detected, the user will be reminded, that another
appointment is planned at the same time, and if she
would like to proceed or choose a different time.
An additional task of the logic engine is to detect
unusual behaviour. Unusual behaviour can be
assumed, for example, if a cared for person frequently
cancels home care appointments, or if reminders for
medications aren’t acknowledged. In the case of the
not acknowledged reminder the logic engine triggers
the ISA server to send a message to the user. If the
acknowledgement is not given by a user several times
a week, a message to the informal carer is send, to
notify about the situation. Of course, such a strict
monitoring must be explicitly approved by the cared
for person and the general aim is not to enforce strict
monitoring. The aim of this function is to give the
informal carer a hint, that there might be something
not in order and that they could ask sensitively about
medications or cancelled home care appointments.
The logic engine can be configured to follow different
workflows, depending on the care organisation the
user is registered with. The workflows allow to
configure which type of messages should be send,
like SMS, emails or by other message applications.
By this different connection methods and different
type of users can be defined according to the needs of
the care organisation.
The third server application is the weather service.
By the separation of the weather service from the
other components, the local weather provider could
be easily exchanged. The weather service provides
two different services. Each user using the ISA
system will be registered by the place he is living
(over the area code) at the weather service. In regular
time intervals (every 10 mins) the weather service
asks an external weather information provider if there
is any local warning for extreme weather situations
like heavy rain, strong wind, thunderstorms and other
similar situations. If there is warning, each user living
in the affected area will be notified by the tablet about
it. Additionally, it provides a web endpoint for the
ISA server, so that any reminder on an out of house
appointment will be accompanied with weather
information. This gives the user an indication on what
appropriate clothes to wear.
The ISA system was piloted in a field trial from
October 2021 till the end of December 2021. The
pilot was accompanied by a set of questionnaires to
get a measure if the usage may help to reduce the
daily stress of the cared-for persons and for the
informal carers.
For the pilot a care organisation (Vienna Red
Cross) and one research project partner searched for
candidate pilot participants of cared for persons and
informal carers. Due to the Covid pandemic the
response of potential study participants was
moderate. In total 12 candidates were involved in the
pilot study. The cared for persons have an average age
of 74 years ranging from 64 to 95 years. The group
consists of 5 women and 7 men. The informal carers
had an average of 39 years ranging from 29 to 64
years, consisting of 7 women and 5 men.
All of them answered the questionnaire before the
beginning of the pilot and within three weeks after the
end of the pilot.
3.1 Questionnaires
As questionnaire for the cared-for persons the Bayer
Activities of Daily Living (Bayer ADL) was chosen.
The questions were in German language and
consisted of 25 questions regarding different daily
activities. Each question could be assigned a value
between 1 and 10, and 'does not apply' was also a
possible answer. Higher values meant more difficulty
executing the activity. At the end, all answered values
are summed up to give an overall score and a mean
value for all answered questions is calculated.
Depending on the mean value the Global
Deterioration Scale (GDS) for the person has be
assigned (Erzigkeit et al., 2001).
The Zarid Burden Interview (ZBI) questionnaire
was chosen for the informal carer. This questionnaire
has the intention to score the burden of a partner of a
cognitive impaired person in home care. Although no
cognitive impaired person was involved in the pilot,
this questionnaire was assumed to be the best
approach to score the burden the informal carer is
experiencing. The Zarid Burden Interview consists of
22 questions in German language. Each question
could be assigned a value between 0 and 4. Higher
values meant higher burden. The total sum of the
values gives the overall score. Scores between 0 and
20 indicates no or little burden, 21-40 mild to
moderate burden, 41-60 moderate to severe burden,
61-88 severe burden.
3.2 Results
Table 1 summarizes the results for the Bayer ADL
questionnaires. In case of the cared for person only
for 4 persons a change in the score before/after the
pilot is observed, whereas for the other 8 person no