as compared to other sectors. We also showed that
companies in the finance sector have similarities in
their ER movements as to that of big-size companies,
even though they mostly had the lowest capitalization.
Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that
investment in a small company with low capitaliza-
tion in the finance sector, even during the crises, may
yield a higher return than investment in large compa-
nies. From 2000 to 2004, companies in the finance
sector kept their consistency with low capitalization
and got the same ER as big companies with high cap-
italization (RQ1). Using the population analysis, we
did not find any parameters outside network charac-
teristics that significantly affected the behavior of the
companies under study (RQ2).
The proposed model and the reported results rep-
resent a starting point for a new direction in analyz-
ing financial markets. The results show the viabil-
ity of this new approach. However, additional studies
with larger and more diverse data sets are necessary
to make a case for utilizing the concept of population
analysis in making important financial decisions. The
limitation of this study is that we analyzed the market
for a limited sample during the 2000-2004 time pe-
riod. To further validate the obtained results, we plan
to conduct a more comprehensive study using the pro-
posed approach for different time periods and utiliz-
ing different types of data sets. We intend to apply
the concept of population analysis on different sets of
data tied to independently-established major crises in
order to recognize the patterns that may be otherwise
obfuscated. In addition to ER, future studies also in-
clude exploring other indicators such as different eco-
nomic sectors and companies’ sizes for comparing the
behavior of companies in financial markets.
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