IMASHEDU: Intelligent MAshups for EDUcation -
Towards a Data Mining Approach
Priscila Cedillo
1,2 a
, Pablo Martínez León
and Marcos Orellana
Computer Science Research & Development Lab - LIDI, Universidad del Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador
Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
Keywords: Mashup, Learning Tool, Software, Web Applications.
Abstract: Nowadays, technological tools greatly support the work of teaching-learning tasks. In this sense, there are
various sources of information from which teachers and students rely on to complement their academic
activities. Content is sought on the web, significantly updated and easy to understand, generally in the form
of videos. As people progress in their learning, they face terms, concepts, and topics that they are not familiar
with them. However, those topics are included in the video. In this context, a complex process is generated of
alternating sections of the video with other sources of information that explain the related topics and contribute
to the understanding of the topic discussed. In this regard, and considering the possibility of systematically
consuming information from various sources, it is necessary to build a method and an application that
orchestrates the contents of these sources in a convenient, fast and automatic way, according to the person's
learning. This proposal contemplates the development of a Mashup. This mashup integrates different data
sources in a single graphical interface. Also, it is considered the construction of a core software solution based
on text mining techniques. This solution allows extracting the textual content from videos and identifying the
terms that could support the knowledge of the topic. It would significantly contribute to the fact that related
topics are presented unified in the same interface. At the same time, the learning experience is greatly
improved, avoiding losing the common thread of the observed video. Therefore, this article presents a process
of orchestrating various data sources in a Web Mashup application. It includes videos available on YouTube
channels, with other sources (e.g., Wikipedia, Pinterest) that help understand the topic better, generating
hypertext references based on the generation of terms through text mining techniques. A Mathematics
Learning mashup has been built to show the proposal’s feasibility.
Nowadays, within virtual learning, several tools are
used for helping teachers and learners during their
classes’ preparation and study. Some of the most used
information platforms are YouTube (Google LLC,
2022) and Wikipedia (Wikipedia Foundation, 2022).
Those solutions are comprehensive sources of
knowledge for any topic that people want to study and
learn about. However, there is a problem when using
different platforms: the amount of related information
they provide for learners. Also, the dispersion of that
information makes searching and integrating the
knowledge difficult. In this context, when students
want to learn about a topic, they go to a specific
platform to search for a video on the subject needed;
once they find it, this video can generate more doubts
or concerns about different topics discussed, which
can be in another platform or source. This causes the
student to lose the continuity of the subject since the
student has to go to several sources or websites
containing information on a specific topic and find its
On the other hand, mashups are Web applications
whose main objective is to integrate the contents and
services provided by third-party components (Insfran
et al., 2012). Thus, mashups have gained popularity
due to their ease of creation. Also, mashups are
Cedillo, P., León, P. and Orellana, M.
IMASHEDU: Intelligent MAshups for EDUcation - Towards a Data Mining Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0011087500003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 383-388
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
specific applications usually presented as a single
page. Then, considering the compositional character
of mashups, they can be implemented to solve the
problem above.
Although mashups represent a good solution,
those tools have challenges related to the source’s
contents (e.g., availability, replaceability). The
sources format that can be integrated into mashups
can be RSS, ATOM feeds, Restful, SOAP Web
Services, among others. Thus, several platforms
provide convenient and free access to their
information in those formats. Several platforms offer
video and multimedia, which are very useful when
teachers and learners need to integrate information for
performing their activities. That integration needs to
be automatic and based on recommendations from the
contents displayed on the mashup (video, audio, text)
to support users when preparing information to teach
or learn. Moreover, data mining techniques can be
integrated into the mashup creation to perform that
integration. Therefore, this paper presents a process
to create mashups that combine information
conveniently from different data sources. The
resulting mashups will help teachers and learnings
during their activities. Those mashups will present
related information without searching other sources
but show all the information in a unique web
application. To display the feasibility of this proposal,
an example and a study case will be presented for
evaluating the integration process and the use of the
resulting mashup.
Finally, this document is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents related work. Section 3 presents
the process of the mashup creation, Section 4 shows
the application of the process during the development
of the mashup, and Section 5 shows the conclusions
and further work.
Several studies focused on applying different
techniques and mechanisms to create tools that help
people improve their study methods (Burstein, 2009).
However, previous mashups that have been made
have no purpose within the field of education and do
not have the techniques proposed in this study.
Many studies provide several ways to create new
Mashups for different needs and aspects (Ghiani et
al., 2016). Various components and tools must be
considered when developing a Mashup by reusing
existing components from different applications and
combining them within the same solution.
Methodologically, some studies apply natural
language processing and text mining techniques to
find new topics from a base text (Devlin et al., 2019).
These proposals are based on a similar process since
characteristics are extracted from the transcribed
texts, or the keywords of the entered text are
classified. At the same time, some studies use Natural
Language Processing (NLP) and processes for
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve teaching and
learning processes.
Several practical approaches to NLP are
presented, which help in educational field and other
linguistic aspects (Ferreira-Mello et al., 2019). Also,
several effective solutions handle patterns of
grammar and other linguistic approaches. Besides,
NLP is an effective technique for improving students'
ability to identify relationships of different words and
use such within search engines to generate new
knowledge (Campos, R et al., 2019). Therefore, a
practical proposal allows students to use these tools
optimally. The search procedure requires entering the
correct information in the text to enter the next step.
NLP enables the analysis of the information gathered
from students, comparing it with the content within
the search carried out (Burstein, 2009). Also, studies
on extracting keywords and topics from a single
document were considered without a document
dictionary. From the study of YAKE! (Campos, R et
al., 2019), a tool was obtained, which extracts
keywords from a text from a simple document
without a corpus. Based on the study of the attention
mechanism (Vaswani, A et al., 2017), a technique
called zero-shot classification was carried out, which
associates observed and unobserved classes through
auxiliary information, which encodes the distinctive
observable properties of objects and detects types that
the model has never seen during training. It is
characterized by having the human-like ability to
generalize and identify new things without direct
supervision. Unlike previous studies where NLP
mechanisms are used to classify data and web
mashups that were created for different purposes
(Wong et al., 2007), our objective is to extract the
keywords from the text of a video or audio by using
various APIs and generate new learning topics as
explained in this through a mashup. In this way, it
creates a helpful tool for the student to develop a
learning path fluently and without losing attention to
the topics of main interests.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The methodology is represented with the Software &
Systems Process Engineering Meta-Model 2.0
(SPEM 2.0). The entire process is divided into three
main tasks: i) Video metadata extraction, ii) Natural
Language Processing (NLP) task, and iii) API links
task. Each of which has input and output data. The
first task (i.e., extraction of metadata from the video)
has as input the link of a YouTube video. The NLP
task transcribes the video obtained in the first task as
input. Finally, the API links task has the keywords of
the text obtained through text mining techniques as
input, which leads to the output of new topics of the
video that the user is observing.
A. Video Metadata Extraction
In this process, the multimedia information is
extracted from the video platform (e.g., YouTube);
this information serves to obtain the relevant data
during the learning o teaching processes. In this task,
the input is a transcription of the platform video,
which is enabled in several sources and will collect
the text to be analyzed.
Video transcription: The first step is extracting
information obtained through a platform API (e.g.,
YouTube API). The process should focus on the
transcription of the text of the video. It is necessary to
transform these data into a document to carry out the
respective processing of the obtained data. Once it is
performed, available data is brought to continue with
all the following steps.
Platform API: Using a platform API, all the
necessary information is obtained, which will help
continue with the next steps of the process.
B. Natural Language Processing Task
Here, the input artifacts are i) Transcribed text of the
video platform (e.g., YouTube); the transcription is
used to analyze the obtained text.
1) Transcribed text of the video platform: The
transcribed text will be used to apply text mining
techniques to search for knowledge and provide
several topics that can be interesting for final users.
2) Text mining techniques: To arrive at a coherent
result and to be able to classify the main topics that
each video is about, several text mining techniques
are used:
Stopwords: This technique reduces the
dimensionality of texts by eliminating words that are
not useful for the study.
Convert the text to lowercase: This technique is
used to standardize texts.
Tokenization: This technique consists of
constructing a list of tokens that do not include
prevalent and uninformative words from a linguistic
point of view, such as conjunctions (and, or, nor,
that), prepositions (a, in, for, among others) and very
common verbs.
YAKE!: It is a lightweight, unsupervised
automatic keyword extraction method that relies on
statistical characteristics of text extracted from
individual documents to select the most important
keywords from a reader (Campos, R et al., 2019).
This system does not need to be trained with a
particular set of documents, nor does it depend on
dictionaries, external corpus, text size, language, or
Then users are able to get the video's keywords,
which will associate the relevant topics of the video
with other sources of information on the web and
generate new topics of interest.
C. API Links
The next step is to associate them with Wikipedia
articles through the API provided by this virtual
encyclopedia, which we will use to get associated
topics regarding the topics of interest which were
extracted in the previous steps via your search engine.
After finding and obtaining similar topics within the
Wikipedia platform, the zero-shot-classification
technique is used based on the attention mechanism
(Vaswani, A et al., 2017), which will help us
determine the effectiveness of the extracted results. In
this way, it will be possible to determine if the similar
topics extracted through keywords and the Wikipedia
API have a special relationship with the issues spoken
in the main video that the user enters.
All this was joined by a pipeline to build a
workflow for extracting topics associated with the
YouTube video that the user chose. The text
transcription of the video was inserted as a parameter.
This flow will be implemented through a Mashup,
which has the objective of showing the user all the
new and suggested topics that may be of interest to
them according to the video they enter, directing them
to links to other websites where they will find more
information about these recommended topics and
thus improve the users' study flow.
Figure 1 shows the entire process towards
developing a Mashup which includes data mining
techniques to accomplish the objective of this study.
Thus, the mashup development begins with selecting
the components integrated into the Web application.
It is necessary to explain that the central component
should be a media container API; once the
components that integrate the Mashup have been
selected, they maintain an orchestration or
choreography that reaches the main objective of this
IMASHEDU: Intelligent MAshups for EDUcation - Towards a Data Mining Approach
Figure 1: The process to be followed during the intelligent mashup’s development.
With the different techniques of text mining, NLP,
and APIs used in this study, a Mashup was obtained.
This application allows users to enter a video of
interest from YouTube and generate topics according
to the displayed video. Thus, watching a video with
support while it is being played improves the flow of
study and provides you with more information on
these topics by directing you to Wikipedia articles to
improve the way you study and answer the questions
that arise when looking at new issues.
The use of text mining and NLP were critical
aspects for verifying if the recommended topics were
relevant to the main video. Therefore, it is possible to
avoid showing issues that are not relevant or do not
correspond to the theme of the video. Therefore, it is
need a tool that provides more knowledge of various
topics for learning. A proof of concept was carried out
with different stages to demonstrate the usefulness
and benefits of the Mashup obtained, which is
presented below.
A. Linking the processes of the methodology in
the Mashup. This study seeks to generate a Mashup
that obtains new topics of interest related to a
YouTube video that a person is watching. Here, it is
expected to shorten study periods and create a linear
study flow when searching for information within
videos on YouTube.
With the Mashup made, it is possible to create this
study flow and at the same time generate new topics
from a related topic. This will be reflected in the next
step from the workflow tests. The following shows the
anchoring of the process designed in Figure 1 through
the Mashup interface to reach the objectives and thus
visualize a friendly and straightforward approach to
show the results of the flow process to the user.
1) As shown in Figure 2, an interface was
designed in which the user is allowed to enter the link
to the YouTube video of interest. In this way, the flow
enters the Video Metadata Extraction process, where
the output is the transcribed text of the video entered
by the user. This process is done by linking the
YouTube API, where the transcription of the video
and its different components are extracted. In this
way, the flow is directed to the following process.
2) After obtaining the transcript as the output in
the previous process, text mining and natural
language processing techniques are performed to get
the main topics related to the video entered by the
user. These are linked through the Wikipedia API to
obtain articles associated with the different topics
extracted and thus orchestrate the different APIs.
Therefore, the process flow shown in Figure 1 is
completed, and the results are shown below.
3) As shown in Figure 3, the results obtained
through the process flow of the methodology are
displayed so that each of the main topics of the video
entered by the user contains several Wikipedia
articles related to it, where the user can automatically
redirect to each of them by clicking on any of the
displayed topics. Through all these steps, the process
flow is linked through a Mashup, which finalizes the
process of the methodology and achieves the
B. Testing and Process Flow
Next, the integration and flow of the Mashup
processes as a final product will be demonstrated.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
As shown in Figure 4, the first step is to extract the
information from the URL of the YouTube video of
the user's choice is inserted. Then, it has been linked
the Video Metadata Extraction process, which will
obtain the transcript of the video to connect with the
NLP Task process.
Figure 2: Home page and YouTube link text field.
Figure 3: Results obtained within the Mashup.
Also, it is possible to extract the topics related to
the video and their respective associated Wikipedia
articles. After entering the YouTube video URL, it
automatically redirects to the results page, where the
keywords of the video are displayed with their related
topics that may be of interest to the user. These topics
have associated articles that automatically redirect to
Wikipedia. Therefore, it is possible to connect the
YouTube API with the Wikipedia API through text
mining techniques and natural language processing,
obtaining expected results and a Mashup that helps
both the student and the teacher generate more
sources of information on a topic they need. Finally
achieved this process, all the explained steps are
linked to complete the objective of the Mashup
developing the desired tool. Therefore, the API Links
process is finished, and this study’s process flow
culminates. Following this, the respective tests and
analyzes that were carried out to verify the validity
and usefulness of this study are explained, which
demonstrates that the objectives of the study are met.
Optimal construction of the mashup was reached; in
this way, a tool for a better flow of study is available
for both students and teachers.
C. Feedback
The participants belong to a group of Software and
Data Engineers to collect their arguments and
experiences with the final product. Different
functional tests of the Mashup were carried out. It was
determined that the results presented within the
methodology obtained were consistent and accurate
according to the entered search topics. As a general
experience, it was argued that the reviewed product
meets its primary objectives, both for integration and
its use. The usability section contends that the
Mashup generates a determined and fast study flow
for direct purposes.
Figure 4: Flow Process.
D. Final Product
Once the Mashup meets the objectives and
purposes of this study, a tool is provided to the
community to help them search for information on the
It was concluded that when using text mining
techniques within the Mashups functions, beneficial
information can be linked, which supports learners.
Using the YAKE! Method: The extracted data
analysis facilitated the analyzed transcripts’ different
topics, and the keywords can be identified with this
technique. Also, NLP is essential when determining
topics that will be taught as a final result of the study.
With the use of the transcripts, new topics associated
with the video were obtained from what was
discussed. Once the result has been obtained, it is
possible to expand the field of study and knowledge
of subjects so that the flow of analysis of a person is
improved. It is recommended that for future work,
through the data collected with the use of the Mashup,
methodologies can be applied to analyze the behavior
of users when using the tool to improve the flow and
results according to each type of search and topic. At
the same time, a tool helps stakeholders to have a
better understanding of the interest topics. Finally, it
was possible to verify that, using techniques and
methods of text mining and NLP, the obtained
mashup combines those mentioned above with an
orchestration of APIs, generating valuable topics for
the user. Based on the results obtained, it was
concluded that it is a great option to reach the
objective and purpose of this study.
The authors wish to thank the Vice rector for
Research of the Universidad del Azuay for the
IMASHEDU: Intelligent MAshups for EDUcation - Towards a Data Mining Approach
financial and academic support and all the Laboratory
for Research and Development in Informatics (LIDI)
staff and the Department of Computer Science,
Universidad de Cuenca. Specifically to the research
project “Fog Computing applied to monitor devices
used in assisted living environments.”, DIUC for its
academic and financial support.
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education