Conversational Analysis to Recommend Collaborative Learning in
Distance Education
Antônio J. Moraes Neto
, Márcia A. Fernandes
and Tel Amiel
Federal Institute of Brasilia (IFB), Brasília, DF, Brazil
Computer Science Graduate Program, Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), Uberlândia, MG, Brazil
Education Graduate Program, University of Brasilia (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brazil
Keywords: Conversational Agent, Computer-supported Collaborative Learning, Collaborative Learning Assessment,
Artificial Intelligence in Education, Educational Technology.
Abstract: Conversational agents can recommend interactions among students in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
for the purpose of supporting collaborative learning, an important approach to improve online education. This
paper describes the current position of a research that addresses the implementation of Conversational
Analysis (CA) in order to make recommendations through chatbots for promoting collaborative learning
among students in a VLE. Based on an experiment, the authors propose a CA strategy to determine the level
of collaboration among students, point out possibilities for chatbot’s intervention in favor of collaborative
learning, and present the results obtained in the current stage of the research.
Conversational Analysis (CA) offers a way to analyze
the understanding produced through interaction,
focusing on the methods by which interactants build
sense collaboratively, with the aim of producing a
report on how understanding was achieved in the
conversation (Koschmann, 2013). A CA
methodological approach can assess not only the
content, but also the structure, nature of roles, and
relationships within students’ conversations
(Abraham et al., 2016).
The characterization of the online conversation
provided by CA can be used in Virtual Learning
Environments (VLEs) in order to better identify
where social interaction occurs and how it takes
place, indicating possibilities for collaboration. It can
also help indicate where no collaboration has taken
place, but possibilities exist for interactions and to
promote collaborative learning, in which students do
not depend only on direct interaction with the content
and teachers since the possibilities are expanded
through the student-student connection. Thus, they
learn through their doubts and interests, teaching each
other. At the same time, they can visualize how others
are learning as well as their difficulties, which
demands a computational support oriented to
productive interaction in a motivating way (Stahl et
al., 2005).
Chatbot as a pedagogical tool offers opportunities
to support learning in adaptive and personalized
environments (Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019). For
example, a chatbot integrated into a VLE can provide
predefined feedback during the chat in order to
intervene and encourage students’ engagement in the
conversation, and keep focus on one aspect of the task
at hand (Tawfik et al., 2020). Therefore, chatbots can
be used to instigate debate among students in a VLE
and, in case there is interaction or the absence of it,
indicate to the teacher where the collaboration is
occurring or could occur. In addition, chatbots can
suggest actions to stimulate collaborative learning.
Considering this potential for the application of
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd),
establishing a method to measure collaboration
among students is relevant. In this paper this authors
discuss a methodology to measure collaboration
levels based on what students write in discussion
Moraes Neto, A., Fernandes, M. and Amiel, T.
Conversational Analysis to Recommend Collaborative Learning in Distance Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0011092600003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 196-203
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
forums, so as to make recommendations to students,
teachers, and tutors in order to promote collaborative
learning in VLEs.
The main objective of the research is the
implementation of a chatbot adopting CA to make
recommendations in order to promote collaborative
learning in a VLE. The specific objectives are: (1) to
analyze aspects of students’ interactions that may
indicate the collaboration among them in the
discussion forums appointed by the teacher as those
which are to be monitored; (2) to model knowledge
on the level of collaboration among students in the
monitored forums; (3) to model the dialogue base in
an available chatbot architecture, that can be
integrated into a VLE, to structure the conversations
with students, teachers, and tutors; and (4) to make
recommendations to the participants, focusing on
questions that encourage feedback and on topics
under discussion, in order to promote the
collaboration among students in the monitored
discussion forums.
The research hypothesis is that adopting CA with
a chatbot makes it possible to make recommendations
to students, teachers, and tutors, in order to promote
collaborative learning in distance education. The
following research questions are associated with this
hypothesis: (1) how can one characterize students’
interactions through a CA in monitored discussion
forums?; (2) what knowledge can be modeled in
regards to the level of collaboration among students
in monitored discussion forums?; (3) in which
architecture that can be integrated into a VLE is it
possible to model the chatbot dialogue with students,
teachers, and tutors?; and (4) what recommendations
should the chatbot make to students, teachers, and
tutors, focusing on questions that encourage feedback
and on topics under discussion, to promote the
collaboration among students in monitored
discussion forums?
, an acronym for Modular Object-
Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, is a free
software VLE and was chosen as the ET development
platform, as it is the most prevalent VLE in higher-
education institutions in the Portuguese language
context. In this environment, a teacher will define
which forums will be monitored. Moreover, the ET
processing will be done only once for each post made
in a monitored discussion forum.
Moodle website:
The literature review were carried out both by
focusing on conceptual aspects and methodological
emphasis. The first part relates to chatbots,
collaborative learning, and CA. The results indicated
that CA to identify collaboration in VLE and
possibilities of chatbot’s intervention in favor of
collaborative learning is a promising research area for
CA offers a way to analyze the understanding
produced through interaction, focusing on the
methods by which interactants build sense
collaboratively. It can also provide insight on how
understanding was achieved in the conversation
(Koschmann, 2013). CA focuses on the sequential
nature of thinking, which is lost in most statistical
coding analyses, where individual statements are
encoded and then accounted for, without regard to
their sequential response order (Stahl, 2012). The
adoption of CA is relevant when considering the
characteristics of online conversations, whose
grammar is comparatively informal and unstructured,
with users involved in a tone of conversation,
compared to other texts (Uthus & Aha, 2013).
From the analysis of conversation logs, it is
possible to adopt a methodology to detect and classify
student interaction behavior (Procter et al., 2018). In
order to assess collaboration among students, it is
necessary to use interaction analysis techniques that
identify some of the processes used by groups to
create meaning and build knowledge, providing an
insight into collaboration according to the sequential
flow of students’ statements. As students are solving
problems together, they necessarily express their
thoughts to each other and this data is available for
analysis in VLE logs. Moreover, the flow of
proposals, responses, questions, agreements, etc. is
available for analysis as an extended cognitive
process (Stahl, 2012). In order to analyze this data it
is necessary to adopt preprocessing practices that
avoid overly optimistic results in the analysis of
discussion forums (Farrow et al., 2019).
Some aspects related to the assessment of
collaboration among students deserve to be
highlighted in the context of this research. In the
literature on classroom discourse, the adjacent pair
becomes a ’utterance-triad’, question-answer-
comment, which is commonly described as the
sequence IRE (Inquiry, Response, Evaluation), the
latter referring to the sufficiency of that answer. This
indicates that the basic and minimum form of a
Conversational Analysis to Recommend Collaborative Learning in Distance Education
sequence is two turns of conversation and that the
sequences composed of more turns are expansions,
which can produce an assessment of conversation,
positive or not, in the third round (Koschmann, 2013).
To identify questioning, Lu et al. (2011) propose that
this is a type of statement that seeks factual
information, including words such as “what”,
“which”, “where” and “when”, or one that seeks
explanation, including words such as “why” and
“how”. To identify questions, the Linguistic Inquiry
and Word Count (LIWC) software package, which is
based on empirical research, can be used to extract
word counts indicative of different psychological
processes, such as affective, cognitive, social and
perceptual (Farrow et al., 2019). Its core is based on
a lexical resource, called the LIWC dictionary, which
is also available in Portuguese (Cavalcanti et al.,
The quality of engagement in educational tasks is
measured by the number of responses to posts, and
not by the number of posts initiated by an individual
student, that is, responses demonstrate engagement
(Lyndall & Elspeth, 2015). The number of debating
students also influences the quality of their
interactions, ideally being organized in small groups,
ranging from 3 to 6 participants, which positively
impacts the value of the discussions (Saqr et al.,
2019). Social Network Analysis (SNA) makes it
possible to record the number of interactions among
students as an indicator of quality in collaboration.
The use of SNA has played a prominent role in the
analysis of learning in order to indicate collaborative
learning (Dascalu et al., 2018). It is also important to
note that the benefit of measuring the quality of
collaboration for individual students is the
recognition of their proactive and effective
collaboration (Lyndall & Elspeth, 2015).
Regarding topic detection, the repetition of
keywords in statements by different students is an
indicator of which topics are under discussion
(Allaymoun & Trausan-Matu, 2015). To this end,
topic modeling, a text mining tool frequently used to
discovery hidden semantic structures in a corpus, can
be adopted to identify keywords in student
statements. Based on this identification, Epistemic
Network Analysis (ENA) combined with SNA can
detect information about the student performance in
the perspective of identifying a set of cognitive and
social dimensions, which is marked by interaction
with the appropriate people on the appropriate content
(Farrow et al., 2019).
Some collaborative learning factors relevant to
chatbot performance are characterized regarding the
effectiveness of immediate feedback, more
appropriate in verbal learning tasks, and delayed
feedback, advantageous in learning concepts because
it allows more time for students’ metacognition;
being careful not to interrupt or disturb when there are
interactions among students during their learning
activities; and the benefit more focused on
interactions among students than on their learning
performance (Hayashi, 2019).
Hayashi (2019) implemented the following three-
steps chatbot structure: (1) two chatbots were
designed to facilitate requests based on types of
functions: the communication consultant to answer
about the efficiency of communication and the tutor
of explanations to generate answers on how to think
about a topic that triggers metacognition; (2) the
system detected keywords in an inserted sentence and
classifies them by type; (3) the system generates
responses based on detected keywords and number of
turns taken in conversation. Each chatbot, therefore,
responded to students when it detected any of the
keywords, whether they are related to important
phrases or communication problems (Hayashi, 2019).
Classification processes have been implemented
through machine learning algorithms, which is a sub-
field of AI capable of recognizing patterns, making
predictions and applying newly discovered patterns in
situations that were not initially included or covered.
Zawacki-Richter et al. (2019) identified, in a review
of 58 studies in this area, that all of them applied
machine learning methods to recognize and classify
patterns and model student profiles. To evaluate the
accuracy of classifiers, the authors used statistical
measures that demonstrated their high ability to
predict the performance in a student group from
participating in online discussion.
With regard to recommendation systems,
Chatbots can play an effective role in distance
education, having been identified as an ET that may
contribute to the acceleration of the learning process,
facilitate access to educational contents and enrich the
learning environment by supporting students and
teachers (Liu et al., 2019). It is also relevant to
highlight that in knowledge-based recommendation
systems, recommendations are suggested based on
the specified requirements, and not on the learner’s
interaction history (Aggarwal, 2016).
Chatbot intervention strategies can be defined
based on the Academically Productive Talk (APT)
structure, designed to encourage discussion in an
educational context from social interaction to the
construction of mental processes, with an emphasis
on valuable interaction (Tegos et al., 2020). APT
proposes tools to be adopted by the teacher in order
to encourage discussion in the classroom in which
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
students expose their reasoning, listen deeply and
critically to the contributions of others, and thus
interact collaboratively (Michaels & O’Connor,
2015). It is also important to note that when students
post their participation in forums and their partners
receive invitations to comment on them, this results
in a smaller number of fragmented topics, but with a
greater number of participations per topic (Oliveira et
al., 2011).
In conclusion, the adoption of a ET in order to
carry out the recommendation of collaborative
learning in distance education starts with the CA to
identify the possibility of collaboration. A chatbot,
whose architecture includes CA and machine
learning, in addition to providing technical
information and educational content, can promote
collaborative learning in VLE through interventions
that contribute to the construction of students’
knowledge. Thus, this application of AIEd can act as
a recommendation system when it is implemented as
a resource that makes feasible the debate among
students, providing knowledge about the domain,
supporting the affective and social experience, and
contributing to the proper usability of VLE, which
can occur even through mobile devices.
The methodological approach takes place in three
stages: conversational analysis; assessment to
determine collaboration level; and implementation of
the chatbot to make recommendations to students,
teachers, and tutors in the monitored discussion
forums. Accordingly, the development of the ET has
been taking place in the stages shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Three stages of the methodological approach.
In the next subsections, the authors present the
results obtained in these stages, not only describing
the conceptual model, but also showing some relevant
aspects for its implementation.
4.1 Conversational Analysis
The adopted CA seeks to identify interactions among
students from the text and metadata of each post
obtained in the monitored discussion forums, whose
implementation is described in the steps below. The
CA layer applied in the context of research’s
architectural flow is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Architectural flow for the research.
For each message posted by a participant, the CA
steps must be performed, whose resulting information
must persist in a relational Database Management
System (DBMS). The set of data was obtained via
SQL, from read-only access to the VLE database of a
vocational education school, from which two online
courses were offered. The posts obtained are
exclusively from the discussion forums, without
participant identification, as only messages and
forums are assessed in order to generate
recommendations. From the available 20,976
messages, 15,703 were posted by students.
Preprocessing is the CA step in which specific
techniques of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
are applied, without which the quality of the results
will be compromised. First, it is important to clean up
the obtained data, such as deleting HTML tags and
punctuation marks used on web addresses, and
formatting numeric fields. Subsequently, NLP
techniques take place, as lemmatization, mapping
inflected forms of word to a common root; stemming,
removing the ending of words to find their base form;
and phonetic mapping that addresses features rarely
seen in formal texts, which can be applied to words
and numbers to define the meaning of words with
unusual spellings. In this research some NLP
Conversational Analysis to Recommend Collaborative Learning in Distance Education
techniques are adopted in step Detection and
Tracking of Topics, described below.
Resource processing is the CA step in which the
characterization of social dynamics occurs through
SNA, carried out by the Cytoscape
open source
software platform, in order to identify interactions
among students in each forum. To this end, SNA
provides insights into dimensions such as cohesion,
centralization, and prominence. Centrality measures
seek to identify the extent to which the network
depends on a certain number of interactants. Thus, the
Weighted Degree Centrality (WDC) is responsible
for the weight of the edges that a node has in the
network, being the sum of the edges weights
connected to the node. SNA also provides in- and out-
degree (OD) metrics, which are scores that
correspond to the in-and-out edges of a given node
calculated from the sociogram (Pereira, 2018).
In this research, each node corresponds to a
message in the forum. Therefore, WDC characterizes
the number of student responses, as the weight of
their messages is one and that of the other interactors
is zero. When OD is zero, then there was no response
for the given message, but if it is greater than zero,
then it is because there were that specific number of
responses for the message.
Identification of the message attribute is the CA
step that allows identifying characteristics of the
statements, specifically the questions, through NLP,
using LIWC
. Based on the total words count (WC),
LIWC informs percentages such as Interrog and
QMark, related to question words and question mark
This research is developed in a Portuguese
language context, and, considering the results
obtained from the LIWC Portuguese dictionary, only
the presence of the question mark was effective to
identify the questions, that is, it was not possible to
identify any question message without the QMark
percentage was grater than zero.
Topic detection and tracking is the CA step in
which key terms discussed in each forum are
identified through topic modeling, made with the
open source software Tomotopy
, which is a topic
modeling toolkit used as a Python module. Tomotopy
implements one of the earliest and most widely
utilized topic modeling methods called Latent
Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which defines hidden
topics to capture latent semantics in text documents.
With LDA, each document is represented by a
probability distribution (dirichlet) over topics, which
Cytoscape website:
LIWC website:
are hidden (latent), with each topic being described
by a distribution over self-explanatory words
(allocation). Thus, the LDA algorithm infers
unobserved topics, which do not contain labels that
would describe them, by assigning words to topics
placing terms that often appear together in a
document, it means, topics are a collection of the
proportions of their contents, where word order is
irrelevant (Schulte, 2021). This machine learning tool
is commonly used in a few areas of focus, including
document classification and recommendation of new
articles that are likely to be of interest to a specific
Another method implemented by Tomotopy is
called the Correlated Topic Model (CTM), which is
similar to LDA, but it can be used to describe the
latent composition of associated topics in pairs within
each document in a corpus. For LDA and CTM, the
variable K defines the number of topics to be
generated. The parameters φ and θ are seen as mixture
weights and characterize the probability of
importance of words for a given topic and the
proportion of topics within a specific document,
respectively. Thus, the topic modeling algorithm
calculates φ
to represent the multinomial
distribution of terms over a given topic z, and works
out θ
to represent the multinomial distribution of
topics about a given document d (Vayansky &
Kumar, 2020).
Within this paper, a “word” or “term” represents
the fundamental unit of data, a “document” represents
a message posted by one participant, and a “corpus”
represents a group of documents encompassing the
entire discussion forum. A “vocabulary” is the
collection of all distinct words within a corpus, and a
“topic” is a probability distribution spanning a given
vocabulary. In this context, the LDA and CTM are
being applied in order to: (1) identify the topic that
has the largest number of words in the corpus
associated with it; (2) classify each message
according to the percentage of words associated with
the identified topic; and (3) point out the most
relevant terms within the corpus aiming to show some
messages to which a student can post their
4.2 Determining Collaboration Level
In the present research, collaborative learning must
occur from the interaction among students in a
discussion forum, in which they jointly address one
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
or more topics, through replies to previous messages,
characterizing a conversation. If there is a question in
any topic under discussion, it is desirable to have a
colleague’s response to this question, which
characterizes an answer. In order to infer the level of
collaboration among students in monitored
discussion forums, it is necessary to:
Create the initial database from the CA with
real data, collecting information from Moodle
forums for the assessment of collaboration
among students, including indicators to be
evaluated by teachers;
Assessment by teachers as to which
combinations of the mentioned indicators are
better for classifying collaboration among
students, generating a new database that will
allow to learn, in an automated and intelligent
way, how to classify this type of collaboration;
Apply machine learning and other techniques
to the database resulting from the evaluation by
teachers in order to carry out the evaluation of
collaboration among students.
The assessment of collaboration based on
interaction is made through CA by the combination
of variables that indicate where it occurred, including
insights from the aforementioned Literature Review,
to compose the following indicators:
Identification of Students' Interactions (ISI),
performed by Resource Processing, to
characterize the amount of student responses to
each message, which is calculate by the
formula 1 below;
Questioning Characterization (QC), carried out
by the Message Attribute Identification, to
point out each student message that contains a
question, which is worked out by the formula
Main Topic Approached (MTA), which occurs
from the Detection and Tracking of Topics,
which aims to infer the topic with the highest
word distribution in each discussion forum,
where MTA is the value of the proportion of
this topic in each message, as shown in the
formula 3;
Students Collaboration Level (SCL) of each
message is formed by the average of the
previous indicators, as shown in the formula 4.
ISI = WDC / OD for OD greater than zero (1)
QC = QMark / 100 (2)
MTA = θ
of the highest φ (3)
SCL = ISI + QC + MTA / 3 (4)
In Table 1 are presented results of the CA layer in
a Portuguese Language forum that took place at the
beginning of the second semester of an online course,
containing 47 messages, 31 of which were posted by
students, 2 by the teacher, and 14 are posted by a
Table 1: An example of SCL calculation.
0.0101 23 23 1.0 0.08369590 NA
0.0303 2 1 0.5 0.08897769 0.20642590
0.0000 2 1 0.5 0.23834153 0.24611384
0.1250 1 0 0.0 0.05000000 0.05833333
For the first message, in Table 1, SCL is equal to
“NA” because the calculation is not applicable for a
teacher post, which in this case was responded to
directly by 23 messages (OD) all posted by students
(WDC). The message corresponding to the second
line got 2 responses, 1 from a student, and therefore
its ISI is equal to 0.5. Its MTA corresponds to the
proportion of the topic with the highest word
distribution among the 20 topics generated by CTM.
There is no question mark (QC) in the student
message on the third line, but it still got a return from
a colleague, probably because it covered the topic
more than in the others posts, as its MTA indicates.
In the message on the last line there is a higher QC,
which can be considered a more specific question by
the student, who addresses the main topic (MTA) a
little, but has not yet received feedback from a
colleague (WDC), but only from the teacher and so
OD is equal to 1.
Thus, the three indicators of collaboration will be
combined, based on real data, considering assessment
of teachers. The database resulting from their
assessment will be constantly updated in order to
adjust the classification of collaboration among
students. It is important to highlight that the
intelligent processing of the mentioned indicators will
occur in order to classify the conversations among
students regarding their SCL. These inferences will
allow chatbot recommendations to be generated for
students, teachers, and tutors in order to promote
collaboration among students.
4.3 Chatbot Recommendations for
Student Collaboration
Chatbots to be implemented, using an existing tool,
will then be able to make recommendations for each
situation from the context identified in the previous
stages. Based on the APT structure, recommendations
to students aim:
Conversational Analysis to Recommend Collaborative Learning in Distance Education
To suggest options for motivating student
participation by prioritizing their messages
with (1) questions that are still unanswered, (2)
main terms under discussion, and (3) student
responses to a colleague;
To provide information about each monitored
forum the student has participated in, focusing
on (1) number of student messages with
percentages of questions and returns, (2)
indication of message collaboration level, and
(3) main terms discussed.
Recommendations to teachers and tutors aim:
To suggest options for motivating student
participation, prioritizing messages (1) that
contain questions which are still unanswered;
(2) those messages that least cover the main
terms under discussion; and (3) those messages
that do not yet have responses from colleagues;
To provide information about monitored
forums, focusing on (1) number of messages
from students with percentages of questions
and returns, (2) amount of recommendations
made, (3) percentage of recommendations that
generated participation, (4) main terms
discussed, and (5) classification of messages
regarding the level of collaboration.
The chatbots will start the dialogue with students
or teachers when they access a discussion forum that
is being monitored. This agents will also send
messages to the participants to specifically inform
them about new conversations to participate in. A
continuous mode of operation of the system will
inform the evolution of the level of collaboration both
for students about each forum that they participated
in, and for teachers about the conversations in
monitored forums.
The development described in this paper represents a
new possibility for chatbot performance to promote
an effective collaboration. The chatbot must be
implemented in an educational context more oriented
towards the construction of knowledge, which is
different from the one that is traditionally adopted.
Concisely, the research presented in this paper,
with the perspective of promoting collaborative
learning in monitored discussion forums, has
achieved the CA layer necessary to characterize the
interactions among students in the discussion forums.
In consonance with the research aims described in
section 2, the knowledge model to classify the
conversations based on the level of collaboration
among students is being developed. In the next steps,
the dialogue base will be modeled and the chatbots
will be implemented aiming to make
recommendations with suggestions and information
for students, teachers, and tutors in order to promote
collaboration among students. Moreover, chatbots
will also inform educators about the
recommendations that resulted in participation so the
constant evaluation of the ET adoption is enabled.
The evaluation of the results will occur through
the application of questionnaires to students and
teachers who commit themselves to voluntarily using
this application of AIEd, so they can assess how much
the recommendations made by the chatbots
contributed to collaborative learning.
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Conversational Analysis to Recommend Collaborative Learning in Distance Education