6.62 billion kilometers.
A new and uniform validation concept was there-
fore developed as part of the joint project PEGA-
SUS (see pegasusprojekt.de/en). The project was con-
ducted in cooperation with automotive manufactur-
ers, suppliers, research institutions and the German
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
The developed concept enables to proof the safety of
highly automated driving systems with an economi-
cally justifiable effort. The methodology derived from
this concept for the highway domain in (Rasch et al.,
2019) consists of a multi-stage process. In this pro-
cess, the space of test cases is searched for driving
scenarios such as a close cut-in, the end of a traf-
fic jam or other scenarios that are particularly safety-
critical. The search for such scenarios is carried out
with the help of software-in-the-loop simulations. Ini-
tially, common scenarios in the highway domain are
logically described on the basis of parameters. These
scenarios are among others: following a car in the
same lane, a cut-in or a cut-out in front of a vehicle.
Logical scenarios qualitatively describe the basic
behaviour of vehicles (King et al., 2017). The latter
can occur in different varieties in reality, for exam-
ple at different speeds or distances between the road
users involved. Correspondingly quantitative descrip-
tions are called concrete scenarios. A logical scenario
thus comprises concrete scenarios with different char-
acteristics of the same basic behaviour of road users.
Figure 1 shows the logical scenario cut-in and vi-
sualises some of the simulation parameters. The log-
ical scenario is defined as the description of all sce-
narios in which a vehicle, here called cut-in vehicle,
changes from a lane next to the ego vehicle to the lat-
ter’s lane. The ego vehicle, shown in red in Fig. 1,
is the test object with the highly automated driving
functions to be validated. Since its system behaviour
is to be examined, its position and state of movement
are not specified or parameterised.
By varying the parameters in individual simu-
lation runs, the parameter space of test cases can
be searched for critical scenarios in which the sys-
tem fails. However, even the low-cost software-in-
the-loop simulation of all possible variants compared
to hardware-in-the-loop simulation, test site or field
drives does not make sense from an economic point of
view. Thus, those scenario parameterisations should
preferably be simulated, which have a sufficiently
high probability of occurrence in real-world traffic.
In order to determine the probabilities of various sce-
narios, information about realistic parameter distribu-
tions are required.
In this paper a procedure to identify parameterised
scenarios in field data is developed. It enables to ex-
tract parameter distributions in future. In the course
of this, an approach is developed that allows to reduce
the field data, describing driving condition and vehi-
cle environment, recorded by the vehicle sensors in
an object-oriented manner, to relevant variables. This
approach is implemented and validated using the driv-
ing scenario Cut-in as an example. In the long term,
the concept of this procedure will enable the identifi-
cation of an entire selection of highway scenarios in
field data.
The remainder of this work is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2, the current state of research on the
identification of driving scenarios is presented. In par-
ticular, existing approaches for the abstraction of sce-
narios and measurement data by means of metamod-
elling are discussed. Section 3 explains the approach
chosen for the identification of scenarios in the con-
text of this work, namely metamodelling with pattern
recognition. In detail, definitions are specified and
an ontology represented by a domain model is intro-
duced for the metamodelling. Subsequently, the logic
of the developed procedure for the abstraction of mea-
surement data and the identification of driving sce-
narios is described. Section 4 presents the procedure
for validating the implemented method and the results
obtained. In addition, the results and the methodology
of the identification procedure are evaluated. Section
5 summarises the core results of the work, highlights
their significance and provides a brief outlook on fur-
ther research.
The identification of logical driving scenarios in field
data has already been subject to various research.
King et al. (2017) present an approach for the iden-
tification of individual driving maneuvers and logi-
cal scenarios in a - in contrast to this work - virtual
test drive. According to the authors, driving maneu-
vers or complex interactions between road users can
only be read with difficulty from just the speed and
position information of the individual vehicles. For
this reason, they consider a reduction and abstraction
of the recorded data for interpretation to be manda-
tory. In this context, they present their approach of
using knowledge-based metamodels of scenarios for
pattern recognition. For the modelling of the sce-
narios, they propose to use concept of Bach, Otten,
and Sax (2016), which enables an abstraction of real-
world driving scenarios down to the logical level.
The concept is based on a domain model for map-
ping the relevant classes of a driving scenario. Bach,
Otten, and Sax (2016) use terminology from the field
Identifying Scenarios in Field Data to Enable Validation of Highly Automated Driving Systems