Shifting towards Antifragile Critical Infrastructure Systems
Hind Bangui
, Barbora Buhnova
and Bruno Rossi
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Critical Infrastructure Systems, Antifragility, Resilience, Security.
Antifragility, which is an evolutionary understanding of resilience, has become a predominant concept in aca-
demic and industrial fields as the criticality of vital infrastructures (like healthcare and transportation) has
become more flexible and varying due the impact of digitization and adverse circumstances, such as chang-
ing the prioritization of industrial services while accelerating IoT (Internet of Things) deployment during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The crucial role of antifragility is to enable critical infrastructures to gain from disor-
der to foster their adaptability to real unexpected environmental changes. Thus, this paper aims to provide a
comprehensive survey on the antifragility concept while clarifying the difference with the resilience concept.
Moreover, it highlights how the COVID-19 crisis has revealed the fragility of critical infrastructures and unin-
tentionally promoted the antifragility concept. To showcase the main concepts, we adopt the blockchain as an
example of an antifragile system.
The modern society depends on Critical Infrastruc-
tures (CI). Safety, security, health, social well-being
of everyone are bound to critical infrastructures for
the provision of crucial services such healthcare and
energy provision services. Societies have thus be-
come increasingly vulnerable to disruptions in these
infrastructures. Concretely, the criticality of infras-
tructures can be assessed in the event of a disturbance
or disruption that can have dramatic consequences.
There are many definitions of CIs. For the Eu-
ropean Union, ”critical infrastructure means an as-
set, system or part thereof located in Member States
which is essential for the maintenance of vital societal
functions, health, safety, security, economic or social
well-being of people, and the disruption or destruc-
tion of which would have a significant impact in a
Member State as a result of the failure to maintain
those functions” (EU, 2008). In general, all the def-
initions of CIs place the emphasis on the importance
of systems and assets that are part of CIs, so that any
interference can have a debilitating impact on national
security, public health or safety (Jarmon, 2019).
Despite different definitions of CIs that emerged
in the literature (Engels, 2018), CIs have a common
key concept, which is “criticality” that reflects the
”vitality and priority” of service to enable and keep
the functioning of modern society. Moreover, critical-
ity of infrastructures is flexible and varying over-time
to enable a society to develop. Meanwhile, criticality
reflects the acceptance of a society to deal with con-
sequences of service flaws, weaknesses, and disrup-
tions. Thus, criticality is simultaneously synonymous
of vitality and risk in the literature (Engels, 2018).
Actually, disasters and crises are the major CI con-
cerns as they are disruptive to their interdependent
structures and functions. CIs adopt the resilience con-
cept to deal with disruptive events while keeping their
desired original state. Indeed, resilience enhances the
ability of a system to confront with disruptions by us-
ing mainly and successively the following capacities:
Absorption: It is the ability to reduce or prevent
the severity of a crisis,
Recoverability: It is the ability to rebound to its
original state,
Ex Post Adaptability: It is the ability to bounce
forward to a new state based on planning for the
expected and unexpected situations.
However, the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged
the effectiveness of these resilience capacities by
accelerating uncertain circumstances and preventing
CIs from using the possible and preventive resilient
measures to rebound and continue as normal, such
Bangui, H., Buhnova, B. and Rossi, B.
Shifting towards Antifragile Critical Infrastructure Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011086400003194
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2022), pages 78-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-564-7; ISSN: 2184-4976
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
as forcing employees to self-isolate and work from
their homes due to the closure of industries. Conse-
quently, this health crisis has obliged CIs to learn and
adapt to real unanticipated situations. Furthermore, it
has forced infrastructures to change increasingly the
vitality and priority of their services and functions,
such as shifting from in-person to distance learning in
the education sector. Actually, these sudden changes
experienced during COVID-19 reflect unintentionally
the antifragility concept that was introduced by Taleb
to ”adapt and change continuously by learning from
the environment and being, sort of, continuously un-
der pressure to be fit” (Taleb, 2012).
Therefore, the goal of this paper is to spark a de-
bate about the antifragility concept by shedding light
on how CIs can benefit from disorder to evolve over-
time while enhancing their adaptability to real unex-
pected situations. We use COVID-19 as an exam-
ple of crises that shows up how survived CIs (like
healthcare) have gained from disorder unintentionally
to acquire new knowledge and strengthen their adapt-
ability to real unforeseen circumstances. Moreover,
we cite blockchain as an example of antifragile sys-
tems (Sahdev et al., 2021; Nicholas Taleb, 2021) that
has attracted attention in CIs (Kendzierskyj and Ja-
hankhani, 2019) due to its ability to become antifrag-
ile with every disorder it has suffered, which is proven
with cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin (Ammous,
2018; Nicholas Taleb, 2021).
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
aims to introduce the antifragility concept. Sec-
tion 3 highlights how the COVID-19 crisis has re-
vealed the fragility of CIs and unintentionally pro-
moted the antifragility concept. Section 4 illustrates
the blockchain as an example of antifragile systems.
Section 5 concludes the survey.
In 2012, Nassim Taleb introduced antifragile concept
in his book Antifragile: things that gain from disor-
der”. He represented this concept as: ”Some things
benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when ex-
posed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stres-
sors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty. Yet,
in spite of the ubiquity of the phenomenon, there is
no word for the exact opposite of fragile. Let us
call it antifragile(Taleb, 2012). From that time,
antifragility has been shown considerable interest in
academic and industrial fields. Within the context
of digital CIs, the main idea of antifragility is to en-
able a system to gain from volatility and disorder and
learn how to improve its behaviour when subjected to
implausible changes in parameters (Gheorghe et al.,
2018; Taleb, 2012).
Actually, antifragility is an evolutionary under-
standing of the resilience that not simply enables a
system to tolerate adverse events, but rather allows to
strengthen in the process its self-learning ability to re-
spond to future possible threatening situations, which
was clarified in Taleb’s book (Taleb, 2012) as follows:
”Antifragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The
resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the an-
tifragile gets better”. Thus, antifragility is a prop-
erty of ”systems able to learn while enacting elastic
and resilient strategies” (De Florio, 2014). In other
words, as it is impossible to predict all future circum-
stances with a large negative impact in the digital era,
antifragility looks at enabling an autonomous system
to self-learn from shocks, resulting in creating a com-
plex adaptive-autonomous system that is antifragile to
negative incidents. Thus, Antifragility has been con-
sidered as an important step in safety evolution (Mar-
tinetti et al., 2019), exemplifying the digital era. Ta-
ble 1 and Figure 1 provide more clarification concern-
ing the antifragility concept.
Table 1: Other Antifragility Definitions.
Papers Definitions
(Taleb, 2012) ”It not only survive disturbance and
disorder but actually develop under
et al., 2014)
”Being antifragile means being able
to grow despite the crises that might
(Taleb, 2012) ”The robust or resilient is neither
harmed nor helped by volatility and
disorder, while the antifragile bene-
fits from them.
(Taleb, 2012) ”The antifragile loves random-
ness and uncertainty, which also
means—crucially—a love of errors,
a certain class of errors. An-
tifragility has a singular property
of allowing us to deal with the un-
known, to do things without under-
standing them—and do them well”.
Given the stark reality that dynamic CIs would face
increasingly multiple changes as well as multiple
risks, in this section, we discuss the need for consid-
ering the antifragility concept in CIs. To do this, we
use the COVID-19 crisis as a realistic scenario that
reflects the need of gaining from disorders to adapt to
Shifting towards Antifragile Critical Infrastructure Systems
Figure 1: Antifragility vs Resilience (Adapted from (Martinetti et al., 2019)).
Table 2: Health Organizations that Reported Cyberat-
tacks/Data Breaches during the COVID-19 Outbreak.
Health Institutions Date of
Data Breach
Brno University
March 13,
UK Healthcare
April 4,
Spanish Healthcare
April 4,
Paris Hospital
March 22,
Medicines Research
March 14,
Babylon Health
June 10,
Data Breach
due to soft-
ware vulnera-
United States Health
and Human Services
March 16,
the dynamic change of infrastructures criticality.
3.1 Fragility of Critical Infrastructures
While it seems that resilience is able to recover and
restore any impaired CI system due to perturbations
(like cybersecurity incidents), the rapidly spreading
COVID-19 pandemic has shown the deficiency of re-
silience to mitigate its adverse effects, which makes
CI systems more fragile to downtime caused by this
unexpected crisis. Indeed, resilience focuses mainly
on rebounding a system to its previous state and
then reorganizing it afterwards to prevent unexpected
events, which could not serve shocked CI systems
during COVID-19 that are looking for acquiring new
knowledge to learn how to adapt their components
and become antifragile against downtime.
Healthcare is an example of critical infrastruc-
tures that could not rebound to their previous origi-
nal state after being exposed to uncertain and unsta-
ble conditions caused by COVID-19, which pushes
to envisage new potential strategies for tackling the
challenges arising in several ways. For example,
many health organizations have reported cyberattacks
and data breaches during COVID-19 crisis (Table 2).
Likewise, hospitals were overcrowded and disabled
to meet the demands on COVID-19 patients due to
non-specialized doctors, poor technical skills, and
limited human resources to deal with the COVID-19
epidemic. Therefrom, healthcare systems have per-
ceived the potential of Internet of Medical Things
(IoMT) to handle and control digitally critical med-
ical cases during the ongoing pandemic. Thus, IoMT
is having a huge impact on helping healthcare sys-
tems to improve their reliability and the quality of
life of COVID-19 patients. Moreover, the collected
information-based IoMT services undertake to guide
medical professionals in envisaging new healthcare
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
opportunities and fighting against this pandemic, such
as forecasting in advance medical resource require-
ments and conducting forensics readiness to learn
how to avoid cyberattacks and implement security
mechanisms adequately.
Meanwhile, other critical infrastructures followed
the same path of healthcare to tackle COVID-19 cri-
sis due to their inability to act proactively and reac-
tively in response to pre and during disruptive changes
caused by this pandemic. Yet, this leads to radical
changes to the way CIs cope with adversarial per-
turbations that threaten their reliability, security and
stability. For example, work from home (or remote
working), online services, and acceleration of using
automation and autonomous operations are adopted to
deal with the enterprises and industrial closure, which
restructures toward a future digital workplace envi-
We can notice that the global transformation
caused by COVID-19 crisis across different CIs rep-
resents a starting point of an evolutionary resilience,
which is antifragility. Indeed, CIs have realised the
importance of considering learning as part of their
process to adapt to real unexpected events (like clo-
sure of retail shopping or educational institutions).
Moreover, CIs get benefits from disturbances and then
they become able to improve their performance and
Therefore, antifragility has shown explicitly and
implicitly its ability to cope with the pandemic as
it ”has a singular property of allowing us to deal
with the unknown, to do things without understand-
ing them—and do them well” (Taleb, 2012). Thus,
antifragility can support digital technologies-oriented
CI systems that operate in adversarial environments as
they could proactively learn how to adapt their func-
tion and advance their cyber defense approaches, such
as IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelli-
gence) technologies.
3.2 The Need for Adapting IoT to Real
CI Requirements
After the outbreak of COVID-19, academic and in-
dustrial researchers across various domains are com-
ing together to put forward IoT solutions to support
CIs in coping with the fallbacks. IoT has been lever-
aged in different vital infrastructures to entirely rely
on digital and mitigate this pandemic, such as smart
workplace technologies, smart lockdowns, and smart
classroom teaching.
Despite the considerable IoT advancements, its
applications are still lacking reliability and are sus-
ceptible to overwhelming traffic, failures, and cyber-
attacks (Chamola et al., 2020). Indeed, during the
outbreak, the main goal of software engineering is
to build and maintain high-quality IoT systems that
focus mainly on mitigating this pandemic. The best
practice is to exploit reference IoT architectures to
develop new versions of IoT systems or adapting the
current versions to deal with this epidemic. However,
the time necessary for identifying the best set of test
cases is very short, which does not help developers
to deliver high-quality IoT applications and services.
Besides, the lack of simulators of epidemic risk man-
agement and the absence of realistic datasets to test
and validate the research outcomes decrease further
the robustness of IoT services (Chamola et al., 2020).
Yet, the adoption of antifragility concept in IoT
technologies could enable learning from the bad expe-
riences (e.g., technical mistakes and failures), which
can lead to acquire new knowledge to defence the in-
creasing threats against IoT services. Likewise, it al-
lows to get more expertise in modeling and testing
and then adapt IoT services to real CI requirements,
resulting in fostering IoT deployment in CIs.
3.3 The Need of Data Analysis in CIs
AI (Artificial Intelligence) applications will play a
crucial role in analyzing the high volume and com-
plexity of big data in CIs (Sakhnini et al., 2020).
In fact, AI applications will extract actionable infor-
mation required for supporting CI operations. This
extraction is usually done at centralized platforms.
However, the impact of moving from centralized to
decentralized edge computing platforms will be pro-
gressively accelerating the requirements of using AI
in distributed environments, namely federated learn-
ing (Liu et al., 2020). As a result, AI applications
benefit from data streaming to satisfy the real-time
needs of CIs, such as decision-making. Moreover, AI
applications investigate the massive volume, variety,
and the velocity of data streaming to enhance the pro-
tection of a system and avoid such scenarios causing
huge cascading effects on its other dependent infras-
Nevertheless, the deployment of efficient AI ap-
plications in CIs may also bring various data security,
privacy, and trust concerns due to the threat of active
adversarial attacks (Ibitoye et al., 2019) that seek to
exploit the vulnerability of learning models and then
confuse them into making wrong decisions. Yet, it is
necessary to consider risk analysis to mitigate existing
risks and find ways to prevent inducing wrong predic-
tion outcomes from learning models (Ibitoye et al.,
Antifragility could tackle these challenges as high
Shifting towards Antifragile Critical Infrastructure Systems
“risk” related to positive improvements and high per-
formance for an antifragile system (Aven, 2015) that
should be exposed to uncertainties to gain from them,
resulting in improving future performance while re-
ducing negative risks. Thus, the implication of an-
tifragility for AI could be used as a defense mecha-
nism against adversarial attacks.
In this section, we select blockchain technology as a
typical example of antifragile systems (Johnson and
Gheorghe, 2013) that would tackle the scalability of
CI services towards improving data storage, data se-
curity, and data trust (Kendzierskyj and Jahankhani,
The antifragility of blockchain has been
discussed in several studies (Ammous, 2018;
Nicholas Taleb, 2021; P
erez-Marco and Journ
2016; Nicholas Taleb, 2021). Moreover, the
blockchain characteristics reflect clearly the antifrag-
ile properties (Johnson and Gheorghe, 2013), such
as redundancy, efficiency versus risk, absorption of
serious threats, and non-monotonicity (e.g., Bitcoin
platforms (Ammous, 2018) learn from mistakes to
evolve). However, blockchain is also partially fragile
as all cyber security attacks could not be detected
100% nor prevented (Boireau, 2018).
Therefore, in this section we survey briefly the ap-
plication of blockchain in CIs. Notably, we point out
substantially its application for supporting some CI
properties. Beside, from the antifragility perspective,
we highlight some blockchain limitations that could
be used to acquire the knowledge necessary to build
antifragile CIs.
4.1 Blockchain for CIs
As critical infrastructure systems are getting more and
more dependent on sensitive information, a number
of critical infrastructure properties are grappling with
moving forward in sustainable infrastructure develop-
ment while ensuring the availability of information
in a consistent way. Therefrom, blockchain (P
Marco and Journ
ee, 2016; Nicholas Taleb, 2021) has
been adopted in different CI domains due to its abil-
ity to ensure sustainable development of many appli-
cations by managing and securing sharing informa-
tion. Particularly, blockchain has received much in-
terest in the most significant CI properties, which are:
reliability, resilience, and forensic readiness. These
CI properties are highlighted in (Klein, 2020; Al-
caraz and Zeadally, 2015) as the main key require-
ments to achieve a sustainable critical infrastructure
through digitalization in face of unpredictable disrup-
tions. Blockchain plays the role of being liable in
the context of these properties and the functionality
of CIs to prevent the manipulation of data and en-
sure the availability of CI services. For a summary
of blockchain applications linked to these CI proper-
ties see Tables 3, 4, and 5.
4.1.1 Blockchain for Resilience
Resilience is an aspect that can face this crucial chal-
lenge by resisting to disturbances safeguarding criti-
cal infrastructures while recovering and returning to
an acceptable state. There are many definitions of
resilience, for example, it is defined in (Henry and
Ramirez-Marquez, 2012) as: ”the ability of a system
to bounce back from a failure”. Likewise, in (Ka-
han et al., 2009), resilience is defined generally as:
”the ability of a system, community or society exposed
to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate to and re-
cover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and ef-
ficient manner through the preservation and restora-
tion of its essential basic structures and functions”.
While in supply chain domain (Swafford et al., 2006)
resilience is defined as: ”the ability of a supply chain
to fulfill end customer demand to the desired level
within an acceptable period of time after any pre or
post-disruption mitigation efforts”.
In (Thompson et al., 2016), the differences be-
tween security and resilience have been clarified and
have made a point to state that resilience is main-
tained if and only if a security breach is detected, con-
tained and resolved. Thereby, resilience has adopted
blockchain to reach its full potential across different
domains (Table 4) by strengthening a system in resist-
ing detrimental effects and safeguarding its dependent
4.1.2 Blockchain for Reliability
Using reliable infrastructure services is crucial to as-
sure the continuity of our daily activities. A conven-
tional definition of software reliability is the proba-
bility that software will not fail in a specified period
of time in a given operational environment (Miller
et al., 1992). In other words, reliability is a con-
cept that models the probabilistic behavior of a system
to investigate its correct function during exposure to
common failures within a specified period. It is usu-
ally confused with resilience that is mainly related to
the consequences of disturbances without considering
the probability of their occurrence (Mahzarnia et al.,
2020; Panteli and Mancarella, 2015). It is worth not-
ing that the reliability of a system can be evaluated
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 3: Examples of Blockchain Application Domains for
Paper Description
Agriculture Domain
(Pincheira et al.,
Cost-effective IoT devices as trustworthy data sources for
a blockchain-based water management system in preci-
sion agriculture
(Song and Li, 2021) Blockchain-enabled relay-aided wireless networks for
sustainable e-agriculture
(Alkahtani et al.,
E-Agricultural Supply Chain Management Coupled with
Blockchain Effect and Cooperative Strategies
(Rocha et al., 2021) Blockchain Applications in Agribusiness
Healthcare Domain
(Aggarwal et al.,
Blockchain-Based UAV Path Planning for Healthcare 4.0
(Nguyen et al., 2021) A Cooperative Architecture of Data Offloading and Shar-
ing for Blockchain-based Healthcare Systems
(Musamih et al.,
A Blockchain-Based Approach for Drug Traceability in
Healthcare Supply Chain
Transportation Domain
(Zhang et al., 2020) BSFP: Blockchain-Enabled Smart Parking with Fairness,
Reliability and Privacy Protection
(Jian et al., 2021) Blockchain-Empowered Trusted Networking for Un-
manned Aerial Vehicles in the B5G Era
(Alsamhi et al.,
Blockchain for Decentralized Multi-Drone to Combat
Energy Domain
(Guan et al., 2021) Achieving efficient and Privacy-preserving energy trad-
ing based on blockchain and ABE in smart grid
(Wang et al., 2021) Blockchain-based IoT device identification and manage-
ment in 5G smart grid
(Patil et al., 2021) Study of blockchain based smart grid for energy opti-
(Ahmad et al., 2021) Blockchain based Secure Energy Trading Mechanism for
Smart Grid
Table 4: Examples of Blockchain Application Domains for
Paper Description
Agriculture Domain
(Vannucci et al.,
Climate change management: a resilience strat-
egy for flood risk using Blockchain tools
(Gils and Frison,
Blockchain Technology for Food Security? Re-
silience Potential and Risk Identification for the
Multilateral System of the International Treaty
on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agri-
Energy Domain
(Mylrea and
Gourisetti, 2017)
Blockchain for smart grid resilience: Exchang-
ing distributed energy at speed, scale and secu-
(Nallapaneni and
Chopra, 2020a)
Blockchain-based Online Information Sharing
Platform for Improving the Resilience of Indus-
trial Symbiosis-based Multi Energy Systems
(Nallapaneni and
Chopra, 2020b)
Enhancing the Resilience of Urban Networked
Community Microgrids: Blockchain-enabled
Flexible Energy Trading Strategy
(Jetley, 2019) Blockchain implementation for smart grid re-
(Vishwakarma and
Singh, )
Smart Grid Resilience and Security Using
Blockchain Technology
Transportation Domain
(Gupta et al., 2020) Blockchain-based security attack resilience
schemes for autonomous vehicles in industry
4.0: A systematic review
Healthcare Domain
(Frison et al., 2020) Blockchain Technology for IP Management &
Governance: Exploring its Potential to Restore
Trust and Resilience in the Plant and Biomedi-
cal Sectors
without identifying the threats, while the concept of
resilience is tied to cope with one or more specific
Table 3 illustrates blockchain-based reliability
frameworks across domains, where blockchain has
been used in effective ways to improve the relia-
bility of several applications, such as the unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAV) that has become a big research
topic due to its various applications in various do-
mains, such as UAVs (or drones) for medical appli-
cations (Egala et al., 2021), multi-drone to combat
COVID-19 (Alsamhi et al., 2021), and UAV-assisted
connected vehicle networks (
Alvares et al., 2021).
Table 5: Examples of Blockchain Application Domains for
Forensics Readiness.
Paper Description
Energy Domain
(Kotsiuba et al.,
Blockchain evolution: from bitcoin
to forensic in smart grids
(Mbarek et al., 2020) Blockchain used for energy read-
ings data tampering detection
(Sanseverino et al.,
Blockchain used for data tamper-
ing detection during energy transac-
Healthcare Domain
(Malamas et al.,
A forensics-by-design management
framework for medical devices
based on blockchain
(Nuzzolese, 2020) Electronic health record and
blockchain architecture: foren-
sic chain hypothesis for human
(Lusetti et al., 2020) A blockchain based solution for the
custody of digital files in forensic
Transportation Domain
(Billard and Bar-
tolomei, 2019)
Digital forensics and privacy-by-
design: Example in a blockchain-
based dynamic navigation system
(Obimbo, 2020) Towards Vehicular Digital Foren-
sics from Decentralized Trust: An
Accountable, Privacy-preservation,
and Secure Realization
(Hossain et al., 2017) Trust-IoV: A trustworthy forensic
investigation framework for the In-
ternet of Vehicles (IoV)
(Cebe et al., 2018) Block4Forensic: An integrated
lightweight blockchain framework
for forensics applications of con-
nected vehicles
4.1.3 Blockchain for Forensics Readiness
Forensics readiness aims mainly to conduct a com-
prehensive analysis to identify the root causes and in-
volved individuals after disturbances have occurred
(Daubner et al., 2020), resulting in digital evidence
admissible at court. It is defined as: ”The extent to
which computer systems or computer networks record
activities and data in such a manner that the records
are sufficient in their extent for subsequent forensic
purposes, and the records are acceptable in terms of
their perceived authenticity as evidence in subsequent
forensic investigations” (Mohay, 2005).
The storage and processing of data with secu-
Shifting towards Antifragile Critical Infrastructure Systems
Table 6: Examles of Blockchain Security Threats (Cheng et al., 2021; Bhushan et al., 2021; Saminathan et al., 2021).
Category of
Security Threats
General Description Attack Vectors
Spending Threats It takes place where a consumer uses a single cryptocurrency for
processing multiple transactions.
Race Attack, 51% Attack,
Finney Attack, Vector 76 Attack,
Alternative History Attack
Network Threats Considering the peer-to-peer nature of the blockchain network
that needs to use protocols to provide network services, attackers
exploit this network requirement to trick victims, for example,
making them believe that a transaction has failed and then asking
for the transaction to be repeated.
Transaction Malleability Attack,
Sybil Attack, Eclipse Attack,
DDoS Attack, Timejacking Attack,
Partition Routing Attack, Delay Routing,
Refund Attack, Balance Attack
Punitive and Feather forking Attack
Mining-Pool Threats Mining pools are created by a group of miners to work collab-
oratively. Next, it pools their resources for contributing to the
generation of a block, and then sharing the block reward accord-
ing to the added processing power. the pool vulnerabilities are
exploited by attack vectors to launch both internal and external
attacks on a mining pool.
Selfish Mining/Block-discard Attack,
Block Withholding Attack,
Fork-After Withholding Attack,
Bribery Attack,
Pool Hopping Attack
Wallet Security Threats A wallet is a type of paid account that stores users’ financial in-
formation, using public and private keys to make transactions in
the blockchain. Attackers exploit the weakness in wallets that
lead to exposure of private keys. As a result, they can steal
money and transfer the stolen funds to different addresses and
hide the fund traceability after stealing money.
Vulnerable Signature,
Flawed Key Generation,
Lack of Address Control Creation,
Collison and Pre-Image Attack,
Bugs and Malware
Smart Contract Threats A smart contract is executed automatically when certain condi-
tions are met. Once it is added to the blockchain, it cannot be
altered due to the immutable property of blockchain. Attackers
exploit smart contract codes’ weaknesses to control all the user’s
incoming and outgoing transactions.
Vulnerabilities in Contract Codes,
Vulnerabilities in EVM Bytecode,
Vulnerabilities in Blockchain,
Eclipse Attack on Smart Contract,
Low-level attacks
rity is needed in forensic applications across differ-
ent domains (Table 5) to produce an efficient inves-
tigation. Blockchain facilitates forensic readiness by
being incorporated into critical systems to ensure the
availability and integrity of data used for determin-
ing stress sources. Thus, using blockchain for digital
forensics can serve as a starting secured and trusted
point for understanding and identifying the critical
needs to anticipate future stresses and protect differ-
ent dependent and interdependent critical infrastruc-
tures through realistic examples and scenarios.
4.2 Blockchain Vulnerabilities
Despite the positive influence of blockchain in dif-
ferent domains, blockchain implementations are also
vulnerable (Wang et al., 2019; Boireau, 2018; Cheng
et al., 2021; Bhushan et al., 2021; Saminathan et al.,
2021). Many studies have focused on identifying
vulnerabilities that could threaten the data integrity
in blockchain-based systems (Wang et al., 2019;
Bhushan et al., 2020; Shrivas et al., 2020; Samanta
et al., 2021). In fact, the blockchain is like any soft-
ware application, not invulnerable. Table 6 shows
specific vulnerabilities that can be used by poten-
tial attackers, such as mining-pool threats that exploit
miners to launch attacks (e.g., Pool Hopping (Singh
et al., 2019)). Likewise, in wallet security threats (Ta-
ble 6), encrypted data on blockchain is not guaran-
teed since it may deteriorate over time due to the lost
or compromised key, which means permanent loss of
control over a blockchain (Mosakheil, 2018).
4.3 Gaining from Blockchain
Owning to the fact that vulnerabilities would have
significant negative effects on CIs, there is a big
need for understanding how blockchain could deal
with the dependency and inter-dependency in CIs
as it is unreasonable to assume that blockchain is
capable of adapting and tolerating attacks (Table
6). Consequently, the dependency analysis (Alcaraz
and Zeadally, 2015) would be very crucial to deal
with cascading and common-cause failures/attacks by
identifying and classifying potentially risk dependen-
cies. Also, this analysis should include methods for
measuring fragility to find proactively alternative mit-
igation measures that can proceed with automated ac-
tions to decrease/prevent the spread of negative events
in CIs. Thus, it is necessary to conduct a deep analysis
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
to trace the dependency between blockchain and CIs
while learning how to gain from blockchain threats
(Table 6), leading to defense CI mechanism evolution.
To sump up, the blockchain could be the perfect
real-world testbed to understand better how we can
shift effectively from resilience to antifragility, which
entails further future research to reach the maturity
level of blockchain that would promote truthfulness
and trustworthiness of digital-antifragile CIs.
The major lesson learned from this study is that the
COVID-19 pandemic has pushed CIs to acknowl-
edge their vulnerability and fragility, which are often
overlooked. This crisis has become a challenge that
CIs (like healthcare) have managed to use as an op-
portunity for change, which unintentionally leads to
adopting an evolutionary understanding of resilience
(antifragility) to learn how to curb the tragic effects
of this crisis and foster their digital transformation.
Likewise, the real impact of this health crisis has ex-
posed the CI properties in a new way, mainly criti-
cality that is fully changed due to the mutable CI re-
source prioritization (like using car parks as hospi-
Finally, this study is a thorough review of an-
tifragility literature that necessitates a detailed re-
search investigation to understand better how to gain
from disorder and advance the body of knowledge on
constructing antifragile CIs, which has already been
started with the COVID-19 pandemic and will con-
tinue in the following decades.
The work was supported from ERDF/ESF “Cy-
berSecurity, CyberCrime and Critical Informa-
tion Infrastructures Center of Excellence” (No.
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 019/0000822).
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Shifting towards Antifragile Critical Infrastructure Systems