the dataset to classify an ECG signal based on the
presence or absence of the P-wave. The classification
results are promising, with the best performing
model outperforming the classifier proposed by Liu
et al. (2018). The prototype BN used (Figure 3)
demonstrates how risk factors for AF can be used to
explain the occurrence of AF in an individual. The
parameters of the BN presented here can be adjusted
to represent the prevalence of different risk factors
in different populations. The BN can be extended to
accommodate other types of arrhythmia.
Despite these promising results, this study
has some limitations. The number of patients
in the dataset used to train the ML models is
quite small. This is because there is a limited
number of ECG datasets with accurate, expertly
annotated P-waves. For future work, we intend to
create a larger dataset which includes ECG signals
collected from commercially available wearable
devices. We will also explore ways to boost the
performance of the ML models, for example through
additional hyperparameter tuning. Additionally, the
generalisability of the ML models could be further
improved using leave-one-out cross-validation, in
which the number of folds corresponds to the number
of patients in the dataset. To further validate the BN,
expert clinicians need to be involved in improving
and testing the prototype BN. We also plan to
explore how new unknown situations or ECG patterns
that can lead to construction of new theories, as
suggested in Wanyana and Moodley (2021), can be
incorporated into the agent-based system towards
knowledge discovery and evolution.
This work was financially supported by the Hasso
Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering through the
HPI Research School at UCT. The authors thank the
reviewers for suggestions made, which have helped to
improve this paper.
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