Analyzing Airplane Detection Performance with YOLOv4 by using
Synthetic Data Domain Randomization
Houssem-Eddine Benseddik
1 a
, Ariane Herbulot
1,2 b
and Michel Devy
LAAS, CNRS, Toulouse, France
Univ. de Toulouse, UPS, LAAS, F-31400 Toulouse, France
Airplane Detection, YOLOv4, Deep Learning, Domain Randomization, Object Detection, Synthetic Data.
This paper proposes a novel approach to generate a synthetic dataset through domain randomization, to address
the problem of real-time airplane detection on airport zones with high accuracy. Most solutions have been
employed and developed across satellite images with deep learning techniques. Our approach specifically
targets airplane detection on complex airport environment using deep learning approach as YOLOv4. To
improve training, a large amount of annotated training data are required for good performance. To address
this issue, this study proposes the use of synthetic training data. There is however a large performance gap
between methods trained on real and synthetic data. This paper introduces a new method, which bridges this
gap based upon Domain Randomization. The approach is evaluated on bounding box detection of airplanes
on the FGVC-Aircraft dataset.
Since the advent of deep convolutional networks, the
capabilities of computer vision systems to solve vari-
ous problems such as object detection, have advanced
considerably in the last few years. The major success
of deep learning-based approaches can be attributed
to the availability of required computational power to
perform the huge amount of calculations, and to the
availability of large datasets to enable models to be
trained (Agarwal et al., 2019).
Training a deep neural network is a time consum-
ing and expensive task which typically involves col-
lecting and manually annotating a large amount of
data for supervised learning. Obtaining such data in
the real world is tedious and error-prone. Further-
more, the collection of a large amount of training data
with sufficient variety in real word is often expensive
or not feasible (Hinterstoisser et al., 2019). As such,
researchers have been developing various techniques
to overcome this issue and introduce cost saving mea-
sures to build a high-quality dataset. One of the most
promising solutions that have been investigated for
this issue is Domain Randomization (DR) (Nowruzi
et al., 2019).
DR is a simple yet powerful technique for gener-
ating training data for machine-learning algorithms.
The goal is to generate or synthetically improve the
data, in order to introduce random variances in the
properties of the training environment. These prop-
erties are essentially present at the learning task and
are not necessarily present at the test task, unlike tra-
ditional training data when collected in the same do-
main as the test data (Valtchev and Wu, 2020). A reas-
suring method in this direction is to create simulated
data for training that is well capable of imitating the
test statistics of the real data.
In this paper, we explore multiple ways in this
context to extend DR to the task of real-world air-
planes detection. By focusing on various synthetic
datasets and training the convolutional neural network
entirely on synthetic data, our goal is to identify a pro-
cedure that addresses the domain shift and the trained
network generalizes well to real test data.
In particular, we are interested in answering the
following questions:
1. Can DR on synthetic data achieves enormous air-
plane detection results, on real-world data?
2. Can DR on synthetic data reaches competitive re-
sults with those obtained by real data?
3. Can DR with fine-tuning by real data during train-
ing improve more the accuracy?
Benseddik, H., Herbulot, A. and Devy, M.
Analyzing Airplane Detection Performance with YOLOv4 by using Synthetic Data Domain Randomization.
DOI: 10.5220/0011089500003191
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2022), pages 425-431
ISBN: 978-989-758-573-9; ISSN: 2184-495X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
4. How do the parameters of DR affect results?
By analysing these questions, this work con-
tributes the following:
Extension of DR to detect different airplane mod-
els in front of real-world complex backgrounds;
Introduction of a new DR component, namely, ob-
ject motion (rotation and translation), which im-
proves detection accuracy;
Investigation of the parameters of DR to evaluate
their importance for airplane detection;
A comprehensive metric study to make compari-
son between synthetic and real data training’s;
Fine-tuning models trained on large synthetic
dataset with a small set of real data.
Our work is related to airplane detection, synthetic
data for machine learning, domain adaptation and do-
main randomization.
The performance for computer vision algorithms
increases logarithmically with training data increas-
ing. However, obtaining a large amount of annotated
data in the real-word is a bottleneck for computer vi-
sion tasks. One way of dealing with this issue is to use
the synthetic data as a cheap and efficient solution to
assemble such large datasets (Bousmalis et al., 2018).
The use of synthetic data however introduces what
is known as the reality gap, which is the inability for
the synthetic environments to fully generate the real-
world data, for numerous reasons including textures,
physics of materials, lighting and domain distribu-
tions (Nowruzi et al., 2019). In an attempt to nar-
row the reality gap, DR is introduced to simulate a
sufficiently large amount of variations such that real-
world data is viewed as simply another domain varia-
tion. This can include randomization of view angles,
textures, shapes, camera localisation, object positions
and many other parameters (Valtchev and Wu, 2020).
On the other hand, underlying principal of DR is to
create enough variance in training data which forces
the model to only learn relevant features useful for the
task. DR provides a solution to narrow the reality gap,
thus by enriching the data generation phase.
To address the reality gap, DR techniques have
been explored, including most notably the work of
(Tobin et al., 2017), where they synthesized images
of basic geometric objects on a table, in an attempt
to estimate their 3D positions, such that a robotic
arm could pick them up. Their accuracy varied de-
pending on domain parameters, achieving errors as
low as 1.5cm on average in terms of object location,
showing promise for synthetic data training. Notably,
they found that the number of images and the number
of unique textures used in the images were the most
prominent parameters to model accuracy. Camera po-
sitioning and occlusion also had meaningful contri-
butions, while the addition of random noise in images
did not. (Tremblay et al., 2018) uses DR for car de-
tection by effectively abandoning photorealism in the
creation of the synthetic dataset. The involved work
forced the network to learn only the essential features
for the task of car detection. Results of this approach
are comparable to the Virtual KITTI dataset (Gaidon
et al., 2016). One issue with the Virtual KITTI dataset
is its limited sample size of 2500 images. This could
result in worse performance than the larger datasets.
(Loquercio et al., 2019) used domain randomiza-
tion to bridge the gap between the artificial world and
the real one, in the task of autonomous drone flight.
In their work, they synthesized arbitrary race courses
for the drone to learn to fly in, and then tested their
controller in arbitrary track configurations in the real
world. They achieved near perfect course completion
scores for many variations including max speed con-
straints up to 10m/s, and lap totals less than 3.
In (Barisic et al., 2021), a network is trained by
texture invariant object representation for aerial ob-
ject detection. By a technique of randomly assigning
atypical textures to UAV models, the obtained results
confirm that shape plays a greater role in aerial ob-
ject detection. The authors proved also that the train-
ing by the synthetic dataset outperforms baseline and
even real-world data in situations with difficult light-
ing and distant objects.
On the other hand, supervised-learning-based ap-
proaches for airplane detection often require a large
amount of training data, for the most important ob-
ject detection in both military and civil aviation fields.
The manual annotation, of an object such as airplane,
in large image sets is generally expensive and some-
times unreliable, due to the significant appearance
variations of airplane models, the airport area back-
ground is often complex and cluttered, and the air-
planes can be at multiple scales on images. As a re-
sult, it is difficult to achieve accurate detection with
training from a small amount of annotated real data.
Besides, most research have used satellites as the data
feeder. Accordingly, this work targets real-time air-
plane detection applications in airport areas, using
synthetic images collected by domain randomization
and processed through deep learning model.
VEHITS 2022 - 8th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Our goal is to detect airplanes in a specific scene
and particularly in airport areas. In order to ob-
tain synthetic images appropriate to our case, the SE-
SCENARIO tool was used. More details about this
tool will be found below. The most important chal-
lenge related to this work, as mentioned earlier, is
how to ensure generalization of our network trained
on synthetic data to unseen real data. To address
this challenge, we employ domain randomization in
the data generation step to create synthetic data with
enough variations, such that the reality gap bridging
will exist between the training and test data. In this
section, we first describe our scene-specific data gen-
eration methodology followed by details about do-
main randomization.
3.1 Synthetic Data Generation
To generate our training images, we make use of
SE-WORKENCH environment proposed by OKTAL-
. This solution uses physics-based sensor sim-
ulation software to generate synthetic dataset. The
SE-WORKBENCH environment is a set of render-
ing of physical properties. Associated to a materials
database, the SE-WORKBENCH can give all the in-
formation needed to render or perform physical com-
putation on the SE-WORKBENCH database poly-
gon, in a given area. A data generation scenario was
created, in visible domain, for Toulouse-Blagnac Air-
port of Toulouse city in southwest France. Thus, SE-
WORKBENCH allows us to produce a large amount
of visual synthetic data, and also generates the anno-
tations corresponding to these renderings. Moreover,
other parameters can be controlled from this environ-
ment, such as atmospheric conditions, time of day, in-
trinsic parameters of the camera and also its position
in the scene. These flexibilities are paramount to our
domain randomization setup. The total number of our
DR synthetic is about 6500 images with the resolution
of 1280x960 pixels.
3.2 Domain Randomization
Domain Randomization attempts to generate a rich
distribution of training images by introducing ran-
domness into the data. When the synthetic data con-
tains enough variability, the real world may appear to
the model as yet another variant of what it has seen
during training. The key idea here is to force a model
Software Editor company expert in the development
of ElectroOptics, RADAR and GNSS rendering simulation
to generalize to real-world data. Within a domain,
various attributes can be parametrically randomized
to produce data samples from a large variation of the
possible image space. The resulting images, with
automatically generated ground truth airplane labels
(e.g., bounding boxes), are used for neural network
To conduct the training, the synthetic data were
generated by randomly varying the following aspects
of the scene:
3.2.1 Object Variation
A random number of positions are applied to the air-
plane model placed in different areas on the Toulouse-
Blagnac airport. The airplane model used during the
whole data generation is an Airbus-A320. To achieve
airplane shape and size variations we have created
two kinds of scenarios. The first one, when the air-
plane is placed on the airport tarmac and the camera
is pointed at the airplane when it moves straight, as
shown in Figs. [1-(a), 1-(b)]. Eight images Collec-
tion Points CPs were established every 50 meters un-
til the airplane find the distance of 400 meters from
the camera. At each CP, a rotation in the range of 0
to 360
around the Z axis with an angular spacing of
were applied to the airplane. The second one, the
airplane is positioned at 70m above the tarmac and 3-
D rotations around the X-Y-Z were considered for the
airplane. In fact, we took a single collection point,
and the airplane was rotated in the range of 0
to 360
around each axis with an angular step of 10
to ob-
tain all the configuration of distinct 3-D orientations,
as shown in Figs. 1-(f), 1-(g) and 1-(h)]. Since the en-
vironment is synthetic, these rotations were also com-
plied with any airplane mechanical constraints.
3.2.2 Background Variation
The background variation is achieved by varying the
CPs locations at the airport. Indeed, two different lo-
cations were considered for the acquisitions. The first
location is on the airstrip in an open area 1-(a). The
second location is near to the airport terminal, where
building textures are ubiquitous in rendered images 1-
(c). Furthermore, we apply also light conditions vary-
ing by changing the time of day.
3.2.3 Viewpoint Variation
As a third variation, we randomized the position of the
camera in the 3D environment in such a way that it is
always placed around the airplane. For each position,
the optical axis of the camera was pointed towards
the airplane, and along this direction a translation mo-
tion was applied to the camera to obtain near and far
Analyzing Airplane Detection Performance with YOLOv4 by using Synthetic Data Domain Randomization
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(e) (f) (g) (h)
Figure 1: Sample images generated by DR approach. Note that DR images yet contain more variety to force the deep neural
network to focus on the structure of the objects of interest.
views, as illustrated in Figs 1-(c), 1-(d) and 1-(e). By
using this variation, we intend to make the trained net-
work robust to any change of perspective. Further-
more, to eliminate the need to collect new training
data that only contains the airplane parts, a change in
the orientation of the camera around its Z axis was in-
volved. This forces the network to learn to deal with
partial occlusion of the object of interest, as shown in
Figs 1-(f), 1-(g) and 1-(h).
3.3 Detector Model Architecture and
We parametrize our object detector with a deep con-
volutional neural network. The object detector used
in this work comes from a well-established fam-
ily of one-stage detectors called You Only Look
Once (YOLO) (Redmon et al., 2016), (Redmon and
Farhadi, 2017) and (Redmon and Farhadi, 2018).
YOLO detectors treat object detection as a regres-
sion problem and use features from the entire image
to detect objects. In this study, to efficiently and ac-
curately inspect the DR for airplane detection with a
real-time speed, the recent developed one-stage object
detection framework, YOLO-v4 (Bochkovskiy et al.,
2020), is selected. YOLO-v4 is a high-precision and
real-time object detection algorithm based on regres-
sion proposed in 2020, which integrated the charac-
teristics of YOLO-v1, YOLO-v2 and YOLO-v3.
YOLO-v4 object detection algorithm consists of
three structures: the backbone, the neck, and the
heads. The main function of the backbone block is the
feature extraction process. Selection of the backbone
is one of the most important steps to increase perfor-
mance of the object detection algorithm. The purpose
of the neck block is to add extra layers between the
backbone and the head so that feature maps from dif-
ferent stages can be combined. Usually, a neck con-
sists of several bottom-up paths and several top-down
paths. The final stage, the head block in single-stage
detectors, performs the final prediction. This predic-
tion consists of a vector containing the coordinates
of the predicted bounding box, the confidence score,
and the label of the prediction (Pacal and Karaboga,
For experiments, we used the pretrained model
yolov4.conv.137 and trained for 2000 epochs. The de-
tector was modified in way to accommodate training
and testing for one class. Each input image is resized
to 512x512 before passing into YOLOv4 architecture.
All the experiments are carried out by using 512x512
input image size. The reason behind choosing 512 im-
age patch is to make computations more simple and
the number of images per batch is limited to 64. The
learning rate and the momentum are set to 0.0001 and
0.9, respectively. The weights are saved after every
1000 epochs so that we can calculate mAP results to
make sure that the model is learning well.
We benchmark our methodology on the FGVC-
Aircraft dataset (Maji et al., 2013). This dataset con-
tains 100 example real images for each of the 100
model variants for aircraft. Therefore, the dataset
contains 10,000 annotated images and their resolution
is about 1-2 Mpixels. Images are equally divided into
training, validation, and test subsets, so that FGVC-
Aircraft dataset has 34:33:33 split as the training, val-
VEHITS 2022 - 8th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
(a) AP@0.5.
(b) AP@0.75.
Figure 2: Results of True Positive (TP), False Positive (FP) and False Negative (FN) on real-FGVC-Aircraft test dataset of
YOLOv4. The models training’s established on COCO dataset, our DR data, fine-tuning and FGVC-Aircraft real images, for
idation and test set. We perform evaluations on test
subset and the 3333 images, thus, constitutes our real
data for evaluations. The bounding box information
has ben used for validating our airplane detector algo-
For all our experiments, we compare four models.
COCO: YOLOv4 is trained on COCO dataset
(Veit et al., 2016)
DR: initialized with YOLOv4 random weights
and trained on domain randomized synthetic data.
DR+finetune : initialized with DR and fine-tuned
on 10% FGVC-Aircraft real training data, about
333 images.
Real: initialized with YOLOv4 random weights
and trained on the entire FGVC-Aircraft training
Quantitative Analysis: Table 1 compares the per-
formance of the YOLOv4 when trained on COCO-
dataset, FGVC-aircraft dataset versus our DR dataset.
Our DR and DR+fine tuning achieves the high-
est scores compared to the real COCO-dataset for
AP=0.5. We hypothesize this is due to overfitting on
limited real data which is avoided by design in do-
main randomization. Besides, the individual parame-
ters for the True Positive(TP), False Positive(FP) and
False Negative(FN), who participate directly on the
calculation of Precision, Recall and F1-score metrics,
are shown in Fig 2. This helps to explain the metric
results of Table 1. The necessary conclusion to draw
from all these results, is that our model trained only
on synthetic data is competitive to the model trained
on the entire real data at IoU=0.5. DR+finetune out-
performs the off-shelf baseline COCO and DR, which
illustrates the benefits of training on real images af-
ter first training on synthetic images. Furthermore,
even though our DR network has never seen a real
image, it is able to successfully detect different mod-
els of airplane present on FGVC-aircraft dataset. This
surprising result illustrates the power of such a sim-
ple technique as DR for bridging the reality gap.
Also, we found that the bounding boxes of DR and
mostly DR+finetune are more accurate than COCO-
dataset. We argue that this is because DR helps to mit-
igates this problem by randomizing the dimensions
and shapes of the airplane during data generation, thus
directly providing enough variance in the bounding
box distribution.
Consequently, by the use of randomization tech-
niques, we achieve an improvement for real airplanes
detection, outperforming the results without DR. The
weights of pretrained network on Coco-dataset is at a
local minimum at the beginning of the training. The
bigger variance in the randomized images might help
to force the network out of its local minimum. How-
ever, the non-randomized is likely to stay close to its
Table 1: Detection results tested on FGVC-Aircraft dataset.
AP@0.5 AP@0.75
Approaches Precision Recall F1-score aIoU(%) Precision Recall F1-score aIoU(%)
Coco 0.4 0.97 0.57 36.53 0.41 0.98 0.58 37.12
DR 0.86 0.99 0.92 69.29 0.65 0.74 0.69 54.2
Fine-tuning 0.99 0.99 0.99 87.96 0.98 0.97 0.97 88.90
Real 0.99 0.99 0.99 93.04 0.99 0.98 0.98 92.5
Analyzing Airplane Detection Performance with YOLOv4 by using Synthetic Data Domain Randomization
Figure 3: Examples of detection results. We compare the performance of COCO (first column), DR (second column) and
DR+finetune (third column) with real FGVC-Aircraft data, on three different views. Each row contains one of theme .
local minimum. As a result, the randomization tech-
niques are a very fundamental tool for achieving bet-
ter accuracy, when applied to pretrained networks.
Qualitative Analysis: A qualitative comparison
between the purely DR, DR+finetune trained detec-
tor and the detector trained on COCO and FGVC-
Aircraft real images, is shown in Fig. 3. In the pre-
sented images obtained from free video of airplane
landing, a detector trained on real images fails to de-
tect one airplane due to the challenging conditions
of distant-objects and difficult illumination. COCO
fails in cases of false positive and false negative de-
tection of other object classes. In contrast, for purely
synthetic data and also with finetune, the detector
can successfully and accurately detect the airplane in
three different view images. These results show that
by DR the real gap can be bridged and that the accu-
racy of the real data can even be surpassed. Thus, the
DR is a fundamental tool for achieving high accuracy
with synthetic training data. They benefit from ran-
domization in particular, because the increased vari-
ance in the images forces the networks to ascent out
of local minimum.
This work was motivated by real-time airplane de-
tection on airport zones in a context where acquiring
large amount of annotated images is not easily acces-
sible. To tackle this challenge, we propose a solution
that uses Domain Randomization to train the YOLO-
v4 architecture, based upon synthetic images. The
results of the experimental evaluation of the syntheti-
cally generated dataset confirm that DR is an effective
technique to bridge the reality gap, to accomplish the
task of airplane detection. We demonstrated also that
with fine-tuning on quiet amount of real images, the
DR can outperforms the real datasets and our method
achieves higher detection accuracy than state-of-the-
art baselines and even real-world data in situations
with difficult lighting and distant objects. Thus, using
DR for training deep neural networks is a promising
approach to bridge the reality gap between simulation
and the real world and other direction can be explored
to generalize this technique to solve other issues on
computer vision.
Future directions that should be explored include
using several types of airplanes, different weather and
light conditions, applying the technique to motion
and/or 3D depth estimation, and further investigating
the mixing of synthetic and real data to leverage the
benefits of both.
We would like to thank OKTAL-SE for providing us
SE-SCENARIO and SE-TOOLKIT tools to generate
synthetic data.
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Analyzing Airplane Detection Performance with YOLOv4 by using Synthetic Data Domain Randomization