maps the unknowns to the field has been successfully
used in shape reconstruction of unknown obstacles in
acoustics (Kress and Serranho, 2005; Kress and Ser-
ranho, 2007; Serranho, 2006; Serranho, 2007), so the
use of a similar idea in elastodynamics seems promis-
The use of MFS for the direct elastography prob-
lem was also successful (Barbeiro and Serranho,
2020), supporting our choice for the ansatz of the
elastic field. However, the solution of the inverse
problem is, as usual, more complex. Newton’s
method worked well on our toy model, but more ex-
periments need to be made. The method seems very
sensitive to the choice of the initial guess (κ
as usually in the application of Newton’s method for
ill-posed problems. In addition, the radius of the cir-
cumference for the source points, the choice of reg-
ularization parameters and the number of colloca-
tion and source points also affect the results. More-
over, we only considered low frequencies. High fre-
quencies increase the ill-posedness and require more
source points, turning the numerical solution more
complex. These aspects should be addressed in future
Finally, domains with corners as in figure 1 or
non-smooth initial conditions will require the enrich-
ment of the basis functions of fundamental solutions
with particular solutions that can cope with those sin-
gularities and discontinuities, in the spirit of (Alves
et al., 2018). This will also be addressed in further
research, since it allows the method to be applied in
a setting as in figure 1 that is closer to elastography
The authors would like to acknowledge their work
is partially supported by FEDER Funds through
the Operational Program for Competitiveness Fac-
tors - COMPETE and by Portuguese National Funds
through FCT - Foundation for Science and Tech-
nology under the PTDC/EMD-EMD/32162/2017
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On the Numerical Solution of the Inverse Elastography Problem for Time-harmonic Excitation