as male described computer science in positive terms
such as “cool”, “fun”, or “great”. These answers
were provided by around 9% of students in this group.
Most students could imagine themselves working in
computer science (answered “yes” or “maybe”). No
gender differences were observed when describing
their future plans. It was also investigated whether
students knew people who work in computer science.
Most mentioned their computer science teachers at
school, but only 36.70% of students could note at least
one other person. Again, no significant gender differ-
ences were observed within the groups.
In summary, our results show that both students
who identify as female and those who identify as male
have a narrow view of computer science and asso-
ciate the field mainly with computers. Despite this
narrow view, many students show an interest in com-
puter science and can imagine themselves working in
this field. Role models seem to be missing for most
The evidence from this study implies that for chil-
dren, computer science is firmly linked to working
with computers. These observations concur with the
assumption of Martin (2004) that few children are
aware that computer science means much more than
this and that most lack a clear understanding of com-
puter science and computer scientists. However, our
study revealed that many students are interested in
computer science. Hence, if we can convey a positive
picture and broaden their view of computer science,
more might be interested in deepening their knowl-
edge about this field. As also suggested by Beaubouef
and McDowell (2008), overcoming negative views
and myths would help students see computer science
as an exciting and fast developing field. Interest-
ingly, no significant gender differences were observed
in our study. One possible reason could be the par-
ticipants’ young age. As suggested by Bollin et al.
(2020), interest in computer science tends to decline
among young women. This again highlights the im-
portance of presenting computer science much earlier
in the life course and giving it more intensive atten-
tion. With the implementation of initiatives to arouse
interest in STEM subjects at an early age as aimed
by Dynatrace, we hope to spark joy, and awaken the
curiosity of many children to broaden their view of
computer science. Our investigations into this area
are ongoing, as further studies will accompany the de-
velopment of Dynatrace’s STEM initiatives for young
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education