Exploring the Limits of Lexicon-based Natural Language Processing
Techniques for Measuring Engagement and Predicting MOOC’s
Esther F
, Nicolas Hernandez
and Issam Reba
LS2N, Universit
e de Nantes, France
Lab-STICC, Institut Mines-T
ecom Atlantique, France
MOOC, Forum Discussions, Engagement, Text Mining, Lexicon-based Approach, Learning Outcome
We address the problem of assessing the contributions of lexicon-based Natural Language Processing (NLP)
techniques to measure learner affective and cognitive engagement and thus predict certification in French-
speaking MOOCs. Interest in these approaches comes from the fact they are explainable. Our investigation
protocol consists of applying machine learning techniques to determine the relationships between lexicon-
based engagement indicators and learning outcomes. The lexicon-based approach is compared with trace
log features, and we distinguish between specialised linguistically-based approaches with dedicated lexicon
resources and more general but deeper text representations. Language quality and its impact on the task are
discussed. We investigate this issue in MOOCs imposing or not the use of the forum in their learning activities.
Remote learning, whatever its type (MOOC, online
training, etc.) delivered by a team of trainers, suf-
fers from the problem of social distancing. On the
one hand, learners find themselves isolated from each
other. On the other hand, trainers cannot see the
learners,their behaviour or their non-verbal commu-
nication to probe the learning situation. To overcome
these drawbacks, learning platforms have integrated
communication tools such as forums and have devel-
oped mechanisms for collecting traces in order to feed
dashboards for monitoring learners and the training.
These dashboards have become an indispensable tool
for trainers, training institutions and authors of educa-
tional resources. Several research studies have anal-
ysed the collected traces, developed machine learning
algorithms to feed the dashboards with statistical data
or make predictions of success or dropout (Moreno-
Marcos et al., 2020). While several studies exist on
the analysis of traces collected by the platforms (Ferri,
2019), very few have focused on the linguistic anal-
ysis of the content of forums and even fewer studies
have combined the analysis of traces with the linguis-
tic analysis of the content of the communication tools
c et al., 2018; Fincham et al., 2019). By
accident, the bulk of the published work has only fo-
cused on English-speaking MOOCs.
In this paper, we address the problem of assessing
the contributions of lexicon-based Natural Language
Processing (NLP) techniques for measuring learner
engagement (emotional and cognitive) and for pre-
dicting certification in Francophone MOOCs. Our in-
terest for this study stems from the fact that the be-
haviours of tools that incorporate such techniques are
interpretable by humans (Danilevsky et al., 2020). We
investigate this issue in two different MOOCs. One
of them has the particularity to impose the use of the
forum in some of its learning activities. Based on
the literature, we explore various linguistically-based
approaches to measure individual engagement indica-
tors in MOOCs’ forums and to evaluate their relations
with learning outcomes. We first review the literature
on measuring engagement in the context of MOOCs.
We then present our data, the engagement indicators
implemented and the NLP text representation models
we developed to conduct our investigation. Eventu-
ally, we report our experiments on prediction gradua-
tion given various combinations of trace logs and lin-
guistic information. We conclude with a discussion
on the benefits and limitations of NLP in predicting
success and measuring learner engagement.
Félix, E., Hernandez, N. and Rebaï, I.
Exploring the Limits of Lexicon-based Natural Language Processing Techniques for Measuring Engagement and Predicting MOOC’s Certification.
DOI: 10.5220/0011085300003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 95-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The notion of engagement is at the crossroads of dif-
ferent fields such as psychology, education and hu-
man learning. By validating and extending the en-
gagement model of Reschly and Christenson (2012)
to MOOCs, Joksimovi
c et al. (2018) and Fincham
et al. (2019) offer a structured and relatively complete
modeling of the notions related to the student engage-
ment (i.e. academic, behavioral, cognitive, and af-
fective engagements), and the types of metrics that it
is possible to associate. All the various dimensions
of engagement are possible to analyze from MOOCs
data, but the use of NLP techniques only seems rel-
evant for the cognitive and emotional dimensions, of
which indicators are accessible via the discussion fo-
rums, even if the cognitive dimension is possibly also
accessible from other types of written productions
of learners (Joksimovi
c et al., 2018; Fincham et al.,
To capture the affective engagement, Wen et al.
(2014b) use lexicons both to recognize specific
MOOC subjects and the sentiment polarity associated
to these subjects. They show a correlation between
the collective opinion and the dropout phenomena,
but they do not observe any influence of the senti-
ment expressed by a student on his desertion. Like
Ramesh et al. (2013), they note that, although posi-
tive words can be considered as engagement markers,
negative words are not a sign of lack of engagement.
Tucker et al. (2014) also use a weighted sentiment lex-
icon and show a strong negative correlation between
sentiments expressed in the discussion forum and the
students’ average grade, but a positive (but weak) cor-
relation between sentiments and assignment scores.
Yang et al. (2015) show that the combination of trace
log features (such as click counts) and lexical fea-
tures can train a logistic regression classifier to deter-
mine with success the level of confusion of a learner
in his posts. To do so, the authors used the LIWC
(Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) dictionary and
its semantic categories of words (Tausczik and Pen-
nebaker, 2010). Their study shows that the dropout
rate and the level of confusion are related.
For measuring the cognitive engagement, Wen et al.
(2014a) propose to use linguistic indicators based on
the recognition of specific domain independent key-
words in the forum posts such as the apply words
(which convey the practice of the lessons), the need
words (which can mean the needs and the motivation
of the learner), first person words (which can indicate
the direct commitment of the learners in their dis-
course), LIWC-cognitive words (reporting cognitive
mechanisms). In the context of modeling Math Iden-
tity and Math Success, Crossley et al. (2018) study
the complexity and the abstraction levels of the learn-
ers’ written productions by analysing their lexical and
syntactic sophistication, the text cohesion and the ex-
pression of sentiments and cognition processes. The
study of Atapattu et al. (2019) focuses on the observa-
tion of the learner’s cognitive engagement in terms of
active and constructive behaviours in MOOCs (does
the learner handle the course material? Does he cre-
ate new content?). The authors use word embedding
techniques with Doc2vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014) to
model the text course material and the learners text
productions, and eventually apply vector similarity
measures to compare the various text contents. Fin-
cham et al. (2019) integrate several metrics to cap-
ture the engagement on several dimensions. In ad-
dition to trace logs features, they characterize each
learner thanks to median measures in their posts in
terms of sentiment polarity, specific emotions (thanks
to the IBM Tone Analyzer), and lexical, syntactic
and text sophistication and cohesion (thanks to the
Coh-Metrix tool). The study shows that correlations
exist between these features accounting for the en-
gagement dimensions proposed by Joksimovi
c et al.
(2018) model.
So far, all the academic literature report studies
which only use data in English and so specialized
tools for English processing. This underlines the
importance of, first, reproducing the measurements
made from English MOOCs on French content. Dom-
inant techniques have based their approach on surface
analysis using linguistic resources such as specialized
lexicons. The most recent one tends to investigate the
interest of using more deep analysis.
In this section, we present our data, the engagement
indicators we implemented, and the measure instru-
ments we handle to observe the influence of these in-
dicators on the learning outcomes.
3.1 Data
Our study takes advantage of gaining access to
MOOCs in two different domains: 2 editions of ”Dig-
ital Fabrication
(df ) and 3 editions of ”French as a
Foreign Language Learning
(f). The MOOCs are
held on the FUN online learning platform (a French
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
public interest grouping) with resources (including
participants’ contents) released under Creative Com-
mons. The df editions occurred for 4 weeks. 7.5k
persons enrolled the MOOCs, 300 participants posted
at least a message (4%) and 1k were graduated (13%).
The f editions occurred for 6 weeks. 11.5k persons
enrolled the MOOCs, 1.1k participants posted at least
a message (9.6%) and 340k were graduated (3%). For
the f MOOCs, the forum discussions were a com-
pulsory step where learning activities took place. The
data follows the format of the EDX tracking logs
We parsed these logs to obtain all those related to the
publication of a message in the forum, and kept the
content of the messages and the date of their publica-
tion in the forum to build our datasets. In addition to
the trace logs, we also hold intermediate grades, final
grades, and MOOC validations.
3.2 Engagement Indicators
The indicators were selected in order to individu-
ally depict the profile and the behaviour of each
learner. To obtain linguistic-based information for
each learner, we concatenated the messages he/she
posts into a unique text unit, we call the user con-
3.2.1 Trace Log Event-based Indicators
Our selection of event-based indicators fits the works
of Whitehill et al. (2015); Crossley et al. (2016).
The following indicators were implemented: Fo-
rum interactions counter”: the count of interactions a
learner has with the MOOC’s forum. Were considered
as an interaction: a forum search, a message post, a
vote for a message... Navigation-click counter”: the
count of clicks performed by a learner to switch to an-
other MOOC web page; ”Videos played counter”: the
count of videos played by the learner; ”Graded prob-
lems counter”: the count of assignments submitted by
the learner.
3.2.2 Linguistically-based Indicators Related to
the Affective Engagement
In contrast with the work from Fincham et al. (2019)
which benefits from the availability of the IBM Tone
Analyzer for processing student emotions in English,
there is no such resource yet for processing emotions
in French. Based on a scored-lexicon with polarity
and subjectivity values, TextBlob offers Sentiment
polarity and Text subjectivity measures by ”aver-
aging” the scores of the occurring lexicon entries in a
internal data formats/tracking logs.html
given text. TextBlob provides a French language sup-
(with 5,116 inflected forms) .
3.2.3 Linguistically-based Indicators Related to
the Cognitive Engagement
We based our approach on Wen et al. (2014a). One of
our contribution was to develop dedicated resources
for processing French. Apply words”: We literally
translated the lexicon used by Wen et al. (2014a)
thanks to the online Larousse dictionary
by system-
atically including all the proposed translations (23
lemmas); ”Need words”: We performed the same pro-
tocol as we did with the apply words (24 lemmas);
First person words”: We simply listed the personal
pronouns, the possessive pronouns and the posses-
sive adjectives used in French (15 lemmas); LIWC-
cognitive words”: We used the French LIWC version
(Piolat et al., 2011) through the Python module liwc
(749 lemmas).
3.2.4 Non-specialized Linguistically-based
The indicators presented in the two previous sections
have been defined by human experts. However, it is
possible that engagement marks may be present in fo-
rum posts that these metrics do not capture. We there-
fore decided to experiment more general methods al-
lowing to analyze the whole text, to possibly detect
other indicators related to the success that would be
present there. We studied three word and text rep-
resentations: (1) The Bag-Of-Word (BOW) represen-
tation with a T F.IDF word scoring represents a text
by a vector of the words it contains. T F.IDF stands
for term frequency*inverse document frequency. The
scoring measures how significant the words are given
their frequencies in the text and their frequencies in
a whole corpus. The vector dimension size corre-
sponds to the size of the corpus vocabulary. Such
approach is quite basic and provides sparse text rep-
resentations. (2) The FastText word embedding repre-
sentation (Bojanowski et al., 2016)
is an extension
of the Word2vec skip-gram model (Mikolov et al.,
2013) which is a two-layer neural networks (one sin-
gle hidden layer) where the distributed representa-
tion of the input word is used to predict the context
(the surrounding words). It is self-supervised learn-
ing i.e. it does not require any labeling effort for
building the training data. Weights of the hidden
Developed by Facebook https://fasttext.cc
Exploring the Limits of Lexicon-based Natural Language Processing Techniques for Measuring Engagement and Predicting MOOC’s
layer are learned by observing the words in their con-
text in a corpus. Eventually they correspond to the
”word vectors” the model learns. While Word2vec
takes words as input, FastText processes substrings of
words (character n-grams). This ability allows it to
build vectors even for misspelled words or concate-
nation of words. Compared to T F.IDF which pro-
duces a score per word, FastText produces a finer rep-
resentation by providing one vector per word. A sen-
tence/document vector is obtained by averaging the
word/ngram embeddings. (3) The BERT Language
representation Model
(Devlin et al., 2018) aims at
learning the probability distribution of words in a lan-
guage. BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Rep-
resentations from Transformers. Such approaches do
not produce static word embeddings (like word2vec
approaches) but produce contextualized word embed-
dings which are a finer representation of text content.
For our experiments, we use the Multilingual Cased
model. Roughtly speaking, BOW with T F.IDF can
be considered as the old-fashioned approach to model
texts in Natural Language Processing, Word Embed-
dings are the dominant approach in the last decade
while Language models are at the cutting edge.
3.3 Measuring Instruments
We applied machine learning techniques to determine
the possible relationships between the indicators and
the learning outcomes as well as the weights of each
feature involved in the engagement prediction (i.e.
the learning outcomes). We defined the prediction
of the success in graduation of the MOOC partici-
pants as a binary classification problem. To deter-
mine the influence of the event-based and specialized
linguistic-based indicators in the graduation predic-
tion we used a logistic regression algorithm which of-
fers the advantage of requiring very little runtime to
operate as well the ability to estimate the individual
influence of each feature. We also use the same model
with the general linguistic-based indicators built with
a bow and T F.IDF scoring. Concerning the FastText
word embeddings, the original library offers an im-
plementation of the architecture with an additional
layer which uses a multinominal logistic regression
for handling classification tasks (Joulin et al., 2016).
The sentence/document vector corresponds so to the
features. In a similar way, pre-trained BERT mod-
els can be fine-tuned with just one additional output
layer to create models for a wide range of tasks, such
as classification task. In the next section, we report
Developed by Google https://github.com/google-rese
arch/bert, we used the ktrain framework to interface BERT
experiments combining and mixing our data. Our ob-
jective is to compare the prediction performance of
the models built with various feature configurations
in input: (1) Event-based indicators as features, (2)
combination of event-based and linguistic indicators
and (3) linguistic indicators on their own. The general
procedure for experimenting was to train a model on
80% of the data (randomly selected), then to evaluate
the performance of the machine learning models on
the 20% data remaining. To do so, we used the fol-
lowing instruments and metrics: Confusion Matrix,
Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 Score. For the BERT
and FastText models, we also used a validation set
(the test set was split on purpose).
In order to be able to discuss the results of the ex-
periments reported in Section 5, we conducted some
brief studies to assess the French language quality in
our corpus as well as to measure the presence of our
lexicon-based indicators in the corpus.
4.1 French Language Quality
Since the ffl MOOCs were written by non native
French speaker, it is right to assess the quality of the
users contributions. To do so, we observed three kinds
of measures: the coverage of detected languages, the
pseudo-perplexity (PPPL) metric and the coverage of
a French lexicon.
4.1.1 Language Detection
Thanks to the Compact Language Detector 2
, we detected and computed the proportion of
each identified language in each MOOC. The CLD2
detection mainly relies on the probability to observe
4-characters-grams for each known language. For
both types of corpus, the distribution is homogeneous
over all the editions. For ffl, French represents about
96% percent of texts, arround 2% percents are un-
known while the remaining 2% percents covers up to
5 distinct other languages (English for 0.6%). For df,
about 82% of the posts are written in French, 12 % are
in English and the 8% remaining count as unknown
(mainly programming language).
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
4.1.2 Language Model Pseudo-perplexity
Pretrained language models are commonly used in
NLP tasks (e.g. machine translation, speech recog-
nition) to estimate the probability of a word sequence
and Perplexity (PPL) is a traditional intrinsic metric
to evaluate how well a model can predict the word se-
quence of an unseen text (Martinc et al., 2021). The
lower the PPL score is, the better the language model
predicts the words in a text. We benefited from the
freely available neural language models pretrained for
French and we used a PPL version adapted to evaluate
neural language model namely the pseudo-perplexity
(PPPL) proposed by Salazar et al. (2020). As a lan-
guage model we used an instance of the popular Gen-
erative Pre-trained Transformer 2 (GPT2) model
For each MOOC, we computed the PPPL of the
100 first tokens of each user contributions, and report
the mean, median and standard deviation. As a refer-
ence, we also computed the PPL of 1000 sentences
randomly selected from French texts of the Guten-
berg project (sentence length greater or equal than 5
whitespace-separated tokens). The GPT2 model was
partially trained with the Gutenberg project
Table 1: GPT2 pseudo-perplexity. Contributions count,
PPPL mean, median and standard deviation.
corpus contrib. mean median std
ffl1 781 114.93 57.61 395.23
ffl2 1176 108.43 56 360.04
ffl3 788 648.67 52.6 11694.7
df1 230 221.12 77.94 770.64
df2 248 507.95 71.15 6004.89
df1-fr 208 113.26 71.49 161.83
df2-fr 228 101.8 67.34 94.22
gutenberg 1000 67.97 29.63 223.78
In Table 1, df1-fr and df2-fr correspond respec-
tively to a version of df1 and df2 with the detected
French text parts. Mean is difficult to interpret be-
cause it erases the differences but we note that medi-
ans are homogeneous for both types of MOOCs (ffl
and df ) and the ffl PPPLs are lower than the df ones,
which means that the GPT2 model predicts more eas-
ily the words sequence of ffl than df. We also note that
even if the Gutenberg PPPL median is almost twice
lower, the step is not than large.
4.1.3 French Lexicon Coverage
Lastly, we checked the proportion of MOOC’s vo-
cabulary belonging to French. We merge the glaff
http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/lexicons/glaff en.html
(fr.wiktionnaire.org) and the lefff
lexicons as a base
to cover all the derivational and inflectional forms ex-
isting in French (1,177,561 entries). Lowercase and
tokenization with spacy
were performed as prepro-
Table 2: French lexicon coverage. Percentage of MOOC
vocabulary out of the French lexicon (OOV entry) and per-
centage of word occurrences in full text which are out of the
French lexicon (OOV occ.).
corpus % OOV occ. % OOV entry
ffl1 9.46 31.11
ffl2 13.28 40.11
ffl3 11.66 36.06
df1 23.86 26.92
df2 21.76 26.47
In Table2, for ffl MOOCs, we observed that about
35 % of vocabulary are out of our French Lexicon and
the OOV words occur 1 word over ten in full text. For
df, we observed that about 27 % of vocabulary are out
of our French Lexicon and these OOV words occur
almost once over 4 words.
The ffl OOV words are foreign words, misspelled
words, first names and wrongly tokenized words. The
df OOV words are mainly language programming
terms or subwords.
The three studies in this section tend to show that
the language quality of the ffl MOOCs is good or at
least not less than the df MOOCs written by native
French speakers.
The question arises as to whether the semantic lex-
icons used to build the linguistic features are repre-
sented in our data.
4.2 Coverage of the Linguistic Features
in the Corpus
In Table 3, we observe that all semantic classes are
present. There is a difference between ffl and df fig-
ures (df figures are lower) but the trends are similar.
Apply words are used by 45% of the posting users
in ffl and about 25% in df. Need words are used by
50% of the posting users for all MOOCs. First words
are used by 90% of the posting users for all MOOCs.
LIWC-cognition words are used by about 96% of the
posting users for all MOOCs. TextBlob sentiment
words are used by about 93% of the posting users for
all MOOCs. Absolute counts of first person, LIWC-
cognition and TextBlob-sentiment occurrences show
a large number of occurrences of these classes (11
times the number of posting users for first person, 28
Exploring the Limits of Lexicon-based Natural Language Processing Techniques for Measuring Engagement and Predicting MOOC’s
Table 3: Coverage of the linguistic features in the corpus the number of users, the number of posting users (at least one post),
the absolute (abs.) count of occurrences of a given linguistic feature (apply, need, first-person, LIWC-cognition and TextBlob
sentiment), the relative (rel.) count of posting users with at least one occurrence of the given linguistic features.
apply words need words first-person LIWC-cognition tb-sentiment
corpus users posting abs. rel. (%) abs. rel. (%) abs. rel. (%) abs. rel. (%) abs. rel. (%)
ffl1 3595 781 885 357 (46) 1164 407 (52) 10615 727 (93) 34933 763 (98) 19294 752 (96)
ffl2 4859 1176 891 433 (37) 1027 484 (41) 11426 1129 (96) 23257 1105 (94) 12779 1030 (88)
ffl3 4109 788 1029 408 (52) 1359 449 (57) 10526 751 (95) 29916 764 (97) 17240 761 (97)
df1 4051 230 110 57 (25) 147 80 (35) 1350 191 (83) 5497 218 (95) 2491 207 (90)
df2 2569 248 129 65 (26) 193 97 (39) 1841 212 (85) 6108 239 (96) 3008 228 (92)
times for LIWC-cognitive and 17 times for TextBlob-
At this stage, the question arises of the selec-
tive capacity of apply and needs words because
of the resources scarcity, and similarly for first-
person and LIWC-cognition words due to their over-
representation in the data. The presence of sentiment
words means that TextBlob should have material to
measure subjectivity and sentiment polarity.
The purpose of the experiments was to observe a re-
lationship between linguistic indicators and learner
outcomes. First, we performed simple correlation
calculations between linguistically-based indicators
and learners’ grades (with Pearson, Spearman and
distance correlations coefficients). We did not find
conclusive correlation results. We then used logis-
tic regression models with event-based indicators and
linguistically-based indicators as features to predict
success or failure to the MOOC, in order to determine
if a link exists between those features and academic
5.1 First Experiment: Contribution of
the Linguistically-based Indicators
to the Event-based Indicators
Our goal was to compare the prediction results ob-
tained with three distinct models: A model taking
event-based indicators as input features, a model com-
bining event-based and linguistically-based indica-
tors, and a model taking only linguistically-based in-
dicators. The event-based features used are those de-
fined in section 3.2.1. For this experiment, the lin-
guistic features chosen were the linguistically-based
indicators related to the cognitive and affect engage-
ment, applied, for each learner, to the concatenation
of their messages.
We experiment on the five MOOC editions (df1,
df2, ffl1, ffl2 and ffl3) as datasets. Since the results of
the experiments on each df dataset were similar be-
tween eachother, respectively on each ffl dataset, we
only show the results for one of each dataset. Fig-
(a) Model with event-based features only
(b) Model with both event-based and lin-
guistic features
(c) Model with linguistic features only
Figure 1: Confusion matrices corresponding to the predic-
tions of logistic regression models for df2 data.
ure 1 gives the prediction results for df2 data and Fig-
ure 2, from ffl2 data, in each of the previously men-
tioned configurations. They show the raw number of
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
students who were correctly and incorrectly classified
as successful or unsuccessful, based on the indicators
given as input to the classifier. Tables 4 and 5 give the
associated accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score.
We observe that the results of the models trained
with event-based features obtain excellent predic-
tion results. On the other hand, the addition of
linguistically-based features seems to add nothing to
the model since the results obtained are identical. We
were able to check that the students predicted by the
models as having failed were the same for the models
with and without linguistically-based features. Con-
cerning the results of the models trained only with lin-
guistic features, they seem to confirm that the chosen
linguistic features do not help the prediction, at least
in this experiment. Indeed, in this configuration, for
both df2 and ffl2, the model classifies almost all stu-
dents in the ”failure” category. This is probably due to
the imbalance in proportions between failing and suc-
cessful students: since there are more failing students,
putting them all in this category allows the model to
obtain a good accuracy, at the cost of precision and
As arised in Section 4, one could question the im-
pact of OOV terms (due to the ability to write French
for example). After applying a simple spell checker
(pyspellchecker) based on Levenshtein Distance (cor-
recting unknown words of 4 length characters with an
edit distance of 2 from an orginal word), we noted
none improvement in predicting the certification with
logistic regression using linguistic features for any
5.2 Second Experiment:
Linguistically-based and
Event-based Indicators over the
Predicting learner success or failure with the avail-
able dataset after the MOOC has ended appears to
be of little use in a practical context where such pre-
dictions would be needed before the MOOC ends.
Furthermore, linguistic feature may have a greater
importance in prediction if we limit the data to
those available at the beginning of the MOOC, since
fewer event-based indicators are available at that time.
Therefore, we decided to create predictive models in
the same way as in the previous experiment, with
the same choices of features, but limiting the data
to messages available at the end of the first week
of the MOOC, then at the end of the second week,
third week, etc. So we implemented two models per
week (event-based indicators alone or coupled with
(a) Model with event-based features only
(b) Model with both event-based and lin-
guistic features
(c) Model with linguistic features only
Figure 2: Confusion matrices corresponding to the predic-
tions of logistic regression models for ffl2 data.
linguistically-based indicators), with the models hav-
ing access to more or less data depending on the week
they corresponded to. We did not implement models
based solely on linguistically-based features, on the
assumption that if the model built with the data from
the entire MOOC failed to make correct predictions,
it would also fail to do so with less data. This experi-
ment was performed on ffl2.
Figure 3 shows a graph plotting the evolution of
the accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score obtained
by the models over the weeks. The results of the mod-
els with and without linguistic features are merged
because they are identical: again, the chosen linguis-
tic features do not help the prediction. We observe
that recall becomes good after three weeks of MOOC.
This seems to correspond to the time needed to obtain
enough information to predict the success or failure
Exploring the Limits of Lexicon-based Natural Language Processing Techniques for Measuring Engagement and Predicting MOOC’s
Table 4: Accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score for predictions obtained with df2 data in three configurations.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1-score
Model with event-based features only 0.97 0.95 0.97 0.96
Model with both event-based and linguistic features 0.97 0.95 0.97 0.96
Model with linguistic features only 0.67 0.78 0.20 0.32
Table 5: Accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score for predictions obtained with ffl2 data in three configurations.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1-score
Model with event-based features only 0.98 0.91 0.86 0.89
Model with both event-based and linguistic features 0.98 0.91 0.86 0.89
Model with linguistic features only 0.92 0.5 0.03 0.05
Figure 3: Evolution of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-
score of predictive models over time (number of weeks) of
data available for ffl2.
of the MOOC learners with the help of event-based
5.3 Third Experiment: T F.IDF and
Word Embeddings
Our last experiment was to use non-specialized
linguistically-based indicators as features for predic-
tive models, in the hope that the language models
used would detect elements or patterns in the text
that would predict learner success or failure. We per-
formed all these experiments on the corpus composed
of a mix of ffl1, ffl2 and ffl3. We chose to mix the
datasets in order to have a larger amount of data,
which allowed to create large training, test and val-
idation sets (for the FastText and BERT models). Us-
ing as input features the values given by the T F.IDF
method, we obtain the confusion matrix given in Fig-
ure 4b. Figures 5a and 5b give respectively the confu-
sion matrices obtained on the test sets using the Fast-
Text and BERT models. Figure 4a gives for compar-
ison the results obtained with the specific features as
input, i.e. the same linguistic features as those used
in the second experiment. The table 6 gives the calcu-
lations of accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score in
each configuration.
(a) Linguistically-based indicators re-
lated to the cognitive and affective en-
(b) TF.IDF
Figure 4: Confusion matrix corresponding to the pre-
dictions of the classification models taking as input
linguistically-based features and T F.IDF features.
Table 6: Accuracy (A), Precision (P), Recall (R) and F1-
score for predictions obtained with f2 data for five types of
Features A P R F1-score
Ling. 0.70 0.67 0.01 0.02
TF.IDF 0.78 0.72 0.44 0.54
FastText 0.79 0.58 0.66 0.62
BERT 0.78 0.67 0.55 0.61
The model using linguistically-based features per-
forms very poorly in prediction, with an F1-score
close to 0. In the same way as in the first experiment,
we observe that this model classifies almost all the
items in the ”failure” category (0). The model taking
T F.IDF features as input makes more correct predic-
tions of student success (true positives), but these pre-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(a) FastText
(b) BERT
Figure 5: Confusion matrix corresponding to the predic-
tions of the FastText and BERT word-embeddings based
classification models.
dictions account for less than half of the successful
students, with the rest incorrectly predicted as failing.
Among these four models taking linguistically-
based features only as input, the best prediction re-
sults are obtained by the models based on FastText
and BERT word embeddings. These two models have
very similar results, with slightly higher precision
for BERT and, conversely, slightly higher recall for
FastText. However, even though the results are bet-
ter compared to the other models, they still perform
poorly, with many misclassified items. This makes
their contribution uninteresting compared to the mod-
els taking event-based indicators as features.
The state of the art on the notion of engagement
and on its measurement in the framework of MOOCs
showed the existence of several tracks, explored for
the English language with sometimes contradictory
results. We started by adapting some indicators to
the French language in order to reproduce prediction
experiments. To our knowledge, our work is one of
the first studies with French speaking MOOCs. The
results of our predictive models do not succeed to
show an interesting contribution of lexicon-based ap-
proaches for measuring individual cognitive and af-
fective engagement. However, this could be due to
the fact that the chosen indicators were too simple or
not very precise: it would be interesting to adapt more
complex linguistic tools used for English to French,
such as tools analyzing syntactic complexity or cohe-
sion (Crossley et al., 2018). Linguistically-based ap-
proaches using deep representation gave better results
compared to linguistically-based surface approaches.
This track merits also to be explored in particular by
searching how to make them more sensitive to the
complexity and the abstraction of the analysed texts.
Like Wen et al. (2014b), our results show that text pro-
cessing may support global analyses but can hardly
support individual follow-up. But this work requires
to study other MOOCs and domains to confirm the
observation. Deep learning approaches may change
this conclusion. NLP techniques remain useful for
providing additional information for building social
network (Wise and Cui, 2018) or for fine-grained
analysis such as dialogue acts analysis (Joksimovic
et al., 2020).
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valu-
able comments. This work was partially supported by
the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche, within
its Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir, with grant
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education