The particular design challenge of the HAnS project
is to develop a digital learning space that takes into
account the individual educational requirements and
the different cognitive practices of students in higher
education. To create an AI-based ITS that generates
individualised learning materials, we will have to
assess existing courses as well as students’ and
teachers’ situations, skills, and opinions. On top of
that, we will also have to find ways to identify locally
functioning partial solutions which can be used as
starting points for more generalised design principles.
From theory formation through application to
verification, we intend to cover all of these stages
within a DBR framework which allows us to use a
problem-solving strategy that is both agile and
holistic, drawing inspiration and expertise from the
various specialisations present within our team of
twelve expert groups.
As a result of this agile approach, we expect to
derive design principles that can be directly
implemented (exemplarily) in our AI-based tutoring
system HAnS, but also provide guidance for future
projects: Ideally, our design principles will be easily
transferred and adapted to new cross-institutional
learning architectures and the educational research
which will shape them.
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