negligible. In the initial approximate time duration of
20 years the IRR is increasing in a haste and does not
increase rapidly after the 20 years. The change in IRR
over the time duration is almost constant (as the
change is very minimal). Similarly, it is repeated for
every building and every finish but the year over
which it becomes almost the same with the next year,
changes in every case.
A study conducted by Sau Wai Lee for the
economic evaluation of roof thermal insulation in the
equatorial climate of Malaysia says that the IRR
ranges from 6.33% to 15.83% based on the material
that is used as the insulation for the roof. By
increasing the performance of the building using the
correct composition of the roof, they were able to
achieve the IRR (Lee, Lim, Chan, & Von, 2017).
This study shows that converting a conventional
building to an energy-efficient building even with
optimization of one component of the building
envelope yield a lot of savings. The savings are
considered as the income with the cost of the wall as
the expenditure and the IRR is calculated. The results
explain that the best block material is foam concrete
with the required thickness and the exterior finish is
Mangalore tiles (terracotta tiles) and the interior
finish is hardboard, which gives us a range of 18% to
40% IRR which is very high. Figure 4 shows the
sections of the optimum exterior wall composition.
Figure 4: Cross-section image of a wall section using the
most recurring material selection after optimization.
Anyhow there was no feasible solution that could
satisfy the constraints of ECBCSuper because an
increase in thickness of the wall will reduce the
thermal transmittance (u-value) but for the thermal
transmittance (u-value) constraint of the ECBCSuper
was 0.22 W/Sq.mK which cannot be attained with the
given constraint of thickness i.e. it lies between 6
inches and 12 inches. For ECBCSuper the solution
can be obtained by adding insulation to the interior
finish so adds high resistance to heat in the walls.
Fund disclaimer: The author(s) received no
financial support for the research, authorship,
and/or publication of this article.
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