A Game-based Learning App for Primary School Children
with German as a Second Language
Thomas Deutsch
, Stefan Hinterh
and Iris Groher
Institute of Business Informatics - Software Engineering, JKU Business School, Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Altenbergerstrasse 69, Linz, Austria
Learning Application, Game-based Learning, Rewards, Primary School, Second Language.
The use of technology and multimedia is becoming increasingly important in today’s classrooms. Digital
games are often used by teachers to complement traditional methods of instruction, even for primary school
children aged between 6 and 10 years. Studies show that these games have positive effects on learning out-
comes and increase the motivation of children. In this paper, we present a game-based learning application
we developed for children in primary school with German as a second language. The web-based learning
application provides different learning games that can be customized by teachers based on children’s needs.
Reading and writing skills are not required to play the games. To increase the motivation of children, we
integrated a reward system into the application, which can also be customized by teachers according to their
needs. We have already used the learning application in two primary schools in Austria and the feedback we
received was very positive.
Software-assisted learning is becoming increasingly
important. The use of technology and multimedia
in classrooms supports teachers to complement tra-
ditional methods of instruction with innovative ap-
proaches that can change the way students learn. In
particular, computer games have high potential as ef-
fective learning and teaching tools in modern class-
rooms (Husni et al., 2021), as they can engage a new
generation of learners in a way that traditional educa-
tion does not (Whitton, 2007). Students’ motivation
is also increased through digital game-based learning
(Erhel and Jamet, 2013; Divjak and Tomi
c, 2011) and
games have proven to be particularly effective when
created by teachers (L
andez et al., 2021).
Digital games are often used for learning foreign lan-
guages (Chiu et al., 2012; Chiu, 2013) but have also
successfully been used for learning mathematics in
primary school (Chen et al., 2015; Deng et al., 2020).
In Austrian schools, an increasing number of pri-
mary school children learn German as a foreign lan-
guage. Knowledge of German as a language of in-
struction and the gradual development of educational
language competencies form the basis for participa-
tion in all educational processes and are thus a pre-
requisite for success at school.
To better support primary school children in learn-
ing German, we developed derdieDAZ, a game-based
learning application, in cooperation with Austrian
school teachers. We implemented three types of
learning games that can be customized by teachers
as needed. An important feature of our application
is that the games do not require reading and writing
skills, as the content can be provided with images and
audio files. To increase the motivation of children, we
implemented a reward system with both digital and
real-world rewards that can also be customized by the
teacher. The implemented reward system is based on
an analysis of widely used learning applications and
expert interviews. We successfully tested derdieDAZ
in two primary schools in Austria.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we present the research method we
followed to develop the learning application. In Sec-
tion 3, we discuss existing learning applications and
the results of the interviews with teachers. In Section
4, we present derdieDAZ and first results from using
it in two primary schools in Austria. We conclude the
paper with an outlook on future work in Section 5.
Deutsch, T., Hinterhölzl, S. and Groher, I.
A Game-based Learning App for Primary School Children with German as a Second Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0011126300003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 556-561
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We developed the learning application in cooperation
with primary school teachers in Austria. In the first
meeting, the basic requirements for derdieDAZ were
discussed. The teachers stressed the importance of
supporting different roles (administrators, teachers,
and students) as well as support for customizing the
learning games. Support for audio output was also
regarded as important. The application was devel-
oped over one semester following an agile develop-
ment process and the teachers provided constant feed-
To integrate rewards into derdieDAZ, literature on
gamification and reward systems was studied and two
existing learning applications were analyzed. Two
semi-structured interviews with experts were also
conducted online and recorded with consent for the
analysis. The first interview was conducted with a fe-
male expert in the field of teaching with digital media
and the second interview was conducted with a female
expert in the field of didactic and language acquisi-
tion for German as a second language. We asked our
interviewees about their experience with game-based
learning applications and how they have used these
applications in their classes. We further asked them
about the elements of game-based apps that they con-
sider to be important and whether customization is an
important feature. We also wanted to know what re-
ward systems (digital and non-digital) they have used
in their classes and whether these systems have in-
creased the motivation of students. During the in-
terviews, we showed them derdieDAZ and discussed
how reward systems could be integrated into the app.
In this section, we present the results of our analysis
of two existing game-based learning applications, An-
and Scoyo
, and the two focus interviews we per-
formed. We selected Anton and Scoyo for our analy-
sis as they are the most popular learning applications
in Austria and Germany.
3.1 Analysis of Existing Learning
Anton. The learning application Anton is a web-
based learning app that provides over 100,000 tasks
and over 200 types of exercises, explanations, and
learning games. The application is designed for the
1st to 10th grades and it thus covers all years of com-
pulsory education. It includes learning games and
rewards in the form of stars and trophies as well as
matches the content to both the Austrian and the Ger-
man school curricula. Teachers can create groups that
represent school classes and students can be invited
to join these groups. For each group, the teacher can
define weekly learning packages. In Anton, users can
choose among different types of avatars, which can
be customized by selecting different types of clothes,
colors, and body parts. As noted above, when stu-
dents complete tasks, they receive feedback in the
form of stars and trophies, which are colored depend-
ing on the correctness of the answers in the learning
game. In addition to the stars an trophies, users are
presented with an avatar that performs a dance. They
also immediately receive textual and audio feedback
about their performance in the game. Users receive
coins for solving tasks. For every six stars or trophies,
they receive a coin. Coins can be spent on various dig-
ital rewards. For example, Anton offers games with-
out learning objectives that can be played by spending
one coin. Additionally, coins can be spent on individ-
ualizing the avatar.
Scoyo. The web-based learning application Scoyo
provides learning material for children from the 1st to
7th grades. In addition to school content, it offers ex-
tracurricular content such as traffic education. Teach-
ers create accounts for students, assign students to
classes, and provide them with tasks. Similar to An-
ton, Scoyo supports the customization of avatars. In
Scoyo, coins are earned for each correctly answered
question in a learning game. These coins can be used
to buy items in the reward shop. There are digital
rewards in the form of additional avatars; however,
physical rewards such as key rings and cinema vouch-
ers can also be purchased. Scoyo implements a level
system where experience points can be collected for
correctly answered questions, which correspond to
levels. The app also gives immediate feedback to stu-
dents after each question. Trophies can be earned for
challenges, such as five correctly answered questions
in a row. Scoyo offers students a printable page on
which their achievements are displayed. Teachers and
parents can receive statistics about the results of stu-
Both applications include a reward system. They
support digital rewards in the form of coins that can
be spent for customizing avatars or, in case of Anton,
for playing games. Scoyo also includes a shop with
physical rewards. Both provide a user management,
where teachers can create groups for their students.
A Game-based Learning App for Primary School Children with German as a Second Language
3.2 Interview Results
Our interviewees had considerable experience in us-
ing learning applications. One used learning applica-
tions daily in her class. The primary school children
had fun with them and for her - as a teacher - it was
important that the digital devices were perceived as
working rather than playing tools. However, she also
noted that learning applications are not a complete
substitute for lessons, only a supplement. The data
from the learning applications were never made pub-
lic and only published on a privately run class blog on
which the relatives of the children (parents, grandpar-
ents, etc.) could see the results of the games. Creativ-
ity and individualization were considered to be very
important aspects of learning applications. In particu-
lar it was always important to obtain children’s feed-
back and show the results of their work to their fami-
lies and teachers. The interviewees agreed that teach-
ers need comprehensive statistics to monitor the work
of their students.
Reward systems were used both for groups and
for individuals. There was a mixture of rewards from
the application itself and from the teacher. The prize
for reaching the group goal was a special lesson out-
doors (e.g. on the sports field). Individual rewards
usually amounted to small gifts such as erasers and
pencils. One interviewee emphasized that to be effec-
tive, rewards must be clearly defined as rewards from
the teacher. When the goal is achieved, it must also
be clearly communicated that this reward now cele-
brates the children’s work accordingly. The experts
emphasized, however, that positive feedback is a very
strong motivation for children and, under certain cir-
cumstances, should be given priority over rewards in
the above-mentioned form.
In this section, we present the learning application
derdieDAZ, which is a web-based learning platform
designed for children in primary school with German
as a second language. We first present how chil-
dren are supported by the app and how teachers can
customize the learning games. We also show how
rewards have been integrated into derdieDAZ to in-
crease the learning motivation of children.
4.1 Game-based Learning
The learning application derdieDAZ provides three
types of games covering entry-level skills of the Ger-
Figure 1: Main navigation screen for children.
man language: a quiz, a game for practicing personal
pronouns, and a game for practicing the structure of
The application includes user management with
three types of roles: administrators, teachers, and stu-
dents. Each school using derdieDAZ has a dedicated
administrator that can create teacher accounts. Teach-
ers can create student accounts, with each student
linked to one teacher. Teachers can create their own
games to support their individual teaching methods.
Additionally, a set of example games is provided by
In the next sections, we present how the differ-
ent types of games support children in learning the
German language and how teachers are supported in
creating new games for their students.
4.1.1 Playing Games
One important challenge we face is that children in
primary school can barely read during their first year
in school. Our goal was thus to keep the navigation in
the learning app as simple as possible, ideally with-
out the need for reading skills to use the app. At least
for the login and tasks that require skills beyond the
children’s capabilities, we assume that the children re-
ceive help from parents and teachers.
Figure 1 shows the screen presented to children
after they login. The derdieDAZ folder at the top con-
tains example games. The three blocks below repre-
sent the different types of learning games supported
by derdieDAZ. The star on the top right is part of the
rewards (see Section 4.2). The dropdown menu navi-
gates users to their profile page and the reward shop.
Quiz. The first learning game derdieDAZ offers is
the Quiz (see Figure 2). This game includes a ques-
tion (in this example, ”Which animal is this?”), an op-
tional image to visualize or extend the question, and
four possible answers (”a snake”, ”a cow”, ”a horse”,
and ”a fox”), of which one is correct. The German
articles of the nouns are visualized in different colors.
Clicking on an answer selects and locks the student’s
choice. The student is then notified whether the an-
swer is correct. If necessary, the student may switch
GonCPL 2022 - Special Session on Gamification on Computer Programming Learning
Figure 2: Learning game - Quiz.
Figure 3: Learning Game - Personal Pronouns.
into audio mode by clicking on the bottom right but-
ton. In audio mode, clicking on an answer, question,
or image plays the audio file provided by the teacher.
Typically, the student hears the teacher’s voice read-
ing the words and phrases. The goal of the Quiz is to
help children build their basic German vocabulary. It
can also be used to repeat other primary school sub-
jects such geography and biology.
Personal Pronouns. To help students learn conjuga-
tions of verbs, derdieDAZ provides a dedicated game
(Figure 3 shows the conjugations of the verb ”run”).
In this game, students are asked to move the words in
the third column to the appropriate place in the sec-
ond column. Once completed, students can review
their answer by clicking on the bottom middle button.
Correctly placed words are colored in green and in-
correctly placed words in red. The student can only
move forward to the next question once all the words
are in the correct order. Similar to the Quiz game,
students can listen to the audio files provided by the
Sentence Structures. The third game provided by
derdieDAZ helps children learn the correct sentence
structures in the German language. In this game, stu-
dents must reorder a twisted sentence (in the exam-
ple of Figure 4, ”the monkey”, ”plays”, ”the guitar”).
Like in the other games, students can review their an-
swer by clicking on the bottom middle button. Cor-
rectly placed words are colored in green and incor-
rectly placed words in red. Similar to the Personal
Pronouns game, students can only advance to the next
question once the sentence is correct. Additionally,
Figure 4: Learning Game - Sentence Structure.
Figure 5: Creating a Learning Game - Quiz.
listening to provided audio files is again possible.
4.1.2 Creating Games
In this section, we describe how teachers can cus-
tomize derdieDAZ by creating learning games for
their students. Consequently, this part focuses pri-
marily on the teacher’s perspective for arranging and
providing content.
Teachers can create, edit, or delete games; stu-
dents, however, can only play the games that their
teacher has created. As some students may lack the
necessary reading skills and therefore face challenges
navigating through derdieDAZ, teachers can generate
a direct link to each game or folder.
The general process of creating games is similarly
designed for the three implemented game types. Fig-
ure 5 shows the teacher’s perspective for creating one
task within a quiz game. The teacher is required to fill
in the empty text boxes and optionally upload a pic-
ture or provide a link to it. For the quiz, the teacher
aims to enter the correct answer in the green bordered
box. The button with the colored circle enables or dis-
ables the article coloring in the task. Tool tips are pre-
sented to explain the additional settings within each
game type. For all game types, derdieDAZ provides
the possibility to record audio files for text and im-
4.2 Rewards
The application derdieDAZ is designed to motivate
students in their learning activities through various
A Game-based Learning App for Primary School Children with German as a Second Language
Figure 6: Individualization - Unlocking Avatars.
mechanisms. The analysis of the two existing learn-
ing applications and interviews suggest that individ-
ualization help motivate studying. Thus, derdieDAZ
offers a range of avatars from which students and
teachers can choose. Additional avatars can be un-
locked by completing predefined challenges. Com-
pleting tasks in addition to regular learning/playing
rewards students with points. These points contribute
to both the class-wide goal defined by the teacher, and
individual points that can be spent in the reward shop.
4.2.1 Individualization and Challenges
derdieDAZ provides individualization in the form of
avatars. This allows users to personalize the user ac-
count and therefore increases the identification of stu-
dents with their digital representation. This is further
enhanced by the possibility of unlocking new avatars
by completing special tasks (e.g., ”complete a game
without any incorrect answers”, ”play five days in a
row”). Avatars that can be unlocked are presented
in Figure 6. Locked avatars are colored in gray. By
clicking on one of the cards, the user is presented with
the necessary steps to unlock this avatar.
4.2.2 Points and Shop
Students in derdieDAZ receive points for playing
games as well as for playing several days in a row.
The points earned by completing one game are calcu-
lated based on the performance of the student. This
prevents students from simply clicking through the
games to quickly earn points. Teachers define the
maximum amount of points that can be earned in a
These points are used as currency in the shop (see
Figure 7). The items available in the shop are defined
by the teacher. In the default setting, the shop only
includes a downloadable homework voucher, allow-
ing students to skip one piece of homework of their
choice. The teacher defines the price of the voucher
and decides whether students are allowed to buy them.
The teachers receive a list of the purchases their stu-
dents have made and are responsible for handing out
Figure 7: Shop - Teacher’s perspective.
Figure 8: Class goal - Teacher’s perspective.
the rewards. Rewards can only be bought again by
students, if their teacher resets the reward for them.
4.2.3 Class Goal
To offer further motivation, derdieDAZ provides
teachers and their students with the option of defining
a class goal. All the acquired points are then double-
counted: once for each student and once as a contri-
bution to the class goal. Figure 8 shows an example
of a completed class goal (e.g., ”one outdoor lesson”).
On this page, the progress of the class can be moni-
tored and if the goal is accomplished, confetti covers
the screen. Similar to the other aspects of the appli-
cation, the teacher can fully customize the reward as
well as the threshold and progress of the class.
4.3 Application in an Austrian School
derdieDAZ was continuously evaluated in two pri-
mary schools in Austria during the development pro-
cess. The application was implemented in an agile
way and thus feedback from teachers and students
was constantly incorporated. It received mostly pos-
itive feedback from students; they had fun during
the learning process and could navigate the applica-
tion intuitively. Teachers generally liked derdieDAZ;
however, they reported that it was time-consuming to
prepare games with various difficulty levels for their
classes. Therefore, teachers pushed the idea of prede-
fined games that can be shared among teachers. In the
GonCPL 2022 - Special Session on Gamification on Computer Programming Learning
future, we plan to extend derdieDAZ by incorporating
a community feature in which teachers can share the
games they have developed.
The game-based learning application derdieDAZ
helps primary school students with German as a sec-
ond language improve their reading and writing skills
using three game types. First, the quiz, a standard
”pick the right answer out of four” game, aims to im-
prove basic German vocabulary. The second, the pro-
nouns game, helps students conjugate verbs correctly.
Lastly, we provide a game to enhance sentence struc-
turing skills.
The main input for the development of derdieDAZ
came from teachers, the literature, the expert inter-
views, and an analysis of successful learning appli-
cations in the German market. After the first ver-
sion of the application has been successfully tested in
Austrian primary schools, gamification elements were
added in a follow up project. The goal of this project
was to enhance the learning motivation of students by
supporting individualization, class goals, and a shop
with rewards.
We have not yet evaluated the reward system of
derdieDAZ in primary schools. However, the feed-
back we received from teachers during a demonstra-
tion was very positive. An evaluation in primary
schools together with teachers and students is part of
our future work.
The authors would like to thank the primary school
teachers and interviewees for their valuable input.
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A Game-based Learning App for Primary School Children with German as a Second Language