In this study, a Workflow net model incremented with
symbolic date intervals for describing activity dura-
tions and waiting times was presented. In order to
produce the minimum and maximum intervals for
the execution of activities, two constraint propagation
mechanisms based on the sequent calculus of Linear
Logic were proposed. The first is a forward mecha-
nism that uses (max,+) operators to produce formu-
las that indicate the earliest dates for the beginning
of the activities of the cases treated by the Workflow
process. The second is a backward mechanism that
uses (min,−) operators to produce formulas that in-
dicate the latest dates for the beginning the activities
of those cases dealt with by the Workflow net pro-
cess. The particular case of the backward mechanism
is to prove the Soundness property of the Workflow
net considering an inverted model with all arcs re-
versed. Due to the sequent calculus being based on
such a model, this corresponds to a kind of go back
in time each time a transition is fired, thus the time is
decreased on the corresponding formula.
The computation of symbolic dates for the execu-
tion of each activity mapped into a time Workflow net,
using the proof trees of Linear Logic, allows the plan-
ning of the utilization of the resources. These are the
resources involved in the activities of the Workflow
process for any case handled by the corresponding
Workflow process, since the computed dates are sym-
bolic instead of numerical. This kind of reuse is not
provided when an approach based on a graph-oriented
method (as the conventional ones) is considered.
As a future study, the authors intend to combine
the time constraint propagation mechanisms with a
formal definition of a resource allocation mechanism,
as that presented in (Medeiros and Julia, 2017), and
propose a conflict resolution mechanism with the aim
of calculating a sequence of activities that respects
the disjunctive constraints (resource allocation mech-
anisms) as well as the time constraints (date inter-
The authors would like to thank FAPEMIG, CNPq
and CAPES for the financial support provided.
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ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems