Most learners were very motivated by the end of
the training and found that they have achieved their
objectives, particularly in deploying their courses.
The Agile Training process model is composed of 3
sprints. Each sprint is related to the Training session
described through its context users, activities,
training process implemented, and conducted
iterations. The models were validated through
questionnaires and investigated learner satisfaction
with the way e-training was deployed. The survey
looks for: “Quality of training content and
methodology», «Competence acquisition” and
“future work as online tutor”. The results were very
encouraging and showed that e-training objectives
have been achieved. The proposed formal description
of the agile process in this paper leads us to stress the
importance of such a preliminary training of
university teachers before the start of their online
courses. Besides they were able to develop highly
necessary skills of teamwork, communication, and
management, to enhance e-learning culture and
improve IT transfer like creation, storage and transfer
of e-learning skills. We finally observe that the ToT
allowed learners to improve digital skills and e-
learning competence. This leads us to confirm that the
agile process answer to learners' needs and adapt the
training content to their field. This Agile practice may
also represent an approach to establish a solution
through dealing with self-organizing trainers to
support the knowledge Management process that
include both explicit and tacit knowledge for a better
management of the training process.
In this research work we have proposed a formal
description of an agile process for training of Trainers
during COVID pandemics and related to eLearning.
Results observed through our pilot experience, have
proven that the agile principles have greatly
contributed to the adoption of e-learning by trainers
ad to the achievement of the established objectives.
This experience was an opportunity to exploit
online training of trainers in the pandemic’s
circumstance and conducted us to explore differently
the potential of the online active training. Our future
research will be focused on the impact of our model
on the improvement of the quality of courses for
students and the asserting of learning experience. We
will also explore the design of an intelligent approach
for a ToT process, to be able to provide adapted agile
ToT processes to various professional contexts.
We suggest further investigation of rules that
describe formally the process and that would be able
to automatically generate recommendations of
activities to accomplish and/or tools to adopt ToT for
specific teachers’ profiles.
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consulted the 5/02/2022]