In this paper, a framework for seamless offloading for
IoT applications using Edge and Cloud computing for
container-based applications was proposed. It aims
to overcome the issues of traditional IoT systems
by utilising a sub-task methodology in deploying
IoT applications for optimal performance under the
proposed architecture. It evaluated in a variety
of scenarios to demonstrate offloading to Edge
and Cloud resources under load. The evaluation
demonstrated that in real world applications, it
outperforms traditional IoT applications. However,
it is noted that the work presented in this paper is
a proof-of-concept demonstration and further work
is needed. Our work has not yet taken into
account real-world applications that have stringent
real-time latency requirements. Future work will
seek to address these issues and investigate the
seamless integration of the proposed framework, in
particular its offloading capability with common IoT
development frameworks
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IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security