Tools for the Confluence of Semantic Web and IoT: A Survey
e Miguel Blanco
, Bruno Rossi
and Tom
s Pitner
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Semantic Web, IoT, Tools, Survey.
The last decade has meant a whole revolution in the context of Internet of Things (IoT), becoming one of the
most important areas of research nowadays. The Semantic Web emerged as a way to add semantics to data to
enable advanced reasoning. Due to this, the integration of both areas represents a beneficial convergence for
more ”semantic-aware” devices and services. In this paper we present a review to analyze the state of the art
of the confluence of the Semantic Web and IoT: extracting an overview of the ad-hoc implemented tools, their
categorization, and the supported sub-domains on which they exert their influence.
Internet of Things (IoT) represent the convergence
of devices with sensors, remote sensing and anal-
ysis capabilities supported by heterogeneous net-
works (Dorsemaine et al., 2015; Atzori et al., 2017).
However, the definition and view of IoT has not been
static, rather it has changed over time: from pure
device-to-device communication to a more ”social
network-oriented” view enabled by technologies such
as cloud computing, big data and the emergence of
social networks (Atzori et al., 2017). In this context,
the importance of semantic reasoning and the Seman-
tic Web has run in parallel with the goal of supple-
menting the IoT domain with more knowledge about
semantic-enabled operations to support the provision
of smart services to final users (Jara et al., 2014).
The goal of this paper is to review the proposed
ad-hoc tools based on the Semantic Web in the con-
text of the IoT domain. The final aim is to gather an
overview of the domains of application, the type of
tools implemented and the main research results.
To run the research review, we followed the Sys-
tematic Literature Review (SLR) modality (Kitchen-
ham and Charters, 2007), in which the review follows
a formalized approach from the identification of the
research goals, to the definition of the search queries,
to the filtering by researchers of the gathered articles
based of pre-set criteria, followed by data synthesis
and knowledge representation. Such method allows
to summarize all the reviewed research with more for-
malized final results.
The article is structured as follows. In Section
2 we provide the background about IoT and the Se-
mantic Web, together with the summary of previous
reviews that were conducted in the area. In Section
3, we summarize the method adopted to conduct the
review, together with setting the research questions
and the main annotations when performing the review
process. In Section 4 we summarize the main results
from the review, by answering each research question.
In Section 5 we close the article with the main conclu-
Created for specific use cases, each IoT device is
meant to solve a specific task with the protocols pro-
vided by the manufacturer to allow the connection of
sensors and different networks (Jara et al., 2014). As
such, their connectivity is limited to a single domain
the concept of Web of Things (WoT)
was introduced
for the integration of IoT with the Web architecture,
making IoT devices connectable in general to the Web
to allow some form of data reasoning. Such integra-
tion makes IoT inter-connectable to other instances
that have their own schema of Web connection, ab-
stracting to a higher layer. The biggest advantage that
WoT offers is not just the connection to the Web archi-
tecture, but the fact that all the capabilities of Seman-
Blanco, J., Rossi, B. and Pitner, T.
Tools for the Confluence of Semantic Web and IoT: A Survey.
DOI: 10.5220/0011064100003176
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2022), pages 150-161
ISBN: 978-989-758-568-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Previous Surveys about Ontologies & IoT.
Year Survey Domain
2021 (Krishnamoorthy et al.,
2020 (Rhayem et al., 2020) General
2020 (Sobin, 2020) Agriculture
2019 (Balaji et al., 2019) WoT
2019 (Balakrishna et al., 2019) Smart Cities
2019 (Li et al., 2019) WoT
2019 (Zgheib et al., 2019) Healthcare
2018 (Gyrard et al., 2018) Smart Cities
2018 (Zaidan et al., 2018) Smart Home
2017 (Bajaj et al., 2017) Sensors
2017 (Goudos et al., 2017) Smart Cities
2017 (Marques et al., 2017) Smart Homes
2016 (Jahan et al., 2016) General
2016 (Szilagyi and Wira,
tic Web are set to be used, supporting the concept of
Semantic Web of Things, allowing to share ”things”
and compose services built on top of IoT devices (Jara
et al., 2014).
Furthermore, the integration of IoT with Seman-
tic Web enables the use of ontologies, which allow
the data to be processed by machines, while making
it more understandable for humans. This further ex-
pands the capabilities of IoT giving access to semantic
reasoners and certain databases built around Semantic
Web notions such as RDF
or OWL2
, enhancing the
possibilities of the provision of composed services.
It is easy to see how the confluence of Semantic
Web and IoT can be beneficial for the provision of
smart services to users, building on top of low-level
layers. Therefore, a new breed of tools and instru-
ments have been born from the confluence of IoT and
Semantic Web to bring a higher interoperability for all
of IoT devices as well as new and enhanced features
for end-users.
2.1 Previous Surveys
There are several existing studies that discussed IoT,
ontologies, Semantic Web and their interactions in
different domains (Table 1). We summarize in this
section the main reviews identified.
There are some reviews that focus generally on the
aspects of integration of ontologies and IoT. For ex-
ample, (Bajaj et al., 2017) review focuses on sensor
and general ontologies and the technologies and chal-
lenges that come along with them, such as interoper-
ability. (Balaji et al., 2019) focuses on an overview
of IoT technology in general terms focusing more on
the communication aspects (such as RFID and Wire-
less Sensor Network). Also (Zaidan et al., 2018) cen-
ters more on aspects related to communication in the
context of IoT and integration of semantics. (Balakr-
ishna et al., 2019) reports about the semantic inter-
operability in Smart Cities, covering aspects such as
RDF, RDF schema, OWL, SPARQL, semantic anno-
tations, and semantic reasoning. (Goudos et al., 2017)
focuses on Smart Cities integration of IoT devices
covering aspects such as transportation and logistics,
discussing the implication of usage of Semantic Web
for IoT. (Rhayem et al., 2020) provides a Systematic
Literature Review focusing on Semantic Web Tech-
nologies applied in IoT covering many aspects such as
semantic technologies, reuse of ontologies, modular-
ity, context, methodology, and evaluation techniques.
(Sobin, 2020) covers challenges such as security or
scalability, classifying the findings according to the
domain, like healthcare or smart agriculture, provid-
ing a new taxonomy in terms of communication pro-
tocols and architectures.
Some reviews focus specifically on tools support,
like (Gyrard et al., 2018) that centers the interest on
analyzing ontology-software tools for interoperabil-
ity. Some catalogs of ontologies are reviewed by
domain, and offer a tool for evaluating the different
ontologies and approaches investigated. Also (Jahan
et al., 2016) focuses on different frameworks for the
Web of Things. (Krishnamoorthy et al., 2021) puts
the emphasis on different architectures for Healthcare
IoT differentiating up to 19 different critical appli-
cations. Also (Marques et al., 2017) has the central
point on different IoT projects in the context of IoT
architectures with applications such as smart homes,
or healthcare. Overall, 10 different IoT platforms are
included. (Szilagyi and Wira, 2016) focuses more on
technologies and ontologies that have a commercial
use, organized according to their position in the IoT
Stack. (Zgheib et al., 2019) focuses more on middle-
ware architectures for healthcare IoT, determining up
to 7 different middleware approaches going towards
semantic middleware approaches. (Li et al., 2019)
centers on standardized IoT ontologies and how they
cover one of the different WoT layers – looking at six
different ontologies and their integration within IoT
and WoT.
This review is different than the aforementioned
ones as we specifically focus on the classification of
implementations that were considered for the conver-
Tools for the Confluence of Semantic Web and IoT: A Survey
Table 2: Queries run on the digital repositories.
Repository Query # Articles Found
IEEEXplore (”Abstract”:”IoT” OR ”Abstract”:”Internet of Things”) AND (”Abstract”:”ontology” OR ”Abstract”:”semantic web” OR
”Abstract”:”WoT”) AND (”Abstract”:”tool” OR ”Abstract”:”technology”)
ACM DL (Abstract:”IoT” OR Abstract:”Internet of Things”) AND (Abstract:”Semantic Web” OR Abstract:”ontology” OR Ab-
stract:”WoT”) AND (Abstract:”technology” OR Abstract:”tool”)
Elsevier (”Abstract”:”IoT” OR ”Abstract”:”Internet of Things”) AND (”Abstract”:”ontology” OR ”Abstract”:”semantic web” OR
”Abstract”:”WoT”) AND (”Abstract”:”tool” OR ”Abstract”:”technology”)
SpringerLink ((Abstract:”IoT”) OR (Abstract:”Internet of Things”)) AND ((Abstract:”Technology”) OR (Abstract:”Tools”)) AND ((Ab-
stract:”Semantic Web”) OR (Abstract:”WoT”) OR (Abstract:”Ontology”)) AND (Language:”English”)
gence of Semantic Web and IoT (framework, environ-
ment, platform, ontology, architecture, middleware)
linking to the different domains (e.g., Smart Cities,
Healthcare). Overall, we provide the distinguishing
characteristics of the tools that were implemented as
enablers for the confluence of Semantic Web and IoT.
To look into ad-hoc tools implemented for the conflu-
ence of Semantic Web and IoT, we adopted the Sys-
tematic Literature Review (SLR) research approach.
A SLR is a formalized review process to collect,
synthesize, and report previous research in a do-
main (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). The process
starts with the definition of the survey needs, the def-
inition of the research questions and derived queries.
Afterwards, researchers go trough a series of steps to
review the collected articles taking into account inclu-
sion / exclusion criteria. After a collaborative process
about the final decision to include the papers, all the
research is synthesized in the final presentation of the
results, answering the research questions.
The goal of the current review was to investigate
the tools for the confluence of Semantic Web and IoT.
Since a large and recent number of papers have fo-
cused on the IoT domain, we wanted to look into the
availability of tools to support the IoT context with ca-
pabilities related to reasoning and the Semantic Web.
To run the review, we selected four main digital repos-
DR1. IEEEXplore (
DR2. ACM Digital library (
DR3. Elsevier ScienceDirect (
DR4. SpringerLink (
For each repository we run the queries on the ab-
stracts as it can be seen in Table 2. Inclusion and ex-
clusion criteria were the following:
Inclusion Criteria: i) there is a tool for Semantic
Web - IoT confluence described in the paper; ii) the
tool is applied to a concrete case in a specific domain;
iii) only papers written in English; iv) only articles
from the range of years 2011-2021;
Exclusion Criteria: i) other reviews (secondary
/ tertiary studies); ii) vision / position / challenges /
editorials / posters;
To reach the main goal of the review, we set-up
the following Research Questions (RQs):
RQ1. What are the domains on which the differ-
ent tools are applied/developed for?
RQ2. What are the different designs of tools that
are being developed for the confluence of the Se-
mantic Web and IoT?
RQ3. Is there a more prevalent type of tool that is
used to cover the topic?
RQ4. What is the main focus of this kind of tools
and how do they relate to the different types that
can be found in the literature?
RQ5. Is there any specific secondary tool (e.g.,
software library / framework) that was mentioned
more in the proposals of the reviewed tools?
Overall, 572 papers were found from the digital
repositories divided into 334 journal articles and 238
found in proceedings. These were filtered based on
inclusion and exclusion criteria by two authors of the
paper. After agreement on the inclusion consulting
the abstracts (and in case of indecision the full paper),
60 papers were used to answer the research questions.
These papers, as well as the characteristics of the tools
that appear in them, have been collected and assigned
a key for easier referencing in Table 3.
We present the results from the review divided by
RQs, with a classification of the tools by domain,
type, category and focus, as well as a domain tree.
Furthermore, let it be noted that all the different divi-
sions that we have created to classify the papers are
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 3: References Index.
Reference Key Design Type Domain Focus
(Kim et al., 2018) K01 Modelled Tool Architecture Smart Grids Security
(Muppavarapu et al.,
K02 Semantic System Framework Smart Homes Interoperability
Smart Buildings User-friendliness
(Ibaseta et al., 2021) K03 Semantic System Architecture Smart Buildings Interoperability
(Turchet et al., 2020) K04 N\A Ontology Music N\A
(Awad et al., 2019) K05 Modelled Tool Environment WoT Interoperability
(Provoost et al., 2020) K06 Modelled Tool Platform Smart Cities User-friendliness
(Janowicz et al., 2019) K07 N\A Ontology Sensors N\A
(Baldassarre et al.,
K08 Semantic System Environment Social IoT Interoperability
(Loseto et al., 2016) K09 Semantic System Framework WoT Interoperability
(Silva et al., 2020) K10 Semantic System Architecture Smart Cities Interoperability
Platform Smart Buildings
(Platenius-Mohr et al.,
K11 Modelled Tool Environment Industry Interoperability
(Charpenay et al., 2015) K12 Semantic System Framework Building Au-
(Xu et al., 2017) K13 Modelled Tool Environment Security Interoperability
(Yu et al., 2018) K14 Semantic System Framework IoEverything Interoperability
(Koorapati et al., 2018) K15 Semantic System Framework General Security
(Lian et al., 2020a) K16 Modelled Tool Middleware General Interoperability
(Sciullo et al., 2019) K17 End-user Tool Platform Industry User-friendliness
Smart Home
(Zeng et al., 2019) K18 Semantic System Framework Cloud\Edge
(Hwang et al., 2016) K19 Modelled Tool Environment Virtual Agent Interoperability
(Ming and Yan, 2013) K20 Semantic System Middleware General Interoperability
(Al Sunny et al., 2017) K21 Semantic System Architecture Industry User-friendliness
c and Grd,
K22 N\A Ontology Security N\A
(Burns et al., 2018) K23 Semantic System Framework Smart Cities Security
(Zhou et al., 2018) K24 Modelled Tool Platform Social IoT Security
(Willner et al., 2017) K25 Semantic System Platform Smart Factories Interoperability
(Liang et al., 2019) K26 Semantic System Framework General Security
(Shimoda et al., 2020) K27 Semantic System Environment Sensors Interoperability
(Reda et al., 2021) K28 Semantic System Environment Healthcare Interoperability
(Fensel et al., 2013) K29 Semantic System Environment Energy Con-
Smart Grids
(Su et al., 2017) K30 Semantic System Framework Cloud\Edge
Ontology Reasoning
(Kotis et al., 2012) K31 Semantic System Framework Sensors Interoperability
Tools for the Confluence of Semantic Web and IoT: A Survey
Table 3: References Index. (cont.).
(Dolan et al., 2020) K32 Semantic System Framework Smart Homes User-friendliness
(Sanctorum et al., 2021) K33 End-user Tool Platform Toxicology User-friendliness
(Kyriazakos et al.,
K34 Modelled Tool Platform General Interoperability
(Govoni et al., 2017) K35 Modelled Tool Middleware Smart Cities User-friendliness
(Hashemian et al.,
K36 End-user Tool Framework WoT Interoperability
(Durand et al., 2017) K37 Modelled Tool Framework WoT Security
(Seok et al., 2019) K38 Semantic System Environment Sensors Interoperability
(Sciullo et al., 2020) K39 End-user Tool Platform WoT User-friendliness
(Negash et al., 2019) K40 Modelled Tool Architecture WoT Interoperability
(Khodadadi and Sin-
nott, 2017)
K41 Semantic System Framework Energy Con-
(Teixeira et al., 2020) K42 Semantic System Architecture General User-friendliness
ıa Mangas and
arez Alonso, 2019)
K43 Modelled Tool Framework WoT Interoperability
(De et al., 2014) K44 Semantic System Architecture General Interoperability
(Thramboulidis et al.,
K45 Modelled Tool Framework Industry Interoperability
(Khan et al., 2016) K46 End-user Tool Architecture Smart Home Interoperability
Environment Healthcare
(Elsayed and Elgamel,
K47 Semantic System Platform Smart Cars Interoperability
(Duy et al., 2019) K48 Semantic System Framework Sensors Interoperability
(Lian et al., 2020b) K49 Modelled Tool Middleware General Interoperability
(Hu et al., 2020) K50 Modelled Tool Framework General Interoperability
(Luecking et al., 2020) K51 Semantic System Framework General Security
(Sun et al., 2018) K52 Semantic System Environment General Interoperability
Modelled Tool Reasoning
(Steinmetz et al., 2017) K53 Modelled Tool Environment Industry Interoperability
End-user Tool
(Xu et al., 2018) K54 Semantic System Middleware Smart Home User-friendliness
Framework Reasoning
(Berat Sezer et al.,
K55 Semantic System Framework General Interoperability
(Khattab et al., 2018) K56 End-user Tool Environment General User-friendliness
(Miori and Russo, 2012) K57 Semantic System Environment Smart Home Reasoning
(Mavrogiorgou et al.,
K58 Semantic System Platform Healthcare User-friendliness
End-user Tool
(Machorro-Cano et al.,
K59 End-user Tool Platform Smart Home User-friendliness
(Nakatani et al., 2019) K60 Modelled Tool Environment Virtual Agent User-friendliness
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
non-exclusive, meaning that the same paper could fall
under two different classes.
4.1 RQ1 — Domain of the Tools
We classified the provided tools by the domain of ap-
plication (Table 4). There are 21 domains described
with most of them having an occurrence of about a 3%
of the total. The General domain comprises a 21.6%
of the articles and describes those articles that focus
in IoT as a whole, without describing or introducing
any further specific topics. This is due to the high
heterogeneity of the research. To answer the ques-
tion about the possible relation between different do-
mains, we have included a representation of a domain
tree (Fig. 1) where we classified the domains from the
more general to the more specific concepts.
The confluence of Semantic Web with IoT has
covered many diverse fields each supported by differ-
ent tools and implementations. This is to be expected
as IoT represents a central concept of many emerging
smart domains, and at the same time it also comes to
show how cross-cutting the IoT concept is being
applied to many different domains: from industry and
automation, smart cities, smart grids to the healthcare
Figure 1: Domain Tree.
Table 4: Domain of Tools.
Domain Count Percentage Items
Smart Grids 2 3.3% K01, K29
Smart Home 7 11.6% K02, K17, K32
K46, K54, K57
Smart Buildings 3 5% K02, K03, K10
Music 1 1.6% K04
WoT 5 8.3% K05, K09, K36
K37, K43
Smart Cities 5 8.3% K06, K10, K23
K35, K39
Sensors 7 11.6% K07, K27, K31
K38, K39, K40
Industry 5 8.3% K11, K17, K21
K45, K53
Building Automation 1 1.6% K12
Cybersecurity 2 3.3% K13, K22
IoEverything 1 1.6% K14
General 13 21.6% K15, K16, K20
K26, K34, K42
K44, K49, K50
K51, K52, K55
Cloud/Edge Computing 2 3.3% K18, K30
Virtual Agent 2 3.3% K19, K60
Social IoT 2 3.3% K08, K24
Smart Factories 1 1.6% K25
Healthcare 4 6.6% K28, K46, K57
Energy Consumption 2 3.3% K29, K41
Toxicology 1 1.6% K33
Automation 1 1.6% K45
Smart Cars 1 1.6% K47
4.2 RQ2 — Design of Tools
As shown in Table 5 we have divided the tools found
in three non-exclusive categories as high-level goals
of the tools: i) End-user Tools, ii) Semantic Systems
and iii) Modelled Tools. This categorization helps to
provide a perspective on the type of each tool. The
first category, End-user Tool, refers to any tool that
has been developed with an end-user in mind; i. e.:
a tool that has been designed to be used by a non-
specialist in the IoT/Semantic Web topic. These tools
only represent about a 15% of the total, showing the
relative low number of tools specifically designed for
end-user integrating IoT and the Semantic Web. Some
of the End-user Tools are considerably different from
each other. As an example we have K17 where WoT
Store is enabled in such a way that a non-expert could
include new functions in the pre-existing devices. On
the other hand, K33, presents DIY-KR-KIT, that while
still being an End-user Tool, it is intended to help
developers work faster and with greater ease in the
domain of ontologies, providing a GUI in which the
Tools for the Confluence of Semantic Web and IoT: A Survey
components of the ontology behave as pieces from a
jigsaw thanks to the Blockly technology
Table 5: Categorization of the Tools.
Category Count Percentage References
Semantic System 32 53.3% K02, K03, K08, K09, K10
K12, K14, K15, K18, K20
K21, K23, K25, K26, K27
K28, K29, K30, K31, K32
K38, K41, K42, K44, K47
K48, K51, K52, K54, K55
K57, K58
Modelled Tool 19 31.6% K01, K05, K06, K11, K13
K16, K19, K24, K34, K35
K37, K40, K43, K45, K49
K50, K52, K53, K60
End-user Tool 9 15% K17, K33, K36, K39, K46
K53, K56, K58, K59
With the term Semantic System we are referring
to any tool that is built upon semantic technologies, i.
e.: that uses the support provided by the main seman-
tic standards to create its functionalities. These tools
represent the 53.3% of the total. These tools rely on
the core semantic technologies (e.g., OWL, SPARQL,
RDF) and are building full support based on the most
common standards. It is interesting to see how these
technologies have been applied in research related to
IoT. For example K14 develops an unnamed frame-
work that uses standards such as OWL or RDF to re-
trieve sensors information, while K23 uses the NIST
CPS Framework and the same standards to propose a
better understanding of the trustworthiness of the dif-
ferent devices thanks to reasoning.
Finally, by Modelled Tools we are referring to
tools that are based and implemented from a previ-
ously introduced model that provides theoretical sup-
port. These tools, a 31.6% of the total, show how the
confluence can be based on the support of previous
models that need emerging tools for the application in
the specific context. Between these tools we can find
an important heterogeneity K34 provides BETaaS
Platform for integrating IoT devices from a context-
aware perspective, but on the other end K49 solves the
same problem with the use of a middleware approach,
such as I2oTegrator, through the use of multiple op-
erations geared towards the use of reasoning.
4.3 RQ3 — Types of Tools
When pondering the question about the type of tool
used in the confluence, we categorized the tools in 6
different types, as it can be seen in Table 6. These
6 types are: platform, environment, framework, mid-
dleware, architecture, and ontology. Even though on-
tologies can be considered a more cross-cutting con-
cept than the other categories, we preferred to include
it in the classification, as it can give a more detailed
view of the representation of ontologies among the
reviewed software implementations. Furthermore, it
could be argued that ontologies are not tools, but we
are considering them as so as they supply a critical
role when addressing IoT data.
Platform. We refer by the definition given by
: ”specific platforms on which technical ar-
chitecture is laid out and is made to run. This type
of platform mostly consists of mixture of hardware
and software services”.
Environment. The term environment denotes a
higher level than platform: ecosystems that allow
the implementation of new capabilities of IoT tak-
ing into account the integration of platforms, ser-
vices, and business functionality (Messerschmitt
and Szyperski, 2003).
Framework. Represents a layered structure on
which functions are developed and interrelate
with some developed software platform – in other
terms, ”a software structure with facilities for
software development, such as language transla-
tors, debugging facilities, libraries”
Middleware. Formed by software components
that enable connection between different lay-
ers often through network connectivity (Etzkorn,
Architecture. The building blocks of software
systems and the design of the different function-
alities and capabilities (Bass et al., 2003).
Number of Tools
Figure 2: Different Types of Tools.
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 6: Types of Tools.
Platform (15.28%) Environment (19.44%) Framework (31.94%) Middleware (6.94%) Architecture (12.50%) Ontology (13.89%)
K10, K17, K24, K25, K33 K05, K08, K11, K13, K19 K02, K09, K12, K14, K15 K16, K20, K35, K49, K54 K01, K03, K10, K21, K34 K04, K07, K16, K18, K19
K34, K39, K47, K58, K59 K27, K28, K29, K46, K52 K18, K23, K26, K30, K31 K40, K42, K44, K46, K60 K20, K21, K22, K30
K06 K53, K56, K57, K60 K31, K32, K36, K37, K41
K42, K43, K45, K48, K50
K51, K54, K55
Ontology. We are referring to the vocabularies
that ”define the concepts and relationships used
to describe and represent an area of concern”
There are many ontologies available in different
domains e.g., in the energy domain (Blanco.
et al., 2021).
The classification (Fig. 2 and Table 6) shows the
diversity of the IoT implementations that were cate-
gorized, where multiple types of tools can be used to
implement solutions in the confluence with the Se-
mantic Web. We discuss next the main findings.
The less represented type of tools are those that
fall under the label of middleware. While there have
been some interesting tools such as SPF of K35,
which supports IoT deployment and distributed com-
puting for Smart Cities, the representation of this type
of tools is relatively low (6.94%).
Architecture (architectural descriptions), Ontol-
ogy and Platform are distributed similarly, in the
range 12-16%. In particular, the case of ontology
type tools is interesting as they are usually provided
alongside other type of tools, such as frameworks as
OntModel in K30 for the transference of ontologies,
or such as architectural descriptions as MTComm in
K21 for Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud. This
is mostly due to the fact that ontologies are introduced
not as a standalone tool, but rather as a complement
to empower other parts of the infrastructure. For ex-
ample, the case of K19, in which unnamed ontology
models are defined to facilitate the work of an envi-
ronment focused on providing rules for installing new
functionalities based on virtual agents.
The two most relevant categories were Environ-
ments and Frameworks, with a 19.44% and 31.94% of
the cases respectively. This gives us two different per-
spectives, as on the one hand, environments are more
catered towards the integration and usage of IoT tech-
nologies, while frameworks focus on the development
of the IoT technology itself. This can be easily appre-
ciated in K57 where an environment developed with
DomoNet and DomoML is described to prevent health
hazards in a Smart Home thanks to the use of IoT de-
vices. On the other hand, in K36 a framework named
WoTbench for measuring the performance of differ-
ent IoT devices is introduced, and thus offering a new
tool for the development of new IoT technologies.
All in all we can take as a conclusion that the work
currently done in the confluence of IoT and Semantic
Web is focused on a variety of software platforms, en-
vironments, frameworks with ontologies playing an
important role to support the different implementa-
tions. We also found relatively low number of arti-
cles that were applying machine learning, despite the
current interest for it. One example of this is K06
in which sensors and WoT were used to predict the
parking occupancy comparing the results obtained by
Neural Networks and Random Forests methods.
4.4 RQ4 — Focus of Tools
As for the different focus of the tools we extracted
four main categories that were represented in the ar-
ticles: i) Security, ii) User-friendliness, iii) Reason-
ing, and iv) Interoperability (Fig. 3 and Table 7). By
”focus on security” we are referring to tools that try
to improve the integrity and resistance to attacks of
IoT devices. By ”user-friendliness” we refer to those
tools whose focus is offering a better experience of
the IoT environment for the user, trying to relieve the
need for technical expertise. By ”reasoning” we are
strictly referring to those tools whose main objective
is to enhance the semantic reasoning offered by the
so-called Semantic Web reasoners with IoT integra-
tion. And, finally, by ”interoperability” we are includ-
ing the work done to overcome the heterogeneity that
defines IoT devices enhancing the integration process.
Both reasoning and security cover each a 11.6%.
An example of security can be found in K01 where
we can see the intention of modelling ontologies to
prevent Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks
one of the most common kind of attacks in IoT. In the
same sense, reasoning is a really advanced tool for
processing data that requires a well-established do-
main. For now, reasoning is used as a complement as
in K52, where it is used to enable the interoperability
of IoT devices connected to a data stream.
User-friendliness represents a 25% and the sec-
ond one focus in terms of size. This focus represents
the intention of making the domain more amicable for
users that adopt new services based on semantic IoT.
Tools for the Confluence of Semantic Web and IoT: A Survey
0 20 40
Number of Tools
Figure 3: Focus of Tools.
A substantial part of the community cares for grow-
ing further away from its frontier and proposes tools
that are able to bring the IoT/Semantic Web to most
non-expert users. Probably the best example of this is
K17, where the WoT Store, akin to most common app
stores, is set up so the end-user is able to integrate new
functionalities in pre-existing devices.
Table 7: Focus of Tools.
Focus Count Percentage References
Security 7 11.6% K01, K15, K23, K24, K26
K37, K51
Interoperability 36 60.0% K02, K03, K05, K08, K09
K10, K11, K12, K13, K14
K16, K18, K19, K20, K25
K27, K28, K29, K30, K31
K34, K36, K38, K40, K41
K43, K44, K45, K46, K47
K48, K49, K50, K52, K53
User-friendliness 15 25.0% K02, K06, K17, K21, K32
K33, K35, K39, K42, K47
K54, K56, K58, K59, K60
Reasoning 7 11.6% K23, K28, K30, K49, K52
K54, K57
Finally, interoperability is by far the biggest focus
of all the reviewed papers with a count of 60%. This
is due to the nature of IoT and how heterogeneous
the field can be. It also points out how it is an open
problem that is yet to be solved by an all-integrating
solution. One of the papers that is best at showing
how the work is done in interoperability is K50, where
the framework Things2Vec is implemented for using
generated graphs to model the function sequence re-
lationships between IoT devices.
4.5 RQ5 — Secondary Tools
Answering this RQ has been more challenging, as
third party tools used in the research might not have
been mentioned in the articles. We have noted up
to 54 different secondary tools without a specific one
being used generally enough that it could be consid-
ered as a key one. On this regard, the most used
secondary tool is Prot
e with a total of 7 instances,
which is far from having significance given the num-
ber of reviewed articles. Other articles cite common
secondary tools such as Pellet, Apache Jena, HermiT.
As highlighted when answering other RQs, the ma-
jority of the papers mention OWL and SPARQL
which are more than expected standards for the con-
vergence of IoT and the Semantic Web.
We have proposed a review about tools that were built
to support the confluence of Semantic Web and IoT,
offering a comprehensive perspective on the current
state of the art. We have defined ve different re-
search questions that range from the domains the tools
are developed for, to the focus of the tools includ-
ing questions about the design, the type of tools and
about any other secondary tools that might have been
used. We have been able to identify 6 different types
of tools, 3 different types of categories for the tools,
and 4 different types of focus. The classification has
been analyzed from the perspective of the 21 differ-
ent domains that we have been able to identify (e.g.,
Industry 4.0, Smart Cities). When answering the re-
search questions, we have provided some interpreta-
tions about the current state of the art and the research
directions. Overall, we found out that the tools for
the convergence have focused more on interoperabil-
ity aspects, and generally more on the application of
modelling and building semantic systems, rather than
on the provision of end-user tools. As well, there is a
variety of heterogeneous domains that are covered by
the tools: from the energy domain, to the healthcare.
The research was supported from ERDF/ESF ”Cy-
berSecurity, CyberCrime and Critical Informa-
tion Infrastructures Center of Excellence” (No.
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 019/0000822).
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