From Digital Footprints to Facts: Mining Marketing Policies of the
Greek Community on Instagram and Youtube
Dimitris Linarakis, Stefanos Vlachos and Paraskevi Raftopoulou
Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, Univ. of the Peloponnese, Greece
Social Media, Big Data, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Influencer Marketing, Covid-19, Greek Community,
Instagram, YouTube, Web Scraping, NoSQL.
Social media have conquered the widest spectrum of our lives. Companies, following the phenomena of the
new digital era, are giving up traditional practices and use new policies of diffusion for advertising products
and for engaging potential customers. In the context of ENIRISST+ (, we started in-
vestigating whether transportation businesses (i.e., ferry companies, airlines, etc.) use the new era practices
for promoting their products and services and then, extended our research on all kind of businesses. The
work presented in this paper studies this shift for the Greek Instagram and YouTube community, records and
analyses the activity of prominent Greek companies on social media, and measures the social and commercial
impact of the emerging COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 on Greek users’ digital behaviour. Subsequently,
we use the acquired data and analysis (i) to draw conclusions about the digital behaviour and preferences of
the Greek social media scene and (ii) to compare the results in marketing policies and behavioural patterns on
two inherently different social media platforms. This is the first study in the literature to perform an analysis
on the behaviour of the Greek community in different social media.
The last twenty years, with the evolvement of digital
services and the explosion of social networks, many
aspects of our lives as well as our way of thinking
and acting have been radically affected. Social net-
works hold a central role in interpersonal relation-
ships, in the dissemination of information, knowledge
and technology, in the formation of trends, and in
the adoption of opinions; an ever-increasing number
of users engages with and is affected by a multitude
of posts on Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter (Eirinaki
et al., 2018; Peng et al., 2018). This phenomenon,
along with the fact that most content on online so-
cial networks is user-generated, has prompted many
businesses, not only to have digital presence on social
media, but also to give up the traditional advertising
practices and use new policies, fitting the customers’
engagement with the social platforms, for promoting
their products and services.
Among the various modern marketing techniques
stands influencer marketing (IM). IM is a process
of diffusion over social networks (Wang and Street,
2018), according to which a company, that wants to
market a product or service cost- and time-effectively,
identifies a small number of users (influencers) with
high social network impact and whose social network
presence tallies with their products. These users are
becoming the initial adopters of the product recom-
mending it to their friends (followers), expecting that
their friends will be influenced to purchase the prod-
uct and in turn, influence their own friends, causing an
influence dissemination (through the social network)
and eventually the wide adoption of the product. A
recent survey (Advertising, 2019) shows that 80% of
the consumers made purchases recommended by in-
fluencers. The work in (Vrontis et al., 2021) is a
systematic review that identifies the key themes and
the dominant concepts of social media IM. Moreover,
(Chen et al., 2021) shows that platform characteristics
significantly affect consumers’ purchase behaviour.
Instagram is the most used platform in the fash-
ion industry. A large number of studies (Boerman
and M
uller, 2021; Casal
o et al., 2020; Djafarova and
Rushworth, 2017; Lin et al., 2019; Djafarova and
Bowes, 2021; Asdecker et al., 2021) address influence
dissemination and marketing under different perspec-
tives attempting to gain insights on Instagram market-
ing tools, on the influencers’ personalities and on the
consequences of IM on the purchase behaviour. The
Linarakis, D., Vlachos, S. and Raftopoulou, P.
From Digital Footprints to Facts: Mining Marketing Policies of the Greek Community on Instagram and Youtube.
DOI: 10.5220/0011138600003269
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2022), pages 219-226
ISBN: 978-989-758-583-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
last couple of years, the YouTube platform has also
evolved as a primary marketing selection for brands
promotion. Related works (Xiao et al., 2018; Acikgoz
and Burnaz, 2021; Schwemmer and Ziewiecki, 2018;
Prasad, 2018; Carreon, 2019; Boerman and van Rei-
jmersdal, 2020; Coates et al., 2020) study the role of
YouTube as a social media platform and its impact on
creating visibility on brands, as well as how cues in-
fluence credibility evaluations of posted information.
In this context, we started our research by inves-
tigating whether transportation businesses (i.e., ferry
companies, airlines, etc.) use the new era practicies
for promoting their products and services; there was
not a relative study available so far. We then gen-
eralised our research on all kind of businesses, fo-
cussing though on Greek market as it has recently
entered social platforms. In this work, we study and
analyse the interplay of commerce with popular social
media platforms discerning three fundamental axes:
(i) the common users’ digital behaviour, (ii) the influ-
encers’ digital behaviour, and (iii) the interest of com-
panies to draw marketing policies grounded on these
behaviours. Based on their popularity during the year
2020, their different characteristics, and the continu-
ously increasing commercial interest for them, we se-
lected Instagram and YouTube platforms as the main
subjects of our study.
Our research process is unfolded in two stages: (i)
data collection and storage and (ii) data analysis. At
the first stage, two web spiders were developed, us-
ing the Scrapy framework,
one for each platform;
the spiders received as input an initial hand picked
list of users and collected data from Instagram and
YouTube. Consequently, the collected data was stored
in a mongoDB
NoSQL database. Due to the fact
that some fields of interest were not available for re-
trieving, we prepared and gave out to a wide range (in
terms of characteristics) of volunteers a questionnaire
in order to enrich the scraped data. Then, we anal-
ysed, based on the qualitative and quantitative prop-
erties of the data, the activity of the Greek market.
The contributions of our work are as follows: (i)
we present a qualitative analysis of the activity of
the Greek community on social platforms; to the best
of our knowledge, this is the first study concerning
the behaviour of the Greek community on social net-
works, (ii) we identify the marketing policies and be-
havioural patterns in Instagram and Youtube, (iii) we
compare the results of these two completely different,
in terms of content and interaction, social platforms,
and (iv) we examine the social and commercial im-
pact of COVID-19 on social media users’ activity.
This work is the first step to build a general frame-
work to collect and analyse data from social platforms
with minimum user intervention and by using filters
per country, per topic, and/or per social network.
In the rest of the paper, we discuss the data col-
lection and storage in Section 2, followed by the data
analysis process in Section 3 and the results of our re-
search in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the
paper and gives future directions.
We searched for Greek non-private accounts, which
had uploaded content within 2020 and maintained
at least 1K followers (resp. 5K subscribers) on In-
stagram (resp. YouTube).
These guidelines were
set based on the fact that non-private accounts house
publicly accessible data and also, have the poten-
tial to monetise their posts by promoting or selling
a product or service (Dreghorn, 2020). We devel-
opped automated software that extracted the creden-
tials of popular Greek content creators from credi-
ble web sources. For scraping the initial accounts
sample we used starngage,
a marketplace that con-
nects brands with content creators from different me-
dia, and stats.videos,
which includes YouTube statis-
tics for popular video creators per region. Moreover,
we collected the names of Greek businesses having
digital presence in social media from socialbakers,
a site that includes social media insights per indus-
try or region. Eventually, we collected 2,766 Greek
Instagram profiles (784 Male, 926 Female, 806 Busi-
ness, and 249 Other) and 2,068 Greek YouTube chan-
nels (782 Male, 318 Female, 314 Business, and 654
Other), which will be later used as the feed sample
of our scraping algorithms. The set of uncategorised
(Other) accounts consists of profiles that are not ad-
ministrated by individuals and includes impersonal
accounts, i.e. profiles administrated by groups of peo-
ple (e.g., tv channels, magazines, etc.).
[Instagram Dataset]. An Instagram (IG) account
consists of 10 attributes, including Username, Num-
ber of followers, etc. Also, IG provides the capabil-
ity of uploading a variety of content types, including
24-hours posts (i.e., IG stories) and posts that remain
The thresholds do not hold for business accounts.
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
visible on the user’s feed until deleted. Despite the
fact that numerous techniques were available for col-
lecting the above mentioned IG fields, the complex-
ity of using an authorised IG API led to the use of
our software. An automated web scraping mecha-
nism was developed, using the Scrapy framework and
the Python programming language, which follows the
given steps: (1) Access to the usernames of IG ac-
counts that were initially collected. (2) Generate the
URLs and the request for the source code of each ac-
count. (3) Extract the JSON structure from the HTML
source code of each account. (4) Extract the personal
information related to each scrapped account from the
JSON structure. (5) Access to the first 12 posts of
each account and collect their information; IG groups
the posts of each account in subsets of 12. (6) Request
for the next 12 posts of each account and collect their
information. (7) Repeat Step 6 until all posts of the
account have been scraped. (8) Group the data re-
lated to each account in data sets and store this in the
[YouTube Dataset]. A YouTube (YT) channel con-
sists of 8 attributes, including Username, Number of
subscribers, etc. In contrast to IG, the YT platform
provides the YT Data API, which supports the in-
teraction of developers with a wide variety of infor-
mation related to YT creators and content, enriching
also the retrieved data with the adittiobal fields (e.g.,
Channel/Video ID, or Channel/Video keywords), al-
lowing us to have access to hard-to-reach data. The
communication with the YT Data API was estab-
lished via an automated mechanism that was devel-
oped using the Scrapy framework. In order to retrieve
data from the API, an appropriate HTTP request was
needed, so that the requested data is specified. The
successive steps are as follows: (1) Access to the
channel IDs of YT channels that were initially col-
lected. (2) Generate a URL that requests from the API
the set of general information about each channel. (3)
Collect the desirable fields (4) Generate a URL that
requests from the API the first subset of videos for
each channel; YT Data API groups the videos of each
channel in subsets of 50, which are interconnected us-
ing pointers. (5) Generate a URL that requests from
the API information related to the scraped videos. (6)
Collect the desirable fields. (7) Repeat Steps 3-5 until
all the videos of each channel have been collected. (8)
Group the data related to each account in datasets and
store it in the database.
The code of our scraping mechanisms is available
on GitHub.
[Questionnaire]. The privacy policies of the IG and
YT platforms, in addition to the relatively limited
amount of information available for collection, pre-
vented our access to fields, which could enrich and
confer completeness on the final conclusions of the
present study. It was thus, decided to create and dis-
tribute a questionnaire, using Google Forms, in order
to both provide a deeper insight of the preferences of
Greek social media users, compared to the more im-
personal metrics that had already been collected, and
help in assessing the effectiveness of the diverse pro-
motion techniques on social media, such as the use of
hashtags, the cooperation with other content creators
or the paid promotion of content.
Our questionnaire aimed at different Greek users
of IG and YT, in terms of age and social character-
istics. In particular, the questionnaire consisted of
4 introductory questions, 23 questions related to IG
and 20 questions related to YT. The questionnaire
was answered by 270 people above the age of 18,
including 187 women (69,3%), 82 men (30,4%) and
1 non-binary person, whilst 128 of the participants
(47,4%) were from the 18-24 age group, 53 (19,6%)
from the 25-34 age group, 66 (24,4%) from the 35-44
age group, 20 (7,4%) from the 45-54 age group and 3
(1,1%) were above the age of 55.
IM is an emerging field and the research questions we
are challenged to answer are the following.
Which are the underlying factors that drive users
of networking platforms to interact, at an ever-
increasing rate, with the content of the platform
at a daily basis?
Which were the preferences of the Greek social
media community during 2020? Are these prefer-
ences age or gender related?
Which were the thematic categories and types of
content that obtained significant attention by the
users during 2020? Which of these categories
strived in 2020, in terms of content production?
What is the role of businesses in social media
and which are the potential relationships devel-
oped between the various categories of content
The breakout of COVID-19 during 2020 brought rad-
ical changes to people’s daily lives, prompting us also
to examine the exact effects of COVID-19 on the
Greek social media community.
[Raw Analysis Measures]. We are interested in ad-
dressing the factors that affect the performance of an
From Digital Footprints to Facts: Mining Marketing Policies of the Greek Community on Instagram and Youtube
uploaded post, and, thus, the rate of the exerted in-
fluence. Primarily, the popularity of an account can
be inferred from the number of followers/subscribers
that this account maintains. Accordingly, the number
of “Like” reactions on IG/YT uploads can provide a
first insight of content dynamics. On the contrary, the
number of “Dislike” reactions on YT videos can sig-
nify the negative influence of content on the audience.
The number of views on IG and YT videos can be also
considered as a popularity indicator. All these form
the basic axis on which the content creators’ influence
is measured and collated with the IG/YT fields we
can detect potential correlations that further signify
the influence rate of a creator. Finally, the question-
naire serves the need for an ancillary research tool for
data collection, as follows: (i) Verify the already col-
lected data, (ii) Address the reasons why users follow
influencers, (iii) Assess the influence rate of funded
promotions, (iv) Examine the relationship between
the popularity of an account and its influence rate,
(v) Capture the community’s preference on IG stories
over feed posts, and vice versa, and (vi) Collate all the
collected data with social media users’ gender (Male,
Female, Non-Binary) and age (18-24, 25-34, 35-44,
45-54, 55+).
[Performance Metrics]. We trace more complex cor-
relations and enhance the accuracy of the primary ob-
servations, in terms of the influence rate and the map-
ping of the social and commercial relationships devel-
oped on social media (Sehl and Tien, 2020), by using
the following metrics. For the IG data: (i) Engage-
ment Rate Post measures the performance of a post
and is calculated as (Post Likes / Account Follow-
ers) × 100, (ii) Engagement Rate Comments Post pro-
vides a deeper insight into the performance of a post
and is calculated as [(Post Likes + Post Comments)
/ Account Followers] × 100, (iii) Engagement Rate
Views measures the performance of a video and is cal-
culated as (Video Likes/Video Views) × 100, and (iv)
Average Days Between Posts reflects the average up-
load frequency of a content creator and is calculated
as Sum of days between successive posts/(Total 2020
Posts - 1). Accordingly, for the YT data: (i) Video
Dislikes Ratio reflects the negative impact of a video
on the community and is calculated as Video Dis-
likes/(Video Likes + Video Dislikes), (ii) Video En-
gagement calculates the engagement of the commu-
nity with a video and is given as (Video Likes + Video
Comments)/Video Views, (iii) Views Subscribers Ra-
tio measures the average percentage of the subscribers
of a channel that watch the uploaded videos and is cal-
culated as Video Views.
[Outliers Management]. During the analysis stage
of the data, there were accounts and posts that gath-
Figure 1: Avg engagement per account category (IG).
ered an eminent amount of reactions, steering the
measurements away from the actual picture. In order
to prevent this phenomenon, the distribution of all the
available measures was thoroughly examined. This
process highlighted the outliers in the dataset, which
were then excluded to ensure the reliability of the fi-
nal conclusions.
In this section, we extensively present the results of
our research.
4.1 Instagram Results
Concerning IG, it has firmly established itself in the
Greek community and, especially, in the younger
users, with the majority of which being active on the
platform for more than two years (point of reference
is the year 2020). However, the ongoing entry of more
older users in the platform proves its increasing rate
of influence on the whole age spectrum of the com-
munity. The following findings hold.
IG is a platform on which female users obtain
significant attention, as they gathered the largest
number of followers within 2020, with male users
following second in the ranking.
The higher influence rate marked by female/male
accounts signifies that platform users are more
strongly related to personal accounts (Fig. 1).
Businesses hold a strict attitude regarding the
number of accounts they follow; similar is the at-
titude of the female accounts (Fig. 2).
Business and female accounts were leading in
number of posts during 2020 (Fig. 3).
Male users stayed less active, maintaining a rela-
tively low content production rate.
In summer of 2020 male and female content cre-
ators highly boosted their activity level.
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 2: Avg following per account category (IG).
Figure 3: Num of posts per month and account cat (IG).
Moreover, the upload of posts related to lifestyle, trav-
elling and fashion/beauty during 2020 was signifi-
cantly frequent, proving that IG provides a fertile
ground for the development of such content. How-
ever, each category of content creators prospered in
different thematic categories as follows. Female cre-
ators and the business accounts presented high con-
tent creation rate in the fashion/beauty field, male
creators showed a preference towards travelling con-
tent, while the uncategorised accounts created posts
in a wider spectrum of thematic categories, including
travelling, arts and entertainment.
Taking also into consideration the answers to our
survey, we concluded that the Greek community was
particularly interested in lifestyle, arts, travelling,
and entertainment during 2020. Nevertheless, male
and female social media users expressed some spe-
cial interests, with the first showing a preference to
sports and technology, while the latter prefering fash-
ion/beauty and cooking. Moreover, remarkable was
the presence of contests (also known as Giveaways)
in the Greek social media community. The organ-
isation of numerous Giveaways by content creators
with various interests, in combination with the huge
engagement of the audience (regardless of the users’
age) with these posts, led us to the conclusion that
Giveaways were the most popular type of IG posts
for the year 2020 (Fig. 4).
4.2 YouTube Results
Concerning YT, it is quite different from IG. The shar-
ing and playback of videos form the main pillar of this
Figure 4: Avg engagement per post type (IG).
platform, while it is gradually adopting many modern
social media features, such as the capability of up-
loading text posts and highlights. Considering that
YT pre-existed IG, the Greek audience seems to have
a high degree of familiarity with the character of the
platform, as users of all ages have been using it for
more than two years (point of reference is the year
2020). Nonetheless, despite the multiannual presence
of elder users on the platform, it appears that YT is
being better absorbed by younger age groups. The en-
gagement of Greek users’ daily lives with YT can be
also inferred from the frequent watch of videos in the
platform. However, the more time required to interact
with the YT content, compared to IG, has resulted in
the partial shift of users to the weekly use of the plat-
form, as opposed to the daily browsing through IG.
The following findings hold.
Male creators and uncategorised channels have a
stronger presence when compared with the num-
ber of channels administrated by female creators
and businesses.
Male creators and uncategorised channels have
the highest number of subscriptions.
Greek businesses marked the lowest engagement
rate with their audience within 2020, as well as the
highest rate of “Dislike” reactions on their videos.
Channels administrated by male and female users
had a better engagement with their subscribers,
signifying that personalised channels establish a
stronger relationship with the community (Fig. 5).
Newly established channels also marked high en-
gagement rates, implying that newer content cre-
ators cover the modern needs of the Greek YT
community more effectively (Fig. 6).
Male creators and uncategorised channels were
the most active on the platform.
The overall production rate was significantly in-
creased in 2020.
Creators’ productivity did not meet the need of the
community to engage with the uploaded content
during the summer months.
From Digital Footprints to Facts: Mining Marketing Policies of the Greek Community on Instagram and Youtube
Figure 5: Avg engagement per account category (YT).
Figure 6: Avg engagement per year of channel creation
Entertainment, comedy, news, gaming, and mu-
sic were the thematic categories that included the
highest number of uploaded videos, with the first
three showing a remarkable growth.
It is worth mentioning that each category of creators
distinguished itself in the creation of videos related to
specific thematic categories. In more detail, a large
share of videos uploaded by male creators and un-
categorised channels was focused on comedy, gaming
and music, female creators uploaded content mainly
related to lifestyle, fashion/beauty and cooking, while
businesses exhibited a more diverse character, since
their uploaded content was mainly concerning tech-
nology, fitness, gaming, and comedy.
Concerning the community’s engagement with the
thematic categories within 2020, it applies that (i)
gaming, comedy, entertainment, arts and educational
content comprised poles of great interest, (ii) news
and politics videos received negative response, hold-
ing the record for the highest average number of “Dis-
like” reactions, (iii) gaming, entertainment, and peo-
ple & blogs formed the fundamental thematic cate-
gories of videos created by channels established in
2020, (iv) videos that include the active participation
of viewers (i.e., QnAs, challenges, “We’re reacting to
your stories”), as well as exhibition of products (i.e.,
reviews, haul, unboxing) obtained significant atten-
tion (Fig. 7), (v) videos that feature highlights from
the creator’s daily life (Vlog) were remarkably pop-
ular (Fig. 7), (vi) contest videos (Giveaways) were
found to be less prevalent on YT than on the IG plat-
form, but they did achieve a quite high engagement
rate (Fig. 7).
Figure 7: Avg engagement per video type (YT).
Figure 8: IG posts per day and hour (Businesses).
4.3 Business and Influencer Marketing
Since one of the fundamental axes of our research is
the study of business presence on social media, we
thoroughly examined their activity on the platforms.
It appeared that IG provides a fertile ground for the
development of commercial relationships, as it has
managed to attract a multitude of businesses, which,
in fact, follow a fairly intense activity. On the other
hand, numerous businesses are also present on YT,
although to a more limited extend when compared
to IG. Businesses exhibit the following common fea-
tures in both platforms.
Transportation businesses (i.e., ferry companies,
airlines, etc.) hold a relatively small portion
(<5% for IG and <3,5% for YT) of the Greek
companies having presence on social platforms.
Businesses present a conservative and profes-
sional character on social media platforms, since
they mostly adher a consistent activity weekly
schedule and follow sparingly other user accounts
(Figs. 2 and 8).
Businesses remarkably increase their activity dur-
ing holidays, celebrations and anniversaries, such
as Easter, summer, Christmas or Valentine’s Day,
indicating that these are periods of increased com-
mercial interest (Fig. 3).
Businesses have not achieved yet to establish a
committed community, as it was shown that Greek
social media users maintained a poor engagement
rate with content uploaded by businesses during
2020 (Figs. 1 and 5).
In order for businesses to promote their content on so-
cial media more effectively, they either advertise it via
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
regular posts/videos or paid promotions, or have their
content promoted by popular content creators (IM). In
more detail:
The exposure of the advertised content to a group
of users that are not followers or subscribers of the
corresponding business leads to low engagement
rates as well as, in some cases, to users’ feeling of
The Greek IG community appeared to be more
tolerant to advertisements compared to YT.
Regular advertising via posts/videos or paid pro-
motions was observed to exert a higher influence
rate on elder social media users.
The high rates of audience’s engagement with
content that included product placement within
2020 was the reason why numerous businesses
turned to popular content creators for promotion
(Figs. 4 and 7).
IM was observed to have greater influence on
younger social media users.
As already discussed, the differences between IG
and YT platforms have favoured the development of
different thematic categories and content types on
each platform. This has shaped the business tac-
tics on social media as follows: (i) businesses on
IG expressed their preference towards female con-
tent creators, who mostly uploaded content related
to lifestyle, (ii) businesses on IG were mostly inter-
ested in fashion and beauty, (iii) at YT male content
creators were at the centre of attention of businesses,
and (iv) the interests of businesses on YT were gam-
ing, science/technology, fashion/beauty, and travel-
ling. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the activ-
ity of businesses on IG was influential across a wide
age range, in contrast to YT, where businesses corre-
sponded to the needs of a younger audience.
4.4 Impact of COVID-19
Year 2020 was the one that brought several major
changes to peoples’ daily lives, as it was the period
during which the COVID-19 virus broke out. In the
context of seeking for a more accurate view of this
impact, the following observations were made.
COVID-19 led to a bigger shift of users towards
social media, with a large part of the Greek com-
munity using a plethora of hashtags related to the
pandemic; few popular hashtags were actually ac-
companied by a feeling of nostalgia and reminis-
cence (e.g., #throwback, #memories).
It was noticed that the first wave of the pan-
demic (March 2020-May 2020) had a greater im-
Figure 9: Most used IG hashtags during 03/2020-05/2020.
Figure 10: Most used IG hashtags during 11/2020-12/2020.
Figure 11: YT videos per month.
pact on the public, with the second phase (Octo-
ber 2020-December 2020) being associated with a
weakened but noticeable awareness among users
(Figs. 9 and 10).
YT had a clear benefit from this situation, with a
sharp increase in the number of uploaded videos
throughout 2020 (Fig. 11).
The increased activity of users on social media, in
combination with the suspension of several busi-
ness operations, provided an opportunity for busi-
nesses to enhance, or even build from scratch,
their digital presence on social media platforms.
Certain thematic categories were also boosted
during the pandemic; gaming, entertainment,
comedy and news & politics where sectors whose
productivity increased significantly.
In this work, we have presented a study concerning
the interference of commerce with popular social me-
dia platforms discerning three fundamental axes: (i)
From Digital Footprints to Facts: Mining Marketing Policies of the Greek Community on Instagram and Youtube
the common users’ digital behaviour, (ii) the influ-
encers’ digital behaviour, and (iii) the interest of com-
panies to draw marketing policies grounded on these
behaviours. This is the first study concerning the
activity of the Greek community on Instagram and
YouTube platforms, the activity of Greek companies
on social media, and the impact of Covid-19 on Greek
consumers’ digital behaviour.
This work can be further extended by investigating
more social network platforms. Moreover, we envi-
sion a general framework for collecting and analysing
data from social platforms with minimum user inter-
vention and by using filters per country, per topic,
and/or per social network. Having such a framework,
it would be of great interest to compare data coming
from different communities and generalise our con-
clusions concerning the interplay of businesses with
popular social media platforms.
This work was supported in part by project
ENIRISST+ under grant agreement No. MIS
5047041 from the General Secretary for ERDF & CF,
under Operational Programme Competitiveness, En-
trepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK)
of the Greek Ministry of Economy and Development
(co-financed by Greece and the EU through the Euro-
pean Regional Development Fund).
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