der to track and control reusability scores, by setting
acceptable thresholds within projects. High quality
of code can be maintained in an automatic manner,
ensuring that no poorly written and low-reusability
components are introduced in the codebase – this is
especially useful for projects that serve as libraries
or frameworks, because the degree of reusability for
these must always be maintained high.
As future research directions, we consider this
study as a starting point that can be continued by:
• Adding more Reusability Assessment Models
to the performed analysis, including fuzzy, neu-
ral network-based ones and the whole spectrum of
machine learning models that has been proposed
in the literature as valid possible ways of assessing
reusability. This would be a great enhancement
to the current work and would definitely provide
promising results;
• Extending the Data Set of applications, in order
to increase the confidence of the evaluation;
• Performing a more in Depth Analysis of
Reusability at the level of components and
This study was partially funded by the 2022 Develop-
ment fund of UBB.
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ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies