Improving Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments and
Educational Resources: A Practical Case and Future Challenges
Yandson Costa
1,2 a
, Rayanne Silveira
1 b
, Ana F. Oliveira
1 c
, Luis Rivero
1,2,3 d
Alana Oliveira
1,3 e
, M
ario Teixeira
1,2,3 f
and Davi Viana
1,2,3 g
Directorate of Technologies in Education - DTED/UNA-SUS, Federal University of Maranh
ao (UFMA), Sao Luis, Brazil
MSc Program in Computer Science - PPGCC, Federal University of Maranh
ao (UFMA), Sao Luis, Brazil
PhD Program in Computer Science - DCCMAPI, Federal University of Maranh
ao (UFMA), Sao Luis, Brazil
Accessibility, Assessment and Redesign, Virtual Learning Environment, Educational Resources.
A system is considered accessible if it allows different users to access its features, even if these users have
physical, visual, auditory or any other type of disabilities. Accessibility has become crucial in Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE) since these deliver the educational contents as online activities and electronic courses.
Despite such importance, one of the most consistent problems with modern learning management systems is
their failure to comply with standards for accessibility. Also, those that manage to meet accessibility criteria
still receive negative reviews from disabled users. As a result, accessibility issues act as a barrier in the growth
of VLEs. In this paper, we intend to reduce this barrier by providing a practical example of how educational
institutions can improve their VLEs and their educational resources. We proposed and applied a process for
identifying accessibility requirements and implemented these requirements, testing the redesigned VLEs and
educational resources with end users. Obtained results are discussed to provide insights on how software
engineering teams can improve the accessibility of VLEs and educational resources.
The use of virtual learning environments (VLE) and
online educational resources is one of the proposals
for popularizing and democratizing learning by pro-
moting access and inclusion of all types of users.
However, the use of such technologies still presents
barriers for the access and permanence of all students,
which include People with Disabilities (PwD) (Brito
and Dias, 2020). The latest World Report on Dis-
ability of the World Health Organization shows that
around 15% of the world’s population lives with some
degree of disability issues (Organization et al., 2011).
The lack of technological resources, specialized
practitioners and lack of accessibility in the architec-
ture of VLE are considered challenges to the perma-
nence of students (Cinquin et al., 2021). Studies in
the Distance Education area point to the need to adapt
VLE, as well as the proposed curriculum and didactic
resources (Lee, 2017; Brito and Dias, 2020).
Considering the above, Assisting Technologies
(AT) emerge with the goal of promoting equity, en-
abling emerging barriers to be overcome or excluded,
as well as, reduce disadvantages in the learning of
PwD when compared to the other students. With the
rise of distance education (Lee, 2017) and the increase
in the number of PwD (Organization et al., 2011), ed-
ucation institutions face the challenge of promoting
the accessibility of offered courses, ensuring the qual-
ity of content and educational solutions, as well as the
strategies for student permanence until the comple-
tion of the course.
This position paper aims to present Federal Uni-
versity of Maranh
ao’s path towards the inclusion of
accessibility aspects in its VLE and its educational re-
sources. Initially, we conducted a survey of the most
needed accessibility items for environments and re-
sources. Then implementations in the environment
Costa, Y., Silveira, R., Oliveira, A., Rivero, L., Oliveira, A., Teixeira, M. and Viana, D.
Improving Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments and Educational Resources: A Practical Case and Future Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0011092400003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 421-426
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and objects were executed. Finally, the pedagogical
production team created the content with accessibil-
ity. After preparing the course, we made it available
to the general public in November 2021. To this day,
50 students with disabilities have already joined the
course, and they have to perform 28 activities.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the background and related
work regarding accessibility and VLEs. Section 3 de-
scribes our methodology for enabling accessibility in
our online educational resources and VLE. Then, Sec-
tion 4 presents the analysis and results regarding the
improvements and current use of our online educa-
tional resources and VLE. Finally, Section 5 presents
our conclusion and future work.
VLEs are tools aimed at providing learning oppor-
tunities through knowledge sharing and social in-
teraction (Dillenbourg et al., 2002). The literature
presents a series of environments that are currently
used by educational institutions, for example: Moo-
, Blackboard
, and Edmodo
. Although these en-
vironments offer some kind of support for accessi-
bility, PwD still highlight the absence of elements to
help them achieve learning goals (Lee, 2017; Bozza
et al., 2010).
Accessibility is the concept that represents the
ability to access computers, mobile devices and the
internet by people with various types of disabilities
(visual, auditory, physical and others) (Carter and
Markel, 2001). According to (Paiva et al., 2021),
the importance of accessibility and its evaluation has
grown in recent years, as the use of software has
become increasingly essential in the modern world
ıa et al., 2012).
Accessibility in VLE has also been the goal of
study in recent years. Nascimento et al. (2019) pre-
sented a LMS created from accessibility guidelines.
During development, PwD carried out part of the val-
idation of the LMS. Finally, the authors described that
the environment was well accepted by people with
and without disabilities (Nascimento et al., 2019). In
another study, (Alturki et al., 2016) present an acces-
sibility assessment of the VLE Blackboard at King
Saud University. The results showed that Blackboard
was an accessible tool for different types of teachers .
Avaliable at: us
Avaliable at: https:/ /
Evaluable at:
In their research, Brito and Dias (2020) present a
focus group describing expert opinions about the ac-
cessibility of a LMS. As a result, they identified that
the use of third-party tools increases the flexibility of
people with different types of disabilities and makes
the solution (development of the LMS) cheaper. How-
ever, there is incompatibility of the external tools with
the developed solution (Brito and Dias, 2020).
Considering the above results, it is clear that here
is an interest from researchers and practitioners in the
field of VLE’ accessibility. Although the analysis of
popular VLE is being performed to verify to what ex-
tent they support people with disabilities, there is still
the need to further analyze the impact of implemented
changes in real use scenarios. Our goal is to provide
such type of analysis showing the impact of meeting
accessibility requirements in our MLS and its educa-
tional resources. In the following section, we present
the methodology we followed within this research.
At Directorate of Technologies in Education
(DTED/UNA-SUS) from Federal University of
ao (UFMA), we use a Moodle-based VLE.
In September 2020, we identified the need to support
PwD when a specific online course had disabled stu-
dents. The course dealt with teaching accessibility in
physical spaces in police stations. Up until this point,
our environment was not properly prepared to contain
accessible resources. Therefore, our objective was
the inclusion and evaluation of accessibility in digital
educational websites of UNA-SUS/DTED/UFMA.
Then, we developed a process containing the activi-
ties described below: (1) technological suitability for
accessibility; (2) creating content for accessibility;
and (3) tracking students’ progress through the
course. The process was proposed based on common
activities regarding accessibility evaluation and our
internal process. Figure 1 present our process.
3.1 Technology Adaptations for
Meeting Accessibility Criteria
3.1.1 Analysis of Accessibility
For the inclusion and evaluation of accessibility, it
was essential to identify requirements from the per-
spective of accessibility, using parameters that could
be followed in the development of an online envi-
ronment. In such context, the World Wide Web
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Process for enabling and evaluating the accessibility at UNA-SUS/DTED/UFMA.
Consortium (W3C
) is an international consortium
of companies, government agencies and independent
organizations, which aims to develop a set of stan-
dards for the creation and interpretation of content
for the web. Through the Web Accessibility Initiative
), which is the organization responsible for de-
veloping guidelines, strategies and resources for web
accessibility, the W3C created the Web Content Ac-
cessibility Guidelines (WCAG
). WCAG is a docu-
ment that presents some accessibility guidelines for
web content. These guidelines are related to intellec-
tual impairments and aim to reduce barriers for people
with different disabilities to access the internet.
For inclusion and evaluation of web accessibility,
in addition to WCAG, we also used the Digital Acces-
sibility Model in Electronic Government of our Coun-
try (e-MAG). Throughout the document, several rec-
ommendations are presented for the construction of
an accessible website, such as: (i) follow the web lan-
guage standards, in order to guarantee the website’s
compatibility with all types of browsers, software and
mobile devices; (ii) Accessibility recommendations in
the organization of HTML (HyperText Markup Lan-
guage) code in order of development and features; and
(iii) Accessibility assessment, which can be automati-
cally performed by software, or manually through hu-
man validation checklists.
3.1.2 Conduction of Automatic & Manual Tests
Accessibility validators are automatic tools that
search the code of a page, issuing reports that in-
dicate accessibility errors according to the priorities
suggested in WCAG. Therefore, in order to increase
the degree of confidence in the automatic validation
results, the tests were performed using the Cynthia
, Lighthouse
and Accessibility Scanner
The Criptzone Cynthia Says portal is an auto-
mated accessibility validator that was developed by
Criptzone Inc. together with The International Cen-
ter for Disability Resources on the Internet ICDRI
and the Internet Society. This tool allows users to test
individual pages on their websites by providing feed-
back in report format.
Lighthouse is an open source automated tool that
analyzes the quality of web applications. It can be run
as a Chrome extension (only browser extension avail-
able) or from the command line. When informing the
URL to be audited, the tool runs a series of tests on the
page and generates a report on its performance, with
a specific section on accessibility-related failures.
The Accessibility Scanner is a tool that suggests
accessibility improvements in mobile applications,
such as increasing small touch targets, increasing con-
trast and providing content descriptions so that the
website can be more easily used by PwD.
Since automatic validators are not able to detect
all accessibility issues on a website, manual valida-
tion becomes an essential step in the evaluation pro-
cess, as many aspects require human judgment. For
this step of the process, we used the NonVisual Desk-
top Access (NVDA) screen reader, a tool that allows
blind or visually impaired users to access and interact
with websites. During manual validation, we scrolled
all pages using only the keyboard, checking behav-
iors, shortcuts, alternative contrast sheets, if the al-
ternative texts were described according to the image
and its context, among others.
Improving Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments and Educational Resources: A Practical Case and Future Challenges
3.1.3 Tests Report and Accessibility Features
After performing the automatic and manual tests, all
identified improvement opportunities were registered
in a single document. Then, we presented the gen-
eral report to the development team for the implemen-
tation stage, where the suggested corrections were
made. Finally, after completion of the implementa-
tion, the site returned to the evaluation team, who an-
alyzed whether all the items described in the general
report were covered after the development process. In
this last assessment, we had a visually impaired pro-
grammer perform the assessment.
3.2 Creation of Content for Meeting
Accessibility Criteria
Despite all the technological work carried out, there
was a need to create content to promote accessibil-
ity, such as: translation into LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign
Language) by a qualified person and descriptive text
of images and videos for audio description. Addition-
ally, other activities were carried out by the educa-
tional content creation team, such as: (1) Study on
accessibility criteria, specific for all types of disabili-
ties; and (2) development of an internal reference ped-
agogical document to meet accessibility criteria con-
sidering the different media.
3.3 Release of the Course & Monitoring
of the Educational Path
In September 2021, UNA-SUS/DTED/UFMA re-
leased the course with the implemented accessibility
requirements. From that moment on, the information
technology team monitored the entry of students into
the courses and specifically analyzed data related to
students who declared themselves to be disabled. All
students, upon joining the course, signed a consent
form. Thus, the presentation of the data within this
paper is authorized by the students.
In this section, we present the results in two parts: (1)
technological results for enabling accessibility; and
(2) use of the course by people with disabilities.
4.1 Technological Results
At all, eight online educational resources (e-book,
info-graphic, video, podcast, forum, glossary, quiz
and form) and a VLE were evaluated. We have incor-
porated seven accessibility features, namely: audio
description, markup, behavior, content/information,
presentation/design, multimedia and form.
Regarding audio description, our main resources
(e-book and info graphic) received audio descrip-
tion of images. Pedagogical production teams pre-
pared all course material and also an adequate de-
scription of the images to be read by screen read-
ers (see Subsection 3.2). Our educational resources
can be read by screen readers on the market and by
readers developed by the development team at UNA-
SUS/DTED/UFMA. This adaptation for the descrip-
tion of the images is being carried out by a team
specialized in the production of accessible content.
This accessible audio description impacts other as-
pects of accessibility, such as multimedia. Currently,
our screen reader is exclusively intended for our e-
books and info-graphics and has several speed op-
Markup, behavior, content/information, and pre-
sentation aspects are following the accessibility
guidelines described above. Figure 2 presents an ex-
ample image of our e-book model where accessibility
innovations have been added. At the top left of the im-
age, it can be seen our unique screen reader activation
options, playback speed and contrast settings.
In the VLE, we have incorporated five features
listed by e-MAG (see Figure 3): accessibility bar;
hotkeys; contrast sheet; presentation of the site map;
and page with the description of accessibility features.
4.2 Results on the Course usage by PwD
The course and VLE with accessibility requirements
were made available for students in September 2021
and will be available until March 31, 2022. The
course is made available for both people with and
without disabilities. At the moment of the submission
of this paper, we registered 50 students with some
type of disability. The deficiencies reported by the
Figure 2: E-book with accessibility tools (screen reader,
playback speed, and high contrast screen.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Homepage of our VLE with accessibility features (In Brazilian Portuguese Language).
Figure 4: Status of the PwD within the course.
students were: physical (28 students), visual (11 stu-
dents), intellectual (5 students) and hearing (5 stu-
dents). We highlight that only one student indicated
having more than one deficiency, which in this case
were both visual and physical impairments.
Regarding the course progress, we identified that
only five students completed the course. Students
who have concluded have the following disabilities:
physical (3 students); hearing (1 student); and intel-
lectual (1 student). On the other hand, we have 10
students who failed (i.e. they finished the course but
failed due to unsatisfactory grades). The remaining
35 students are still taking the course. Our result is
an initial indication that it is possible to complete the
course proposed in our VLE for people with the fol-
lowing disabilities: physical, hearing and intellectual.
Figure 4 presents a detailed chart of the status of stu-
dents in courses by type of disability.
By carrying out a detailed analysis of the students
who are still taking the course, we observed that the
course and the implemented VLE can be used by
PwD. However, we need to wait until the course’s
ending for more data to confirm our observations.
Moreover, there is no guarantee that the students find
the online resources easy to carry out the activities.
Figure 5 presents an overview of the current perfor-
mance of students in the course, considering which
activities they managed to finish until this paper sub-
Considering the current state of these students,
although they are able to access all educational re-
sources, when reaching activity 6 (which is an e-
book), only visually impaired users are able to com-
plete this and later activities. Nevertheless, not finish-
ing the activities may not be related to the difficulty of
the activities nor lack of accessibility (since 5 students
with different disabilities have already finished all ac-
tivities). Also, the students have two more months
to finish the activities, which can cause students to
pause the course and continue whenever they can ded-
icate further time. These data, however, allowed us
to identify that students with disabilities take longer
to attend the course than students without disabilities.
Since we do not have an average time yet of how long
it takes students with and without disabilities to finish
the course, we need more time to reach a conclusion
whether there is a significant statistical difference on
the conclusion time. Also, in this analysis, it is nec-
essary to verify the reasons behind using more time
to finish the activities, and verify if further accessi-
bility requirements need to be met. Finally, the de-
velopment of accessibility features, such as an inter-
nal screen reader for the e-book and an info-graphic,
were also seen as facilitators of the student-VLE inter-
action from the point of view of the visually impaired
evaluator inside the development team.
Figure 5: Student with disabilities per activity performed.
Improving Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments and Educational Resources: A Practical Case and Future Challenges
The inclusion of accessibility is important to pro-
vide access of educational resources and systems to
all user profiles. However, including accessibility at-
tributes in VLEs and educational resources is still a
challenge, as it is necessary to consider the different
types of disabilities.
In this paper, we proposed a process for inclu-
sion and evaluation of accessibility in educational re-
sources and VLE considering the context of UNA-
SUS/DTED/UFMA. Besides monitoring the use of
resources and our VLE by people with disabilities, we
carry out a survey of the main techniques and stan-
dards for accessibility implementation and then car-
ried out various activities to include the identified ac-
cessibility attributes in our VLE, such as: perform-
ing manual and automated tests; implementation of
accessibility features; and creating content for acces-
sibility. Within this experience, we managed to ade-
quate eight educational resources and a VLE. In these
resources and VLEs, we have incorporated seven ac-
cessibility features. The resources and VLE are cur-
rently made available to students with and without
disabilities. At all, at least 50 students with disabil-
ities are attending the courses.
As a limitation of this work, there is a reduced
number of educational resources with accessibility.
Additionally, we did not carry out a more in-depth
analysis to consider the specifics of intellectual dis-
abilities. These limitations can prevent students from
completing the course. As future research perspec-
tives, we intend to further analyzed the data after the
course offering period. In addition, we intend to an-
alyze other types of disabilities, such as intellectual
disability and their variations, while proposing mech-
anisms to improve access to the VLE and its educa-
tional resources. With this real success case of im-
proving the accessibility of VLE and educational re-
sources, we intend to encourage other educational in-
stitutions to improve educational systems and provide
further access to different user profiles, reducing the
barriers to high quality education.
We would like to thank the Ministry of Health (MS),
the Ministry of Tourism (MTur), and the Ministry
of Women, Family and Human Rights (MMFDH)
from Brazil for supporting the research and the im-
provements on our VLE and educational resources at
UNA-SUS/DTED/UFMA. The last author thanks the
FAPEMA (BEPP-01608/21).
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education