1.2 Objective
A Smart Crisis Response SoS (SCRSoS) is one of the
possible SSoS. It has the goal of crisis management,
and regroups a set of independent systems that should
cooperate to realize this goal, despite being fully au-
tonomous, independent and heterogeneous complex
systems. Thus, the SoS approach is justified by their
ability to respond to a crisis that neither of them can
manage on its own. Considering different crisis as ex-
ternal events, that have short decision time and most
of the time may happen without notice, the need of
smart systems that react to these events is essential.
They need to be dynamically adaptive and mobile in
order to have emerging behaviours. Thus, reconfigur-
ing their components and natures is vital; they ought
to interact by being linked together and combining
their functions to achieve SoS missions. Systems in
SCRSoS have a hierarchy in which, despite belonging
to a specific SoS and realizing common goals, con-
stituent systems still maintain their independent and
managerial autonomy, and their own evolutionary na-
ture. SCRSoS has an unpredictable nature, as deci-
sion making on how systems contribute depends on
many factors:
• External events triggering different type of be-
haviours from concerned constituent systems.
• Behavioural constraints prohibiting some systems
from interacting on specific events, or from shar-
ing some of their functions with other specific sys-
By having these factors, we can achieve SoS missions
in an autonomous way, defined as an event trigger-
ing certain interactions (links) between specific con-
stituent systems, then they combine some of their
roles in order to respond to that event, ensuring co-
herence by not violating behavioural constraints.
In order to design SCRSoS, and to execute and sim-
ulate its behaviours and reconfigurations, a formal
model is needed. This model should be enough
generic, thus it will be inspired from a reference
architecture derived from the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010
standard (ISO/IEC/IEEE, 2011) and also based on
ArchSoS, an existing Architecture Description Lan-
guage (ADL) dedicated to SoS software architectures.
Maude is used to specify, implement and execute this
model. The aim of this paper is twofold, we derive
a referential architecture for crisis response system-
of-systems in one hand, the role of communication
and the characteristics of constituent systems that are
needed to adapt their dynamic behavior are added to
the architecture standard of IEEE. In the other hand,
we define a formal model on the basis of the Maude
Strategy language, to deal with the dynamic recon-
figuration of these system types. Besides, this model
is very appropriate to formally analyse some relveant
properties of Smart-SoS.
1.3 Related Work
There have been few approaches in the literature deal-
ing with the formal description and analysis of Smart
and reconfigurable SoS. Among these works, we are
interested in the study of the following three contribu-
tions, allowing to situate our own.
Authors in (Nielsen and Larsen, 2012) proposed
an extension of VDM-RT formalism to enable the
modeling of evolving SoS, their constituents, and
communication channels that can be added and re-
moved at runtime. It was applied on an intelligent Ve-
hicle Monitoring SoS aiming to improve road safety.
Similarly, the work of (Oquendo, 2016) has pro-
posed an ADL, known as SosADL and based on Π-
calculus. It focused on how organizing the interac-
tions among an SoS constituent systems to enable
the emergence of SoS-wide behaviors derived from
local behaviors. Also, this work has been extended
and enhanced to cover two SoS application examples:
(1) an urban river monitoring SoS illustrating self-
organizing architectures (Oquendo and Legay, 2015),
and (2) an IoV Internet of Vehicles serving as a sup-
port to describe an SoS-based exogenous approach
(Oquendo, 2019).
On the other hand, in (Chaabane et al., 2019),
authors adapted the standard “ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:
systems and software engineering-architecture de-
scription” and improved it to support SoS software
architectural description. They evaluated their pro-
posal with the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM), as an
effectiveness check. The approach was used to model
a Smart City SoS dealing with structural, behavioral
and requirements aspects.
In our previous work, we have defined ArchSoS
language, as an ADL dedicated to software architec-
tural description of SoS. Its originality lies in the fact
that, its syntax being textual or graphical, is inspired
from Bigraphical Reactive Systems (Milner, 2009)
and its operational semantics is based on rewriting
theories (Meseguer, 1996). Then, obtained ArchSoS
models are naturally executed and analyzed through
Maude system (Clavel et al., ) (McCombs, 2003). In
this paper, we propose to extend ArchSoS in order
to deal explicitly with the principle of reconfigura-
tion in SoS, as well as their formal analysis. Indeed,
Smart SoS constituent systems have unpredictable be-
haviours, as they are constantly evolving and have to
coordinate and interact to accomplish global missions
Modeling the Dynamic Reconfiguration in Smart Crisis Response Systems