Contextual Factors Affecting Software Development Practice Efficacy: A
Practitioners’ Perspective
Diana Kirk
and Kelly Blincoe
School of Computer Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Software Practices, Software Development Context, Repertory Grid Technique.
Practitioners tailor software development methodologies to suit project contexts. Tailoring is often at the level
of the project, where individual practices are adapted, often according to tacit knowledge. As the research
community does not yet have a good understanding of which contextual factors contribute most to project and
practice outcomes, we are not in a position to provide advice and support to practitioners. In this paper, we
present the findings from an investigation into the contextual factors that affect practice efficacy. We took a
practitioner-centric approach because it is recognised that a person’s beliefs and viewpoints affect the way
they approach tasks and so are likely to contribute to outcomes. We interviewed twelve participants from
three software organisations using the Repertory Grid Technique (RGT). We found that participants varied
in the richness of the data provided. Categories ‘Task’ and ‘Team Efficacy’ were the most represented, with
opposing viewpoints stated for some aspects. The research contribution is that we have exposed a personal
element in the way practitioners view context and this has implications for research into practice efficacy.
Practitioners adapt and modify methodologies to
suit local, project-specific contexts (Kuhrmann and
unch, 2019; MacCormack et al., 2012; M
uller et al.,
2009; Petersen and Wohlin, 2009; de Azevedo Santos
et al., 2011). For example, Diebold et al. studied vari-
ations in how Scrum is implemented and found that
“only 55% use “pure” Scrum as it has initially been
described” (Diebold et al., 2015). Adaptation gener-
ally involves modifying specific practices.
Many studies have investigated the relation-
ships between project environment and process tai-
loring (Avison and Pries-Heje, 2007; Clarke and
O’Connor, 2012; Kl
under et al., 2020; Kruchten,
2013; Masood et al., 2020; Petersen et al., 2021).
However, while this research has shown that adap-
tation of practices can be necessary, there is little
knowledge on the context of why changes are needed
or why certain practices are selected based on the
project’s context. In a recent study of practice vari-
ations, Masood et al. examined how, when, and why
Scrum practices vary (Masood et al., 2020). However,
the related literature has not considered the specific
contexts in which practices are perceived to be effec-
tive. To fulfill this gap, we investigated practitioners
perceptions around software practice efficacy,guided
by the following research question:
What are the contextual factors that affect soft-
ware practice efficacy, as perceived by software prac-
We used the Repertory Grid Technique (RGT)
(Kelly, 2017) as our research methodology because
it has been shown to elicit a rich body of informa-
tion on participant’s perceptions while reducing re-
searcher influence and bias (Jankowicz, 2004). We
interviewed twelve software practitioners from three
When asked about the contextual factors that af-
fect practice suitability and efficacy, we expected that
responses would focus on aspects of the working en-
vironment, for example, whether team members were
co-located and the required quality of the product. We
found that participants varied in the kinds of infor-
mation provided, with some discussing factors in the
working environment and others focusing on charac-
teristics of the task and team. We also found variation
in the complexity of the information given, with some
providing extremely rich and complex responses. The
main research contribution is that we have exposed a
personal element in the way practitioners view con-
text. According to Kelly, this is important because a
Kirk, D. and Blincoe, K.
Contextual Factors Affecting Software Development Practice Efficacy: A Practitioners’ Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0011076200003176
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2022), pages 461-468
ISBN: 978-989-758-568-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
person’s beliefs will shape how they approach future
events, i.e. will influence outcomes (Kelly, 2017; Tan
and Hunter, 2002). An implication is that this must be
factored in to future research on practice efficacy.
The research question (RQ) is:
RQ: What are the contextual factors that affect
software practice efficacy, as perceived by software
‘Efficacy’ relates to the capacity to produce a de-
sired effect. For ‘practice efficacy’, we mean a com-
bination of effectiveness and efficiency, i.e. produces
the desired effect in a timely manner.
The body of literature on software context has re-
sulted in models or frameworks that have been de-
rived from literature studies, feedback from practi-
tioners and researcher experience (see Section 5). Al-
though discussions with practitioners have been open-
ended, for example, with semi-structured interviews,
these have generally been supported by questions that
suggest categories and effectively guide and focus re-
sponses. We wanted to explore the topic from the
perspective of those implementing the practices. This
prompted the decision to base information gathering
on one-on-one interviews and to implement RGT to
support interviews.
2.1 Repertory Grid Technique (RGT)
RGT is a form of structured interviewing and is the
recommended approach for eliciting a rich body of in-
formation that is not influenced by the viewpoints of
the interviewers (Kelly, 2017). The main components
of a grid are the topic, elements, constructs, and rat-
ings (Jankowicz, 2004; Tan and Hunter, 2002). The
topic defines the domain of interest and elements are
the items of interest within this domain. The topic
and elements may be chosen by either the researcher
or elicited from interviewees. When the goal is to
identify emerging themes, participants select both el-
ements and constructs (full grids), whereas elements
are selected by the researcher when the goal is to
compare and/or analyse (partial grids). For example,
Young et al. applied RGT to investigate the relation-
ship between personalities and roles in an XP team
(Young et al., 2005). As the authors wanted to re-
strict the study to roles within the organisation, the
elements (roles) were chosen by the researchers. For
our study, the topic is ‘Situated Software Practices’
and the elements are specific software practices.
Constructs are elicited from participants to cap-
ture their perspectives on characteristics of ele-
ments (Young et al., 2005). Kelly postulated that a
person creates mental constructions based on simi-
larity and difference and so constructs manifest as
bipolar descriptions. Poles may represent either op-
posites or contrasts. For example, when identifying
constructs for the practice ‘design sprint’, a devel-
oper might identify the contrasting terms ‘Team col-
laborated well’ and ‘Disfunctional team’. The recom-
mended approach for identifying constructs is to ask
the participant to consider elements in sets of three
(triads) and, for each set, to identify in what way the
first two are similar and the third different. In this
way, the two poles of a construct emerge.
Ratings enable people to express a viewpoint on
the extent to which a characteristic applies and are
used when comparing or amalgamating viewpoints.
We did not include ratings in our study.
According to Kelly, a person’s belief system com-
prises a hierarchy of concepts, characterised by cause-
and-effect (‘implies’) relationships and with more ab-
stract concepts at the top, ‘implied by’ lower level
concepts. A ‘laddering up’ process is used to elicit
concepts nearer to the top of the hierarchy and in-
volves asking questions such as ‘Why is that impor-
tant to you?’. ‘Laddering down’ is used to help clar-
ify meaning and involves asking questions such as ‘In
what way are the bipolar values different?’.
2.2 Study Design
Edwards et al. describe a set of design decisions that
must be made to ensure a) grid reliability and valid-
ity and b) the suitability of the grid for the research
questions (Edwards et al., 2009). These include de-
ciding who chooses the topic and elements, how many
elements to include in the study, whether the recom-
mended triadic approach of comparing three elements
will be adopted or replaced by a simpler comparison
of two elements (diadic) and whether laddering will
be implemented.
We chose the topic (situated software practices)
and asked participants to select elements (practices)
that were of interest to them. According to Edwards et
al., this would result in a richer set of constructs (Ed-
wards et al., 2009). We expected that elements might
include practices such as ‘design review’ or ‘qual-
ity sign-off’. We guided selection by asking partic-
ipants to consider both successful and unsuccessful
practices (Tan and Hunter, 2002).
The recommended approach for identifying con-
structs is for participants to identify six elements and
consider these in sets of three (see Section 2.1). How-
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
ever, a trial study revealed that using six elements
would cause us to exceed the time limit we had set for
interviews. We replaced the six elements by four (Ed-
wards et al., 2009), yielding four sets of three for
comparison. We implemented both laddering up and
laddering down. This was expected to yield a set
of threads, i.e. constructs in a linear, ‘causal’ re-
lationship. For analysis, our intention was to com-
bine threads for a participant whenever a construct
appeared in both threads, as this would provide in-
sight into the participant’s main contexts of inter-
est (Pankratz and Basten, 2018). The steps we used
for information gathering are summarised as:
1. We chose the topic in advance and asked the par-
ticipant to discuss in a general way practices reg-
ularly carried out as part of their role.
2. We asked the participant to select two ‘successful’
and two ‘unsuccessful’ practices that they had re-
cently been involved in. To support the process,
we labelled the ‘successful’ practices A and B,
and the ‘unsuccessful’ practices C and D.
3. We asked the participant to focus on the two ‘suc-
cessful’ (A and B) and one ‘unsuccessful’ (C)
practice. We asked ‘In what way are A and B
similar, and different from C?’ We assured the
participant there was no ‘correct’ answer. When
happy that we understood, we created a bi-polar
construct with the similar pole on the left.
4. We commenced a process of laddering by asking
the participant ‘Why did this matter?’ or ‘What
was the result of this?’ (laddering up) and ‘Can
you be more specific?’ (laddering down). There
was no pre-defined ordering for these questions,
rather we tried to adapt to the thinking of the par-
ticipant. As each element was defined, we linked
it to the existing nodes.
5. We repeated steps 4-6 for ACD, ABD and BCD.
Interviews were attended by one or both of the authors
and audio recorded. The first author transcribed the
audio, and checks were carried out on each transcript
by the second author. We implemented a number of
standard ethics research protocols, for example, relat-
ing to permission, anonymity and confidentiality.
2.3 Participants
As our approach is essentially one of building theory
from cases, theoretical as opposed to random sam-
pling is appropriate (Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007).
We approached organisations known to the authors.
However, the organisations varied in size and struc-
ture (small, stand-alone and group within larger or-
ganisation), application area (health, AI platforms and
Table 1: Study participants.
Role Org Role
Product Manager Small >5 yrs
Business Analyst Large >10 yrs
Product Owner Large <5 yrs
Software Architect Large <5 yrs
UX Architect Large >10 yrs
Developer Large <5 yrs
Developer Large >5 yrs
Developer Small >5 yrs
Software Engineer Large ? yrs
QA Analyst Large <5 yrs
Test Analyst Large >5 yrs
Specialist Tester Large ? yrs
security), and the participants represented a variety of
software engineering roles. In Table 1, we overview
the participants. We have included only a subset of
information for reasons of confidentiality.
The main contact for each organisation, the man-
ager, was a senior manager with authority to make de-
cisions. The names of individuals were provided by
the manager. We asked the manager to provide par-
ticipants covering a range of roles and backgrounds.
Talking to employees other than those provided by
management was not considered both for formal eth-
ical reasons and because we would view this as a se-
rious breach of trust.
2.4 Data Analysis
As stated above, our intention was to identify the
participant’s main contexts of interest by combining
threads for a participant whenever a construct ap-
peared in both threads (Pankratz and Basten, 2018).
However, we observed that participants varied enor-
mously in the richness of, and variation in, the infor-
mation provided. This was reflected in the shape of
the threads for individual triads. In some cases, the
resulting thread was linear, i.e. was what we might
expect after laddering. In other cases, the information
provided was extremely rich, with branches emerging
and combining, creating a network of constructs. We
could not separate branches into a set of more sim-
ple, linear threads because the concepts appeared to
be strongly connected in the mind of the participant.
In Figure 1, we illustrate this phenomenon with
three examples. In each, we have highlighted in red
the nodes at the top of the networks as these repre-
sent the participants’ high level concerns. We show in
blue the nodes that were first-mentioned as these may
represent factors perceived as most influential. Net-
work C illustrates a simple network. The discussion
started at the centre node. Laddering down exposed
Contextual Factors Affecting Software Development Practice Efficacy: A Practitioners’ Perspective
Figure 1: Examples of thread networks, each from a single triad.
a root cause (relating to personalities) and laddering
up clarified the outcome (the effort required for un-
derstanding). Network B shows a more complex situ-
ation, where the bottom node branched to two nodes,
which led back to a single causal line. Network A il-
lustrates a more complex case. The initial construct
was quickly and easily identified. However, the lad-
dering prompt often yielded multiple nodes.
An outcome of this observation was that we could
not carry out our planned analysis strategy of com-
bining threads for a participant to identify common
nodes. We, therefore, focused on the content of
the network nodes. Our data set comprised 54 net-
works containing 249 constructs (nodes). We applied
thematic analysis to the nodes (Braun and Clarke,
2012). We used a deductive approach based on the
commonly stated categories for software develop-
ment context, i.e. ‘Organisation’, ‘Project’, ‘Prod-
uct’, ‘Team’ and ‘Individual’. Coding was carried out
by the first author and refined in a process of discus-
sion and negotiation with the second author. We anal-
ysed the node structures with respect to categories and
codes and looked for the most commonly cited cate-
gories, as these may represent key factors.
As expected, the category structure altered as coding
progressed. We introduced a ‘Task’ category. We
found that factors for ‘Team’ actually described the
team’s effectiveness with regard to a specific task and
we renamed to ‘Team Efficacy’. In Figures 2, 3 and 4,
we show the resulting category structure. For exam-
ple, ‘Product’ has three sub-categories (Scope, Matu-
rity and Complexity), with codes shown in the rect-
angles below. We describe the categories in Table 2,
with acronyms to aid analysis.
In Table 3, we show the sub-categories that were
discussed by more than four participants. Most were
in Task and Team Efficacy. However, not all codes
were represented. The most represented codes were
(number of participants in brackets):
3.1 Task
Focus: Leadership Priority (3). The project man-
ager’s focus on sales or quality affected product
quality and fitness for purpose. Willingness to fol-
low expert guidance led to a clearer understanding
of risk and improved outcomes.
Approach: Communications (4). Face-to-face con-
tact and informal communications were preferred
Figure 2: Organisation, Product and Project categories.
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 2: Context category descriptions.
Category Sub-Category Description
Organisation Maturity Maturity with respect to software development processes.
(Org) Age Number of years of company operations.
Culture Software development culture (traditional or agile).
Project Stakeholders Characteristics of external stakeholders.
(Proj) Context Relationship with organisation, for example, priority, cultural fit.
Process Descriptions of process-related factors.
Product Maturity Stage in product life cycle (e.g. new development, mature product).
(Prod) Scope Characteristics of product requirements.
Complexity Complexity of product implementation.
Task Characteristics Inherent characteristics of the task.
(Tsk) Stakehlder
Approaches to, and issues with, communications with external stakehold-
Focus Factors that affect the focus for task implementation.
Approach Descriptions of the way the team approached the task.
Team Efficacy Cohesiveness Degree to which team members have common expectations and prefer-
(TE) Task Capability Capability of team with respect to the task.
Preparedness Factors affecting how well prepared the team members are for task execu-
Individual Capabilities Team member experiences and inherent capabilities.
(Ind) Preferences Team member preferences.
Characteristics Team member personality attributes that might affect task performance.
Figure 3: Task category.
Figure 4: Team categories.
and support a more intuitive understanding of
team member understanding. It was important to
ensure that all relevant information is communi-
cated to stakeholders.
Characteristics: Flexibility (7). Some saw flexibil-
ity as leading to greater success, i.e. open tasks
and tasks supported by guidelines rather then
rules. Others provided reasons for a more re-
stricted, guided approach.
3.2 Team Efficacy
Task Capability: Understanding of Problem (5).
Teams without a clear understanding were unable
to plan adequately or make informed debate.
An inadequate understanding resulted in build
issues and delays and affected collaboration and
subsequent product quality and delivery issues.
Task Capability: Experience/Expertise (4). Parti-
cipants noted the importance of working within
their discipline and area of expertise and in
familiar roles. The importance of having a subject
area expert on the team was cited.
Task Capability: Motivation / Attention Level (3).
Issues were reported when teams members were
unable to give full attention to the task, were
distracted or not in a good mind frame.
Task Capability: Strength of Leadership (3). The
Table 3: Context category representation by participants.
Sub-category Participants
Proj:Process 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12
Tsk:Chars 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 07, 10, 11
Tsk:Focus 02, 05, 08, 09, 12
Tsk:Approach 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, 08, 09, 12
TE:Tsk Capblty 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12
TE:Cohesivenss 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 12
TE:Preparednss 01, 05, 10, 11, 12
Contextual Factors Affecting Software Development Practice Efficacy: A Practitioners’ Perspective
importance of expert involvement in tasks and
strong role-specific leadership were discussed.
Cohesiveness: Level of Co-operation / Conflict (6).
Good team collaboration and alignment supported
sound decision-making and enabled newer team
members to gain confidence. Poor collaboration
led to ad hoc decision-making, contradictions and
the need for context-switching when talking to
different team members.
Cohesiveness: Clarity of Expectations (3).
Unclear roles and expectations led to ineffective
communications, causing delays and frustration.
The richness and complexity of some networks sug-
gest two avenues for future exploration. The obser-
vation that the inter-related nodes in the large rectan-
gle in Figure 1, network A tend to describe aspects of
teamwork lead us to question whether the many fac-
tors that affect team efficacy can be studied in isola-
tion or should be abstracted into a small set of ‘team
efficacy’ measures. The variation in the total number
of constructs provided by each participant (between 9
and 51) lead us to hypothesise a possible relationship
between the richness of information provided and ei-
ther the personality of the individual or their role.
In Figures 2, 3 and 4, the sub-category codes
shown in non-italic represent factors that were either
cited first by participants or elicited as leaf nodes dur-
ing laddering down. These represent the factors of
most concern or those perceived as primitive. Their
range and number is large, given the relatively small
number of participants. This is to be expected given
the variation of participant roles (see Table 1) but
many codes do not appear to be role-specific. The
implication is that individuals’ perceptions of the key
contextual factors that affect task outcomes vary enor-
mously. This finding supports Kelly’s postulate that
people construct events differently, with no two peo-
ple creating identical systems (Kelly, 2017). It may
indicate that an objective assessment of task efficacy
is not achievable because identifying which contex-
tual factors matter is not straightforward.
Our analysis of all network nodes in Section 3
indicated that factors relating to Task and Team Ef-
ficacy were discussed by larger numbers of partici-
pants. One observation is that the factors found to be
most discussed tend to be people-centric. This is un-
surprising as we would expect team-related factors to
appear as a result of factors lower in the causal net-
work. However, a less expected finding relates to
Task:Characteristics:Flexibility. Some participants
reasoned that more open, creative tasks supported bet-
ter outcomes and others believed structure to be cru-
cial. This leads us to posit a correlation between a per-
son’s preferences and the kind of task they perceive as
being effective. As the RGT approach has at its core
the belief that a person’s beliefs affect the way they
behave and ultimately outcomes, there may be a con-
flict between forming teams with varying personali-
ties to improve outcomes and assigning, for example,
a highly creative person to a task that is essentially
structured in nature.
Furthermore, if efficacy is influenced by the char-
acteristics of those participating, it may not be possi-
ble to ‘prove’ one practice is better than another. It
no longer makes sense to define a practice as a stand-
alone concept, but instead we must consider it in con-
junction with the characteristics of the people enact-
ing the practice. For example, practitioners have re-
ported many implementation issues with the Scrum
‘Standup Meeeting’. Efficacy may be affected if the
team contains introverted or shy developers who find
it difficut to share thoughts in a public way (Geekbot,
2020). This observation supports our earlier investi-
gation into the ontology of software projects (Kirk
and MacDonell, 2016). The possibility that personal-
ities may play a part in determining ‘success’ may ex-
plain the lack of consistency in findings from studies
investigating practice efficacy. Indeed, it is possible
that the vigour with which the community has debated
the merits of ‘plan driven versus agile’ may have been
based on research affected by personal preference.
We noted in Section 3 that the inclusion of all net-
work nodes resulted in the addition of a small num-
ber of (sub-)categories and codes. Additional codes
are shown in italic in Figures 2, 3 and 4. New
sub-categories were found for Project (Objectives
and Characteristics) and Task (Outcomes). However,
there were many instances of nodes describing Task
Outcomes. This is unsurprising, given the laddering
up process reveals the consequences of earlier nodes.
For space considerations, we have not included these
in our analysis.
4.1 Threats to Validity
Our analysis is based on interviews with only twelve
software practitioners, and we do not know if our re-
sults are generalizable or complete. While we did find
an initial set of factors, replications of this study in the
future can further validate and expand our findings.
A second threat relates to the choice of RGT. We
experienced several difficulties in applying this tech-
nique, for example, finding that participants struggled
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
with thinking in terms of similarities and differences.
These challenges and potential mitigation strategies
are fully reported elsewhere (Kirk and Blincoe, 2021).
Despite these issues, we did succeed in eliciting a
large and rich set of information. However, future
work can follow our suggested mitigation strategies,
distilled from these challenges, to replicate this study
and validate or expand our findings.
Another potential threat is researcher bias. While
RGT aims to minimize researcher interference and
bias, it is possible that bias was introduced in the
analysis. The analysis was primarily done by one re-
searcher. To minimize bias, the factors were itera-
tively discussed and refined with the research team.
5.1 Software Development Context
There have been many studies relating tailoring out-
comes to situational factors. Some have investigated
at an organisational level. Clarke and O’Connor
proposed a comprehensive reference framework with
eight classifications: Personnel, Requirements, Appli-
cation, Technology, Organisation, Operation, Man-
agement and Business, divided into 44 factors (Clarke
and O’Connor, 2012). Avison and Pries-Heje aimed
to support selection of a project-specific methodology
(Avison and Pries-Heje, 2007). The methodology is
inferred by plotting position on a radar graph with
dimensions Task, Knowledge, Environment, Team,
Calendar time, Stakeholders, and Quality and Crit-
icality. Petersen et al. proposed a comprehensive
checklist for practitioners characterising context and
researchers aggregating literature studies (Petersen
et al., 2021). Facets of the framework are Organisa-
tion, Product, Stakeholder, Development method and
technology and Business and market.
Some authors have focused on agile or hybrid ap-
proaches. Krutchten proposed a model for guiding
the adoption of agile development practices, partic-
ularly in environments that are “outside of the agile
sweet spot” (Kruchten, 2013). Kl
under et al. applied
a statistical approach to investigate context for hybrid
development methods (Kl
under et al., 2020).
Studies vary in the research approach taken and
data source used. Avison and Pries-Heje collaborated
with five practitioners from an organisation (Avison
and Pries-Heje, 2007). The intitial framework was
formed from interview notes and the literature. Pe-
tersen et al. collaborated with researchers from three
institutions to identify factors and evaluated the re-
sulting checklist with eight practitioners. Many stud-
ies have sourced data from the literature, for exam-
ple, (Clarke and O’Connor, 2012). Some frameworks
have been based on author experience and expertise
and evaluated within organisations (Kruchten, 2013).
5.2 RGT Studies
Two survey papers examined RGT studies in empiri-
cal software engineering (Edwards et al., 2009) and
Information Systems (IS) (Tan and Hunter, 2002).
Edwards et al. note that RGT sits with interpretive
research rather than with positivist approaches (Ed-
wards et al., 2009). Both papers concluded that RGT
can be a useful technique in the computing domain.
Edwards et al. identified eight studies that apply
RGT in the field of Software Engineering (Edwards
et al., 2009). Tan and Hunter describe two additional
studies in the Information Systems field (Tan and
Hunter, 2002). Topics included team member charac-
teristics, project risks, software process improvement
and rules in expert systems. In most, the elements and
sometimes even the constructs were provided by the
researchers. Full grids, where the participants provide
both the elements and constructs, as was done in our
study, were used in only three of the ten studies.
The studies applying RGT in the computing do-
main outside of these two survey papers mostly use
a full grid (Tofan et al., 2011; Ryan and O’Connor,
2009; Geraldi et al., 2011; Pankratz and Basten,
2018), with only one using a partial grid (Young
et al., 2005). Topics included the relationship be-
tween personalities and roles in an XP team (Young
et al., 2005), situational factors that influence team
performance (Ryan and O’Connor, 2009), and man-
agers’ perceptions of IS project success mechanisms
(Pankratz and Basten, 2018). Two studies were more
technical in nature and focused on tacit architectural
knowledge (Tofan et al., 2011) and quality attributes
in IT projects (Geraldi et al., 2011).
In this paper, we describe a study to explore the con-
textual factors that affect software development prac-
tice efficacy. As we wanted to understand the prac-
titioners’ perspective on context, we implemented
an approach based on the Repertory Grid Technique
(RGT). RGT is a technique aimed at eliciting rich
information that is not influenced by the viewpoints
of the interviewer. We interviewed twelve practition-
ers from three sofware organisations. We found that
participants varied in the richness of the data pro-
vided and named a large range of factors. Aspects of
Contextual Factors Affecting Software Development Practice Efficacy: A Practitioners’ Perspective
‘Task’ and ‘Team Efficacy’ were the most highly rep-
resented, with opposing viewpoints stated for some
aspects. We posit a possible correlation between per-
sonality and perceptions of task efficacy. The research
contribution is that we have exposed a personal as-
pect in the way in which practitioners view context.
This has implications for research into practice ef-
ficacy and may affect our ability to advise industry
based on objective evidence. In future work, we will
explore the possibility of relationships that might ex-
ist between named outcomes, the richness of informa-
tion provided and aspects of personality and roles.
We thank the research participants for their time and
contributions to this study.
Avison, D. and Pries-Heje, J. (2007). Flexible informa-
tion systems development: Designing an appropri-
ate methodology for different situations. In Int’l
Conf. Enterprise Information Systems, pages 212–
224. Springer.
Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2012). Thematic analysis. Amer-
ican Psychological Association.
Clarke, P. and O’Connor, R. V. (2012). The situational fac-
tors that affect the software development process: To-
wards a comprehensive reference framework. Infor-
mation and Software Technology, 54:433–447.
de Azevedo Santos, M., de Souza Bermejo, P., de Oliveira,
M., and Tonelli, A. (2011). Agile practices: An as-
sessment of perception of value of professionals on
the quality criteria in performance of projects. J. Soft-
ware Engineering and Applications, 4:700–709.
Diebold, P., Ostberg, J.-P., Wagner, S., and Zendler, U.
(2015). What do Practitioners Vary Using Scrum. In
Proc. Int’l Conf. on Agile Software Development (XP),
pages 40–51. Springer International Publishing.
Edwards, H. M., McDonald, S., and Young, S. M. (2009).
The repertory grid technique: Its place in empirical
software engineering research. Information and Soft-
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ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering