Source Attribution of Modern Multi-camera Smartphones
Manoranjan Mohanty
Center for Forensic Science, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
PRNU, Source Camera Verification, Camera Fingerprint, Multi-camera Smartphones.
The PRNU (Photo Response Non-Uniformity)-based source camera attribution is a useful method for veri-
fying if a camera has taken an image (e.g., a crime image). Although this method has matured for images
taken by single-camera smartphones, its usability is yet unknown for multi-camera smartphones. A multi-
camera smartphone, such as iPhone XS or Huawei P20 Pro, combines output from a number of rear cameras
for providing high-quality images. In this paper, we study the effectiveness of the PRNU-based method for a
multi-camera smartphone using two simple approaches: (i) multi-fingerprint verification, and (ii) mixed fin-
gerprint verification. In the verification process, the first approach uses fingerprint from each camera whereas
the second approach uses a mixed-fingerprint that is obtained by averaging the fingerprints from all cameras.
The experimental result shows that the proposed approaches are useful for some camera models. For some
other camera models, a more sophisticated method, however, is required.
The PRNU (Photo Response Non-Uniformity) based
source camera attribution is an effective method for
verifying if a camera has captured an anonymous
crime image (Luk
s et al., 2006) (Taspinar et al.,
2017). This method is based on the PRNU noise
pattern of the camera that results due to the non-
uniform response of the individual pixels of the cam-
era sensor to light intensity. Using this technique,
a fingerprint of the camera is first computed from a
set of images taken by the camera (physical access
to the camera not required). Then this fingerprint
is correlated with the estimated PRNU noise of the
anonymous query image to determine if the camera
has taken the image (Figure 1). This PRNU-based
method has been matured for images (Luk
s et al.,
2006) (Taspinar et al., 2017) (Li, 2010) (Sencar and
Memon, 2013) (Lawgaly and Khelifi, 2017) (Valsesia
et al., 2015) (Caldelli et al., 2010) (Dirik and
uk, 2014) (Bayram et al., 2015) (Rosenfeld
et al., 2010) (Goljan et al., 2010). This method
has also been extended to videos (Taspinar et al.,
2016) (Chen et al., 2007).
The existing PRNU methods assume that a sin-
gle camera was used to capture an image. This as-
sumption, however, no longer holds for recent multi-
camera smartphones (e.g., iPhone 11 series or Huawei
P30 series), which use more than one rear cameras to
capture an image. Figure 2 shows an example of dou-
ble camera smartphones. In a multi-camera setup, the
output from all cameras can be combined (the com-
bination method can be different for different camera
models) for providing better quality images. For ex-
ample, for providing bokeh effect, both iPhone and
Huawei combine output from two different cameras.
iPhone, however, provides optical zooming by using
output from two different cameras for two different
zoom level.
Our work studies the effectiveness of PRNU
based verification for multi-camera smartphones by
using two simple approaches: (i) multi-fingerprint
verification, and (ii) mixed fingerprint verification.
Both these approaches compute individual finger-
prints from individual cameras. Unlike the first ap-
proach, the second approach, however, mixes the fin-
gerprints using simple averaging operation. In the
first approach, the verification is done by correlating
the estimated PRNU of the query image with each
computed fingerprint. In the second approach, the
estimated PRNU is correlated with the mixed finger-
print. The experiment result shows that although the
proposed approaches can be effective in some cases,
they fail for some other camera models as camera
manufacturers are now using the sophisticated image
capturing techniques. Based on the study, we believe
that the well established PRNU-based methods for
Mohanty, M.
Source Attribution of Modern Multi-camera Smartphones.
DOI: 10.5220/0011102200003209
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2022), pages 219-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-563-0; ISSN: 2795-4943
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Camera verification using PRNU-based method.
Figure 2: Double camera smartphones.
images need to be revisited and adjusted for dealing
with such sophisticated techniques (as future work).
Smartphone manufacturers are now racing to differ-
entiate their products from those of competitors by us-
ing multiple camera modules to provide new features,
including zooming, wide-angle photography, bokeh
effect in portrait mode, stellar image quality.
Zooming: Phones with the multi-camera design
featuring a telephoto lens perform better at preserv-
ing fine textures and details in images with enlarge-
ment. Restricted by the thickness of a phone, the
focal length of a camera sensor in a smartphone is
fixed. Single-camera models make the use of crop-
ping and resizing to offer scaled images, called digital
zoom. The image quality deteriorates in the enlarge-
ment process, introducing more noise and pixelated
details. To achieve a lossless zoom like in a stan-
dalone camera with variable focal length lens, design-
ers added a dedicated telephoto module paired with a
traditional camera. At the focal length of the tele-
photo camera, users are enabled to zoom the frame
without compromising on the image quality since the
camera uses a typical pipeline to process and render
the image at the sensor’s native resolution. With fur-
ther zoom, images from the main camera and tele-
photo camera can be blended.
Wide-angle Photography: By adding a wide-angle
lens in multi-camera setup, a new photography expe-
rience is shipped. To meet the general requirement,
the lens in a single-camera smartphone is with 50mm
focal length, called a standard lens. It is closest to
the angle of view to the human eye, producing a natu-
ral image. Besides this versatile lens, some manufac-
turers integrate a wide-angle camera module to pro-
vide unnaturally zoomed-out images to satisfy ama-
teur and professional photographers. A wide-angle
lens with lower focal length and higher field of view
allows users to capture more scene in one frame with-
out stepping back. Other than standard lenses, sub-
jects in wide-angle lenses with straight lines will ap-
pear to converge faster. This slight distortion gives
images layers of depth and a sense of inclusion.
Bokeh Stimulation in Portrait Mode: To mimic
the Bokeh effect that is achieved automatically in
cameras with a larger sensor and wide aperture, de-
signers incorporate the second sensor to support post
processing of images. Bokeh is a photography jar-
gon, referring to the aesthetic quality of out-of-focus
blur. Because of the limited size of smartphones, the
lens with narrower aperture and smaller sensors can-
not generate an image with a razor-sharp subject and
hazy backdrop. Therefore, traditional single-camera
phones are incapable of providing a Bokeh effect.
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
However, based on the parallax effect, phones fit-
ted with multiple camera sensors can measure the
depth of objects in a frame by using images from two
slighted offset sensors. After creating a depth map,
post-shot editing gives a pleasing blurred background
while also keeping in-focus items clear. A special-
ized portrait mode was first introduced by iPhone 7
Plus, which stimulates Bokeh to attract attention to
the subject in focus. Since then, most multi-camera
phones feature the portrait mode. Combined with sev-
eral technologies, including advanced algorithms and
enhanced image signal processor (ISP), the depth esti-
mation is accurate. Therefore, bokeh is sophisticated
and as close as that in DSLR.
Enhancement of Image Quality: Image quality
can be improved by extra information provided by
the additional sensors in smartphones. The cam-
era module of a single-camera phone uses an RGB
sensor, which contains colour filter array (CFA) to
record only one of several primary colours at each
pixel. By filtering out any colours unmatched with the
CFA pattern, each pixel effectively captures around
1/3 of incoming light, leading to the compromises in
image quality. There are two approaches in multi-
camera packs to mitigate the inevitable side-effect
of RGB sensors. The ideal design is to introduce
a monochrome sensor. A monochrome camera is
capable of higher details and light sensitivity with-
out colour filter array over the sensor. Information
from the RGB sensor and the monochrome sensor is
gleaned by Image Signal Processor (ISP) to generate a
detailed final image. This combination excels in dim
light, maintaining pleasing colour rendering, good de-
tails and low noise level. An alternative way is to pair
a low-resolution RGB camera with a high-resolution
RGB camera. Combining images from two RGB sen-
sors would diminish a loss of resolution caused by the
colour filter. Overall, images taken by multi-camera
phones precede those from phones with a single cam-
era module in most situations.
Table 1 shows different use of multi-cameras by
various leading smartphones (which are considered in
this paper).
Table 1: Functions of phones.
Opt zoom Wid ang Bokeh enhnc
Huawei Nova 3i X
Meizu M6 Note X
Moto G5s plus X
iphone XS X X
LG V30+ X X
Samsung A8 X X
Huawei P20 Pro X X X
When capturing an image, these smartphones can
(i) use one of the cameras (e.g., when providing
zooming) or (ii) mix output from multiple cameras
(e.g., in image enhancement). In the next section, we
propose two different methods for these two different
possibilities (mixing is performed using averaging op-
eration). However, note that the cameras can use more
sophisticated techniques than what is considered in
this paper. Since these techniques are propitiatory, it
is difficult to know them.
In this section, we propose two methods for perform-
ing PRNU-based verification in multi-camera smart-
phones. The first method, called multi-fingerprint
verification, treats individual cameras of the multi-
camera smartphones as different single cameras and
performs camera attribution accordingly. The second
method, called mixed-fingerprint verification, treats
all cameras of the multi-camera smartphone as one
camera and performs camera attribution by combin-
ing output from different camera sensors. These two
methods are based on the insight drawn from the pre-
vious section.
3.1 Multi-fingerprint Verification
This method treats each camera of a multi-camera
smartphone as a separate camera. A camera finger-
print is computed (using the PRNU-based method) for
each camera from a set of known images of the cam-
era. Each camera fingerprint is then stored separately.
For verifying if the smartphone was used to take an
anonymous image, the extracted noise of the image is
correlated with each fingerprint. If at least one corre-
lation result is above a threshold, the image is said to
be taken by the smartphone. Otherwise, the image is
considered not to be taken by the smartphone.
Figure 3 provides an overview of this method for
a double camera smartphone. As shown in the figure,
two camera fingerprints are computed. The first fin-
gerprint comes from images taken by Camera 1, and
the second fingerprint comes from images taken by
Camera 2. For verifying if the anonymous image is
taken by the smartphone, two correlations are done
(in no particular order). The first correlation is done
between Fingerprint 1 and the Noise, and the second
correlation is done between the Fingerprint 2 and the
noise. If the correlation result of either Correlation 1
or Correlation 2 is above a preset threshold, the image
is said to be taken by the camera.
Source Attribution of Modern Multi-camera Smartphones
Figure 3: Multi-fingerprint verification process.
Figure 4: Mixed-fingerprint verification process.
3.2 Mixed Fingerprint Verification
Inspired by composite fingerprint proposed by
Bayram et al. (Bayram et al., 2010), we proposed the
mixed-fingerprint verification approach. In this ap-
proach, a camera fingerprint is computed (using the
PRNU-based method) for each camera from a set of
known images of the camera (similar to the previous
method). Then the fingerprints are mixed using aver-
aging operation. I.e., each i
pixel of the fingerprints
(which are in image form) are averaged for produc-
ing the i
pixel of the mixed-fingerprint. The mixed-
fingerprint is then stored for the future verification
process. For verifying if the smartphone was used
to take an anonymous image, the extracted noise of
the image is correlated with mixed-fingerprint. If the
correlation result is above a threshold, it is considered
that the image has been taken by the smartphone.
Figure 4 provides an overview of this method for
a double camera smartphone. As shown in the fig-
ure, two camera fingerprints computed from two dif-
ferent cameras, Camera 1 and Camera 2, are mixed.
For verifying if the anonymous image is taken by the
smartphone, only one correlation is done between the
Mixed-Fingerprint and the Noise. If the correlation
result is above a preset threshold, the image is said to
be taken by the smartphone.
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
The experiment is performed using approximately
1300 images taken by seven multi-camera smart-
phones. We provide more information about the
smartphones and images below.
Smartphones: The following smartphones are used
in the experiment: Huawei Nova 3i, Meizu M6 Note,
Moto G5s Plus, iPhoneXS, LG V30+, Samsung A8,
Huawei P20 Pro.
Images: Images were taken under different envi-
ronmental conditions and different shooting modes.
We took seven different conditions into account: (1)
Blr: instable images taken with movements of human
hands, (2) Bkh: images with Bokeh effect, (3) Indrs:
images taken indoors with inconsistent luminance, (4)
Otdrs: images taken outdoors with inconsistent lumi-
nance, (5) NgtO: images taken at night with flashlight,
(6) NgtF: images taken at night without flashlight, (7)
Sky: bright sky images.
Image Format: The images from iPhoneXS and
Android-based camera models were mostly JPEG
images. However, non-portrait mode images from
iPhoneXS were in HEIC format. Since our experi-
ment required JPEG images, we used an online econ-
verter for converting HEIC to JPEG.
4.1 Multi-fingerprint Verification
Fingerprint: In this approach, the fingerprint of each
of the following camera sensors were generated from
a set of clear sky images. The considered camera sen-
sors are: (1) Nova: pattern noise of main camera in
Huawei Nova 3i, (2) Meizu: pattern noise of main
camera in Meizu M6 Not, (3) Moto: pattern noise of
main camera in Moto G5s Plus; (4) iPhx1: pattern
noise of wide-angle camera in iPhoneXS, (5) iPhx2:
pattern noise of telephoto camera in iPhoneXS, (6)
LGW: pattern noise of wide-angle camera in LG
V30+, (7) LGU: pattern noise of ultra wide-angle
camera in LG V30+, (8) SamS: pattern noise of wide-
angle front camera of Samsung A8, (9) SamW: pat-
tern noise of ultra wide angle front camera of Sam-
sung A8, (10) P20x1: pattern noise when zooming is
not used (no use of telephote camera), (11) P20x3:
pattern noise when optical zooming is used.
Query Image: The correlation for a query image was
done by matching the noise of the image with finger-
print. For finding true positive, the correlation was
done between the full-resolution noise and full res-
olution fingerprint of the same camera model. For
false positive, a cropped noise was correlated with
a cropped fingerprint from a different camera. The
cropping was done from 3000 × 2800 topmost left
part of the noise and fingerprint. Note that cropping
is required for finding false positive as images from
different smartphones have typically different resolu-
Table 2: True positive of the multi-fingerprint approach.
Blr Bkh Indrs Otdrs NgtO NgtF Sky
Nova 20/20 0/20 20/20 20/20 1/10 0/10 20/20
Meizu 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 10/10 10/10 20/20
Moto 20/20 0/20 18/20 20/20 3/10 10/10 20/20
iPhx1 20/20 NaN 20/20 20/20 6/10 10/10 20/20
iPhx2 20/20 0/20 20/20 20/20 1/10 0/10 20/20
LGW 18/20 NaN 4/20 20/20 0/10 10/10 20/20
LGU 16/20 NaN 5/20 20/20 0/10 0/10 20/20
SamS 20/20 NaN 20/20 20/20 10/10 8/10 20/20
SamW 20/20 NaN 20/20 20/20 10/10 10/10 20/20
P20x1 19/20 20/20 15/20 20/20 5/10 0/10 20/20
P20x3 12/20 0/20 1/20 0/20 0/10 0/10 7/20
Results: Table 2 shows the true positive cases. The
false positive rate was zero. However, the true posi-
tive is lower than expected for some camera models
and image capturing conditions.
For Huawei Nova 3i, Meizu M6 Note, and Moto
G5s Plus, the main camera is responsible for captur-
ing the image. Thus, only one fingerprint is used in
the multi-fingerprint verification. In most cases, the
single fingerprint has high correlations with images
taken by the phone. But for indoor and night images
and images with Bokeh-effect, the multi-fingerprint
approach performs variably among the models. For
example, for Huawei Nova 3i and the Nova, the night-
time images give poor result, whereas for Meizu M6,
the result is satisfactory.
For iPhoneXS, LG V30+, Samsung A8, and
Huawei P20 Pro that possess two fingerprints, the
proposed multi-fingerprint approach performs well in
most cases. In some cases, including images taken
with Bokeh effect and images taken indoors or at
night, the approach, however, under performs.
4.2 Mixed-fingerprint Verification
In the experiments, we considered four smartphone
models: iPhoneXS, LG V30+, Samsung A8 and
Huawei P20 Pro. Only these models allowed us to
take images from multiple cameras.
Fingerprint: Fingerprints from different cameras
were mixed as described below.
(1) iPhx Mix: mixed noise pattern extracted from
10 clear sky images taken by 12 MP wide-angle rear
camera and 10 clear sky images taken by 12MP tele-
photo rear camera, (2) Sam
Mix: mixed noise pattern
extracted from 10 clear sky images taken by 16MP
front camera and 10 clear sky images taken by 8MP
front camera, (3) LG Mix: mixed noise pattern ex-
Source Attribution of Modern Multi-camera Smartphones
tracted from 10 clear sky images taken by 16MP
wide-angel rear camera and 10 clear sky images taken
by 13MP ultra wide-angel rear camera, (4) P20 Mix:
mixed noise pattern extracted from 10 clear sky im-
ages without zooming and 10 clear sky images scaled
by three.
Query Images: The test images are the same as those
used in the multi-fingerprint verification. There are
still seven types of images: blurred, indoors, out-
doors, night(on), night(off), sky and Bokeh. But each
type has two sets of images taken by two different
cameras respectively.
Table 3: True positive of the mixed fingerprint approach.
iPhx Sam LG P20
blurred1 20/20 14/20 18/20 18/20
indoors1 20/20 8/20 4/20 15/20
night(off)1 1/10 3/10 0/10 1/10
night(on)1 10/10 0/10 0/10 0/10
outdoors1 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20
sky1 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20
bokeh1 NaN NaN NaN 19/20
blurred2 17/20 20/20 9/20 12/20
indoors2 18/20 20/20 5/20 0/20
night(off)2 0/10 8/10 0/10 0/10
night(on)2 1/10 10/10 0/10 0/10
outdoors2 20/20 20/20 20/20 0/20
sky2 20/20 20/20 20/20 7/20
bokeh2 20/20 NaN NaN 0/20
Results: Table 3 shows the true positive cases. The
false positive rate was zero. As shown in the table,
for some camera models, the true positive of mixed
fingerprint approach was a bit lower than the multi-
fingerprint approach. This is due to the fact that
the correlation result (such as the Peak to Correla-
tion or PCE score) of a query image with a finger-
print of any particular camera model can be lower in
mixed fingerprint approach than the multi-fingerprint
approach as (i) the resolution of the fingerprint in
mixed-fingerprint approach can be lower than the
multi-fingerprint approach, and (ii) the quality of the
fingerprint in mixed-fingerprint approach can be in-
ferior than the multi-fingerprint approach (Bayram
et al., 2010). However, the mixed-fingerprint ap-
proach requires less computation and storage (close to
n times less for n-camera smartphone) than the multi-
fingerprint approach.
As shown in Table 2 and Table 3, both multi-
fingerprint and mixed-fingerprint approach provide
significantly lower true positive than the single-
camera smartphones (for single camera the rate is
close to 99%). We believe such a lower true posi-
tive rate is resulting as smartphone manufacturer are
using sophisticated image fusion methods. For ex-
ample, Huawei P20 Pro is combining sensor output
from a 40MP sensor with the sensor output from a
20MP sensor. Although the actual combining method
is hard to know, this can be different than the simple
averaging method considered in this paper.
Other possible reasons for lower performance are
various sophisticated approaches used by cameras for
providing bokeh effect and dealing with low light.
For example, Moto G5s Plus comes with a low-light
mode where smart software is designed to control the
amount of noise and other adjustments to pop the
subjects. The Huawei Nova 3i is packed with AI-
powered photography features to simulate details for
night shooting.
This paper studied the effectiveness of the PRNU-
based method for a multi-camera smartphone, which
uses more than one rear camera to capture an image.
Based on the insights drawn from a survey for multi-
camera smartphones, two PRNU-based methods: :
(i) multi-fingerprint verification, and (ii) mixed fin-
gerprint verification, were explored. The first method
mimicked the case when one camera is predominately
used for capturing an image (e.g., for zoomed im-
ages), whereas the second method mimicked the case
when output from multiple cameras are combined in
some way for capturing the image. The experimen-
tal result showed that although the proposed meth-
ods worked well for some smartphones models, they
were not sufficient for some other smartphone mod-
els. A further investigation revealed that such a low-
performance rate is due to the fact that some models
are using a more sophisticated image capturing tech-
niques. Future work needs to focus on such sophisti-
cated techniques and come up with a more effective
and general PRNU-based method.
This work is supported by UTS MaPs Start-Up Fund-
ing 263025.0226628.
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Source Attribution of Modern Multi-camera Smartphones