should be highlighted, with both
advantages and disadvantages. Finally, further
improvement directions can be suggested based
on observed weaknesses of the model and new di-
rections for expanding the model can be provided.
2.6 Course Evaluation Methods and
The final evaluation for the course involved:
30% Self-evaluation of the project team
30% Evaluation of the final project (involving a
presentation and a demo or an application and a
descriptive report)
30% Evaluation of the work by other teams
10% Activity during the semester at the lab
Each team had to evaluate their strategy of work-
ing, roles distribution, internal task assignment and
development of solutions, and to propose a grades
based on these aspects. The final project was based
on an application and a descriptive report (describing
the motivation, the problem to be solved, theoretical
elements used, similar approaches in literature, pre-
sentation of the methodology chosen for the solution
and the application), which was aimed at:
solving a problem related to the climate change,
environment, or pollution using one of the ad-
vanced AI methods presented;
use the recommended steps in the solution devel-
be innovative and refer to the state-of-the-art pub-
lished in the last 5 years and no later then this.
It was mandatory that each team will participate
at the presentations of other teams, to reflect on other
approaches, to ask questions and then to evaluate the
team projects. Based on the average of the results for
the team, the students should allocate to each of them
(inside the team) a particular grade, thus obtaining the
average which is the team’s evaluation grade. In this
way, they have the opportunity to correctly reflect the
individual grade according to the implication within
the project. They demonstrated a fair analysis, the re-
sults recompensing those students who worked harder
than others.
The projects and solutions proposed by students
are related to: drought and flooding prediction,air
quality classification and prediction, fruit recognition
from images, detecting plants and leaf diseases, an-
imal monitoring by image recognition, storm detec-
tion, deforestation detection, forest fire prediction,
intelligent plant irrigation, greenhouse monitoring,
weather and temperature prediction, city metabolism
analysis, care homes and orphanages classification
Collaborative Transdisciplinary Educational Approaches in AI
based on needs and priorities, traffic prediction in Eu-
rope’s big cities, and household electricity consump-
The intelligent algorithms, models, methods and
datasets involved are: LSTM, CNN, K-Means, Clus-
ters, PCA, ANN, Regression, SVM, Random Forest,
DeepWeeds, Inception-v3, ResNet-50, and the data-
sources presented previously in Figure 1.
Figure 4: Distribution of grades for each component of the
The grades obtained by each team are presented in
Figure 4, including each component of the evaluation.
Comparing the three types of team project evaluation
(self-evaluation, inter-evaluation and teacher evalua-
tion) as seen in Figure 5, we can observe that inter-
evaluation and teacher evaluation are similar and have
less variance, as opposed to self-evaluation, which has
a high variance, and surprisingly, with a lower mean
(9.02) then inter-evaluation mean (9.46) and teacher
evaluation mean (9.12). This reflects the different ex-
pectation that each team had related to the project’s
At the end of the semester, it seems that the main ad-
vantage of the course methodology was represented
by the mixture of technical and non-technical presen-
tations. On one hand, the presentations delivered by
the external guests in different domains about envi-
ronment issues were eye-opening for students. The
process of being aware of unseen problems of earth
and the environment brings a new perspective for
most of them (they even mention ”we didn’t know
about this issue ...”). On the other hand, the technical
Figure 5: Self evaluation, inter-team evaluation and teacher
evaluation for each project team.
presentations about literature and AI techniques clar-
ified the main and useful ML approaches for finding
solutions for such issues, offering a set of rules for an
AI-based project.
At the end of the activity, the students were asked
to provide antonymous feedback using Google forms.
Most of them mentioned they learn a lot of new things
from our guests. They express their gratitude for the
opportunity and they mention that this discipline was
one of the most interesting from this semester and
they performed an awesome choice to enrol with this
one. Regarding the evaluation process, they provided
feedback that the idea of self-evaluation and the idea
of evaluating other teams allow them to feel that their
opinion is important and valuable. They also said that
they were more confident in expressing interest in pre-
sentations and addressing questions.
In what concerns the project development, they
appreciated they have worked for solutions than can
be extended and used in real-life, and this was not
only a school project. Some also mentioned that the
discussions with the guests was introducing them to
the industry context of working with the clients into a
company, in order to figure out the requirements from
a non-technical person and translate it into a computer
science solution.
In terms of drawbacks, students highlighted that
their main problem was that the course was held in
the last semester of bachelor’s degree, by which time
they have already chosen their degree title, thus hav-
ing limited time to invest in this course.
The students also emphasised that this was the
third discipline in three years in which they were re-
quired to work in a team. In this sense, the idea of
collaboration while also keeping in mind the individ-
ual task and the collective task was a real challenge
and they were proud they succeed in it.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The presented approach of the course ”Artificial Intel-
ligence for Climate Change” was new into the faculty
and for the students, but the feedback and the interest
from both students and specialists invited show that
the idea can be of success also in the next years.
To the best of our knowledge, this approach is
unique among the universities of Romania, in par-
ticular, computer science faculties. Globally how-
ever, this program is implemented across several uni-
versities such as: AI for Social Good from Stan-
ford, Climate Change and AI from Oxford and AI for
the study of Environmental Risks from University of
In the scientific community there is a great interest
for this topic, ”AI for Good” being the largest confer-
ence to date ( There are also
working groups consisting of researchers and special-
ists to support the fight against climate change (Fo-
cus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial
Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies, Focus
Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management, Focus
Group on AI for Health, etc.).
As future work directions, our intention is to ex-
tend the list of specialists from different areas, in-
crease the numbers of AI teachers and to organise
some workshop during the laboratory work activity -
engaging also experts from other fields to offer feed-
back in real-time for a new implemented feature.
The work presented became real with the help of sup-
portive colleagues, extremely passionate guests, and
highly involved students. Therefore we would like to
express our gratitude to Professor Motogna Simona,
Lecturer Alexandru Stermin and specialists Mihai
Cuibus (Romanian Society for Cultural Astronomy),
Veronica Tulpan and Raluca Nicolae (Agent Green),
Sorina Avadanei (Durham University), Daniel Rusen
and Lucian Ungureanu (Microsoft Romania).
The publication of this paper was supported by the
2021 Development Fund of the Babes¸-Bolyai Univer-
sity (UBB).
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Collaborative Transdisciplinary Educational Approaches in AI