2. Removing the Unmatched Parts from Evalua-
tion: We observe a high number of false negatives
in our first evaluation ref. As mentioned in sec-
tion/ref our method, these high numbers of false
negatives are coming from all those parts which
have zero matches. Since these parts have zero
matches and our algorithm has no control over the
prediction of these parts. To check the perfor-
mance of our algorithm in a more accurate way
we have removed these parts from the evaluation
and calculate the accuracy. We have also calcu-
lated the Superpoint accuracy in similar condi-
tions. The results are shown in table 4.
3. Keeping Basic Heuristics on Part Count:
We hypothesize that if a network predicts the
presence of X or more parts of the template image
in the test image we can presume that all parts
of the template image are present. To show that
this hypothesis is true we add the heuristic on top
of the final output and compare our results. We
define the basic heuristics as
Out put part =
[1]*len(Np), len(Mp) ≥ len(Np)*P
[0]*len(Np), otherwise
Here, Np represents the list of total parts presents
in the template image, Mp is the parts with
matches. P is percentage value. In our dataset,
P = 0.2 gives the best number for both methods.
Results are shown in table 5.
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verification method over local feature matches. We
have presented a method to learn the interaction be-
tween the matched descriptor pairs. Our experiments
demonstrate that using the global context, local fea-
tures matching can be verified correctly. Further work
will investigate the handling of noise/ wrong matches
from the matching algorithm and make the verifica-
tion algorithm more robust.
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IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering