Time [s]
Rear Left Longitudinal Tire Force
Time [s]
Rear Left Lateral Tire Force
Time [s]
Rear Left Vertical Tire Force
Time [s]
Vehicle Sideslip Angle
Figure 9: Estimation results for the rear left wheel forces
and the vehicle sideslip angle.
objective estimators, one can observe that the sensors
used for both tire force and sideslip angle estimation
are mostly identical which is confirmed by the sensor
selection results on figure 6. This approach is able to
combine both quantities of interest in a single estima-
tor and additionally provides improved performance
due to the coupled dynamic nature of the model.
In this work, a novel, multi-objective, automotive
state estimator has been developed featuring a system-
level, non-linear vehicle model. As estimators us-
ing more complex models typically face more issues
towards stability, an extensive observability analysis
was performed. It is shown that unobservable states
can be detected using a Singular Value Decomposi-
tion of the total observability matrix and that dynamic
model coupling greatly determines the required sen-
sors to obtain an observable estimator. Using an ob-
servable projection defined in previous work, this pa-
per proves that it is possible to stabilize the estimator
without GPS measurements if they are independent
from the quantities of interest due to their decoupled
nature. Finally, the estimator has been experimentally
validated on an engineering vehicle case and proved
to be able to accurately track all quantities of interest
with a minimal sensor set.
This research was partially supported by Flanders
Make, the strategic research centre for the manu-
facturing industry. The Flanders Innovation & En-
trepreneurship Agency within the IMPROVED and
MULTISENSOR project is also gratefully acknowl-
edged for its support. Internal Funds KU Leuven are
gratefully acknowledged for their support.
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VEHITS 2022 - 8th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems