Possible Application Scenarios for a German National Education
Daniel Staegemann
, René Degenkolbe
, Stefan Weidner
, Robert Häusler
, Vinzent Lange
Klaus Turowski
MRCC VLBA, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Universitaetsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany
SAP University Competence Center Magdeburg, Universitaetsplatz 12, 39104 Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Education, Platform, Software Development, Prototype, Scenarios, Use Cases, Open Source, OER, BIRD.
Abstract: In today’s knowledge-driven world, the competences of its citizens have turned into one of the most valuable
resources a country can build its success upon. Hence, it is of extremely high importance to not only provide
high-quality education, but to also make life-long learning as convenient as possible. This is the main idea
behind the national education platform the German government intends to establish. With that goal in mind,
momentarily, a prototypical implementation is being developed in a project called BIRD. The publication at
hand outlines four possible scenarios: classical learning environment, simulation games, extracurricular
certifications, digitization of administrative processes. The contribution is therefore twofold, to disseminate
the project as well as to provide a basis for discussion that might lead to additional or related scenarios.
In today’s knowledge-driven world, the competences
of its citizens have turned into one of the most
valuable resources a country can build its success
upon (OECD 2012). Therefore, the task of the
education systems of countries that have recognized
this is to provide citizens, regardless of age and
prerequisites, with the best possible opportunities for
realizing their potential (van der Wende 2003).
Consequently, there is an active scientific sub-
community that works on overcoming the related
challenges by exploring innovative measures
(Bockshecker et al. 2021; Dengel et al. 2021; Häusler
et al. 2020; Majuri et al. 2018; Zender et al. 2020).
One of the factors that require adaptation is the
ongoing digitalization of today’s society. As a
consequence, the educational sector is also
challenged to keep up (Frolova et al. 2020). On the
one hand to impart the knowledge to succeed in this
environment and on the other hand to utilize new
opportunities to improve previously applied teaching
a https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9957-1003
Only when education is made easily accessible,
its reach will be maximised, since otherwise many
potential recipients will be excluded or deterred
(Onyema et al. 2020). Therefore, it is of extremely
high importance to not only provide high-quality
education, but to also make life-ling learning as
convenient as possible.
This is the main idea behind the “Nationale
Bildungsplattform” (NBP; eng.: “national education
platform”) the German government intends to
establish. With that goal in mind, momentarily, a
prototypical implementation is being developed with
the purpose of exploring technologies, application
scenarios, options and challenges to pave the way for
the implementation of the actual productive
environment planned for later on. The publication at
hand outlines four possible application scenarios to
disseminate the project as well as to provide a
foundation for corresponding discussions that might
also result in the identification of additional or related
For this purpose, the remainder of this publication
is structured as follows. After this introduction, the
platform prototype is introduced. Subsequently, four
possible application scenarios are outlined, which is
Staegemann, D., Degenkolbe, R., Weidner, S., Häusler, R., Lange, V. and Turowski, K.
Possible Application Scenarios for a German National Education Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0011085500003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 361-368
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
followed by a discussion. At the end, an outlook on
future perspectives and plans as well as a conclusion
are given.
In recent years, several projects have been established
to develop solutions for facilitating the digitalization
of education. To provide context to the proposed
endeavour, in the following, some of those projects
are briefly presented.
The development of the „Platform for
international student mobility“ (PIM) started in May
2020 and aims to create a platform to provide Higher
Educational Institutions (HEI) with applicable
solutions to meet the requirements of the German
Online Access Act (OZG). The OZG states that
federal, state, and local governments need to offer
administrative services digitally until the end of 2022
(BMI 2022). Among other things, the platform should
enable a workflow for the digitized recognition of
student achievements, autonomous management of
documents and related processes. Further,
interoperability between organizational tools like
campus management systems (CMS) shall be
achieved (PIM 2020).
PIM interacts with another project called
XHigherEducationInstitutionExchange (XHEIE).
Like PIM, the goal of XHEIE is based on the OZG
and addresses the development of a national data
standard to enable the exchange of student data and
the interoperability between German CMS (XHEIE
2020). The project is one of several under the
umbrella of XBildung, which pursues the
standardization of data exchange across the entire
education system (XBildung 2021b), not only the
tertiary education sector.
Another project called “Digitaler Campus” (eng.:
Digital Campus) aims at developing a portal of
connected platform services for international students
to validate the suitability of student applicants,
provide them with information, facilitate recruitment
and support their adaptation regarding language,
culture, and the subject they want to study (DAAD
To digitize educational certificates of HEIs in a
national and international context, an additional
project was established called “Digitale
Bildungsnachweise für Hochschulen” (DiBiHo).
Based on the work of (Digital Credentials Consortium
2020), a proof of concept for different use cases of
German HEIs is desired. These cases include the
specification of a reference architecture and a data
model as well as the development of prototypes and
models for the operation and support. Further
processes for the creation, storage, transfer,
verification and revocation of digital educational
certificates are elaborated and evaluated (Technische
Universtät München 2022).
Those previously mentioned projects are using or
building upon existing data standards. These
comprise, inter alia, the ELMO data standard
(EMREX 2020) used in the EMREX Network
(EMREX 2022) for the standardized and automated
exchange of documents between HEIs in Europe. The
standard is considered in any of the previously
outlined projects. Further, the EDCI standard is
acknowledged by XBildung (XBildung 2021a), PIM
(PIM 2020), and DiBiHo (Technische Universtät
München 2022), as it specifies standardized module
information (Europass 2021). Moreover, the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is involved in
XBildung (XBildung 2021a) and DiBiHo with its
Verifiable Credentials Model (W3C 2021b) as well as
Decentralized Identifiers (DID) (Technische
Universtät München 2022; W3C 2021a).
For the final development of the NBP, the results
of such projects should be integrated and four projects
were established in order to build prototypical
implementations of the NBP. In parallel to the project
described in the publication at hand, which is one of
them, a project called mEDUator is developing a so-
called Common Learning Middleware (CLM). The
middleware works as a mediator between relevant
components of learning management and education
ecosystems. This includes user interfaces,
authentication systems as well as user and enrolment
management. Furthermore, databases for profile and
learning data, metadata and learning media should be
provided. In addition, various other services can be
connected to interoperable interfaces for example for
the secure verification of educational records using
blockchain technologies (Fraunhofer FOKUS 2021).
Another prototype platform is developed by the
project L³oop, which pursues the target of central,
self-souvereign and lifelong learning for citizens as
well as transparency and trust in the utilization of
personal data through providers of education (Seidel
The third project KOLIBRI aims at developing a
prototypical platform for the NBP. Its focus is first
and foremost the self-sovereignty of its users and
their data through a federated and user-centric
identity management. In addition, the connection to
existing educational offerings as well as opportunities
for the collaboration of users through, inter alia,
messaging or video conferencing are desired.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The development of the prototypical platform is done
in the context of a project called BIldungsRaum
Digital (BIRD, eng.: Digital Educational Space).
There, a diverse set of project partners, including
several universities as well as other education-related
organizations. In collaboration they aim to explore
how the subsequent productive system should be
designed to fulfil the overarching goals. In the project,
the open-source idea is promoted, which pertains to
the output as well as the utilized tools. Further, BIRD
acts as an umbrella that is accompanied by a plethora
of other projects that explore teaching and learning
services that shall be embedded to increase the
diversity of the platform.
The requirements for the platform are diverse and
relate to various aspects as outlined in the following.
Since the German education system is heterogeneous
by nature (Holst et al. 2020), this property shall also
be reflected in the platform itself. This means, that it
is not providing any educational courses by itself, but
rather acts as an aggregator that helps with finding
and accessing relevant offerings by affiliated
education providers based on individual learner’s
circumstances and preferences. Those, however, are
still organized and conducted autonomously via their
own learning management system (LMS). Therefore,
the platform supports the promotion and ease-of-
access, without compromising the different
organisations’ independence.
To avoid disadvantages and barriers that would
arise from separate accounts with each provider, it is,
despite the increased technical complexity, further
necessary to implement a single sign-on option. This
way, the user only needs to remember one set of login
data, which increases the ease of use, especially when
accessing services of a large number of providers.
In addition, records of learning progress and
certificates can be issued as well as requested by the
providers. This allows to track and verify learner
progress and accomplishments, but also to ensure
specific prerequisites for participating in a course (e.g.
successful completion of a required course or the
proof of necessary language skills).
However, to increase the users’ trust and to reduce
the potential for abuse, those information shouldn’t
be centrally stored, which might make them
accessible for a large group of people. Consequently,
the platform emphasizes the users' data sovereignty
by not directly storing personal data, affiliations,
certificates and similarly sensitive items. Instead,
each user has their own, individually controlled data
wallet. From there, they can allow the corresponding
access on a fine-granular basis, determining which
recipient sees which individual item(s). To increase
accessibility and ease of use, this wallet is, inter alia,
provided as a smart phone app, allowing the majority
of potential users immediate access at all times.
To facilitate the (potentially cross-organizational)
cooperation of learners, the platform provides them
with a plethora of tools. This allows, inter alia, the use
of video conferencing, chats and messaging, data
sharing, separated workspaces, and the use of a
shared learning store, including a targeted search, to
access additional relevant materials. In this context, it
is important to mention the relevance of using Open
Educational Resources (OER). This corresponds to
the idea of sharing and reusing learning and teaching
materials and applications (Butcher 2015).
Moreover, not only the learning itself shall be
improved by the platform, but also the administrative
processes that accompany the learning journey. This
relates, for example, to verifying school transcripts,
checking credentials, meeting imposed requirements,
or proving affiliation with an organization or
institution, which is also required to assure OZG
compliance. This reduces the effort for the learners,
but also for the institutions involved, shortens the
cycle time of the processes implicated, increases
security and reliability, and at the same time helps to
reduce costs.
While each of those features on their own might
already improve the educational user journey, the true
benefit lies in their synergy, which allows to
strengthen the connection of different educational
areas and consequently to increase the flexibility of
each individual’s learning journey, helping them to
work purposefully on the realization of their potential
and to achieve their individual goals (Riedel and
Berthold 2018).
In the following, a set of four scenarios is presented,
which together correspond to an exemplary
instantiation of the basic functionality of the platform
and whose prototypical implementation therefore
represents a major step towards productive usability.
The first three scenarios are directly related to
teaching. Scenarios 1 and 2 cover academic teaching,
while scenario 3 deals with further training. The
fourth scenario focuses on underlying administrative
processes in and between institutions of higher
education. As part of the project, an experimental lab
(BIRD Lab) is established that will explore and
implement those scenarios.
Possible Application Scenarios for a German National Education Platform
4.1 Scenario 1 – Classical Learning
The first scenario addresses the connection of a
classical learning environment to the platform. In a
first step, the learner can search the platform for
courses of interest and, if successful, register for the
chosen course. Subsequently, users have to prove
their eligibility. This validation could for example be
done by sharing a machine-readable certificate of
matriculation provided by their alma mater and stored
to their data wallet. After eligibility is confirmed, the
course provider creates and delivers an account for
the learner. These accounts can be anonymous, as it
is often not necessary for the instructor to know more
information about the individual. To keep the effort
for the learner low, it should still be possible to log in
via single sign-on, so that there is no need to
remember new account data for each new course. The
necessary link between the anonymous account for
the course and the account for the platform is
managed through the user’s digital wallet.
The course material is distributed via the
provider’s LMS, assuring its full autonomy in terms
of content and organization. To support the course
delivery, the platform’s tools can be utilized, however,
this is completely optional. In addition, the instructor
can issue individual certificates of achievement (e.g.
for successful course completion), which the learner
can save to their wallet as a valid proof for additional
parties in the future at their own discretion.
As an exemplary case, in the prototype, this
scenario will be shown on the basis of an SAP course
(SAP 2022b), where students learn how to work with
an enterprise resource planning system by fulfilling a
number of corresponding tasks in a guided manner. In
this particular use case user anonymization is
essential, since here, despite the use of single sign-on,
the identity of the user should be and remains
preserved from SAP as the underlying software
4.2 Scenario 2 – Simulation Game
The second scenario extends the focus to non-
classical and more gamified teaching concepts. Yet,
instead of each student individually processing a
static set of tasks and instructions, they participate in
educational games, which they perform cooperatively
and potentially also competitively with the intention
of increasing engagement and, therefore, also the
learning success (Häusler et al. 2021).
Just like the previous scenario, this one starts with
searching for a learning service, registering for that
course, and then verifying eligibility. The distribution
of user accounts remains the same. However, due to
the team-oriented nature of this form of learning, the
formation of learning groups is added as an additional
step. This can either be done by the lecturer within the
framework of a course or self-organized by the
learners without the need for an instructor.
Subsequently, the simulation game is carried out.
Here, learners can take advantage of the variety of
teamwork tools offered by the provider’s LMS or by
the NBP to support collaboration and thus to increase
learning success. Once the course is successfully
finished, as in the first scenario, the learner can be
provided with a certificate that can be saved to their
data wallet for future proof.
For the prototype, this scenario will be
implemented based on a business simulation game in
the ERP context, which builds upon the SAP course
used in the first scenario. While the learning
environment and the user management are similar,
new cooperation tools are added.
4.3 Scenario 3 – Extracurricular
The third scenario extends the scope of the previous
two use cases by separating tasks by service provider,
e.g. for course facilitation and course assessment.
Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that
some academic courses, continuing education
offerings, or certificates come with a fee.
While the learners’ course search and the general
course administration are similar to the previous two
scenarios, metadata management is the added to
enable the storage and presentation of all relevant
information despite the heterogeneity of involved
providers and available learning formats. Moreover,
to enable billable services, the learner or third-party
sponsors shall be able to pay via multiple options,
including vouchers. Since the idea of the platform is
to create one central point of control for a citizen’s
learning journey, this shall also be handled by the
user’s digital wallet. Once the registration and
payment are completed, the course execution itself is
the same as in the previous scenarios. However, to
successfully complete a course, many widely
acknowledged qualifications require the learner to
pass a certification exam supervised by an authorized
institution that may be independent from the
educational institution. The same is common for
proof of further training, which some occupational
groups are obliged to complete periodically. Thus, in
this scenario, the instructor and the organisation
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
invigilating the exam and issuing the certificate are
potentially different and independent entities.
For the prototypical implementation it is planned
to use the SAP certification TS410 as a professional
qualification. Yet, since the involvement of external
partners always adds another layer of complexity and,
consequently, additional challenges, which are not
necessarily relevant for the technical aspects of the
implementation, some of the operational steps will
possibly be simplified for practical purposes.
4.4 Scenario 4 – Digitization of
Administrative Processes
While the first three scenarios where directly related
to the learning process, the fourth one focuses
administrative background processes. Although they
do not immediately affect the teaching process, they
play an essential role in educational administration.
This is because they influence the duration,
convenience and security of interactions with
respective institutions as well as the administrative
effort and associated costs in turn.
Yet, this is arguably the most complex of the four
scenarios, since historically the corresponding
landscape of utilized software solutions is highly
heterogeneous. In contrast to larger universities,
which already use standardized CMS to streamline
administrative processes, other providers such as
schools, private universities and non-for-profit
organisations still tend to use individual software
solutions (Pausder and Becker-Pennrich 2020).
Another challenge stems from the fact that possible
options for processes that have to be covered are
manifold. A non-exhaustive list includes for instance
the submission and verification of the baccalaureate
certificate for a university application, the proof of
required qualifications (e.g. in the form of a language
certificate), the transmission of certificates of
achievement between different faculties of a
university, the administration of courses that are built
up from partial achievements of different providers or
the issuance of electronically signed certificates of
Within the scope of the prototypical
implementation, for the sake of simplification, it is
planned to, at least initially, focus on one particular
CMS. Therefore, it appears reasonable to choose a
widely used CMS to increase representativity, which
make SAP Student Lifecycle Management (SLcM)
(SAP 2022a) and HISinOne (HIS eG 2022) the
primary candidates. However, the final selection of
the CMS as well as the relevant processes to be
implemented in the prototype still has to be made.
4.5 Discussion
The opportunities and benefits entailed by the four
introduced scenarios are manifold. For scenario 4,
this is arguably the most obvious, since the
digitization of administrative processes allows to act
faster, more resource-efficient, less error-prone, and
at the same time reduces the risk for data
manipulation. However, the impact of the measures
in the other scenarios is also immense. With the
integration of the classical learning environments
from scenario 1, "true" interoperability of educational
offerings as part of a complex learning journey is
enabled. While today most courses are carried out by
a one single provider, they can possibly be composed
from separate units offered by various organizations.
Each of them can certify the success in their
respective parts of the learning journey and when
completed, the entire course is passed and could be
documented by a joint certificate. Even though this is
already possible in theory, in practice the
organizational effort is so high that it is often not a
viable option. However, to allow for consecutive
courses, besides the purely technical implementation,
it will also be necessary to develop standardized
metadata structures.
While the classical learning environments are
rather geared towards formal education, the
simulation games from scenario 2 can not only be
embedded in this context, but may also lead to free-
of-charge political, social and civic education on
various topics, therefore addressing a substantially
larger audience and demographic.
To enable the billable certifications via the NBP,
as outlined in scenario 3, allows for seamless and
trusted integration of academic courses and
vocational training as well as sequential cross-
organization certification courses.
For the prototype the plan is to implement the first
three scenarios in the given order, since they build
upon each other. The fourth scenario, on the one hand,
is rather independent and its implementation probably
the most complicated and time-consuming. Therefore,
it will be worked on in parallel. First research and
conceptual work will result in good practices (due to
the novelty of the endeavour, a claim for best
practices might be too ambitious) in cooperation with
pilot institutions. This includes, inter alia,
determining which admin processes to implement
first, which requirements are common for education
Possible Application Scenarios for a German National Education Platform
providers, whether there are reference processes and
how they look like, how the metadata should be
structured and how the users’ data sovereignty can be
assured in their own, lifelong BIRD wallet.
The communication between the wallet and eco
system other components (e.g. LMS, CMS or the
platform itself) will be handled through connectors.
Therefore, those have to be provided and maintained
by all participating partners. This implementation
process needs to be standardized and supported in
order to lower the entry barrier for as many partners
as possible.
To enable the desired single sign-on functionality,
as described in scenario 1, it is planned to persist the
login data for all of the individual’s course accounts
in the user’s digital wallet. From there, via the
connector of the LMS, it can be used to access the
target system seamlessly. For the second scenario,
achieving the integration of cooperation tools will be
the main challenge. For the third scenario, the
payment process needs to be designed and, as
mentioned in the corresponding section, it might be
necessary to simulate some steps of the overall
certification process.
Finally, when looking further into the future, there
is also the challenge of putting the project findings
together and to productive use, which requires
thorough planning, since this is oftentimes a big
hurdle in the adoption of research results in the
educational space (Bußler et al. 2021).
Education is a powerful resource to maintain and
grow a society’s wealth. However, besides having
high-quality teaching, it is also necessary to make it
accessible to as many citizens as possible by lowering
the barrier of entry and allowing for individualized
learning journeys. For this reason, the German
government commissioned a project to explore how a
national education platform should be designed and
implemented. For this purpose, a prototype is being
built. The publication at hand outlines the BIRD
Lab’s implementation concept of four currently
envisioned scenarios for classical learning
environments, simulation games, extracurricular
certifications, and the digitization of administrative
processes . Hereby, the contribution is twofold, on the
one hand, the platform and the corresponding project
are disseminated in the scientific community and on
the other hand, it provides a foundation for
corresponding discussions that might possibly also
result in the identification of additional or related
scenarios. In the future, the introduced scenarios shall
be implemented to the prototype while also exploring
and incorporating further improvements and insights
that might be discovered in due process. However,
since there is a plethora of potential stakeholders this
also means that it is not possible to fulfil every single
demans gathered. Therefore, the most relevant ones
will be identified so that they can be prioritized when
the productive national education platform is finally
being developed.
The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant
number 16NB002. Responsibility for the content of
this publication lies with the authors.
The project is conducted in cooperation with:
Universität Potsdam, Deutscher Akademische
Austauschdienst, Technische Universität Berlin,
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung
Göttingen mbH, Gesellschaft für Akademische
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