language definitions. We will also develop a model
transformation tool using the Metaedit+ technologies
so as to transform the ManLang models in accor-
dance with the AutomationML standard (Drath et al.,
2008), which is supported by other manufacturing
tools and thus enables to process the modeled re-
quirements in ManLang by different tools. We will
further extend ManLang for the specifications of re-
source behaviours (e.g., spot welding robots) and de-
velop a transformation tool for Modelica (Mattsson
et al., 1998) which enables to use the simulation tools
that support Modelica.
This work is part of the AITOC (Artificial Intelligence
supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering)
project supported by European ITEA and funded by
the TUBITAK TEYDEB Project No: 9200078.
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ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering