stimulus or information exposed to a receiver imper-
ceptibly at a conscious level in an attempt to influence
opinions and decisions.
According to Wujec (2009), the better we under-
stand the functioning of the human brain and how it
creates meaning and meaning, the better we will be
able to communicate and share information; that is,
we will facilitate cognition.
In this way, this work proposes the EMergent
BEhavior-Driven System of Systems Engineering
(EMBED-SoSE), an interactive, visual, and contin-
uous method to facilitate cognition in the process of
development and maintenance of a system of systems,
as represented in the cycle Fig. 3a.
In general, as proposed by the EMBED-SoSE life
cycle, the formation of the System of Systems (SoS)
will be directly influenced by its constituent systems
(CS) and by the systemic thinking about the emer-
gence behavior. The processes predicted in an itera-
tive and continuous cycle must be executed and sup-
ported by visual tools, passing through the processes:
(a) Discovery: Its objective is to drive the discov-
ery and evaluation of the solution. This process is
one of the main ones responsible for activating the
creative process of engineers and stakeholders in the
search for the solution; (b) Requirements: Its ob-
jective is to document and facilitate the requirements
elicitation and assessment of a SoSs; (c) Design:
It aims to build the solution design based on the
previous processes; (d) V&V: Includes the verifica-
tion and validation process of the proposed solution;
(e) Development: Solution development proposed in
the previous processes; (f) Integration: Solution in-
tegration to pre-existing SoSs; (g) Operation: In this
process, monitoring, evaluation, and maintenance ac-
tivities of the SoS solution must be performed.
In general, all processes must be based on the
EMBED-SoSE visual thinking paradigm, which de-
fines that the entire engineering process must, first of
all, evaluate the SoS operation concept after keeping
mind in a Think Emergent Behavior, Draw Solutions,
Look and Share, as described Fig. 3b.
This work proposes the EMBED-SoSE Discov-
ery Canvas to guide the discovery process through a
visual tool where all engineers and stakeholders can
collaborate to construct a SoSs or CPSoS. EMBED-
SoSE Discovery Canvas is presented by Fig. 4a,
and in addition to considering the premises of vi-
sual thinking, it takes into account the characteris-
tics and challenges of a CPSoS, as described in the 2
and 2.1. In this way, the Discovery process represents
one of the most critical stages of the EMBED-SoSE
life cycle, which, in addition to supporting all pro-
cesses, is based on the EMBED-SoSE visual thinking
paradigm. The first canvas model used within compa-
nies was created by Swiss Alexandre Osterwalder, the
Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder and Pigneur,
2010). The model has become famous throughout the
corporate world and has several applications.
The EMBED-SoSE Discovery Canvas was struc-
tured to lead and activate the unconscious creative
process of engineers and stakeholders, facilitating
cognition and inducing the search for emergent be-
haviors. Based on the challenges presented in the
section 2.1, and focused on transforming unexpected
detrimental emergent behavior into known and ex-
pected cases, the process proposed by the EMBED-
SoSE Discovery Canvas must activate and facilitate
the neurological mechanisms by which our brain cre-
ates its meanings and seeks to solve problems (Kopetz
et al., 2016).
Inspired on Roam (2009), it is possible to visu-
ally clarify any problem through a visual classifica-
tion of six basic questions (who, what, how much,
where, when, how and why?).
EMBED-SoSE Discovery Canvas was structured
based on Roam’s (2009) observations on problems
structuring, in “WHERE”, “WHAT” and “HOW” to
facilitate cognition, in the same way to make the con-
sumption of information neurologically as natural as
possible, as shown in Fig. 4b.
In summary, the EMBED-SoSE Discovery Can-
vas is a large screen where information about the sys-
tem architecture will be positioned to create an inte-
grated and shared view of all possible information of
interest. The screen has been divided into “WHY?”,
“WHERE?”, “HOW?” and “WHAT?”.
The “WHY?” section defines the motivation for
which the CPSoS should exist; that is, important in-
formation that should support the existence and evo-
lution of the CPSoS is structured. This section is di-
vided into: Justification(Rationale), Objective, Bene-
fits, Strategic Needs, Information Needs, and general
rules of the CPSoS.
In the “WHERE?” section, the environments
where the CSs are located are defined. Understanding
the environment where the constituent systems (CS)
are located helps anticipate future needs and design
appropriate mechanisms (e.g., architectural) that al-
low adapting the CPSoS adequately to changes in the
The “HOW?” section defines how the CPSoS for-
mation process will be, that is, what are the con-
stituent systems (CS), the interfaces, and their infor-
mation, as well as how this information will flow.
The “WHAT?” section defines what supports the
formation of the CPSoS. CSs Goals are the common
and conflicting goals between the CS; and CSs Ca-
EMBED-SoSE: Drawing a Cyber-physical System of Systems