Active Learning Activities in a Pandemic Context for a Software
Engineering Course: An Experience Report
Isabel Sofia Brito
1,2 a
and Jo
ao Paulo Barros
1,2 b
Polytechnic Institute of Beja, R. Pedro Soares, Beja, Portugal
Centre of Technology and Systems - UNINOVA, Caparica, Portugal
Active Learning, Soft Skills, Remote Classes, Study, Face-To-Face Classes.
This paper reports the students’ perceptions regarding active learning (AL) activities in a pandemic context
and the use of AL and related tools to improve soft skills, such as critical thinking and teamwork. This work
describes the active learning activities applied in a pandemic context for a Software Engineering course and
presents students’ survey results. Based on students’ opinions, we conclude that AL and the associated tools,
while promoting soft skills, also promoted motivation and student engagement for face-to-face and remote
classes in the pandemic context by minimizing the negative impact it may have caused on the students.
There is an evidence-based widespread belief that the
majority of problems associated with software de-
velopment are not due to technological aspects but
related to people and social and cognitive elements
(e.g., (Lister and DeMarco, 1987; Hazzan et al., 2020;
Sonmez, 2015; Matturro et al., 2019; Oguz and Oguz,
2019; Sedelmaier and Landes, 2014)). As testified
by Chamorro-Premuzic et al. (Chamorro-Premuzic
et al., 2010), at least since 1998, there has been an
emphasis on the importance of non-academic compe-
tencies usually referred to as ”soft skills”. The impor-
tance of soft skills is often present when discussing
the gap between software engineering and software
engineering education (e.g., Oguz (Oguz and Oguz,
2019)). As stated in the ACM and IEEE report (ACM
and IEEE Computer Society, 2020, p. 29) ”All com-
puting disciplines emphasize required know-how of
individual practitioners, including problem solving,
critical thinking, communication, and teamwork.
The report also describes thirteen elements of foun-
dational and professional knowledge; some of them
are soft skills, such as Analytical and Critical Think-
ing, Collaboration and Teamwork, Oral Communica-
tion and Presentation, Time Management, among oth-
ers. In addition, the same report (ACM and IEEE
Computer Society, 2020, p. 42) quotes a recent sur-
vey by PSI Services stating that ”81% of employers
in industry indicated that prospective employees lack
critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills and,
75% think graduates lack adequate innovation and di-
versity skills”.
Active learning provides opportunities for stu-
dents to think about the technical content through
a range of activities that help them critically under-
stand the challenges of the industry context (Hmelo-
Silver, 2004). Moreover, active learning activities
”(. . . ) help promote higher order thinking skills, such
as application of knowledge, analysis and synthe-
. Thus, active learning activities engage students
in deep rather than surface learning, improving stu-
dent’s overall learning. Yet, this is a particularly dif-
ficult challenge in a pandemic context, where the stu-
dents and teachers need to maintain social distance.
This paper describes the students’ perceptions regard-
ing active learning (AL) activities in one remote and
onsite/face-to-face Software Engineering course dur-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper focuses on
using AL to develop students’ soft skills and foster
students’ engagement in learning, mainly in remote
(online) classes. This paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 describes the set of applied AL activities
and tools. Section 3 describes the course and presents
the used method based on quantitative analysis of a
survey. Section 4 shows the results and discusses the
active/04 what is active learning.html
Brito, I. and Barros, J.
Active Learning Activities in a Pandemic Context for a Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report.
DOI: 10.5220/0011108500003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 654-661
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
findings based on: i) students’ opinions on the use
of AL and tools to improve their soft skills; ii) stu-
dents’ opinions about face-to-face and remote learn-
ing and iii) students’ opinions about the effectiveness
of the AL tools. Section 5 presents related work, high-
lighting similarities and differences with other exist-
ing works. Finally, Section 6 concludes and suggests
directions for future work.
In this section, we present the set of five applied active
learning activities, inspired by other activities pre-
sented elsewhere (Active, nd). They were applied
in a software engineering course, part of the fourth
semester in a six-semester computer science bache-
lor’s degree. The five activities, and respectively used
tool, were the following:
1. ”Quescussion” / Kahoot;
2. ”Buzz Groups” / Mind Map;
3. ”Post It Parade” and ”Peer Review” / Padlet;
4. ”Exercises”;
5. ”Exercises” / Trello.
”Quescussion” activity promotes discussion
through questions presented to each student. Students
are provided with a question for which they need to
answer individually. This could also be done online
or onsite/face-to-face (in person). Kahoot! tool
(available at was used to support
”Quescussion”. Kahoo! is a well known game-based
learning platform (app and website), where ”kahoots”
are multiple-choice answers to questions, among
other functionalities. Some literature concludes that
Kahoot! can positively affect learning performance
and bring engagement and immediate feedback to
students promoting classroom dynamics (Plump and
LaRosa, 2017). ”Buzz Groups” activity is proposed
for groups. Each group internally discusses a topic
for a few minutes to generate arguments, answers,
or ideas. To support this activity, ”Mind Map”
was used as a teaching and learning tool to foster
critical thinking. It can be used to brainstorm a
topic and as a tool to promote student engagement
(Zipp, 2011). A mind map involves thinking about a
central topic and identifying new and related ideas
directly or indirectly connected to that main topic.
”Post It Parade” and ”Peer Review” activities are
proposed for individuals, pairs, or small groups.
First, one or more students are provided with a
question for which they need to answer. This could
also be done online/remote or onsite/face-to-face
in a predefined time. Next, the students post the
answer using the Padlet tool (
in pairs, small groups, or individually. Padlet is ”a
real-time collaborative web platform in which users
can upload, organize, and share content to virtual
bulletin boards called *padlets*. Then, each student
reads another student’s post and provides them with
verbal feedback and a star classification (1-5); the
students have a deadline for giving feedback. These
activities promote collaboration and teamwork, oral
communication and presentation, time management,
and motivation.
The ”Exercises” are case studies activities pro-
posed for pairs, where the students are provided with
a real-case project (as an in-class exercise) for which
they need to write a report that illustrates an applica-
tion of theoretical concepts that are part of the course
contents. The exercises were also proposed using
Trello (available at to promote
collaboration and teamwork, oral communication and
presentation, as well as time management. Addi-
tionally, regarding remote classes, Zoom (available
at was used to support synchronous
communication between students and instructors, as
well as between students using simultaneous rooms.
Next, we present how the students’ perspective was
recorded and summarized.
This paper reports the students’ perspective on
whether active learning activities and tools improve
their soft skills. Additionally, we ask students about
the effectiveness of remote versus face-to-face learn-
ing and the use of active learning tools. These are
used as a measure for students’ motivation and en-
gagement with the contents and learning objectives in
a Software Engineering course (SE). SE is a manda-
tory course in the computer science degree. Regard-
ing the pandemic context, classes were taught face-
to-face and remotely, for 7.5 weeks each, in a total
of 15 classes. The course is composed of theoreti-
cal and practical classes. The active learning activi-
ties and tools were applied to the classes as follows:
”Quescussion” / Kahoot!, ”Buzz Groups” / Mind Map
are used in theoretical classes; ”Post It Parade”, ”Peer
Review” / Padlet are used in theoretical and practical
classes; ”Case study” / Trello are used as part of an
exercise/project training in practical classes. In ad-
dition, Zoom was used to support the theoretical and
practical classes remotely. Except for one case study,
the proposed activities and tools were not used for as-
Active Learning Activities in a Pandemic Context for a Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report
sessment and were all-voluntary.
Next, we present the method to obtain the answers
to the following three research questions:
Research Question 1: How have active learning ac-
tivities and tools improved students’ social skills?
Research Question 2: What is the opinion of stu-
dents about face-to-face learning compared to re-
mote learning?
Research Question 3: How do the students perceive
the effectiveness of the active learning tools?
At the end of the course, students were invited to
participate in a survey. We opted for an online sur-
vey to elicit data and applied quantitative analysis.
The survey was performed based on four criteria: (1)
obtain students’ profiles; (2) collect students’ opin-
ions about the activity activities/tools effect on the
promotion of soft skills, namely teamwork, conflict
management, time management, communication, and
critical thinking; (3) collect students’ opinions about
face-to-face and remote classes; (4) collect students’
opinions about active learning tools. The survey pre-
sented close-ended questions for criteria 2), 3), and
4). We defined different scale questions for each cri-
terion: For criterion 2) the survey scale questions
were either from ”Extremely important” to ”Not im-
portant at all” or from ”Extremely strong contribu-
tion” to ”No contribution”. For criterion 3), the sur-
vey adjectives were from ”Unsafe (regarding health
issues)” to ”Safe (regarding health issues)”; ”Intru-
sive (relating to privacy)” to ”Secure (with regard to
privacy)”; ”Necessary” to ”Unnecessary”; from ”Su-
perficial interaction” to ”Meaningful interaction”; and
”Helps in solving difficulties” to ”Hampers in solv-
ing difficulties”. For criterion 4) the survey adjectives
were ”Preferred in face-to-face classes” to ”Preferred
in Zoom classes”; ”Useful” to ”Useless”; ”Demoti-
vating” to ”Stimulating”; and ”Friendly” to ”Compli-
cated”. Open-ended questions were also asked, al-
lowing respondents to state their views/suggestions
freely. The survey was disseminated at the end of
the semester using google forms and available at The survey
responses for criteria (2), (3), and (4) are presented
in the ”Results” section. Previously, the survey was
applied to a small group of other students to validate
the questions and avoid misunderstanding.
In this section, the survey results are presented. For
easier reading, the results are grouped by Research
Question. Yet, each question has some degree of in-
tersection with the other ones.
To find the answer to Research Question 1 (How
have active learning activities and tools improved stu-
dents’ social skills?), we asked students about the
contribution of each activity and the respectively used
tool for the development of four several widely re-
garded soft skills: (1) teamwork and conflict man-
agement; (2) time management; (3) oral communi-
cation; (4) critical thinking. Regarding teamwork and
conflict management (Fig. 1), the most popular tools
were Zoom for synchronous communication and the
exercises (9 in 16 recognized an ”extremely strong
contribution”). Most students also recognize the use
of ”Post It Parade” and ”Peer Review” / Padlet as a
strong contributor, which is not surprising considering
the ”Post It Parade” activity description (see section
2). Exercises with Trello is the least favored by stu-
dents (3 students classified it as ”No Contribution”),
but most students still recognize some contribution.
This perception may be because students have diffi-
culties working in pairs, and they did not like to see
these difficulties reflected in the tool.
Figure 1: Active learning activities and tools contributions
to teamwork and conflict management.
Regarding Time Management (Fig. 2), students
(10 in 16 recognized an ”extremely strong contribu-
tion”) valued regular exercises as the most beneficial
active learning strategy, probably due to a more ob-
vious and stronger connection to the course contents
and because those exercises were proposed mainly for
pairs and to be developed in a short or long period of
time. Most students acknowledged some contribution
from all activities. Interestingly, even the use of Mind
Map was considered by a small majority as contribut-
ing to better time management. It seems reasonable to
conclude that students see all regular activities along
the semester as aids for better time management.
Unsurprisingly, Zoom was the most favored tool
regarding oral Communication (Fig. 3). More sur-
prising is that Trello was equally valued, and all other
activities and tools were seen as solid contributors to
oral communication. The Mind Map was the least im-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Active learning activities and tools contributions
to time management.
portant for oral communication.
Figure 3: Active learning activities and tools contributions
to oral communication.
Still, regarding the tools’ contribution, students
were also asked about the perceived contribution for
critical thinking (Fig. 4). Exercises were the most val-
ued (12 in 16 recognized an ”extremely strong con-
tribution”), followed by Zoom, Kahoot, and Padlet.
Trello was the least valued, but still, 11 in 16 rec-
ognized some level of contribution. Notably, critical
thinking has the lowest number of ”No contribution”
answers compared to the others. Therefore, according
to students’ perception, critical thinking was the most
improved soft skill.
Figure 4: Active learning activities and tools contributions
to critical thinking.
Most students considered that the activities car-
ried out contributed to the development of soft skills,
mainly time management and critical thinking (>10
students). Moreover, students think that the less stim-
ulated skills were oral communication and conflict
management. Therefore, either the activities are not
suitable to promote this soft skill, or the profile of
the students can influence the answers; for example,
the students think they already have this soft skill
or do not like to express their opinions and knowl-
edge aloud. Analyzing figures 1 to 3, Mind Map
was the least valued activity. Even in the context of
critical thinking, the Mind Map did not have a very
positive contribution compared to other activities. It
seems that the students found the activity very com-
plex, probably because they needed to collect data,
ask questions and analyze possible solutions, which
was time-consuming as several solutions could arise.
One student denoted that Padlet, Mind Map, and
Kahoot have weak contributions for her/his soft skills
development, which seems reasonable considering
that she/he only attended 1-4 classes. It is also worth
mentioning that students regularly attended classes
(>8 classes). Few students attended less than half of
the classes, so it is normal to have answers as ”Do not
know or have no opinion”.
Regarding Research Question 2 (What is the opin-
ion of students about face-to-face learning compared
to remote learning?) students were asked about ve
topics: (1) Safety (based on health issues); (2) Pri-
vacy (related to intrusiveness); (3) Usefulness of both
types of classes (face-to-face and remote); (4) Support
(each type of class helps or hampers); (5) Quality of
the interaction (superficial or meaningful).
Regarding health issues, Figure 5 shows the an-
swer of each of the sixteen students as spheres with a
number between 1 (unsafe) and 7 (safe). Most stu-
dents assume face-to-face classes are safe (ten stu-
dents). Yet, ve students seem unsure, having cho-
sen the medium value of 4. Only one student chose a
value below 4.
Figure 5: Students’ perception regarding safety in face-to-
face classes.
Active Learning Activities in a Pandemic Context for a Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report
Only four students seem hesitant regarding pri-
vacy in remote classes, having answered with the
medium value (see Fig. 6). Ten in sixteen students
feel completely secure regarding their privacy during
remote classes, and the remaining two still feel very
at ease.
Figure 6: Students’ perception regarding privacy in remote
Seven of the sixteen students feel that face-to-
face classes are slightly more necessary than remote
classes. The remaining nine feel that remote and face-
to-face classes are equally necessary (see Fig. 7). In-
terestingly, no student indicated that the classes, re-
mote or face-to-face, are unnecessary.
Figure 7: Students’ perception regarding the usefulness of
face-to-face and remote classes.
As expected, most students (10 in 16) feel remote
classes hamper solving difficulties compared to face-
to-face classes (see Fig. 8). Even so, four students
find no difference, and one student prefers remote
classes to solve problems. One student did not answer
the question regarding face-to-face, perhaps because
s/he went to few classes and has no opinion.
Regarding the quality of interaction, the results
are very similar: twelve of the sixteen students pre-
fer face-to-face classes, and four find no difference
Figure 8: Students’ perception regarding support in face-to-
face and remote classes.
between the two types of classes (see Fig. 9). This
result could be explained by AL tools being suitable
for any context, which is a positive point. Also, one
student did not answer the question regarding face-
to-face, perhaps because s/he went to few classes and
has no opinion.
Figure 9: Students’ perception regarding interaction in face-
to-face and remote classes.
The figures show that students similarly and pos-
itively enjoyed remote and face-to-face classes, de-
spite the pandemic context. Face-to-face classes have
a slight advantage of being more interactive and nec-
essary, and remote classes have the advantage of mak-
ing them feel safe.
To answer the third research question (How do
the students perceive the effectiveness of the active
learning tools?), we focused on the three tools more
directly related to learning and motivation, leaving
out the Zoom tool and the exercises: (1) Kahoot; (2)
Padlet; (3) Mind map.
All, except one of the sixteen students, value the
use of these three tools (see Fig. 10). All three are
considered extremely or very important by more than
70% of students. Students especially value Kahoot
and the Padlet. This is consistent with the results of
research question 1. Considering the student who did
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
not appreciate the tools, it seems reasonable consider-
ing that she/he only attended 1-4 classes.
Figure 10: Students’ perception about the importance of
Table 1 details the students’ preferences when us-
ing these tools while comparing their face-to-face vs.
remote classes effectiveness. Kahoot and the Padlet
are perceived as extremely useful (Kahoot with 12
and Padlet with 10) and stimulating (Kahoot with 12
and Padlet with 9). Mind map still get mostly positive
scores, but students find them less useful and stimu-
Considering the colors in the table, it seems that
students have a slight preference for using tools re-
motely, although most indicate that it is indifferent
(11 for Kahoot, 8 for Padlet).
As attested from a large number of published papers,
it is easy to conclude that there is a perceived de-
ficiency in the soft skills level of computer science
students. This can be partially attributed to the rel-
atively high prevalence of students with a diagnosis
of autism spectrum disorder (e.g., (Stuurman et al.,
2019) ). Nevertheless, this seems to be a problem for
most computer science students (e.g., (Hazzan et al.,
2020; Shadbolt, 2016)).
We found no references to similar works that re-
port the use of several active learning activities and as-
sociated tools to promote soft skills and students’ en-
gagement in a pandemic context. Nevertheless, here
we briefly present some more closely related to soft
skills in software engineering courses or computer
science in general.
Hazzan and Har-Shai present an entire course on
computer science and software engineering social and
cognitive soft skills offered by the Department of
Computer Science (CS) at the Technion – Israel Insti-
tute of Technology (Hazzan and Har-Shai, 2013). The
course was motivated by a call from the Israeli hi-tech
industry. The authors state the importance and need to
gradually learn soft skills over a period of time, based
on students’ engagement, active learning, and reflec-
tion. In this sense, the work presented here provides
support for that progressive learning approach in the
context of a SE course.
Bastarrica et al. surveyed a fifth-year software en-
gineering capstone course (Bastarrica et al., 2017).
They found that the perceived relative difficulty of
soft skills grows along the course compared to that
of the technical challenge, except for the negotiation
with the client whose perception of relative difficulty
drops significantly. They also found that the per-
ceived relative value of correctly addressing technical
challenges dropped considerably after the course and
found statistically significant evidence that the per-
ceived relative relevance changed along the course for
the measured soft skills. Finally, they report that stu-
dents found that planning and teamwork were more
challenging than expected and realized that soft skills
were much more determinant for the project’s suc-
cess. Although in a pandemic context, our students
also perceived the importance of soft skills.
The Shadbolt review recommends improving
computer sciences graduates’ softer and work readi-
ness skills (Shadbolt, 2016). It also notes that some
enterprises require hard technical skills while others
prioritize broader soft skills such as effective com-
munication skills. Mainly motivated by this report,
Beckingham discusses and presents some proposals
to how students can develop soft skills through a va-
riety of work experience opportunities, in-class activ-
ities, and alternative teaching approaches (Becking-
ham, 2018). In addition, the proposals emphasize the
need to align graduate skills with the expectations and
needs of employers. To that end, they recommend
building partnerships with the industry to help to iden-
tify the changing priorities in the required work-ready
skills. They also mention the importance of in-class
activities for the development of soft skills.
Thurner and B
ottcher developed a questionnaire
to capture the lecturers’ expectations on student non-
technical competencies, which they categorize as ”so-
cial”, ”practical and cognitive”, both based on ”self”
competencies (Thurner et al., 2014). Their motiva-
tion was the assumption that non-technical compe-
tencies are the basis for most students’ problems. A
follow-up study by the same authors (Thurner et al.,
2017) identified a set of competencies as highly es-
sential prerequisites for software engineering educa-
tion, lacking in a vast majority of freshmen students.
These include self-organization, perseverance, will
to follow instructions, ability to reflect on their be-
Active Learning Activities in a Pandemic Context for a Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report
Table 1: Students’ perceptions regarding active learning tools.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Preferred for face-to-face classes 3 0 0 11 1 0 1
Useless 0 0 0 2 1 1 12
Demotivating 0 0 0 2 1 1 12 Stimulating
Preferred for face-to-face classes 2 0 0 8 1 1 4
Preferred for remote (Zoom) classes
Useless 0 0 0 3 1 2 10
Demotivating 0 0 0 3 1 3 9 Stimulating
Preferred for face-to-face classes 4 0 0 5 2 3 2
Preferred for remote (Zoom) classes
Useless 0 1 1 3 1 4 5
Demotivating 0 0 2 4 2 5 3 Stimulating
Mind map
Preferred for remote (Zoom) classes
havior, and team orientation. Gonz
alez-Morales et
al. report positive feedback and increased motivation
from computer engineering students after changing a
software engineering coursework: students worked in
teams of 4 or 5 to develop a project for an actual client
alez-Morales et al., 2011). The motivation was
soft skills improvement, but no quantitative or quali-
tative data is presented regarding it. It is also interest-
ing to note that Kubota et al. argue that active learn-
ing suitability depends on the type of subject and con-
clude that basic subjects in information and electron-
ics are not suitable for active learning (Kubota et al.,
2017). Yet, Lehtovuori et al. noted high levels of
motivation and improved learning results in electrical
engineering basic studies (Lehtovuori et al., 2013).
Confronted with students’ low grades and reduc-
ing face-to-face classes attendance rates along the
semester, Garcia-Holgado et al. implemented an ac-
tive learning methodology based on team working in
a software engineering course (Garc
ıa-Holgado et al.,
2018). As a result, they noted a significant increase in
the final exam grades and a 100% success rate in the
final project developed in the groups.
Silva et al. collected the students’ and instructors’
perceptions regarding five different active learning ac-
tivities applied to the teaching and learning of UML
diagrams in four different courses in two universities
(Silva et al., 2019). As a result, they identified sev-
eral benefits and difficulties that influence the learn-
ing when using the tried active learning activities and
some challenges reported by the instructors.
Active learning activities have been gaining promi-
nence in computing courses, and this study shows the
benefits of some of them in a pandemic context. From
the analysis of students’ perceptions, we could ob-
serve that some active activities and tools were more
useful for students (Kahoot, for example). In con-
trast, others were considered more complicated and
not very useful (Mind Map, for example). In addition,
the students think that their soft skills are promoted,
such as critical thinking, despite the pandemic con-
text. Regarding face-to-face and remote classes, the
students agree that the activity learning activities and
tools are helpful, stimulating, and necessary. More-
over, it seems that those activities and tools minimize
the negative impact of remote classes and face-to-face
classes in a pandemic context. Notably, no student in-
dicated that either remote or face-to-face classes are
unnecessary. Yet, unsurprisingly, most students feel
remote classes hinder solving difficulties compared
to face-to-face classes and show a slight preference
for the latter, mainly due to the quality of interaction.
All students that attended more than four classes val-
ued the use of Kahoot, Padlet, and Mind Map with a
slight preference for Kahoot and Padlet and for using
all tools remotely. The main limitation of our study
was the relatively small number of students. Based
on our experience with these and previous years’ stu-
dents, we believe this group represents students’ pref-
erences and attitudes. Yet, we do not have enough
data to conclude that the number was sufficient to
achieve saturation. The used tools are not specific to
software engineering. Hence, we believe the students’
preferences we have identified are very likely trans-
ferable to other areas, especially to further computer
science courses. Yet, as the study was conducted in
the strict context of a software engineering course, it
does not provide data to support this claim. As future
work, this study will be replicated in other courses to
identify the effectiveness of active learning activities
and tools to promote soft skills. In addition, another
study will be applied to graduate students’ employers
to verify if these students have the desired soft skills.
The authors wish to thank students, teachers, and em-
ployers for their helpful and invaluable collaboration.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
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Active Learning Activities in a Pandemic Context for a Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report