1 as per the algorithm. Hence, the probability that
there is no directed path purchased by the algorithm
in Step 2 feasible for u, for a single i, is:
(1 − f
) ≤ e
Next, we calculate the probability for all i: 1 ≤
i ≤ 2
and imply the following. The probability
that there is no directed path purchased by the algo-
rithm in Step 2 feasible for u is at most
Thus, the algorithm purchases a smallest weighted
path from the request node to u with probability at
. Clearly, this path is upper bounded by Opt,
since it is a smallest weighted path.
Since the total number of clients is at most n, we
have that:
≤ n ·
Hence, the theorem below follows.
Theorem 1. There is an O(log mlog n)-competitive
randomized algorithm for the Online Non-metric Fa-
cility Location with Service-Quality Costs problem
(Non-metric OFL-SQC), where m is the number of
potential facility locations, and n is the number of
In this paper, we have initiated the service-quality
costs model by addressing the non-metric variant of
Online Facility Location. A next step would be to
investigate the metric variant in which facilities and
clients are assumed to reside in the metric space.
A next research direction is to explore other ways
to express service-quality costs. In our model, the ser-
vice quality of a facility is expressed as a fixed cost,
given to the algorithm, and does not change over time.
It could be that this quality improves over time and
it would be interesting to add this dynamics into the
model and study its effect in the competitive ratio of
the algorithms.
Our adversary assumes the algorithm has no
knowledge at all about the future input portions. One
may want to investigate, for instance, other types of
adversary and probability distributions for the client
We have assumed in our model that a client ar-
rives exactly once and this assumption is used in the
analysis of the proposed algorithm. In real-world sce-
narios, one client may appear in more than one group,
and a different approach would be needed to solve this
variant of the problem.
Finally, it is always interesting to observe how the
algorithm performs in simulated or real-world envi-
ronments. This would give us a better understanding
about the performance of the algorithm in average-
case scenarios, thus complementing our worst-case
scenario analysis.
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Online Non-metric Facility Location with Service-Quality Costs