5.2 Debugging Facilities
Although visual programming systems are mostly
targeted in learning where error resolution is crucial,
visual debugging remains an underexplored
territory. Such facilities should operate in alignment
with the underlying language paradigm and the
visual metaphor and layout, with program tracing
working at the level of visual program units. For
example, the block-level debugger for Blockly
presented in (Savidis & Savaki, 2019) offers block-
level tracing, with step commands operating
syntactically at the level of distinct blocks. Finally,
advanced features useful in learning may include:
reverse execution and why lines (Myers et al., 2017).
5.3 Programming Assistants
Such tools are known as wizards and may guide
learners in the process of visual coding. Their design
should match the visual metaphor, but semantically
they are more coupled with the underlying language
paradigm. Thus, general-purpose tools may be
developed working with editors of the same
underlying programming model. Interactively, they
may include coding templates, Q&A sessions,
recommendations and procedural guidance (how-to).
Syntax-directed editors (Agapakis, 2021) with
descriptive tooltips and semantic help may also play
a role similar to live coding assistants.
5.4 Custom Static Analysers
Since the programs in a learning context are
typically small, such analysers should emphasize
improvements and educational recommendations.
For example, an analyser may suggest equivalent but
simplified loop versions, propose the conversion of a
code fragment to a function, or offer an alternative
more readable and clean way to write a particular
logical or arithmetic expression.
Visual programming systems are currently the
primary instruments for the early teaching of basic
programming skills, while they are increasingly
deployed in various domains for rapid development
by non-professional programmers. Compared to
tools for professional programming, there are many
functionality layers and features that can be
introduced to improve the programming experience
and better support the overall learning process.
In this paper, we presented a brief but systematic
account of key design requirements for future visual
development systems, relying on the new notion of
programming experience, while having a primary
learning orientation. Overall, we believe that such
requirements can be more effectively addressed
separately, by cooperating tools, within open and
extensible future visual development environments.
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