Figure 1: Point of view use of the QR-Video scanner.
Figure 2: Side view use of the QR-Video scanner.
We proposed a new cold wallet communication set-
ting: an optical (display to camera) channel. In our
solution, a cold wallet equipped with a display and a
camera can receive transactions through camera, dis-
play the transaction to the user for confirmation, sign
the confirmed transactions, and display the signature
on its display which is, in turn, acquired by a hot wal-
let’s camera. Due to the size of the data transmis-
sion from the hot to the cold wallet, we proposed a
novel encoding information encoding scheme - a QR
video, i.e., sequence of frames containing individual
QR codes. Our solution achieves transmission rates
over 150 kB per second. Thus, our cold wallet can au-
thorize transactions not connected to the internet nor
wired to another device (e.g., through a USB port).
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography