Development of an Information and Reference Application for Vocational
Guidance of Students
Aigerim Sarzhanova
, Rui Pedro Lopes
2,3 a
, Aigul Tungatarova
1,4 b
and Gauchar Borankulova
4 c
IM.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
Research Center in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics, Instituto Polit
ecnico de Braganc¸a, Portugal
Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Information Systems, M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
Virtual Assistant, Web Application, Vocational Assistant, Higher Education.
The problem of choosing a specialty and direction when entering higher education, is now more and more
urgent. Every year, according to statistics in Kazakhstan, more than 60% of university graduates do not
work in their speciality of choice. This problem is more often associated with the fact that students choose a
speciality and apply for a grant, and in the process of learning they understand that they do not want to work
as a engineer for example and tries to find another work. Some of that problem could have been prevented if
professional orientation in secondary education had been conducted in schools of Kazakhstan. Career guidance
is a number of activities that need to be carried out systematically in primary and high schools. There is a lot of
information available in the Internet, but being a schoolboy, a student of grade 9-10, it is very difficult to find
reliable information. Consciously make an admission plan and go step by step to the goal. In my application
there will be one centralized database, which would allow you to first undergo diagnostics, then make the
right choice of direction and speciality. As a result, get a plan for admission to a university in any country.
This article reviews the information and reference material, analyzes the market and current specialties in
Kazakhstan for further employment, as well as all the necessary information to diagnose their abilities and
build an individual plan for admission to university.
Career guidance is an important aspect of human de-
velopment, largely influencing the path of profes-
sional development and success, because the choice
of the future profession shapes the individual’s life.
Choosing a profession is an important and respon-
sible stage in the life of a young person. The defini-
tion of the sphere of professional activity means the
choice of future preferences in relation to the circle of
communication, lifestyle, work environment. Career
guidance has the objective of working with students
towards the interaction between the present and the
future for their professional self-determination.
The concepts of choosing a profession and ca-
reer guidance are, by their nature, different processes,
although both unidirectional. The choice of profes-
sion is carried out by each person who is determined
by the sphere of professional activity: this is a pro-
cess of professional self-determination, which is not
necessarily accompanied by career guidance work or-
ganized in a secondary school (Belyakova and Za-
kharova, 2020)
The choice of profession is the result of career
guidance. This result can be considered as a solution
to one of the most important economic problems
the balance between a limited labor market and labor
The right choice of profession testifies to the ratio-
nal allocation of labor resources, the improvement of
the institutional environment of the economy, which
acts as an additional incentive for its development.
The goal and main objective of career counselling
is to provide people (usually students) with the skills
and knowledge they need to make important decisions
throughout your life. Career counselling goals and
objectives can shape an individual’s future, change his
outlook on life and his ability to succeed. Career de-
Sarzhanova, A., Lopes, R., Tungatarova, A. and Borankulova, G.
Development of an Information and Reference Application for Vocational Guidance of Students.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 631-637
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
velopment is a lifelong process that actually started
with birth. From that day, our likes and dislikes, our
abilities, background, and circumstances will all in-
fluence the type of career we choose. Career coun-
selling is a process with the potential to help under-
standing the person we are, helping making the right
choices, not just for the professional career for also
for life. Career counselling not only helps shaping
the personality but it will help being more organized
and a better person, through various methods. Career
counselling helps you to gain focus which can truly
reflect in our deeds and work (The Purpose of Career
Counseling, n.d.).
This paper focus on the development of an online
career counseling application, that will aggregate in-
formation from higher education institutions, profes-
sional orders and other sources. This tool constitutes
an entry point for students, providing information and
answers to their questions and doubts.
The paper is structured in five sections, starting
with this introduction. Section 2 describes the tools
and research on the area. Section 3 describes a web-
based tool for vocational guiding. The paper contin-
ues in section 4, with some practical scenarios and
finishes in section 5 with some conclusions.
During the process of searching and researching the
career counseling subject, it was evident that the prob-
lem of choosing a profession and further employment
is transversal to all countries. The decision on the de-
gree to follow is a fundamental moment of life, as it
affects one’s future (Nesterenko et al., 2021).
According to a report on the state of education in
Italy, presented last year by the Italian Ministry of Ed-
ucation, University and Research, the percentage of
students who enrolls at University right after the con-
clusion of upper secondary education is about 49%
and it has registered a slight decrease during the last
5 years (Barana et al., 2016). Moreover, the academic
path often proves to be harder than expected: only
55% of students pass more than half of the first-year
exams and the 18% do not pass any of them. These
results are even more alarming if we focus on engi-
neering and technology faculties: the percentage of
students who collect more than half of the credits af-
ter the first year decreases to 47% and the 21% is not
able to pass any exam.
These are, many times, related to bad choices,
due to insufficient information about relevant special-
ties and essential professions and programs. Pursu-
ing popular programs or professions can often lead
to over saturation of the labor market, then lawyers,
then financiers, leaving unfilled vacancies in other es-
sential professions (e.g. engineers or teachers). Em-
ployers blame the lack of work experience on many
graduates, and students continue to gain “experience”
in Employment Centers and at the Labor Exchange.
Graduates of technical universities enjoy an ad-
vantage in employment they are much more in de-
mand in the domestic labor market by 75%, while hu-
manities are in demand by slightly more than 50%
(Trudbox, 2021).
Career guidance, like any other independent sci-
ence, has its own history of origin. The history of ca-
reer guidance as a science dates back to the late 1800s
and the dawn of the 20
century. Career consultations
were born in the United States due to a combination
of various socio-economic reasons: the growth of in-
dustry, migration of people from rural areas to cities,
and other changes accompanying rapid industrializa-
tion. The problem of searching for a job, the difficulty
of employers selecting the most “suitable” people for
vacant positions was more acute than ever, which led
to an increased need for more organized efforts to help
people find work.
The first stage of career guidance development
was employment services (1890-1919) (CareerGuid-
ance history, 2021). The founding father of career
guidance is Frank Parsons: Parsons’ career counsel-
ing model was based on simple logic and common
sense and relied on the skills of observation and in-
terviewing a consultant. A little later, psychological
tests became an important factor and a necessary part
of the first functional stage in career guidance, that is,
After monitoring the current situation in Russia,
there are a number of tasks that hinder the correct
professional choice, and therefore it is possible to put
forward the hypothesis “The system of professional
orientation in Russia is not built properly, career de-
cisions for most applicants are often due to the in-
fluence of family, friends, the level of s/p and other
indirect reasons, and as a result, training in a profes-
sion that is not directly correlated with their desires,
opportunities and interests”. This is due to personal,
objective and subjective factors (Aggarwal and Shri-
vastava, 2021).
The survey had the participation of 50 students of
the Financial University under the Government of the
Russian Federation, studying at the 1
, 2
, 3
courses of the Faculty of Management, in the di-
rection of training “Personnel Management”: 44 girls
and 6 boys aged 17 to 23 years. The overwhelming
number of respondents graduated from school in a big
city - 34 people (68%), 1 person in rural areas (2%),
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the rest come from medium and small towns.
As a result of the survey conducted on the iden-
tification of problems of professional orientation of
young people, it is possible to identify a number
of problems obtained directly empirically (Pulyaeva,
There is a big problem of insufficient awareness of
young people about the world of professions: about
the content of work, about working conditions, about
the demand and prospects, and even about rare profes-
sions, the existence of which many do not even sus-
pect. It is impossible to say that awareness is com-
pletely absent, since some respondents still replied
that they had sufficient information or searched for
it independently in various sources. The data suggest
that young people get information mainly from the
Internet and ask for advice from parents and relatives,
which, of course, is not the merit of career guidance,
but a common pattern concerning family relations and
the development of information technology. Career
guidance activities should use these mechanisms, but
not be replaced by them.
Despite the fact that career guidance does not pro-
vide relevant information in full, young people do not
show a desire to possess this information when choos-
ing a profession, which is indicated by their inaction.
It is worth noting that applicants highly appreciate
the status of an educational institution, the prestige of
studying at this university, the attitude of employers
to the diploma of this institution, so, one of the prob-
lems today is not only the problem of the functioning
of the entire system of career guidance, but also the
problem of the lack of an explicit desire to engage in
self-orientation, the uncertainty of the goals of self-
determination in the professional sphere, since most
respondents did not even resort to the help of a pro-
fessional consultant.
43.3% of those who passed any methods of diag-
nostics and applied to specialized centers noted that
the results obtained during the study did not coincide
with their real choice, and this is a clear indicator that
people engaged in career guidance work are not com-
petent enough, do not have a specialized education,
but work on the basis of a banal passing of the sim-
plest test, which is available to every user on the In-
ternet, and voicing the automatically obtained result.
All this activity creates only visibility and is carried
out without a significant impact.
Students are convinced that after they have entered
the university, it no longer makes sense to change
their profession. This is another indirect problem of
career guidance. Society dictates the rules and crite-
ria for building a successful career, which excludes
making mistakes and their further correction. Finally,
more than half of the students are not sure that they
will work in their specialty.
Summing up the results of the survey as a whole,
it should be noted that according above (section 2) the
hypothesis given earlier are absolutely confirmed by
empirical data. The creation of a concept of psycho-
logical and pedagogical support for self-determined
people, expressed with the real support of experts, sci-
entists, specialist consultants, families, medical insti-
tutions, industries, mass media, government agencies,
etc. significantly increase the effectiveness of profes-
sional orientation, and it is also important for elimi-
nating the shortage of staff. To do this, it is necessary
to pay more attention to the profile education of spe-
cialists working in the field of career guidance and to
increase the degree of involvement of relevant social
partners-representatives of professions to create an in-
teresting and diverse environment (circles working to-
gether with professionals in their field, industrial ex-
cursions, etc.), in the process of teaching and raising
children, starting from kindergarten and ending with
people who already have an education, working in the
profession, but experiencing the painful consequences
of a wrong choice (Pulyaeva, 2020).
A distinctive feature of the career guidance sys-
tem in Japan is that it is almost entirely concentrated
in high school, and not in specialized centers (Ukke,
2021). Career guidance here is deeply integrated into
the educational process and forms the core of the cur-
ricula for secondary schools. In Japan, career guid-
ance begins in the seventh grade. To control the for-
mation of the readiness of 12-14 year-olds to con-
sciously choose their professional path and to prepare
for the profession.
The rector of the University of Asia, Professor Sh.
Fukuyama, has developed a special test to quantify
this ability of schoolchildren (Marsh, 2019). This test
was called the “F-test” (Fukuyama-test) to assess the
ability to methodically choose a profession. Since
1950, it has been repeatedly used in many schools in
Japan, which made it possible to take measures to im-
prove career guidance for this stage of education.
In 1972, the test was published. From this the au-
thor pays special attention to the cross-cultural com-
parison of test results. Thus, a significant role was
played by comparing the data of Japanese and Amer-
ican schoolchildren, since it was from the USA that
the new educational system and some significant prin-
ciples and methods of career guidance were taken,
which were reflected in the basic concepts and spe-
cific methods of career guidance in Japan. The name
of the test, where “methodical choice” is indicated,
reflects the technology, or the procedural characteris-
tic of decision-making, the sequence of actions that
Development of an Information and Reference Application for Vocational Guidance of Students
makes it related to “methodological theory of the
choice of professions” by the founder of the Ameri-
can career guidance F. Parsons (Inaba et al., 1992).
Also, external factors may influence the student
in making decisions for future profession. There are
three main pervasive factors investigated in this study
in influencing the career decisions of youths in both
individualistic and collectivist societies. In collec-
tivist societies, parental intervention is understood as
a requirement to support their children’s efforts and
equip them to be responsible and economically pro-
ductive. Meanwhile, the standard practice in soci-
ety is for parents to endorse their children’s opinions
and encourage them to choose careers that make them
happy. Overall, further research is imperative to guide
the understanding of parental influence and diversity
in bicultural and migrant youths’ career prospects and
their ability to use the resources available in their
new environments to attain meaningful future career
goals. Additional research, particularly qualitative, is
required to explore the level of family involvement in
youths’ career choices among migrant families in dif-
ferent cultural settings (Abbas et al., 2021).
However, in practice, most of students make their
decisions with the help of their parents, choosing tra-
ditional professions or following a family dynasty
profession, where their grandfather is a doctor, the fa-
ther also a doctor and so, the son must also choose to
be a doctor. This may hinder or wrongly influence the
career choice (Akosah-Twumasi et al., 2018).
To support students to select the higher educa-
tion degree area and to allow them to get information
about the possibilities, a web-based tool was devel-
oped for vocational assistance.
A possible solution of the career guidance problem
is the development of an information and reference
application for vocational guidance of students. This
application include a centralized database of universi-
ties from various countries, organizing information by
region and by universities’ requirements. The entry
to the application is a mosaic of the universities and
a search box, that can filter by country or university
program they need (Figure 1). When the student click
on an item, they can see all the information about that
countries university and their requirements.
The web application also includes diagnostic tests
by different psychologists to identify students incli-
nations and abilities. Then, in the main part of appli-
cation, online support is available, with feedback for
Figure 1: Mosaic of University.
each student (Figure2).
After finishing the test, students can see the re-
sult listing suitable specialities, according to answers.
The methodology of these tests is based on the classi-
fication of professional interests. They allow to deter-
mine in which area it is best for a high school student
to choose a specialty in which he will undergo voca-
tional training after school.
According to this classification, the world of mod-
ern professions can be divided into 5 main types:
1. “Man is nature” (P). Representatives of these pro-
fessions share one very important quality - love
of nature. But love is not contemplative, which
almost all people possess, considering nature to
be the most favorable environment for recreation,
and the active one is connected with the knowl-
edge of its laws and their application. It is one
thing to love animals and plants, to play with
them, to enjoy them, and quite another thing to
regularly, day after day, take care of them, ob-
serve, treat, walk, regardless of personal time and
plans. A specialist should not just know every-
thing about living organisms, but also predict pos-
sible changes in them and take measures. Initia-
tive and independence in solving specific tasks,
care, patience and foresight are required from a
person. A person working in the field of “man-
nature” should be calm and balanced;
2. “Man-technique” (T). The peculiarity of techni-
cal objects is that, as a rule, they can be accu-
rately measured in many ways. When process-
ing, converting, moving, or evaluating them from
an employee accuracy and certainty of actions
are required. Technology as an object of ore
presents ample opportunities for innovation, in-
vention, creativity. Therefore, qualities such as
practical thinking becomes important. Technical
imagination, the ability to mentally connect and
disconnect technical objects and their parts are
important conditions for success in this field;
3. “Man is a sign system” (H). We meet with signs
much more often than we usually imagine. These
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Types of career guidance diagnostics according on request.
are numbers. Codes, conventional signs, natural
or artificial languages, drawings, formula tables.
In any case, a person perceives a sign as a symbol
of a real object or phenomenon. Therefore, it is
important for a specialist who works with signs to
be able, on the one hand, to abstract from the real
physical, chemical, mechanical properties of ob-
jects, and on the other, to represent and perceive
the characteristics of real phenomena or objects
behind the signs. To work successfully in any pro-
fession of this type, it is necessary to be able to
mentally be immerse in the world of seemingly
dry designations and focus on the information that
they carry in themselves. Special requirements of
this type of profession are imposed on attention;
4. “Man is art” (X). The most important require-
ments imposed by professions related to visual,
musical, literary, artistic, acting and stage activ-
ities of a person are the ability to the arts, cre-
ative imagination, imaginative thinking, talent,
5. “Man-man” (H). Even choosing a profession that
is not directly related to communication, the right
thing is usually associated to the attention payed
to sociability and contact. Think about where
you are going and how you address people. Who
would you like to communicate with - yourself or
others? The main content of work in professions
like “man-man” is reduced to the interaction be-
tween people. If this interaction does not improve,
then the work will not improve either. Qualities
necessary for working with people include calm,
good mood in the process of working with peo-
ple, the need for communication, the ability to
mentally put yourself in the place of another per-
son, quickly understand the intentions, thoughts,
mood of people, the ability to understand human
relationships, good memory (the ability to keep in
mind the names and characteristics of many peo-
ple), the ability to find a common language with
different people, and patience (Klimov, 2021).
Based on these, an example of a possible test
could point to a “Man-Man” type profession. This
includes professions focusing in communication with
people and their mutual influence, such as doctor,
teacher, manager, teacher, psychologist, salesman,
coach. An important quality in these professions
is not only the desire, but also the ability to ac-
tively interact with people and communicate produc-
tively. Important specifics in the preparation are good
knowledge of the professional sphere and developed
communication skills. With this result, the student
could start approaching one of the following profes-
sions: Psychology, SMM Manager, Internet Marketer,
Project Manager, Marketing, Management.
In addition, if individual consultation is necessary,
it should also be possible to access an online bot (vir-
tual counselor), which will use the database of fre-
quently asked questions to select the most acceptable
advice. After analysing all the abilities, grades and
the virtual counselor will show the individual plan to
student with several possible universities, with their
requirements and steps that should student make to
achieve the goal.
Development of an Information and Reference Application for Vocational Guidance of Students
Figure 3: Entity–relationship model.
The information is stored in a MySql database,
structured in nine entities (Figure 3).
The web application is being developed in PHP
and technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JS, en-
suring user-friendly interface and functionality. Users
are structured in two roles: an administrator who
has access to all pages, including management pages,
where it is possible to update, add or delete data from
the database using SQL queries; and users, who have
access only to the general functions of the site, such
as the selection of information about universities, ac-
cess to the profile, as well as to the analysis of their
test results (Figure 4).
The web application is currently in development and
we expect to have a prototype for testing in Kaza-
khstan. After eventual improvements and corrections,
it will be extended with information from other coun-
Nowadays there is no such similar application for
secondary schools. This application is the central-
ized data base of all information needed for student
to make decision and best choice of their future spe-
ciality. Using this application gives good support for
high school student. This application is free and has
user friendly interface with opportunity to communi-
cate with online counselor if while the process some
question occur, also it will analyse all students re-
quests and in the end will give more suitable option
and plan for student.
Figure 4: Flowchart.
The benefits of the application is that the all infor-
mation needed will be in one place. Students and their
parents find information, answers all the questions us-
ing only this application. Also the main benefit is that
it will be free and all graduates can use it regardless
of social status and other factors.
Each year, one of the main problems of all school
graduates is career choice. Because of sparse infor-
mation, students are prone to wrong choices, thus en-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
rolling in areas and institutions that are not suitable
for them and their capabilities.
This paper described the importance and design
of an online career counseling application, for voca-
tional guidance of students. The main goal of this
application is to provide a service for career and uni-
versity selection advice for students, through central-
ized information and virtual vocational assistant for
students. So they can without searching the informa-
tion in different resource, using only this application
make their decisions.
This work has been supported by FCT Fundac¸
para a Ci
encia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope:
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Development of an Information and Reference Application for Vocational Guidance of Students