The Adoption of a Framework to Support the Evaluation of Gamification
Strategies in Software Engineering Education
Rodrigo Henrique Barbosa Monteiro
1 a
, Maur
ıcio Ronny De Almeida Souza
2 b
Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira
1 c
and Elziane Monteiro Soares
1 d
Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGCC), Federal University of Par
a (UFPA), Bel
em, Par
a, Brazil
Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGCC), Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Software Engineering Education, Gamification, Framework, Evaluation, Case Study.
Context: gamification has been largely used to increase the engagement and motivation of students and pro-
fessionals in their organizations, with a variety of models/frameworks for developing gamified approaches.
Problem: the empirical data published so far are not sufficient to elucidate the phenomena resulting from the
use of gamification, as there is no standardization in the specification of evaluation strategies, methods of
analysis and reporting of results. Objective: therefore, the objective of this study is to present and discuss the
use of a framework for the evaluation of gamification in the context of software engineering education and
training. Method: for this, we executed a case study, in which the framework was used to support the design
of an evaluation study for a gamification case in a software process improvement research group in a public
university. Results: We report the main findings from observations and reports from the applicator of the case
study, and 11 recommendations for the design of evaluation studies supported by the framework. Our main
findings are: providing examples of usage of the framework improves its understanding, the framework helped
the applicator in understanding that qualitative and quantitative data could be use in compliment to each other,
and it helped streamlining the design of the evaluation study, considering the consistency between data to be
collected, evaluation questions, and the goals of the evaluation study.
The use of gamification the adoption of game ele-
ments in non-game contexts (Deterding et al., 2011)
– is a recurring theme in software engineering educa-
tion literature in the last decade (Souza et al., 2018).
There are many models, frameworks and processes
for supporting the design of gamification strategies in
diverse areas such as software engineering, business,
health, crowdsourcing, and education. Yet, the liter-
ature on how to evaluate the effect of gamification
in software engineering education is rare (Monteiro
et al., 2021a).
Studies report positive and negative outcomes
from the adoption of gamification (Hamari et al.,
2014; Klock et al., 2018). However, generalization is
difficult because: the evaluation data are heavily cou-
pled to context and individual characteristics of par-
ticipants (Hamari et al., 2014); there is often insuf-
ficient detail on the design of evaluation procedures,
hampering replication (Klock et al., 2018); there is
lack of significant statistical data and imprecision of
qualitative data (Bai et al., 2020); and there are no
standard models in use to support the evaluation of
gamification, hence there is no standardization in de-
sign, data analysis and report of gamification evalua-
tion (Monteiro et al., 2021a).
Therefore, this paper goal is to report and evalu-
ate the use of an evaluation framework for gamifica-
tion. To achieve this goal, we describe a case study
in which we observe the use of the framework to sup-
port the design and execution of the evaluation of a
gamification case in the context of software engineer-
ing education and training. The gamification case was
designed to engage participants in the proposal of so-
lutions for problems related to software process im-
provements (SPI) in the context of a research group
in a public university. As results, we provide a set of
recommendations for the design and report of evalu-
Monteiro, R., Souza, M., Oliveira, S. and Soares, E.
The Adoption of a Framework to Support the Evaluation of Gamification Strategies in Software Engineering Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0011040900003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 450-457
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Phases and entities of the framework (Monteiro et al., 2021b).
Evaluation Phases Evaluation Entities
Contextualization of gamification Gamification game elements, context description, models and concepts
used, goal of the gamification approach, methods.
Contextualization of the evaluation Evaluation – scientific research method, duration, population; Goals, Cri-
teria, and Evaluation questions.
Definition of methods Metrics, Indicators, and data collection and analysis instruments.
Summarization of results Rounds – description and duration; samples – demographics and size; and
data colletion (for each metric and sample).
Analysis of Results Data analysis – results for evaluation questions; and Findings.
ation studies on the use of gamification for software
engineering education, based on the experience of us-
ing the framework.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the framework for evalua-
tion of gamification. Section 3 presents related work.
Section 4 presents the study design and methods. Sec-
tion 5 reports the execution of the case study. Section
6 presents and discusses the evaluation of the case
study, and recommendations for the design of evalu-
ation studies for gamification approaches in software
engineering. Section 7 presents possible threats to va-
lidity and mitigation strategies. Section 8 presents our
concluding remarks, contribution, limitations, and fu-
ture work.
Monteiro et al. (2021b) presented a conceptual frame-
work for evaluation of gamification in the context
of software engineering education and practice. The
goal of the framework is to provide a standard struc-
ture for the design of evaluation studies for gamifica-
tion cases. The structure considers the planning, exe-
cution, analysis and report of results. As an expected
contribution, the framework is intended to support the
production of empirical data that could be more easily
The design of the framework considers results
from a literature review (Monteiro et al., 2021a) on
the evaluation strategies used in gamification stud-
ies, and refinements on previous study (Monteiro
et al., 2021b). Its structure is based on the GQIM
(Goal-Question-Indicator-Metric) model a model
that drives the design of evaluation metrics from the
top-down analysis of organizational goals (Park et al.,
The framework is organized in evaluation phases
and evaluation entities. The evaluation phases de-
scribe a sequence of decisions that drive the revision
of the gamification design, and drive its designer to re-
flect on evaluation goals, criteria, questions, required
data and data analysis procedures. The evaluation en-
tities are sets of these data, and their relationship, that
need to be documented for the evaluation.
Table 1 shows the framework components, map-
ping the evaluation phases to their respective entities.
To the best of our efforts, we found three studies that
propose gamification models or frameworks, in the
context of software engineering, with evaluation steps
(Ren et al., 2020; Gasca-Hurtado et al., 2019; Dal
Sasso et al., 2017), as described in (Monteiro et al.,
2021a). However, we did not find any evidence of
the adoption of these models to evaluate gamifica-
tion cases. Nevertheless, the framework used in the
current work (see Section 2) is inspired by elements
of the three models (Ren et al., 2020; Gasca-Hurtado
et al., 2019; Dal Sasso et al., 2017).
In addition to these models, we found related work
on the proposal of evaluation frameworks in different
contexts. For instance, Petri et al. (2019) present a
framework for the evaluation of serious games in the
context of computing education: MEEGA+ (Model
for the Evaluation of Educational GAmes). In the
study, the models are valuated using case studies and
surveys. Therefore, this study provided insights for
the design of the case study described in the current
This Section presents the study design, describing its
goals, methods, actors and instruments. The goal
of this study is to evaluate the adoption of a frame-
work for the evaluation of gamification in the context
of software engineering education and practice. To
achieve this goal, we executed a case study, consist-
The Adoption of a Framework to Support the Evaluation of Gamification Strategies in Software Engineering Education
ing of the design of the evaluation of a gamification
project in the context of software process improve-
ment research group. A case study is an empirical
method focusing on the investigation of a contempo-
rary phenomenon in its real-life context, using multi-
ple data collection methods, and without direct inter-
vention (or active role) of the investigator in the case
Wohlin (2021).
The following subsections describe the actors in-
volved in the study (Section 4.1), the study design
(Section 4.2), and instruments (Section 4.3).
4.1 Actors
There are three roles involved in this study: re-
searcher, observer and applicator. The researcher
role is performed by three software engineering re-
searchers (two PhD professors and a graduate student)
who were actively involved in the design of the frame-
work. Researchers are responsible for planning the
case study and for the analysis of results from the ob-
servation of the case study. The observer role is per-
formed by one the researchers (the graduate student),
responsible for supporting the applicator in under-
standing the framework and to collect data on the use
of the framework. Finally, the applicator is a gradu-
ate student who designed a gamification strategy and
applies the proposed framework to plan an evaluation
study. She has 3 years of professional experience in
software engineering.
4.2 Study Design
The execution of the case study was performed in four
steps: planning, meetings, evaluation, and framework
usage experience analysis.
Planning. This step consists in the planning of the
case study, resulting in an initial schedule of meet-
ings, design and selection of instruments, and design
of support materials.
Meetings. The applicator and the observer held eight
virtual meetings. During these meetings, the former
used the framework to design an evaluation study for
his gamification case, and the latter provided assis-
tance for the understanding of the framework (on de-
mand), and documented (text, audio and video) what
happened in each meeting.
Evaluation. The observer interviewed the applicator
(semi-structured interview) for collecting impressions
on the use of the framework.
Data Analysis. The researchers analysed the data
from the meetings records and from the evaluation
phase and drew findings and insights for improvement
of the framework.
4.3 Instruments
Considering restrictions imposed by the COVID-19
pandemic, the study was executed remotely. The ob-
server provided the applicator with the previous work
(Monteiro et al., 2021b) describing examples of use
of the framework, and an evaluation sheet an elec-
tronic sheet structured for documenting the entities of
the framework. These instruments were intended to
support the understanding of the framework, and to
support its usage.
This section describes the execution of the case study.
Subsection 5.1 describes the gamification case con-
sidered for the case study, and Subsection 5.2 reports
the execution and results of each phase of the frame-
5.1 Case Study Object
The target of the application of the framework is a
gamification approach to support the engagement of
participants in proposing solutions to software pro-
cess improvement (SPI) problems.
The gamification approach is the result of previ-
ous studies of problems related to SPI (Soares and
Oliveira, 2020), and the adaptation of the Octaly-
sis framework to compose a gamification strategy
to overcome these problems (Soares and Oliveira,
2021). In this gamification approach, each partici-
pant assumes the role of a super hero, engaging in
missions that relate to SPI activities. In each mis-
sion, participants propose, discuss and evaluate SPI
actions. These SPI action are, then, classified ac-
cording to ”Customer” and ”Market” competence di-
mensions from MOSE certification model (Rouiller,
2017). The development of these competences aim to
improve the relationship between an organization and
its internal and external customers.
The gamification approach was introduced to the
context of a research group in a public university, for
the purpose of learning about SPI and practicing the
proposal of solutions to SPI problems. Seven gradu-
ate and undergraduate students of the research group
participated in the gamification case, for six weeks.
The designer of the gamification strategy (the appli-
cator) used our framework to propose an evaluation
study to assess the impact of their gamification case.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
5.2 Case Study Report
The case study was executed in eight meetings. The
following subsections reports the execution and re-
sults of each phase of the framework, as performed
by the applicator.
5.2.1 Contextualization of the Gamification
In the first meeting, the observer presented the frame-
work to the applicator, and answered questions re-
garding its use. In sequence, the applicator docu-
mented the context of his research and the goal of
gamification. They listed the game mechanics and dy-
namics used. The applicator used an evaluation sheet,
provided by the observer, to support the description of
the gamification design. The Contextualization of the
Gamification phase of the framework took two meet-
ings. Section 5.1 presents the data documented.
5.2.2 Contextualization of the Evaluation
The applicator had previously designed some ele-
ments of the evaluation, prior to the use of the frame-
work. It included: research method (case study),
population sampling (the research group members),
the duration of the study (six weeks), and a set of
metrics. However, it was noticed that the applica-
tor skipped important information, that the framework
helped them to reflect and to review their evaluation
design. For instance, there was no goal clearly stated
for the evaluation study. Hence, the applicator had to
propose a goal statement for the evaluation study, and
realized they had to review the elements previously
designed to ensure adequacy to the goal. The objec-
tive of the evaluation was to “check/analyze whether
the gamified approach helped in solving SPI prob-
5.2.3 Methods Definition
For the definition of evaluation methods, the appli-
cator designed evaluation criteria, questions, indica-
tors and metrics, and documented them in electronic
sheets. The evaluation considered 7 criteria: Aware-
ness, Performance, Engagement, Learning, Positive
Involvement, Participation and Satisfaction.
For those dimensions, the applicator proposed 72
questions (several questions for each SPI problem be-
ing investigated). To answer these questions, 46 indi-
cators were designed, related to 9 metrics.
Each of these elements were documented and fur-
ther detailed with data collection and analysis proce-
dures. For instance, the applicator defined five data
collection instruments, and quantitative and qualita-
tive data analysis procedures for the evaluation ques-
tions 11 questions with quantitative procedures, 27
with qualitative procedures, and 34 with both quali-
tative and quantitative procedures. The result of this
phase was documented in an electronic sheet
It is important to notice that, these numbers rel-
fect the final state of the evaluation designed. How-
ever, the evaluation study was started with only a few
of these elements carefully designed and documented.
As a consequence, the evaluation methods had to be
refactored during the study, which impacted in missed
5.2.4 Summarization of Results
This phase took place during the six weeks devoted to
the execution of the evaluation study, in which the ap-
plicator collected data for computing the metrics de-
fined in the previous phase. For each round of the
evaluation study, the applicator documented all the
collected data using the same evaluation sheet used
for the definition of evaluation methods. However,
some metrics and evaluation questions were refac-
tored after the start of the evaluation study, and some
data could not be collected.
Table 2 presents information on each round of
the evaluation study. The rounds were designed as
“Missions”, in which the participants had to fulfil
specific activities (described in the column ”Descrip-
tion”). Table 3 presents a sample of the results as doc-
umented in the evaluation sheet, for the first round.
Table 2: Summarization of results - Rounds.
Round Description Duration
Mission 1 Presentation 52hrs
Mission 2-5 Dynamics 113.5hrs
Mission 6 Feedback from 3.5hrs
Table 3: Sumarization of results - Partial sample of data
from Round 2.
M01 M02 M03 ... M46
H01 30 86 5 ... 5
5.2.5 Analysis of Results
The goal of this phase was to obtain answers for each
evaluation questions, based on the analysis of their
respective indicators and metrics. In the object study,
the applicator used both qualitative and quantitative
methods for the data analysis, following a deductive
The Adoption of a Framework to Support the Evaluation of Gamification Strategies in Software Engineering Education
analysis approach.
The applicator drew 50 analysis related to game
elements, and 20 analysis related to SPI problems. In
addition to the analysis of the evaluation questions,
the applicator also performed an overall analysis of
the evaluation goal. The applicator chose not to use
the entity “Findings” of the framework to draw con-
clusions. Only two evaluation questions were not an-
swered with the collected data.
This Section describes the analysis of the case study
reported in Section 5. After the conclusion of the case
study, we performed an interview (Section 6.1) with
the applicator. Finally, we draw a set of recommenda-
tions (Section 6.2) for the use of the framework, based
on the analysis of the case study.
6.1 Interview
After the conclusion of the evaluation study, the ob-
server interviewed the applicator in order to collect
his impressions on the use of the framework. The in-
terview focused on main problems observed during
the case study.
Observer: “Did you have difficulties during
the evaluation stages?”
Applicator: “I did. My main difficulty was
related to the phases of ”Definition of Meth-
ods” and ”Summarization of Results”. It was
largely caused by the large quantity of evalu-
ation items. I could not visualize the frame-
work as a whole. (...) Regarding the ”Analy-
sis of Results” phase, the collected data were
well structured, therefore the execution of the
analysis was fast.
From this answer and from the observations made,
we can infer that the high level of details of the eval-
uation study caused an elevated number of evaluation
items. The applicator opted to analyze (i.e. define
evaluation questions) for each gamification element
and SPI problem investigated in the study, individu-
ally. It caused redundancy in the design of metrics
and collected data. As a consequence, the evaluation
sheet was hard to maintain.
Observer: What could facilitate the process
of documenting results?
Applicator: In retrospect, I believe some
evaluation questions could be answered exclu-
sively by the analysis of metrics. However, the
analysis relied too much on qualitative data.
Observer: Whats the proportion of evalua-
tion questions not dependant on qualitative
Applicator: I believe they are not so rep-
resentative, corresponding to approximately
30% of the evaluation questions.
A key problem observed in the study case was
that, previous to the use of the framework, the appli-
cator had partially designed an evaluation evaluation
study. Some evaluation items were only reviewed and
refactored (with the support of the framework) after
the start of the evaluation study. It caused problems
in the collection of data.
Applicator: “Maybe it has been my biggest
problem. If I had designed the evaluation
study in accordance to the framework from the
beginning, I could have collected more precise
data. I had a lot of difficulties in some eval-
uation questions, because I had not planned
them properly, and there was no time left to
run new evaluation rounds to collect data.
On the use of the evaluation sheet instrument, the
applicator mentioned its usage was relevant for the
phases of “Contextualization of Gamification” and
“Contextualization of the Evaluation”. However, the
applicator found difficult to use the instrument for the
definition of methods. Overall, the instrument was
useful for the documentation of the evaluation study
Observer: “How was your experience using
the evaluation sheet provided?”
Applicator: “After reading the paper pro-
vided (Monteiro et al., 2021b), I understood
that the basic information of the evaluation
are requirements for the proper definition
of methods. Therefore, I believe it makes
sense to use the evaluation sheet in these
phases (‘Contextualization of Gamification’
and ‘Contextualization of the Evaluation’). It
was difficult to execute the phase ‘Definition
of Methods’ using the evaluation sheet, be-
cause each metric had to be structured. [...]
It was difficult to get the full picture.
6.1.1 Findings
From the observations and the results of the interview,
we list the following findings related to the use of the
1. Providing examples: Providing examples of usage
of the framework improves its understanding.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2. Using of qualitative and quantitative data: The
initial evaluation study designed by the applica-
tor considered only quantitative data for analy-
sis. The framework helped the applicator in un-
derstanding that qualitative and quantitative data
could be use in compliment to each other.
3. Using Evaluation sheet: Using the evaluation
sheet as an instrument for guiding the use of
the framework and documenting design decisions
was positive. For the initial stages of the frame-
work (“Contextualization of Gamification” and
“Contextualization of the Evaluation”) the sheet
was sufficient and relevant. For the later phases,
the complexity of the evaluation (number of eval-
uation questions, indicators, metrics, evaluation
rounds, and other) may lead to increased com-
plexity in the maintenance and analysis of the
4. Streamlining evaluation design: The framework
helped streamlining the design of the evaluation
study. It provided a sequence of decision mak-
ing actions that enforced the deign of an evalu-
ation study considering the consistency between
data to be collected and evaluation questions, and
between evaluation questions and the goals of the
evaluation study.
6.2 Recommendations
From the use of the framework, we propose a set of
recommendations for the design and report of evalua-
tion studies in the context of gamification in software
engineering education. The recommendations are or-
ganized in accordance to the phases of the framework,
in the following subsections.
6.2.1 Contextualization of Gamification
1. Document the Gamification Design. In order to
understand what should be investigated in an eval-
uation study, it is important to clearly document
the gamification approach, its goals, the game el-
ements used and their respective purpose. This
information is important for the proper planning
and understanding of the scope of an evaluation
6.2.2 Contextualization of the Evaluation
1. Clearly Define the Scope of the Evaluation.
Clearly state the goal of the evaluation and what
aspects are considered for investigation. From
the use of the framework, the “Goal” and “Ques-
tions”, from GQIM model, is particularly useful
for the definition of the scope of the evaluation.
In addition to that, the framework entity “evalu-
ation criteria” helps framing which aspects (e.g.
performance, satisfaction, fun) are addressed by
each evaluation question. From our observation,
skipping this step proved troublesome, because
the planning of the data collection procedures is
heavily impacted by this scope.
2. Be Careful with the Extension of the Evalua-
tion. Carefully planning the scope of the evalua-
tion study is key to understand its viability. In our
case study, the applicator opted for proposing an
elevated number of evaluation questions (in part
due to the attachment to their original evaluation
design, prior to the use of the framework). This
design strategy may lead to a very hard to main-
tain dataset, complex data analysis, greater risk of
misinterpretation of data, and greater effort and
time consumed for the analysis. Moreover, the
data collection procedures are more prone to lose
precious data.
3. Consider Examples. Read previous studies to
understand how other researchers designed their
evaluation studies. Regarding the use of the
framework, Monteiro et al. (2021a) provides ex-
amples from real studies that were useful for the
applicator understanding of its use. The frame-
work can also be used for reverse-engineering pre-
vious studies for the revision of their design.
6.2.3 Definition of Methods
1. Define Evaluation Methods in Accordance to
the Evaluation Scope. It is important to ensure
the conformity of the definition of methods (re-
search method, population, data collection and
analysis procedures) to the scope of the evalua-
tion. The framework helps to maintain the cou-
pling of evaluation scope and methods by us-
ing the GQIM concept of mapping indicators and
metrics (that are tied to definition of methods) to
evaluation questions. Failing to this recommen-
dation may lead to unaddressed evaluation ques-
tions, collection of unnecessary data or deviation
to the scope of the evaluation.
2. Mix Methods. Plan the methods for each eval-
uation question individually, and consider using
the most adequate methods for addressing each
one. This may require the use of both quantitative
and qualitative approaches. In addition, consider
that using varied methods and data for addressing
a given evaluation question may provide compli-
mentary inputs for analysis.
The Adoption of a Framework to Support the Evaluation of Gamification Strategies in Software Engineering Education
3. Plan the Maintenance of the Dataset. During
the definition of methods, plan how to store data
in a opportune manner for data analysis. This may
involve structuring sheets or databases that sup-
port easier retrieval of data and computation of
metrics and indicators. Also consider that differ-
ent evaluation questions may share the same met-
rics. Therefore, it is wise to decouple the metrics
from the evaluation questions in the data storage
4. Run Pilot Studies. Consider running pilot stud-
ies on smaller and (more) controlled environ-
ments/samples to validate the evaluation study de-
sign. Is the collected data sufficient for addressing
the evaluation questions? Are the evaluation ques-
tions relevant for the evaluation goal? Does the
evaluation method seem appropriate? Based on
these questions it is possible to refine the scope
and design of the evaluation study in advance,
preventing risky refactoring actions in execution
6.2.4 Summarization of Results
1. Preserve the Raw Data. Store and report the
raw data obtained from the data collection pro-
cedures and the computed metrics. These data
should be available, independently, for analysis of
indicators, addressing research questions and fu-
ture analysis or audits.
6.2.5 Analysis of Results
1. Focus on the Evaluation Questions. The data
analysis should focus on addressing the evalua-
tion questions and, consequently, the evaluation
goal. The fulfilment of the evaluation goal must
be assessed based on the results of the evaluation
2. Address the Evaluation Questions based on Ev-
idences. The answering of each evaluation ques-
tion should rely on the analysis of indicators,
based on available data and the results of quali-
tative and quantitative methods. The framework
organize the data in several entities that may help
in the identification of patterns.
This section describes the possible threats to validity
of our study. We consider the categories proposed by
Wohlin et al. (2012): conclusion, internal, external,
and construct.
Construct Validity. The planning phase is threaten
by construct validity bias related to the design of an
initial script for the instantiation of the framework.
It is possible that not every evaluation item planned
was actually relevant for the design of the evaluation
study. To mitigate this threat, we used the proposed
framework, that was previously validated by special-
ists and considered elements and good practices from
the state-of-the-art literature on gamification in soft-
ware engineering education.
Internal Validity. The framework applicator could
have instantiated the framework incorrectly, which
could make the summarization and analysis of results
unfeasible. To mitigate this, researchers reviewed the
documented data and their interpretation of it, and re-
quested revisions when necessary).
Conclusion Validity. This solution could have
generated a threat of completion if there were sug-
gestions from the observer, interfering with the col-
lected results. However, this was mitigated because
the researcher with the role of observer only spoke
during the meetings to expose the possibilities of in-
stantiating the framework, and the other researchers
only spoke with the observer again after the comple-
tion of the evaluation stage, to give their opinion on
the assessment. In addition, to mitigate the threats
to conclusion related to analysis bias, we present the
case study report (Section 5) and the interview per-
formed (Section 6).
This study presented a report on the use of the frame-
work for the evaluation of gamification in the con-
text of software engineering education and training.
From the analysis of the experience using the frame-
work, it is possible to see that the case study applica-
tor could improve the design of an evaluation study,
and achieve positive results from the use of the frame-
work. From this experience, it was possible to extract
a set of recommendations and examples of instantia-
tion for the framework, which can help future works
in gamification and software engineering in the de-
sign of an evaluative approach suited to its context of
A limitation of this study is the lack of assess-
ment of each evaluation item and instruments defined
during the study case. Furthermore, the recommen-
dations were extracted from only one experience of
using the framework, and therefore cannot be gener-
alized. For future work, it is intended to prepare and
evaluate an instruction sheet for the use of the frame-
work, recommendations and instantiation examples.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In addition, it is intended to validate the framework
from new analysis of gamification evaluations, which
can be performed using this instruction sheet.
This work was supported by PROPESP/UFPA (Pro-
Rectory of Research and Graduate Programs, Fed-
eral University of Par
a) and CAPES (Coordination
for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel)
from the granting of a master’s scholarship number
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The Adoption of a Framework to Support the Evaluation of Gamification Strategies in Software Engineering Education