In the construction of the QuadTree, the terrain
height feature can be used in the process of subdi-
viding the hierarchical representation in its different
levels can be explored (see examples of it in Fig. 1-
3). There, relief heights are captured in different
levels of detail. In doing so, there is an “inheritance”
of terrain height values from the father to the child
nodes, where the child nodes just refine the maxi-
mum and minimum terrain heights represented at the
father node. A new level in the QuadTree hierarchy
is built whenever one of these terrain features is
identified in the analysis of the used real-world GIS-
based maps. This process is repeated until the final
QuadTree refinement condition is met. In the end,
the irregular representation of the terrain is ex-
pressed by QuadTree “leaf” nodes.
To model the terrain map structure, a directed
graph is captured as a Tree <n, maxLevel, root>.
There, a QuadTree node n consists of n <parent,
children, level, isLeaf, refined> such that n.parent
and n.children are pointers used by the hierarchy;
n.level indicates the level of the hierarchy to which
the node n belongs to; n.isLeaf indicates whether the
node is a leaf, and n.refined indicates that new nodes
were generated from the node n on a temporary
basis. Tree.maxLevel indicates the maximum hierar-
chical level where the irregular grid is captured by
the QuadTree leafs. Attributes required for the com-
putation of terrain effects due to river floods and
wild fires are modeled as n <minHeight, maxHeight,
neighbors, hasRiver, walkable, flooded, vegeta-
tionDensity, burned> such that n.minHeight and
n.maxHeight capture the minimum and maximum
terrain height values inside the terrain region repre-
sented by the node n; n.neighbors consist of a list of
neighbor nodes of node n, permitting to capture the
connection between the adjacent nodes; n.hasRiver
indicates the presence of rivers in the terrain area
covered by node n; n.walkable indicates whether the
node n is navigable by simulated agents; n.flooded
indicates whether the node n was subjected to terrain
alterations as a result of the flood fill-based compu-
tations;. n.vegetationDensity indicates the amount of
trees inside the terrain region represented by the
node n; and n.burned indicates whether the node n
was subjected to the fire alterations.
The use of the flood fill-based technique along
with this QuadTree representation occurs as follows.
An initial node is removed from a control queue.
Then the flooding test is performed on it. This per-
mits to identify (un)blocked nodes that satisfy a
“flooding condition”. Such nodes can be blocked for
the terrestrial agent movement, where the condition
for it is that (a) the terrain node represents a relief
height below a certain flood-prone height (i.e. a river
flood limit) and (b) the node captures a terrain re-
gion that is located next to the course of rivers. In
doing so, the algorithm considers the maximum and
minimum terrain relief heights. These are there in
each QuadTree node as shown in Fig. 2 (this figure
illustrates some of the steps of the proposed solution
through an example of a 5m river flood).
The neighbouring nodes of a flooded one are
analyzed. When it happens, the flood limit can be a)
above the maximum terrain height, b) below the
minimum terrain height, and c) between the maxi-
mum and minimum terrain height. The nodes with
maximum terrain heights below the flood limit are
identified and added to the control queue. A node is
removed from this queue and the algorithm checks
whether its parent also meets the flooding condition.
If so, further parent nodes upwards in the hierarchy
are tested.
This process continues until a QuadTree node not
meeting the flooding condition is found. With the
non-leaf node satisfying the condition, the subtree
rooted on it is removed from the QuadTree. Then it
is added to the dictionary. The flooded node is trans-
formed into a leaf one. That ends expressing a larger
flooded terrain area in the QuadTree. This process
stops when the control queue is empty. As an exam-
ple, in Fig. 2, the subtree rooted on node 2 is memo-
rized into the dictionary and the QuadTree structure
is simplified after this process.
The restoration of the terrain structure consists of
rebuilding the QuadTree to a targeted state. For
instance, the reconstruction allows simulating the
return of the flooded water to the original river bed.
When analyzing an altered node, the algorithm
checks whether it was previously refined. For exam-
ple, large terrain areas could have been subdivided
in smaller pieces, where only a few of these subareas
were flooded. To do so, the alteration algorithm
checks the “refined’ attribute represented in the
QuadTree node. If the node was refined, the restora-
tion procedure carries out the (re)grouping of the
terrain representation nodes generated due to the
QuadTree refinement.
The terrain structure can also be returned to a
partial representation state, permitting to compute
the partial flood retreat, for instance. This occurs
when the restoration condition allows a portion of