Sequencing and Recommending Pedagogical Activities from Bloom’s
Taxonomy using RASI and Multi-objective PSO
Denis Jos
e Almeida
1 a
, M
arcia Aparecida Fernandes
1 b
and Newarney Torrez
ao da Costa
2 c
Department of Computing, Federal University of Uberl
andia, Av. Jo
ao Naves de
Avila, Uberl
andia, Brazil
Department of Computing, Federal Institute of Goi
as, Ipor
a, Brazil
Sequencing of Pedagogical Activities, Pedagogical Recommendation, Bloom’s Taxonomy, RASI, PSO,
Multi-objective Optimization.
According to student needs, learning can be supported and enhanced through structured and personalized
instruction. This paper presents an approach to personalized pedagogical recommendations based on the stu-
dent’s cognitive profile, given by the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (RASI). The recommended
pedagogical actions follow the hierarchy of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. We model the sequencing of ped-
agogical actions as a multi-objective optimization problem. This problem solution was implemented using a
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The optimized objectives in this problem are the similarity
between the student’s profile and the sequence of actions, and the number of actions appropriate to the stu-
dent’s profile. Experiments conducted with students in higher education institutions suggest that the proposed
approach using PSO presents solutions that are better accepted by students than the randomized pedagogical
Learning is a continuous and natural process that oc-
curs in both organized situations and everyday activ-
ities Huang et al. (2019). According to Brown et al.
(2020), teaching and learning is a human effort car-
ried out by people for the benefit of others, and Woolf
(2010) argues that learning is more efficient when stu-
dents are motivated to learn. In addition, Huang et al.
(2019) state that learning, when intentional and de-
fined in an institutional context with explicit goals
and objectives, is generally supported by structured
sequences of instructions designed to support, facili-
tate or improve learning and performance.
Traditional teaching models are dependent on
course content and are teacher-centered; therefore, the
teaching strategies are based on the teacher’s under-
standing of the course. Because classes are hetero-
geneous, adjustments must be made to the content or
pedagogical strategies to help students perform better
and reach a different level in the learning process.
The student’s cognitive profile is an example of
an attribute that can be considered to make the learn-
ing process student-centered. With this type of in-
formation, teachers can plan learning activities that
are more appropriate for students. Moreover, technol-
ogy can play a crucial role in developing personalized
and individualized learning activities (Huang et al.,
2019), which largely determines student satisfaction
and teaching efficiency.
Automation of the teaching process in formal
learning can collaborate with teaching methodologies
that put the student in a more active role in the learn-
ing process. Teaching can be customized in intelli-
gent and adaptive virtual platforms by recommending
tailored activities to students. This can be done by
considering the student’s cognitive profile or prefer-
ences to meet individual needs, providing stimuli that
guide the student, and allowing everyone to learn in
their own time (Sunaga and Carvalho, 2015).
Student performance in Virtual Learning Envi-
ronments (VLEs) can be improved by recommend-
ing teaching strategies customized and individualized.
With the support of these environments, it is possi-
ble to provide personalized and more appropriate se-
quences of pedagogical activities for each predomi-
nant learning style of students, which is impossible in
mass or conventional education (Moran, 2015). The
relevance of VLEs leads to the exploration and de-
Almeida, D., Fernandes, M. and Torrezão da Costa, N.
Sequencing and Recommending Pedagogical Activities from Bloom’s Taxonomy using RASI and Multi-objective PSO.
DOI: 10.5220/0011090000003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 105-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
velopment of new tools to adapt and respond to the
Considering the previous scenario, this work
presents a proposal for sequencing pedagogical ac-
tions to be recommended to students. The sequenc-
ing problem is formulated as a multi-objective opti-
mization problem, and the solution is obtained by a
discrete binary approach of the Particle Swarm Op-
timization (PSO) algorithm. The pedagogical ac-
tions are those from Bloom’s Taxonomy, and the stu-
dent model is the cognitive profile of Revised Ap-
proaches to Studying Inventory (RASI). Experiments
have been conducted and the results are promising in
terms of student satisfaction and sequence quality.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents previous work that used PSO for pedagog-
ical sequencing. Bloom’s Taxonomy, RASI profiles,
the relationships between both theories, and a gen-
eral view of PSO are described in Section 3. The
multi-objective optimization problem for sequencing
and the search for a solution by a PSO algorithm are
described in Section 4. Experiments and the analysis
of the results are presented in Section 5. Section 6
contains the conclusion and further work.
Meta-heuristics based on Evolutionary Computing
(EC) have been used to cope with pedagogical se-
quencing since is a hard problem (Al-Muhaideb and
Menai, 2011), especially when it considers some
student characteristics to propose an adaptive se-
quencing. In this sense, Al-Muhaideb and Menai
(2011) provide an overview of EC approaches such
as Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Genetic Algo-
rithm (GA), Parallel Memetic Algorithm, and Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO) for solving the Cur-
riculum Sequencing problem.
De-Marcos et al. (2009) proposed the automatic
sequencing process of learning objects in the e-
learning content creation. The sequencing problem
was transformed into a constraint satisfaction prob-
lem, and two optimization agents were designed, de-
veloped, and tested: a discrete PSO and a GA. The
results showed that both can solve the problem and
PSO implementation outperforms GA.
In Chu et al. (2011), PC
PSO was proposed to
select appropriate e-learning materials for individual
learners in a personalized e-course. In this approach,
a binary multi-objective PSO was used, considering
four different factors as optimization objectives: the
learning concept covered, the difficulty level of the
e-learning materials, the total learning time required,
and the balance among the weighs of the learning con-
In Smaili et al. (2020), a solution was proposed
to dynamically adapt the content offered in distance
learning courses based on student profiles. Student
profiles are generated from personal data collected in
virtual learning environments, forums and social net-
works. Starting from the identification of the profiles,
a PSO-based approach is used to select activities and
recommend them in an order to be followed in the
The research conducted by Subiyantoro et al.
(2021) proposed a model for recommending learning
paths based on the cognitive classification of Revised
Bloom’s Taxonomy and an ontology of learning ob-
jects. To determine the most appropriate learning path
for the student’s cognitive abilities, the Hybrid PSO
method was used, which consists of a Binary PSO to
represent the cognitive classes and a Discrete PSO to
Table 1: Summary of researches using meta-heuristics to sequencing problem.
Paper Metaheuristic algorithms Student Model Pedagogical Theories
De-Marcos et al. (2009) Discrete PSO, GA Competencies -
Chu et al. (2011) Binary PSO Ability level, expected
learning targets, expected
learning time of an e-course
Smaili et al. (2020) PSO Objectives, preferences,
level of knowledge, learn-
ing styles and academic
Subiyantoro et al. (2021) Hibrid PSO (Binary and
Cognitive classes based on
Martins et al. (2021) AG, Binary PSO, Prey
Predator Algorithm, Differ-
ential Evolution
Previous knowledge, time
availability, learning prefer-
ences based on ILS
Learning Style and prior
knowledge (ILS), Felder
and Silverman Learning
Style Model (FSLSM)
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
represent the learning objects of an ontology.
Martins et al. (2021) presented a procedure for
generating synthetic data sets to evaluate approaches
used in the Adaptive Curriculum Sequencing prob-
lem. The generated datasets were used to investi-
gate the contribution of four metaheuristic techniques:
Genetic Algorithms (GA), Particle Swarm Optimiza-
tion (PSO), Prey Predator Algorithm, and a proposed
technique based on Differential Evolution. The indi-
vidual sequencing approach was modeled as a multi-
objective problem using information from the stu-
dents, the learning materials (difficulty, content, and
style), and the course (target concepts).
Table 1 provides an overview of researches ad-
dressing the pedagogical sequencing problem using
In this section, the Revised Approaches to Studying
Inventory and Bloom’s Taxonomy theories are intro-
duced and the mapping created between them is pre-
sented. Such mapping is the basis for pedagogical
sequencing and allows automatic sequencing of ped-
agogical actions in a way that is independent of the
curriculum and takes into account the learning pro-
cess. In addition, the metaheuristic approach used to
determine optimal sequences of actions is described.
3.1 Student’s RASI Profile
An essential requirement for customizing the se-
quencing of pedagogical actions is the student’s pro-
file. Several student characteristics can be used. In
Pireva and Kefalas (2017), learning style and VLE’s
metadata were used to provide a personalized learning
path for the student. In work proposed by Smaili et al.
(2020), learning style and knowledge level were used
to provide a course tailored to the student’s needs.
Thus, the student is classified under the surface,
strategic or deep dimensions. According to this study,
the student classified in the surface category, presents
a preference for directing the learning process to the
requirements of the evaluation. The student whose
category is defined as strategic is motivated by per-
sonal satisfaction, that is, he or she prioritizes achiev-
ing the best results by means of organized study and
optimizing time. On the other hand, the student iden-
tified in the deep category directs his study toward
challenging teaching activities, that is, that aim at re-
searching the meaning of things.
The Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory
(RASI) defines the student’s cognitive profile from
the perspective of three axes (Surface, Strategic, and
Deep), as described by Tait and Entwistle (1996).
Thus, the student is classified under the surface,
strategic or deep dimensions. According to this study,
the student classified in the surface category, presents
a preference for directing the learning process to the
requirements of the evaluation. The student whose
category is defined as strategic is motivated by per-
sonal satisfaction, that is, he or she prioritizes achiev-
ing the best results by means of organized study and
optimizing time. On the other hand, the student iden-
tified in the deep category directs his study toward
challenging teaching activities, that is, that aim at re-
searching the meaning of things.
The RASI establishes a relationship with the BT
since each axes presents an evolution in the student’s
cognitive profile, from Lower Order Cognitive Skills
(LOCS) to Higher-Order Cognitive Skills (HOCS)
just as occurs with the educational objectives in the
BT. This characteristic led us to decide by using the
RASI as a student model to provide the personaliza-
tion of pedagogical actions based on the BT.
The RASI was developed for use with students
in higher education. It is also widely used in sev-
eral works, such as Entwistle (2018), in which the
RASI is one of the dimensions of the Approaches and
Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST). Its use
can also be seen in Fusilier et al. (2021), whose goal
was to identify students’ study approaches to sug-
gest adaptations in the delivery of educational con-
tent. The RASI in its original version is composed
of 52 objective questions, with answers on a 5-point
scale. A short version of the RASI consisting
of 18 questions is used in Entwistle and Tait (2013),
which was also used in this work since the chance
of student engagement and attention when answering
this questionnaire may be increased.
3.2 Bloom’s Taxonomy
In Krathwohl (2002), BT was extended by the in-
troduction of a second dimension, defining a two-
dimensional BT composed of Cognitive Process Di-
mension (CPD) and Knowledge Dimension (KD).
Then the taxonomy’s educational objectives are
placed in a matrix. CPD has six levels (Remember,
Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create) and
KD into four levels (Factual, Conceptual, Procedural,
and Metacognitive). As the flow through these levels
follows a hierarchy from LOCS to HOCS, which is
also observed in RASI, it is possible to define peda-
gogical actions from the BT and RASI perspectives.
Likert, R. (1932). A technique for the measurement of
attitudes. Archives of psychology.
Sequencing and Recommending Pedagogical Activities from Bloom’s Taxonomy using RASI and Multi-objective PSO
Thus, we defined 24 pedagogical actions, as shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: Pedagogical actions defined according to BT.
Source: Adapted from da Costa and Fernandes (2021).
Remember A1 A2 A3 A4
Understand A5 A6 A7 A8
Apply A9 A10 A11 A12
Analyze A13 A14 A15 A16
Evaluate A17 A18 A19 A20
Create A21 A22 A23 A24
Subtitle: FA. Factual; CO. Conceptual; PR. Procedural;
ME. Metacognitive; A. Action.
On Table 2, 24 actions are arranged, one for each
educational objective of the BT. These actions follow
the hierarchy proposed in the BT in which they de-
velop from actions close to LOCS (concrete actions)
to actions close to HOCS (abstract actions), in the or-
der A1, A2, ..., A24. Note also that such a hierar-
chy allows for supplanting actions according to the
student’s needs. In this way, a pedagogical sequence
would not necessarily contemplate the 24 proposed
actions. Thus, there are 2
sequencing possibilities,
which makes manual customization difficult. In this
sense, a contribution of this work is the automation of
this process, based on the student’s RASI profile.
For the sequencing of pedagogical actions (educa-
tional objectives), as proposed in this work to be pos-
sible, it is essential to associate activities with peda-
gogical actions. Several works structure activities or
digital tools to the educational objectives of the BT. In
Schrock (2011), for each of the levels of CPD in BT,
technologies capable of meeting such requirements
are listed. In work proposed by Go
e (2019),
digital activities indexed by BT are used to select an
optimal set of activities to enhance the learning of a
group of students.
In Churches (2010), Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
(BDT) was developed to index digital activities to
CPD levels to make the pedagogical recommendation
based on BT actions feasible. da Costa and Fernandes
(2021) extended this indexing to the KD, making it
feasible to use the BDT as support for the recommen-
dation of digital activities from the pedagogical goals
structured by the two dimensional BT. In this work,
we have chosen to use such a framework because it
enables the recommendation from the sequencing of
pedagogical actions.
3.3 Relationship between RASI and BT
Both RASI and BT present a hierarchy based on the
evolution of the student’s cognitive level from LOCS
to HOCS. da Costa and Fernandes (2021) proposed
a mapping that establishes this relationship based on
this principle. Figure 1 shows the influence of each
CPD level on each RASI axis. The framework formu-
lated according to Figure 1 is essential for developing
this proposal since it allows comparisons between a
sequence of actions based on the BT and the student’s
RASI profile. From this, our goal is to find, in an au-
tomated way, a sequence of actions that are as close
as possible to the student’s needs, considering his/her
RASI profile.
Figure 1: Mapping RASI versus BT. Source: Adapted from
da Costa and Fernandes (2021).
3.4 Particle Swarm Optimization
Optimization problems can consider one or more ob-
jective functions, which represent the criteria to be
optimized (minimized or maximized) and are directly
related to the problem to be solved. These functions
can be influenced by independent variables that affect
the evaluation of the solutions.
An efficient stochastic optimization method is Par-
ticle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is modeled
from the emergent social behavior of a birds’ flock.
Then, each bird is represented by a particle and as the
birds are changing their positions during the flight, the
particle position is the information to be considered
by PSO and the search process in the solution space
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
is performed on a swarm of particles. Each particle
position is associated with a candidate solution for the
optimization problem and its representation is a vec-
tor d-dimensional where each dimension is a compo-
nent of the solution.
The particles’ positions are adjusted toward an op-
timal position (optimal solution) by the influence of
their own particle experience (the cognitive compo-
nent) and by the experience of their neighborhood in
the swarm (the social component). These components
enable the particles to move toward an optimal solu-
tion as they explore the space around the best solu-
tion found so far. The PSO algorithm was originally
proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart (1995) as a ro-
bust approach to the optimization of problems char-
acterized by nonlinearity and nondifferentiability, op-
timal multiples, and high dimensionality, and accord-
ing to Kennedy et al. (2001) is highly resistant to be-
ing trapped in local optima.
During the optimization process, the PSO main-
tains a swarm of particles and iteratively updates their
positions by adding a new velocity v
to their cur-
rent position x
. The update of the position x
of each
particle i in the search space at time t + 1 depends on
the calculation of the velocity and is given by Eq. 1.
= x
+ v
The optimization process is driven by the veloc-
ity vector, which reflects the particle’s experiential
knowledge and information exchanged with neigh-
boring particles about promising areas in the search
space. The particle velocity (v
) update consists of the
sum of three main terms and is calculated, by dimen-
sion d, according to Eq. 2:
= wv
+ c
] + c
] (2)
The previous velocity v
represents the memory of
the previous direction of the particle and prevents it
from drastically changing its direction. This compo-
nent is weighted by the inertia w, which determines
how much it affects the new velocity. The cogni-
tive component c
] quantifies the parti-
cle’s performance with respect to its previous perfor-
mance, attracting it back to its personal best position
found since the first-time step. The social com-
ponent quantifies the particle’s performance with re-
spect to the particles in its neighborhood, resulting in
each particle also being attracted to the best position
found so far by that group of particles. The cogni-
tive and social components are weighted by the posi-
tive acceleration coefficients c
and c
and the random
values r
and r
. The values of r
and r
control the
stochastic influence of each component on the general
velocity of the particles and are obtained for each time
step from a uniform distribution [0,1].
Since optimization problems with real-valued do-
mains can easily be converted to binary domains (En-
gelbrecht, 2006), a discrete version was developed
by Kennedy and Eberhart (1997) to work in binary
search spaces. In this version, the particles represent
positions in binary space, where each element of the
position vector can take the values 0 and 1 (Engel-
brecht, 2006). The position of the particle changes
when any bit of the position vector flips its value from
one value to another. In this way, the velocity of a
particle can be interpreted as the Hamming distance
between its previous and its current position.
The binary PSO is a binary decision model cal-
culated as a function of social and personal factors
Kennedy et al. (2001). The new velocity v
is de-
fined as the probability that a bit is in one state or the
other, and its value represents the probability that the
bit value is 1. The previous velocity v
measures the
predisposition (or current probability) to choose the
next bit value 1.
In this probabilistic view, velocity must be nor-
malized to be confined to the interval [0, 1]. This nor-
malization is achieved by using the sigmoid function
presented in Eq. 3. The parameter V
= ±4 was
set to limit the particle velocity to the interval [4, 4]
to ensure that there is always the possibility of a bit
changing state.
) =
1 + e
The normalized velocity is now the probability
with the d-th bit of position vector will be set to 1.
The position x
of the particle is changed stochas-
tically by comparing, at each iteration, the result of
) with a random number ρ from a uniform
distribution [0,1], according to Eq. 4. Due to the
random number, the new bit position can be changed
even if the velocity does not change.
1, if ρ
< sig(v
0, otherwise
This section describes the pedagogical sequencing of
actions which is formulated as a multi-objective op-
timization problem since the goal is to recommend
a sequence of actions that best fit student’s cognitive
profile. As previously mentioned, metaheuristics such
as PSO are suitable to a such problem. Hence, the
Sequencing and Recommending Pedagogical Activities from Bloom’s Taxonomy using RASI and Multi-objective PSO
(a) Particle representation vector
(b) Recommended Sequence
Figure 2: Positions vector of a particle and corresponding recommendation sequence with 11 actions.
proposal consists of a multi-objective PSO for the se-
In the proposed model, a particle is represented
by a vector sized 24 as pictured in Figure 2a, where
each position is associated with a pedagogical action
according to Table 2. If an action is present in the se-
quence, the corresponding bit is set to 1, otherwise,
0. Formally, the problem is defined as the minimiza-
tion of the objective function f (x) as given by Eq. 5,
where x is a sequence represented by a particle, F
measures the similarity between the sequence RASI
index R
and the student’s RASI profile S
the sequence size. The weights ω
were adopted to
weigh the contribution of each criterium and then the
multi-objective aspect was considered as the weighed
sum of criteria. After simulations performed on the
RASI profiles of 156 students, the weights were ad-
justed to ω
= 0.7 and ω
= (1 ω
) as the best
values for minimizing f .
f (x) =
(x) (5)
checks whether the sequence matches the RASI
profile of the student. Therefore, the RASI indices
of the sequence must be determined, expressing the
strength of each CPD level (Remember, ..., Create) in
the sequence weighted by the relevance of that level
to each RASI axis (Surface, Strategic and Deep). For-
mally, the index of each RASI axis that makes up
is calculated by the product between the weight
of the influence of each CPD level for the RASI axis
(Figure 1) and the number of bits set to 1 in that BT
level multiplied by 1/4. The S
index is obtained
from students’ responses to the RASI questionnaire.
Notice in Figure 1 that the Apply level does not influ-
ence the Surface and Deep axes, just as the Evaluate
level has no influence on the Deep axis.
The R
index of the sequence represented by
the vector in Figure 2a is [0.438, 0.484, 0.475], where
the value for each axis is Surface = 0.438, Strategic =
0.484, and Deep = 0.475. To illustrate the calculation
of the value of each axis, we can take the value for the
Surface axis of this sequence, which is the result of
the calculation of Equation 6.
Sur f ace
2 0.625
2 0.125
1 0.000
0 0.125
4 0.000
2 0.125
Finally, the similarity between the RASI index of
the sequence and the RASI profile of the student is
given by the Euclidean distance D between R
. Note that the Euclidean distance alone is not
sufficient to determine whether the sequence is close
to the student’s profile with respect to each RASI axis.
Then P adds a penalty to F
(x) for each RASI axis
that is violated. Assume that the Deep axis is more
relevant to the student and the Surface axis is more
relevant to the sequence. This relevance is attributed
to each axis according to w
= 1 for the least relevant
axis, w
= 2 for the intermediate axis, and w
= 3 for
the most relevant axis. At each RASI axis where there
is a divergence of relevance between the student and
the sequence, the corresponding weight is multiplied
by 1/6 of the Euclidean distance. Thus, the penalty
is at most the Euclidean distance and consequently,
(x) is at most twice the Euclidean distance. If there
is no difference in the order of relevance on any of the
RASI axes, w
, w
, and w
are set to 0. The objective
function F
and the penalty P are given by Eq. 7 and
Eq. 8, respectively.
(x) = D (S
, R
) + P (7)
P =
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Through experiments conducted by da Costa and
Fernandes (2021), the appropriate number of actions
for each predominant RASI profile was defined and it
is used in this study as a reference value for the se-
quence size (re f ): 9 for Surface, 13 for Strategic, and
11 for Deep. Thus, the objective function F
has the
task of optimizing the number of activities that make
up the sequence, minimizing the difference between
the sequence size and the reference value. Eq. 9 de-
fines F
(x) =
re f size(x)
re f 1
, if size(x) < re f
size(x) re f
24 re f
, otherwise
We can assume that the problem of sequencing
pedagogical actions allows one to find more than one
appropriate sequence for a student. Hence, some PSO
properties were defined to make this metaheuristic
more adherent to the sequencing problem. Then, a
lbest PSO was developed using a ring social network
topology, where the information exchange in the so-
cial component of the particle is realized with only a
small neighborhood (two other particles). Updating
the best particle positions is done asynchronously, as
this is more suitable for the lbest PSO.
The recommended sequence is composed of digi-
tal activities according to the BDT. Then, for each bit
set to 1 in the sequence returned by the PSO, a BDT
activity is assigned (see Figure 2b). This attribution
was performed according to the mapping presented
by da Costa and Fernandes (2021) between BDT and
BT. So, in effect, the recommendation is a sequence
of digital activities.
A total of 979 higher education students at three edu-
cational institutions were invited to participate in the
experiments. Distance learning and presential course
of a Federal Institute of Education, Science and Tech-
nology and Distance Learning Center of a Federal
University are in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Also, a Fed-
eral Institute is in Goi
as, Brazil. The experiments took
place in the period from May to December 2021.
The experiments were divided into three phases: i)
Application of the RASI questionnaire; ii) Sequenc-
ing of pedagogical actions; and iii) Recommendation
of pedagogical activities. The research participants
were divided into two groups: a control group, which
received random sequences of activities; and the ex-
perimental group, that received sequenced activities
through the PSO algorithm.
The student’s participation in each phase was vol-
untary. In addition, they were informed that the col-
lected data would be anonymized, and that no per-
sonal information would be disclosed under any cir-
cumstances. Thus, we had 182 participants in Phase
i, and of these, 50 participated in Phase iii. In the next
subsections, we will discuss the results obtained in the
The questions asked in the questionnaires of
phases i and iii of the experiment are listed in Table 3,
and the groups of response options are shown in Table
5.1 Students’ Profiles
We used a free translation of the short version of the
RASI questionnaire into Portuguese in Phase i of the
experiments. One hundred eighty-two students an-
swered the RASI questionnaire. For each student, the
values for the RASI axes were calculated according
to the respective answer to the questionnaire. The dis-
tribution of the participants’ profiles according to the
predominant RASI axis was Surface = 9%, Strategic
= 25%, and Deep = 66%.
In addition, 100 of these participants answered a
questionnaire stating how much they agreed with the
obtained RASI indices. For this, six objective ques-
tions with answer options on a 5-point Likert scale
were asked, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Students’ perception of the indices obtained by
the RASI profile.
In Figure 3, Q1 to Q6 questions are intended to
know about the students’ agreement with their RASI
profile obtained from their questionnaire answers. Q1
to Q3 asked the student if the percentage for Surface,
Strategic, and Deep, respectively, should be less or
more significant. Q4 to Q6 intended to confirm the
answers from Q1 to Q3. It was only asked if the stu-
dent agreed with the percentual of each axis. Most
of the answers for Q1 to Q3 were Higher, Equal, or
Sequencing and Recommending Pedagogical Activities from Bloom’s Taxonomy using RASI and Multi-objective PSO
Table 3: Questionnaire questions and their answer groups.
Q1. I consider that the percentage assigned to me on the SURFACE axis should be: G1
Q2. I consider that the percentage assigned to me on the STRATEGIC axis should be: G1
Q3. I believe that the percentage assigned to me on the DEEP axis should be: G1
Q4. I consider that the percentage assigned to me on the SURFACE axis is in line with my learning profile. G2
Q5. I consider that the percentage assigned to me on the STRATEGIC axis is in line with my learning profile. G2
Q6. I consider that the percentage assigned to me on the DEEP axis is in line with my learning profile. G2
Q7. Do you think the number of activities is: G3
Q8. The sequence of activities is comfortable to lead you in learning a new content or subject. G2
Q9. What is the probability that you will complete all the activities in this sequence? G4
Q10. The total number of recommended activities is too many. G2
* Answer Group
Table 4: Questionnaire answer groups.
A1 Much higher (from 7%
Agree Very High (at least 6
more than ideal)
Very High (above 80%)
A2 Higher (3% to 6% more) Partially Agree High (between 3 and 5
more than ideal)
High (between 61% and
A3 Equal (up to 2% more or
Indifferent Sufficient (up to 2 more
or fewer than ideal)
Moderated (between
41% and 60%)
A4 Smaller (from 3 to 6%
Partially Disagre Low (between 3 and 5
less than ideal)
Low (between 20% and
A5 Much Smaller (from 7%
Disagree Very Low (at least 6
fewer than ideal)
Very Low (below 20%)
* Answer Number; ** Answer Group
Smaller, with a higher concentration on the Equal an-
swer. This result suggests a certain degree of student
awareness while taking the RASI questionnaire. The
results show that most of the answers from Q4 to Q6
focused on Agree and Partially Agree, confirming the
students’ attention to answer the RASI questionnaire
and, therefore, the quality of this questionnaire’s an-
5.2 Sequencing Analysis Regarding the
Student’s Profile
The optimization process was performed for the par-
ticipants of Phase i of the experiment. Based on the
sequences generated in the process, the distribution of
pedagogical actions was observed for each predomi-
nant RASI profile according to CPD levels.
Compared to the mapping RASI performed to TB,
it can be seen in Figure 4 that the actions for the Sur-
face profile were mostly distributed across the pro-
file’s preference levels, with recommendations for an
unexpected level (Evaluate) and no recommendation
for the Understand level; for the Strategic profile, no
action was recommended for the Create level; and
for the Deep profile, all recommendations were dis-
tributed across the assigned levels.
Table 5: Relevance of BT levels for each RASI axis.
Surface Strategic Deep
High Remember
In F
, the predominant RASI axis of the student’s
profile is used to calculate the penalty. However, the
similarity between the sequence and the student’s pro-
file considers all the axes that make up the profile. In
this sense, the analysis of the quality of the recom-
mendation distribution can be performed by grouping
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: Recommended actions by CPD levels for each
RASI profile.
the CPD levels according to the degree of relevance
(High, Moderate, and Low) for each RASI profile.
The relevance of the CPD levels for each RASI profile
can be seen in Table 5.
Thus, Figure 5 shows the distribution of recom-
mendations by the degree of relevance, the average
number of recommended actions, and the reference
values for each predominant profile. As can be seen,
most of the recommended actions are concentrated
at BT levels that are more relevant to the predomi-
nant profile, and the average of the number of recom-
mended actions for each predominant profile is equal
to the reference values, showing the convergence of
the F
and F
functions, respectively.
5.3 Students’ Perception about the
Recommended Sequences of
In Phase iii of the experiments, sequenced activi-
ties were recommended. Two groups received the
pedagogical recommendations generated by differ-
ent methods. The first group, with 41 participants,
was presented with sequences of pedagogical activ-
ities generated using the PSO algorithm. The sec-
ond group, called the control group, with 15 partici-
pants, was presented with randomly sequenced activ-
ities. Figures 6 and 7 show the students’ perceptions
regarding the pedagogical recommendations in each
of these groups.
Q7 is related to the students’ perception regard-
Figure 5: Recommended actions by the degree of relevance
for each RASI profile.
Figure 6: Satisfaction questionnaire for activities sequenced
using the PSO algorithm (41 attendees).
ing the number of recommended activities. In Figure
6 (PSO), 7% of the participants consider the number
of activities Very High, while in Figure 7 (random),
14% of the participants consider this number Very
High. This item is directly related to the quality of the
second objective of the PSO algorithm since it seeks
to optimize the number of sequenced actions accord-
ing to the student’s profile. Compared to randomly
sequenced activities, the results of Q7 for PSO are
better since the percentage of participants who con-
sider the number of answers Sufficient is higher than
each other answers. Also, in the recommendation of
randomly sequenced activities, the number of partici-
pants who consider the number of activities Very high
Sequencing and Recommending Pedagogical Activities from Bloom’s Taxonomy using RASI and Multi-objective PSO
Figure 7: Satisfaction questionnaire for randomly se-
quenced activities (15 attendees).
is higher. We observe that the PSO algorithm fulfills
the requirement of controlling the number of activi-
ties. However, a more detailed analysis of the results
is necessary to adapt better the reference values of the
number of activities for each student profile.
In figures 6 and 7, Q8 is related to the quality of
the sequence of activities offered to the student since
the student answers how comfortable he considers the
pedagogical recommendation to be for learning new
content. In Figure 6, 85% of the participants agreed
or partially agreed with the statement of Q8 for the
PSO algorithm. This result is better than that ob-
served for randomly generated sequencing. This re-
sult directly evaluates the first objective of the PSO
algorithm since this objective seeks to sequence ped-
agogical actions compatible with the student’s RASI
The Q9 in figures 6 and 7 mixed evaluate the
quality of the recommendation and the number of se-
quenced activities. Most of the answers (78%) fo-
cused on Very High, High, or Moderated for the PSO
Algorithm. Again, these results are better than those
observed in the recommendation of randomly gener-
ated activities. Q10 presents a statement related to
the high quantity of recommended activities. In this
item, the percentage of Agree is lower for the PSO
algorithm than for the randomly generated sequence.
While noting the need for adjustments in the number
of sequenced actions, these results confirm the effec-
tiveness of the proposed algorithm.
In Figure 8, the results of the satisfaction ques-
tionnaire shown in Figure 6 are presented, that is, for
the PSO algorithm, but grouped by the predominant
RASI axis of the participant. The number of partici-
pants per profile was Surface = 5, Strategic = 7, and
Deep = 29. Note that the results for the Deep group
tend to resemble the results in Figure 6, as there is a
significant number of participants with a predominant
Deep profile.
Figure 8: Satisfaction questionnaire layered by predomi-
nant RASI axis, for activities sequenced by the PSO algo-
rithm (41 attendees).
Regarding question Q7, there is a lower tendency
for participants with Surface and Strategic profiles to
consider the number of actions Very High. Also, at
this point, the low number of participants with Sur-
face or Strategic profile may explain why this is these
groups with the lowest rate of Very High answers. In
question Q8, which analyzes how comfortable the stu-
dents consider the sequence of activities received, we
observed that the results were satisfactory, with a pos-
itive highlight for Surface and Strategic groups.
In question Q9, students in the Strategic group
showed better results regarding the probability of per-
forming all the recommended activities. Thus, we see
better performance of the PSO algorithm concerning
the quality of the pedagogical recommendation for the
Strategic profile. In question Q10, we observe that
10% disagree or partially disagree that the quantity of
activities is high for the Deep group. This result may
suggest better adequacy of the algorithm to Deep pro-
files. However, it should be noted that the low number
of participants with a Surface or Strategic profile may
have distorted the results.
In general, we noticed that grouping the results al-
lows us to better understand the PSO algorithm’s be-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
havior for each profile. In this sense, the proposal
of this work satisfactorily meets the need and per-
sonalizes personalized pedagogical actions in an au-
tomated manner. From this, we understand that in
future works, it is necessary to improve the adapta-
tion functions (F
and F
) to provide pedagogical se-
quences more adjusted to the students’ profiles.
This paper presents an approach to automatically se-
quencing customized pedagogical actions to the stu-
dent. Using two cognitive theories, such as the Re-
vised Bloom Taxonomy and the student’s RASI pro-
file, it was possible to sequence actions in an inde-
pendent way of the curriculum structure, considering
the learning process. Using digital activities provided
by Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy, a satisfaction experi-
ment was carried out in which sequences of activities
were recommended for students from the sequences
of actions generated by the PSO.
An important finding of this work concerns the
feasibility of personalized pedagogical recommenda-
tions through digital activities that consider a student
RASI profile. Thus, it was shown that the relation-
ship established between the BT and the RASI is an
effective approach to solve this problem. From the
results of the experiment, it was concluded that stu-
dents were satisfied with the quantity and quality of
activities recommended by the PSO.
In this sense, the binary PSO developed from the
proposed methodology proved to be an efficient ap-
proach to solve the sequencing problem. The op-
timization process was able to find sequences com-
posed of actions that were relevant and in adequate
quantity for each student. A limitation in this study
is the discrepancy between the predominant profiles
of the students who participated in the experiment,
which requires a more in-depth statistical analysis of
the data obtained. As future works, we intend to feed-
back the reference values of the optimization objec-
tives from the satisfaction survey results and carry out
the integration with a Virtual Learning Environment
in order to automate the recommendation process.
The authors thank the Federal University of
andia, the Goiano Federal Institute, and the Fed-
eral Institute of Tri
angulo Mineiro for supporting this
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