DISDA: Digital Service Design Architecture for Smart City Ecosystems
Mouzhi Ge
1 a
and Barbora Buhnova
2 b
Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Deggendorf, Germany
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Digital Service, Service in Society, Service Design Architecture, Social Connectivity.
Due to the interoperability difficulty and development bottleneck of various services in a city, the effective
design of services has become a critical concern in smart city ecosystems. Based on the interconnection
concept of Management by Competencies, this paper proposes an DISDA architecture to facilitate the digital
service design in a smart city ecosystem. The DISDA architecture not only can guide the users to design the
services with the defined processes but also can measure the maturity of the existing services and determine
possible service improvements. Based on the proposed service design architecture, we conduct a case study
to validate the usability and applicability of the proposed service design architecture.
With the rapid growth of emerging smart technologies
and services, smart city ecosystems have been exten-
sively studied over the last decade (Gasc
2018; Albino et al., 2015). From previous studies, it
can be seen that digital services have been considered
as one of the important components in a smart city
ecosystem, since the digital service is capable of con-
necting service providers, users, infrastructures, and
communities in a common ecosystem to support the
value co-creation (Kashef et al., 2021; Salim et al.,
On the other hand, digital service creation and de-
livery have become one of the strategic objectives in
smart city ecosystems and can directly echo the stake-
holders’ concerns in a smart city (Oliveira and Cam-
polargo, 2015; Buhnova et al., 2022). The impor-
tance of digital service has demonstrated that the ca-
pacity of smart city ecosystems to create and share
value for stakeholders is directly related to new infor-
mation technology, processes, services and associated
business and information architectures (Silva et al.,
2020). In this paper, we consider smart city as a typ-
ical ecosystem, and in turn the services are scoped as
the digital services in a city.
While service-oriented initiatives have been de-
veloped in a variety of domains such as urban plan-
ning, mobility, transportation, smart living and com-
munity, smart environment, emergency, e-health, and
government (Kashef et al., 2021; Ge et al., 2018),
we found that the services in one domain are usually
developed for some specific purpose or for this do-
main only. Therefore, the current services in the smart
city ecosystem often encounter interoperability and
development bottleneck issues (Koo and Kim, 2021).
This results in that even similar services among dif-
ferent domains are isolated with each other. For ex-
ample, the transportation IoT service in the mobil-
ity and transportation domain cannot be re-used for
the urban road construction or emergency route plan-
ning (Bangui et al., 2020). Thus, urban planning and
emergency domain have to develop their own services
respectively to obtain the transportation information
(Bangui et al., 2021).
As a result, it can increase the service creation
cost, increase service incompatibility and possibly re-
duce the citizen’s satisfaction. Furthermore, a large
amount of the developed services are not aligned with
the unified goal in smart city ecosystems and the ser-
vice provider does not know how to improve an ex-
isting service, for example, (Kakarontzas et al., 2014)
found that 44% of the services do not have a clear
goal that can respond to the demands in a smart city
ecosystem. One of the reasons is that there is a lack
of systematic service design architecture in the smart
city ecosystem. Service design, especially digital ser-
vice design, is critical for building a smart city ecosys-
Ge, M. and Buhnova, B.
DISDA: Digital Service Design Architecture for Smart City Ecosystems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011056100003200
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2022), pages 207-214
ISBN: 978-989-758-570-8; ISSN: 2184-5042
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This paper, therefore, aims to develop a system-
atic service design architecture for the digital service
developments in the smart city ecosystem. We have
adapted the framework from Management by Com-
petencies (Plam
ınek and Fi
ser, 2005) due to its in-
terconnection nature and incorporated this framework
with digital service design processes. Instead of de-
veloping a reference architecture like (Clement et al.,
2017) to profile services in a smart city ecosystem, the
proposed architecture focuses on facilitating the pro-
cesses of digital service design in smart city ecosys-
The contributions of the paper are accordingly
two-fold: (1) a systematic service design architec-
ture DISDA that can guide the users with a defined
specification to design the digital services, (2) a ma-
turity pyramid of the service design that can be used
to define the goals of new service design, measure the
service maturity and improve the existing services in
smart city ecosystems.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 revisits the related work on service
development and service engineering for service de-
sign. Based on the review, Section 3 proposes a digi-
tal service design architecture, which is adapted from
the framework of Management by Competence. Sec-
tion 4 further describes the specifications of the archi-
tecture from four perspectives: usefulness, efficiency,
stability and dynamics. In order to validate the archi-
tecture, section 5 conducts a case study in the context
of smart transportation. Finally, section 6 concludes
the paper and outlines future research for digital ser-
vice design in smart city ecosystems.
Service development research is directly related to
service design. The early research works regarding
service development can be traced back to the 1970s,
and at that time, new service research streams have
appeared (Moradi et al., 2020), such as New Service
Development, Service Design, Service Engineering
(Dragoicea et al., 2020). Over the last decade, inte-
grating physical products and various services has be-
come a crucial strategy for many companies (Pirola
et al., 2020). However, designing and developing
a Product-Service System (PSS) is a complex task
due to a long-term relationship among different ac-
tors in the system (Song et al., 2021). In order to cope
with the complexity in service design and develop-
ment, researchers proposed a large number of mod-
els and methods to design a PSS. However, most of
these models and methods lack evaluations in practice
(Pirola et al., 2020). Therefore, the design of services
is still on the theoretical level as seen in (Jan
and Fabricius, 2021), and service development is less
efficient than the development of physical products
(Froehle et al., 2016). This motivates us to further
conduct research on the service design and carry out
the design in practice such as Smart City context. In
this paper, we define the digital service design pro-
cess by adopting the concept of New Service Devel-
opment, which is defined as a process of developing
a new service from initiating an idea for a service to
the service market launch (Lin and Hsieh, 2011). As
such, the process of digital service design starts from
service idea initiation and ends with realizing the ser-
vice in the smart ecosystem.
Another research stream dealing with design and
development of services is the service engineering.
It approaches the service design challenge in a sys-
tematic and methodological way using engineering
know-how. It is, therefore, a rational and heuris-
tic approach based on the discussion of alternatives,
goals, constraints, and procedures, through the adop-
tion of modeling and prototyping methods, aiming
to increase the value of service offering by improv-
ing the service conception, service delivery and ser-
vice consumption (Shimomura and Tomiyama, 2005;
Chohan and Hu, 2020; Holmlid and Evenson, 2008).
Most renowned service engineering process models
are based on the following three classical models.
(1) Waterfall model, a linear, sequential design pro-
cess following phases of requirements analysis, de-
sign, implementation, testing, integration, and main-
tenance. It is a simple model, not recommended for
complex development. (2) V-model, a linear product-
development process in shape of a letter V. The left
side of the V describes a decomposition of require-
ments and a creation of system specification, while
the right side stands for integration of decomposed
parts and their verification. (3) Spiral model, a model
with a cyclic approach for improving the precision of
definition and implementation of the system in several
increments (cycles) for a decrease of a risk degree.
In (Pezzotta et al., 2014), the authors conducted a
detailed analysis of the literature on service engineer-
ing process models and derived four main common
phases, (1) customer analysis, (2) requirements anal-
ysis, (3) PSS design, (4) PSS test and implementa-
tion. They argue, as well as some others (Bertot et al.,
2016), that a customer is an important element of a
service design since they co-design the service, but
there is another important factor, which is the com-
pany itself. It needs to standardize and optimize its
processes for it to remain competitive. Based on this
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
idea, they propose Service Engineering Methodology
that is aligned with other service engineering process
models in terms of the four phases. In this paper,
we consider service engineering models as a develop-
ment base for designing the digital services in smart
ecosystems (Walletzk
y et al., 2019).
DISDA is a digital service design architecture in-
spired by the Management by Competencies (MbC)
that was developed as a holistic guideline for the com-
panies and intended to solve problems from root cause
instead of patching from where the service pitfalls
take place. MbC is a systematic method for com-
pany management. It is based on a harmonic devel-
opment of competitive and soft aspects of business
environment. The main rationale behind MbC is to
interconnect the discrete company segments, perfor-
mance requirements and company competences. It
is based on several well-known theories such as The-
ory of constraints (Goldratt, 1990), Theory of vitality
ınek, 2006), Person-centered approach (Rogers,
1979), Learning organization (Senge., 1994), Sci-
entific management (Taylor, 1911), Re-engineering
(Hammer and Champy, 2001), as well as Balanced
scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1996).
The goal of MbC is to help the company achieve
vitality, which is a status of the company can be con-
tinuously successful, not restricting the possibility of
being successful in a shot time. In other words, not
exhausting its own resources just for one-time suc-
cess. MbC defines competence as an ability to use
human resources of a personnel (such as knowledge,
skills, qualities) on a specific task in order to fulfill
the task’s requirements, whereby, the competencies
and tasks help interconnect the performance require-
ments of a company with possibilities it has. MbC
helps to reach vitality by developing the relationships
among its requirements and possibilities using em-
ployee’s competencies.
The strategy of developing requirements is de-
scribed by one of the MbC tools, the pyramid of vital-
ity, see Figure 1. It states that every service design can
start from thinking about usefulness. That is, which
product or service from the company can be delivered
and useful to the stakeholders. The process goes from
identifying stakeholders, their needs and defining a
service that satisfies the needs of stakeholders. In the
next step, it comes to level of the efficiency, where the
specified service is decomposed to processes and ac-
tivities with necessary resources that are gathered into
Figure 1: Pyramid of Vitality adopted from MbC.
appropriate structures to ensure proper distribution of
resources for the processes and activities.
Nevertheless, creating a service and receiving a
temporary profit in return can be not stable. For exam-
ple, the company can be negatively affected by busi-
ness or requirement change, which is a critical part of
the business environment. The company needs to be
able to react quickly to those changes. Thus, the third
level is the continuous improvement in the company
such as process optimization and conforming market
trends e.g. based on the customer research. Hence,
the stability level is about company’s improvement
based on customer feedback and people who is will-
ing to react to changes in the company and quickly
allow the changes.
Finally, the strategic step to vitality is called dy-
namics. It should not only be just reactive for the
company, it should be also proactive, such as predict-
ing the future and being prepared for market trends,
or even influencing the future. For this objective, the
people who are involved in a company should ac-
tively search for new opportunities and ideas. MbC
approaches the development of a company in a mean-
ingful and logical way from the fundamental step of
finding stakeholders, for whom the company aims to
provide useful products or services, through the ef-
ficiency of a company processes, till predicting and
creating new areas for business. We found that the
rationale of MbC is in line with our perception of dig-
ital service development in smart ecosystems such as
smart cities. Therefore, we adopt the four maturity
levels from MbC to develop the following digital ser-
vice architecture.
DISDA: Digital Service Design Architecture for Smart City Ecosystems
Figure 2: DISDA: Digital Service Design Architecture.
In this section, we specify our DISDA digital service
design architecture as Figure 2, which is inspired by
MbC, specifically the pyramid of vitality based on the
Theory of Vitality. The pyramidal shape illustrates the
strategy of digital service development and consists of
four levels as the pyramid of vitality and maturity. We
describe each level from bottom to top as follows.
4.1 Usefulness
The goal of the first level of the DISDA architecture
is to find out which services a city ecosystem needs
to be created, for example, the city can choose and
define city service that will fulfill the specific needs
of the stakeholders. In this stage, the city needs to
follow a definition scheme, which has reversed order.
It means that the city should at first focus on deter-
mining the stakeholders (e.g., commuting citizens),
then identify stakeholders’ needs (e.g., to travel effi-
ciently throughout the city) and finally propose a ser-
vice that fulfills identified needs (e.g., intelligent traf-
fic control service). The service of intelligent traffic
control should be described as precisely as possible at
this stage to define measures of the service success.
Thus, usefulness level specifies a relevant city service
by choosing the stakeholders to whom a city will of-
fer values in term of appropriating city services that
can address their needs.
Table 1: Usefulness properties.
Property Definition
Goal choose and define relevant digi-
tal services
Input information about stakeholders
and their needs
Process stakeholders need city service
Output service specification
Usefulness: Efficiency Relation. The service spec-
ification in the usefulness level is then transferred to
the efficiency level for further optimization.
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
4.2 Efficiency
In this phase, the efficiency level is to define the ser-
vice development and creation. It starts with an elab-
oration of the service (e.g., intelligent traffic lights in
our case) into a process map describing a service cre-
ation process (e.g. simulate different traffic lights dis-
tributions, changing traffic lights for intelligent ones),
followed by resources identification and assignment
(e.g. storage, computers, traffic lights, engineers, la-
borers). And arranging this complex into appropriate
structures (e.g., simulation can run in parallel with
finding more information about possible providers
and precede the change of current traffic lights) to
supply the resources for respective processes. Effi-
ciency level ensures an efficient creation of the city
services by defining the processes and their resources
organized into structures in order to provide a proper
amount of quality resources to the right object and on
Table 2: Efficiency properties.
Property Definition
Goal improve or optimize service
Input service specification from the
usefulness level
Process city service specification
processes resources struc-
Output process definitions with re-
quired resources, organization
structure definition, role specifi-
Output service specification
Efficiency: Stability Relation. The relation between
these two levels is recurrent, while the stability level
acquires feedback from the efficiency level and trans-
lates them into change actions for efficiency level.
4.3 Stability
In order to adapt and enhance the service (functional-
ity, efficiency, reducing costs, etc.), the city needs to
get the feedback by using the service. Feedback can
be automatically acquired in the form of sensed and
evaluated data (e.g., service response time, service
malfunction reports) as well as in the way of users’
opinions (e.g., what they like, what they are miss-
ing). Stakeholders’ involvement is needed to evolve
the service, e.g., service users need to be willing to
share feedback, the city needs to manage the service,
and the service provider should upgrade the service
efficiently based on the feedback. The stability level
helps a company to quickly react and adapt itself us-
ing feedback and stakeholders’ cooperation.
Table 3: Stability properties.
Property Definition
Goal obtain and evaluate relevant
data and information about ser-
vice and service context to con-
firm current approach or to pro-
pose a service change
Input service data & stakeholders’ in-
Process get data evaluate by goals
confirm current approach | pro-
pose service changes
Output service confirmation | service
change proposal
Stability: Dynamics Relation. Dynamics gathers
relevant data from the stability level to predict the
trends and proposes possible changes back to the sta-
bility level. The relation is also rotative, but the dura-
tion of one execution cycle is usually longer than the
efficiency – stability relation.
4.4 Dynamics
The dynamics level proactively prepares possible
changes and predicts the future state in parallel with
the service adaptation. Forecasting as well as influ-
encing the future is a challenging task that needs the
active participation of stakeholders. Therefore, even
more demanding personnel management is necessary
for enabling stakeholders’ pro-activity. The dynam-
ics level proposes service changes based on forecasts
and estimations of the future allowed by stakehold-
ers activity achieved by personnel management. With
the recent development of machine learning and big
data technologies (Mac
ak et al., 2020), the predica-
tion function can be more integrated to services. It
also reflects the ”smartness” of service, which is in
the city ecosystems called as smart services.
In order to validate the DISDA architecture, we have
conducted a case study in the context of smart trans-
portation for a metropolitan city in Czech Republic.
The case study is targeting on the traffic control ser-
vice that is designed for more than 700 000 inhabi-
tants in this city. The city aims to design a smart
DISDA: Digital Service Design Architecture for Smart City Ecosystems
Table 4: Dynamics properties.
Property Definition
Goal forecast future trends and possi-
bilities in a larger context and be
prepared for them
Input data and information from the
Process get data find trends pro-
pose service changes
Output service change proposal
transportation service for its citizens. We will use
the DISDA architecture to design smart transportation
service in the city.
As shown in Figure 2, the DISDA architecture is
developed to guide the practitioners to design services
in a smart city ecosystem. In our context, we focus on
the transportation service design. In the initial use-
fulness level, a smart transportation service firstly has
to be useful and meet the user’s requirements. There-
fore, this service needs to provide a safe and reliable
service for the citizens to travel around the city. This
can meet the basic requirement of citizens.
Afterwards, the service design enters to the second
level that focuses on the efficiency. In this level, the
processes and structures of services can be improved
to more efficient. For example, with limited resources
how to cover the most inhabited locations by the pub-
lic transportation network, also how to make the trav-
els from A to B more smooth by reducing the transi-
tion time. The DISDA architecture can effectively in-
dicate the service design objectives when the service
can meet the basic needs of the citizens.
In the stability level, the service design begins to
involve the feedback from the citizens. This is fea-
tured by a feedback and changes loop. This loop is
expected to make the magnitude of changes in a con-
vergent way, in turn it can reach the stability status
of a service. In order to consider one concrete trans-
portation service in our case study, we have scoped
down the traffic control service as a sequence of the
traffic lights in the roads. For example, the light itera-
tion can be optimized to allow traffics to wait for less
red lights.
Furthermore, the smart transportation service pro-
vides a channel to collect feedback from the citizens
as well as adapt the service to address the new or
changed requirements. For example, if citizens pro-
vide the feedback that at the rush hours some traf-
fic lights in the main roads can be optimized. This
can on one hand reduce the possibility of traffic jam
and on the other hand increase the citizen’s service
satisfaction. The feedback channel in this phase is
important as the service stakeholders are usually do
not know how to quickly send feedback to a public
service. Assuming the well-known and easy-to-use
feedback channel, the feedback is expected to be con-
verged to a stabilized limited amount.
Therefore, the stability phase is expected to bal-
ance the adaptation of the service, acceptance and
satisfaction of citizens. Also in this phase, the ser-
vice can handle the interoperability across different
services. For example, traffic control service can also
cooperate with the school service, some traffic light
near school can be adjusted based on the school-off
Finally, the service is expected to have the abil-
ity of predicting and preparing to react to possible or
unexpected situations. For example, if there is some
special event or celebration in the city, traffic control
service can predict other possible routes based on the
constraint of expected blocking roads, and meanwhile
make clear detour for the citizens.
Consider that when different services in a city are
designed with the DISDA architecture, we are able to
interlink and connect the services in the same level.
This is especially important when different service
have reached the stability level. The changes in the
level should also include the interoperability improve-
ments across different stable services. For example,
a stable transportation service can be interconnected
to the healthcare services in the city. By using the
DISDA architecture, when designing the smart ser-
vices, we can easily identify the level of a smart ser-
vice, and the goal of reaching to the next level. Thus,
the usability and applicability have been verified dur-
ing this case study.
This paper proposes an architecture, named DISDA,
to help the users to design new digital services and
improve existing digital services in smart city ecosys-
tems. The DISDA architecture is adapted from the
essence of Management by Competencies, which
contains four maturity levels: usefulness, efficiency,
stability, and dynamics. In each level, the service de-
sign processes are specified to illustrate how to design
the service in order to achieve the maturity level of the
service. Among the levels, the relations are described
to guide the service designers to walk from one level
to another. More importantly, different smart services
can be inter-connected with each other for each level.
In order to validate the proposed architecture, we
have conducted a case study on smart transportation
service in a metropolitan city. The results of the case
study have indicated the usability and applicability of
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
the DISDA architecture. Furthermore, it can be seen
that DISDA architecture can facilitate the service de-
sign, service improvement as well as handling the in-
teroperability across different services so that to for-
mulate a smart city ecosystem.
As future works, we plan to refine further the ser-
vice design processes and conduct more case studies
in different application domains to verify the validity
and reliability of the proposed digital service design
architecture. We will also deepen the architecture into
a technical design and further show the how different
services can be connected in each DISDA service ma-
turity level.
The work was supported from ERDF/ESF “Cy-
berSecurity, CyberCrime and Critical Informa-
tion Infrastructures Center of Excellence” (No.
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 019/0000822).
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CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science