process, considering the columns’ annotations and
seeds defined in the source code. Then, the data is
retrieved unencrypted or unobfuscated. Integrity was
designed to make all the encryption and data obfus-
cation processing transparent to the system developer
and user. Figure 11 shows the recovered data.
Figure 11: Return data.
When a query with date comparison is performed,
the informed date also goes through the leap process
before the query is performed, so there is no need to
deobfuscate all dates in the column to perform the
This work presented a framework for object-relational
mapping that aims to obfuscate the information in
the database, leaving the responsibility of the cryp-
tographic process to the application layer instead of
delegating this process to the database management
system. Likewise, the framework aims to make the
entire process transparent for the developer, who only
needs to interfere in the solution’s source code to de-
fine passwords and which columns will suffer data ob-
fuscation. In this way, developing software consider-
ing the new data protection laws is facilitated.
The data will be stored in the database in an obfus-
cated way. The data that Integrity has persisted will
be meaningless to those who illicitly obtain it if there
is an information leak. Not even the Database Admin-
istrator will have access to such information since the
system development team defines the password and
the name of the attributes used in the cyphering pro-
As future works, Integrity will be part of the
Spring framework in Java to take advantage of all the
infrastructure already available and for its wide use
in the market. Other types of fields will also be used
in Integrity, such as the Integer since only String and
Date data are currently being used in this version. We
opted for working firstly in two data types to reduce
the scope of this work. Though, as future works, we
intend to integrate data types with a finite body well-
defined, as the IEEE 754 standard data types.
The framework provides the search for exact data
in the database or by date range. However, searching
for data using a String snippet in an obfuscated field
is an open challenge. Thus, solutions to these limita-
tions will be studied and proposed.
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ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems