lic modes are implemented to ensure data authentic-
ity, integrity as well as in what form the data should
be and who can gain access to it all of which privacy
related issues (Alsboui et al., 2021).
This paper is not the result of a completed project,
but the exposition of the start of one. We feel that this
area of research is pertinent to internet of things, and
in this paper we have taken initial steps towards inte-
grating IOTA MAM to enable distributed intelligence
in the internet of things.
There are a number of interesting directions for fu-
ture work. Firstly, we plan to thoroughly investigate
the saving in energy consumption with the PoW com-
putation offloading mechanism. Secondly, we plan
to develop an interactive model and access control
mechanisms that enables the users to access health-
care records (Atlam et al., 2018; Florea, 2018).
Thirdly, we plan to investigate the possibilities of
integrating the IOTA MAM with cloud computing
infrastructure to build a model that supports multi-
party authentication (Al-Aqrabi and Hill, 2018). Fi-
nally, we plan to design and develop a complete hy-
brid distributed intelligence framework that tackles
all of the IoT technical challenges including, scala-
bility, energy-efficiency, security, and privacy by in-
tegrating components from various technologies and
demonstrate it is applicability, and efficiency to sev-
eral real-world IoT application scenarios including
smart transportation system.
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An Approach to Privacy-Preserving Distributed Intelligence for the Internet of Things