Analysis of Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System
Kristina Kovacikova
, Andrej Novak
and Alena Novak Sedlackova
Department of Air Transport, University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia
Keywords: AeroMACS, Communication Systems, Network, Airport.
Abstract: Air traffic is doubling every 15 years. Aeronautical technologies are changing and developing every year and
with it the global Air navigation systems needs to adapt to the increased air traffic, to the move of more than
one hundred thousand commercial flights daily and this number is expected to increase in the future. Increased
flights in early 2000s, caused the saturation in the Air Traffic Management communications capacity that uses
the VHF data link provided by International Telecommunication Union in Europe and in the United States.
The situation created a need for new research to find new communication systems to help release the pressure,
and that can eventually replace the current aeronautical communication system. It led to the use of
Aeronautical Airport Communication System. The aim of this paper is to analyse the Aeronautical Airport
Communications System.
Aeronautical Airport Communications System
(AeroMACS) is the next generation aeronautical
Communication system, and it is being deployed
internationally to help airlines increase capacity, to
cope with the people’s demand for travels and flights
(Kalapos et al., 2019). The purpose of this paper is to
analyse AeroMACS, their coverage area, benefits,
SWOT analysis, researching problems if they exist
and to provide best practices for safety.
The main problem that the aeronautical
communication system facing is the congestion of the
VHF datalinks (Bartoli et al., 2013).
It seems that a new system of communication is
needed now more than ever to lower the congestion
in VHF datalink including all assigned by the 4
modes, Aeronautical VHF data links use the band
117.975–137 MHz that is used for the aircraft and
airport communication systems, the congestion
problem was more severe in Europe than in the
United States (Hall et al., 2012). However, both made
taken steps to lower/reduce the congestion by
significantly reducing the channel spacing (50 to
25khz in the U.S. and from 25 to 8.33khz in Europe),
this reduction allowed for more application and
services to work simultaneously in the crowded VHF
spectrum, some countries got ICAO approval
independently on some Air/Ground data links, but
non achieved global reach (Budinger & Hall, 2011).
In the ICAO’s 11th Air Navigation Conference
held in Montréal, Quebec, Canada in late 2003, about
advanced work for the development of global future
(ATM) related to communication systems, the
committee made a report including several
observations and recommendations related to the
matter (Tang et al., 2021). It included the gradual
introduction of new communication systems to
help/complement and eventually replace the existing
communication system, and the need for the existing
aeronautical communication infrastructure, to take in
new services and applications, as well as the
globalization and harmonization of the A/G
communication systems (Shin et al., 2021).
The VHF VDL-M2 is outdated and old and it has been
congested especially in Europe, it has been criticized
for its limited speed and usage of outdated data link
Kovacikova, K., Novak, A. and Sedlackova, A.
Analysis of Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System.
DOI: 10.5220/0011066500003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 1, pages 211-217
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
methods especially the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) based communication system
with the presence of the Internet Protocol (IP) based
network, as well as security issues which weren’t
considered when the datalink was designed to be used
in the (ATC).
The security issues with this Datalink are
significant, especially with the advanced cyber-
attacks that can attack even more secured networks
than the VDL-M2, attacks on power grids, financial
institutions and even oil pipelines, ATC running on
the outdated datalink makes it very vulnerable for
cyber-attacks (Hruz et al., 2022).
VHF is not able to integrate advanced applications
and services, (compared to the AeroMACS) due to
the architecture/technology of it and the very low
throughput. VHF has unstable latency as well and it
has relatively higher packet loss.
Some recommendations included the search for new
communication system put under criteria before they
are approved and standardize for the future A/G
communication systems (Budinger & Hall, 2011).
These recommendations helped establishing
goals for both EUROCONTROL and FAA to
establish a joint investigation and working closely to
find the possibility of development and introduction
of new aeronautical communication systems, and the
Future Communications Study (FCS) was conducted,
which led to the beginning of (2004) both NASA
Glenn and its contractor ITT, and EUROCONTROL
and its contractor QinetiQ conducting the study and
working closely together in multiple phases
(Budinger & Hall, 2011). First phase which studied
the possibility to use some candidates, the seconds
phase included detailed investigation of a smaller set
of candidates, and the third phase led to
harmonization of small list of candidates and
Figure 1: The technology assessment process.
common recommendations between the U.S. and
Europe. The process is illustrated in Figure 1
(Naganawa et al., 2017).
The conducted FCS assessment considered
technology candidates in three flight domains
continental, oceanic and remote airspace, and airport
(pre-departure and post-arrival on the surface) it is
summarized in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The common technology recommendations of the
Future Communications Study.
The common starting point which was
recommended to be used for aeronautical wireless
communication in the airport was the IEEE 802.16e
AeroMACS (Bartoli et al., 2013).
Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System
is based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers standard known as Wireless Worldwide
Interoperability. Microwave Access or WiMax, is a
wireless broadband technology, AeroMACS operates
in the licensed aviation spectrum band from 5091
MHz to 5150 MHz (Naganawa et al., 2017).
AeroMACS is one of the three elements of the of
the Future Communications Infrastructure which is a
new Internet Protocol Suite system to provide the
secure communication Base infrastructure for the Air
traffic communication as it provides the network
functionality necessary to connect air and ground via
multiple IP datalink (Budinger & Hall, 2011).
EUROCONTROL supporting the research for the
development of the European datalink system which
includes/integrates the AeroMACS into the FCI as
well as the Open systems interconnection.
AeroMACS has been already certified by
AeroMACS uses the 512 subcarriers in 5-MHz
channel, it supports multiple access modulation, and
multiple channel bandwidth from1.25- 20-MHz with
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
peak data rate of 50Mbps (Materna & Galierikova,
Some of the IEEE 802.16e features that the NASA
found which made it a good candidate are in Table 1.
Table 1: IEEE 802.16e features.
Feature Advantage
Mobility Supports vehicle speeds of up to 120 km/h,
sufficient for aircraft Taxiing and emergency
vehicles speed.
Range Covers up to approximately 10 km in line-of-
sight communications, which is enough for most
Quality of
Enables QoS based on throughput rate, packet
error deletion, scheduling time delay and jitter
up to 50Mbpd speed per wireless channel for
both fixed and portable apps and under 1%
packet loss.
Security Includes user authentication, authorization, key-
management protocol (strong encryption and
digital certificates), protection of control
messages and fast handover.
supports modern Internet based network
protocols and further developments.
It is efficient when it comes to industry and
reduced physical infrastructure compared to the
ACARS VHF technology that uses buried
copper/fiber cables.
Privacy Supports private VLANs.
Exploits multipath to enable non-line-of-site
communications especially at the big airports.
Scalability Includes flexible bandwidth and support
channelization, and different configurations
depending on the need.
4.1 Possible AeroMACS Application
AeroMACS uses a specific profile of WiMAX
forums, the WiMAX forum is an industry-led non
profitable consortium whose primary technical
function and sole purpose is to develop the technical
specifications underlying WiMAX Forum Certified
products. It has developed several profiles that will be
in future be developed on and used by device
manufacturers (Budinger & Hall, 2011).
IEEE 802.16e can support a wide variety of voice,
video and data communications among fixed and
mobile users at the airport, AeroMACS services can
be provided to aircraft anywhere on the airport
surface, as long as wheels are in contact with the
surface (Hruz et al., 2022).
The infrastructure suggested for the AeroMACS
in the airport, is to have multiple Base stations
(AeroMACS communication towers provided with
antennas) around the airport to cover it. The summary
of Some of the Possible uses that AeroMACS can
1. The near real-time video that the
AeroMACS provide can aid a lot in improving the
surface traffic movement to reduce delays.
2. AeroMACS can provide temporary
communication capabilities during outages and
during construction.
3. AeroMACS can reduce the cost of
connectivity as stated in the last table (scalability)
compared to the ACARS (underground buried cable)
4. AeroMACS can enhance the collaborative
decision making.
5. AeroMACS can ease updating of large
databases of loading of flights plans.
6. AeroMACS can enable aircraft access to
system wide information management for delivery of
“time-critical” information to the cockpit (Budinger
& Hall, 2011).
FAA with ICAO with the help of the FCS
categorized the Possible applications into three major
categories (Budinger & Hall, 2011).
1. ATC/ATM and infrastructure,
2. Airline operations,
3. Airport and / or port authority operations.
Since AeroMACS is flexible and can provide
communication of moving vehicles of up to 120km
per hour made it perfect to be used for the mobile
applications in the airport (Bartoli et al., 2013). And
even with aircrafts in the taxi and runways, so it can
provide connection for both fixed and mobile hence
why the applications and services within the three
major categories mentioned above can be described
as either fixed or mobile application, these
applications are summarized in Figure 3 and
examples given By NASA Glenn in Table 2.
Table 2: Applications of AeroMACS.
Air Traffic Services
-Selected air traffic control and air traffic
-Surface communications, navigation,
surveillance, weather sensors
Airline Services
Aeronautical operational control (AOC) Mobile
Advisory information
-Aeronautical information services (AIS)
-Meteorological (MET) data services
-System wide information management
-Airline administrative communications
Airport Operator
-Security video Fixed
-Routine and emergency operations Mobile
-Aircraft de-icing and snow removal Mobile
Analysis of Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System
Figure 3: Applications of AeroMACS.
4.1.1 Possible Air Traffic Services
Many applications and services are under
consideration in the AeroMACS for the ATC and
ATM, examples are:
Communications addressing and reporting
system (e.g., Pre-Departure Clearance PDC).
Selected Controller Pilot Data Link
Communications (e.g., four-dimensional
trajectory negotiations 4D-TRAD).
Selected COCR Services (e.g., Surface
Information Guidance D-SIG).
Other Safety-Critical Applications (e.g.,
Activate Runway Lighting Systems from the
Possible fixed applications in the U.S.:
Communications (e.g., controller-to-pilot
voice via Remote Transmit Receiver).
Navigation Aids (e.g., instrument landing
system data).
Surveillance (e.g., airport surface movement
detection and Airport Surveillance Radar).
Convey Electronic equipment performance
data for remote maintenance and monitoring.
4.1.2 Airline Services
Mobile AIS/MET services these include:
AIS baseline synchronization service (e.g.,
uploading flight plans to the FMS and
updating terrain).
Airport/Runway configuration information.
Data delivery to the cockpit (e.g., Data link
Aeronautical Update Services.
Convective weather information (e.g.,
graphical turbulence guidance data and
Navigational databases and aerodrome
charts to Electronic Flight Bag.
Airline services provide big amount of data and
services transmitted with a possibility to be integrated
into AeroMACS:
Aircraft and company operations (e.g., Weight
and balance information required for takeoff).
Sharing of maintenance information (e.g.,
offload of flight operational quality assurance
Ground operations and services (e.g.,
coordination of refueling and deicing
4.1.3 Airport Operator Services
Airport operator provides the last category in the
Possible applications that can be integrated into
AeroMACS these includes:
Video applications for safety applications
(e.g., cameras inside the vehicles, surveillance
cameras, mobile cameras for live video and
voice stream, which can be useful during de-
icing, and emergency operations like rescue
and fire situations).
It helps with airport runway and taxiway
inspection, time critical operations,
monitoring of the taxiway and the runway and
their maintenance.
Most of these applications are used right now with
a mix of land radio services, data and voice links on
the VHF datalinks modes, and even commercial local
area networks, these services are very important and
critical. U.S. is studying the possibility of adding
detection devices like radars to the IEEE 802.16e
infrastructure in the airports.
These applications and services can be provided
by governmental and commercially licensed, some of
them can be provided by the airlines service
4.2 Data Rate and Channel Modelling
Data Rate Needed for Mobile Applications/
The needed date transmission rate needed to run
mobile applications in airport network and location
equipment was estimated to be 20 Mbps and this
include the, and onboard electronic flight bags, Radio
frequency identification, and Voice-over-Internet-
Protocol between the airlines and airport personnel.
The AOC account for approximately more than half
of the 20 Mbps.
Data Rate needed for Fixed Applications/Services:
It was estimated to be over ~51 Mbps and they
include applications like sensor communications,
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
surveillance camera, weather data products, data from
radars and ASDE-X sensors, and AOC to RTR voice
over (Budinger & Hall, 2011).
Channel Modelling:
It was Planned that the channel is 5091-5150 MHz
provided by ITU, and that it can be divided to 5-MHz
Channels, so it can fit up to 11 channels in this band
range, and in the future, this plan can be extended, for
the band range would include new 5-MHz Channels
between 5000-5030 MHz for possible national
Table 3: Band channelling.
Lower AeroMACS Band (5000-5030 MHz)
Channel Number Channel Frequency
1 5005 MHz
2 5010 MHz
3 5015 MHz
4 5020 MHz
5 5025 MHz
Upper AeroMACS Core-Band (5091-5150 MHz)
Channel Number Channel Frequency
6 5095 MHz
7 5100 MHz
8 5105 MHz
9 5110 MHz
10 5115 MHz
11 5120 MHz
12 5125 MHz
13 5130 MHz
14 5135 MHz
15 5140 MHz
16 5145 MHz
4.3 Network Configuration and
To provide airports with AeroMACS, base stations
have to be installed in the airport sometimes even two
to cover the whole airport, and it is an infrastructure
proposed for the WiMAX (Kanada et al., 2013).
2 base stations to provide the scalability, coverage
range and protection, this infrastructure allows the
ATC and Management to be physically far/isolated
from the airport authority and airlines (Kanada et al.,
2013). The architecture is the common Internet
Protocol I.P, depends on the IP addresses to provide
connection between users and base station to the
services, so it works with the Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol to provide private IP address
for each subscriber station.
The AeroMACS wireless network architecture
suggested for the connection in the airport consists
mainly of mobile and stationary Subscriber sides
Base stations, and the connectivity services network
(Naganawa et al., 2017).
4.4 Network Security
AeroMACS provides great security, as the Public
Key Infrastructure provides the certificate system
needed for aircrafts, and between all devices, ground-
to-air, air-to-ground, ground-to-ground-
authentication, it provides the instrument for safe
connections, access control, and key management
protocol (Materna, 2019).
- It lessens hacking threats, like cyberattacks and
- Provides secure connectivity with encryption
and certificates.
- Collects data securely from mobile and fixed
- Maintains connection with aircraft and staff.
4.5 Network Speed
Now that we talked about AeroMACS, it is also worth
to note that the Very high frequency data link, VDL-
M2, is considered slow, old and outdated compared
to the AeroMACS, even when it comes to the budget
for installing it, wireless connection is much cost
efficient compared to the buried copper cables and
fiber optics.
AeroMACS has the capacity, bandwidth, speed,
security, scalability, and performance compared to
the Wi-Fi, VDL-M2 and even Swift BB (Skultety et
al., 2018).
In a study performed by ICAO, demonstrated that
even at aircraft moving at 200 km/h with 3000m
direct distance, the maximum thorough put of the
system was able to obtain up to 6.5 Mbps, a
throughput of 3-4 Mbps is enough to use real time
video applications which can be achieved with 8000m
direct distance with 200 km/h speed moving aircraft
(Koman et al., 2018).
In summary it is able to achieve 6000-7000 kbps
in best conditions, which can provide excellent data
communication, compared to the VDL-M2, 31.5
Kbps, Swift BB 432 Kbps, and Wi-Fi Gatelink 2000
Figure 4: AeroMACS speed compared to other
communication systems.
Analysis of Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System
4.6 AeroMACS DEployment
AeroMACS is already deployed in Lisbon Airport in
Portugal, some Airports in Japan, USA, Argentina,
and China.
FAA in the USA in contract to deploy Airport
Surface Surveillance Capability at 9 airports, 3
support systems.
In China the WiMAX frequency is centrally
controlled and regulated at the Chinese central State
by Radio Regulatory Commission and the Civil
Aviation Administration of China, as the aviation
data communication corporation in China authorized
AeroMACS in 2017, to setup and operate it in 110
airports. AeroMACS is already setup in more than 41
airports in China as of 2019 so by now it already
exceeded at least +55 airports (Rostas & Skultety,
4.7 SWOT Analysis
The AeroMACS SWOT analysis can be summarized
down below
1. LoS and NLoS connections
2. Scalability and security
3. Fast wireless connection up to 7000Kbps
for optimum use in the airport.
4. Industrial efficiency compared to the
existing VDL-M2
5. Quality of Service
6. Range and Mobility
1. The range can be a weakness compared to
the VHF but it offers much more benefits
than the VHF so it can be ignored, and with
today and possibly future technology
developments which can improve it,
wireless after all is best option better than
the buried cable.
identified more
than 330 applications to be used in the air
2. Possibility to be used in Unmanned aircraft
vehicles in the future.
3. Release the congestion on the existing VHF
datalink, especially in Europe.
4. Europe and USA are studying opportunities
to use the AeroMACS in further application,
services and the possibility of integration
with other communication technologies.
5. In the future Artificial Intelligence (AI)
applications and services like AI analytics
and prediction systems can be
added/integrated into AeroMACS, because
of the relatively low latency, high
throughput and QoS.
1. The 5-GHz is attractive, and many
competitors will seek to acquire the 5091-
5150 MHz band, so some regulation will be
needed in all countries. As the C-band
started to be congested due to the use of (Wi-
2. Hence the AeroMACS will be used in
Airports, it is going to be an open line of
sight, with open surface, some degradation,
dB noise and fading can happen because of
the reflection of the AeroMACS wireless
waves off the ground surface and moving
4.8 Possibility to use in UAV
Studies and analysis show that AeroMACS can also
be taken advantage of to be used in Unmanned
Aircraft Vehicles in the future, as AeroMACS has
been recognized as an important technology, and it
can open new horizons in Controlling these vehicles
with its fast speed.
The VHF datalinks security is bad even with attempts
to improve the security it is still not a great system in
today’s technology and it is vulnerable to
cyberattacks, as well as the congestion of the VHF
datalinks, Europe and the U.S. worked closely on
studies, to research and develop new systems to be
used in the aeronautical communication systems, to
help and improve the existing systems, the
implementation of new systems which can eventually
replace the systems that rely on the VHF frequencies.
One of these systems suggested was WiMAX forums
(IEEE 802.16).
AeroMACS (IEEE 802.16e) WiMAX is going to
be an important part of the FAA and ICAO vision for
the future of communication in aviation, which will
be fully implemented by 2025, it offers high
throughput, low latency, QoS, IP protocol-based
architecture, security and protection. And can be used
with fixed and mobile applications and services in the
airport ATC/ATM, airline services, and Airport
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Operator/Port Authority Services, it offers AI
integration for analytics and prediction systems. And
it is a candidate for many future research and studies
to be implemented in other areas like Unmanned
aerial Vehicles.
AeroMACS has been implemented in many
airports and it is showing a great promise and
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Analysis of Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System